“a,” “an

I.. Please use “a,” “an”, “the,” or “X” to fill in the blank:
1. We have just bought ____ new house with _____ large patio.
2. My dad used to be _____ amazing magician before he retired. However, John
Delon is ______ most amazing musician I have ever seen.
3. ___ friend and I have just come back from the Maroco. I have been to _____ south
of Spain. I stayed on ____ coast. I stayed in _____ petit hotel in _____ little fishing
village. _____ hotel had _____ rooms but _____ large open terrace where we had
our meals.
4. I have been to ___ United Kingdom, ____ Switzerland, and ____ Russia, but never
to _____ Turkey.
5. ____ Amazon in ____Brazil is _____ longest river in _____ South America.
6. ____ Mount Everest is in _____ Himalayas on ____ border between ____Nepal
and _____ Tibet, which is part of _____ People’s Republic of China.
7. ____ last week at ____ school we learn how to make ____ wooden train model.
This is ____ cardboard which we used to make our model.
II. 將下列片語寫成完整的句子
1. definitely, wasting, you, your time, are
1. could, have been painted, some, easily, modern paintings, by a child
2. just sitting, we, here, quietly, were, and, there, loud knock, a, at the door, suddenly,
3. always, the British, are, the weather, talking about
4. in a couple of minutes, I’ll, back, be
5. drive, should, you, very carefully, in wet weather, because, dangerous, to drive,
it’s, fast
6. think, difficult, some people, modern paintings