School Site Council (SSC) Agenda/Minutes 2013-2014 TITLE I SCHOOL School Name: New San Juan High School Principal: Gloria Ervin SSC Chair: Gina Timm Meeting Date: 09/17/2013 Meeting Location: NSJHS Starting Time: 3:00 pm Ending Time: 3:55 pm Participants: Elected SSC Council Members. All staff, parents and members of the public invited. Item/Time Limit 1. Call to Order (1 minute) Actions Requested Person Responsible Chair Comments/Parent Advice 2. Roll Call (1 minute) Secretary Comments/Parent Advice Attended: Mitzi deFer, Gina Timm, Gloria Ervin, Alicia Johnson, Robin Durkee, Jessie Walth, Marti Velasco 3. Additions/Changes to Agenda Chair (5 min.) Comments/Parent Advice Additions - Robin Durkee – Funds for AVID tutors. 4. Reading and Approval of Minutes ( 5 min.) Comments/Parent Advice Gina, did we approve prior minutes? Please add here if so. Thanks! 5. Reports of Officers/Committees Recommendations from DAC and DELAC (_min.) Comments/Parent Advice No report for DELAC. 6. Public Comment/Parent Liason Report(_min.) Comments/Parent Advice Secretary Chair Chair *Under the Open Meeting Law, no action related to public comment may be acted upon at the meeting. Issues raised at the meeting may be scheduled for another SSC meeting, as approved by the council. Public comment is generally limited to two minutes per person. AGENDA MUST BE POSTED 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING DATE 1 School Site Council (SSC) Agenda/Minutes 2013-2014 TITLE I SCHOOL 7. Unfinished Business (_ min.) Principal See items below Comments/Parent Advice 8. New Business ( _ min.) See items below Chair/Principal Red items below are requested actions. Comments/Parent Advice 1. Introductions of new and returning Site Council Members. 2. Site Council Elections/Voting: a. Mitzi nominated herself for Secretary, all approved. b. Gina nominated herself for Site Council Chair, all approved. c. Discussed need for more parent/student members. Jessie Walth nominated as a parent member. Davion Johnson will serve as a student member via Student Government contract. The St. Gov’t., secretary, Jana Rasmussen is also supposed to be present. Robin will contact AVID students and Gloria will contact Student Gov’t. Discussed Tom Nelson as a possible community member and Maria Young-Cain as a possible parent member. 3. SPSA is being reformatted in new software called Data Tracking. Reviewed goals of SPSA: 3 major components are student achievement, parent involvement, and school safety. SPSA has been revised with end of year data. Gloria will send the 3 goals as a pdf to Site Council Members. Site Council members please review SPSA goals and think about how we can revise/change these goals based on data from last year. 4. Review Title 1 Budget - $225,000 a. 10% goes to PD. Professional Development should be tied to SPSA. Department chairs need to be informed of the budget available for trainings. b. Technology – service and materials (30,000) – Need servicing for projectors and info on costs for LCDs. Approximately 50% will be spent on servicing, 50% on new materials. Robin motioned, all voted to approve this spending. c. Introduced tech liaison, Tom Nelson. Vanessa gave him a tech tour of campus. Wants him to service COWS, Phoebe Cale, and some of the outdated locations (D12 as an example). Discussed the need for protocol and standards for COW use and distribution for students and teachers. 5. AVID Tutoring – SPSA allotted money for tutoring AVID last year. Robin requested $2,500.00 for AVID tutoring during AVID 0/1st period, but tutors can also be used for other tutors to increase college enrollment. Mitzi motioned to approve, all members approved this spending. 6. Additional needs for next meeting: a. Marti should share ELAC needs/concerns. b. Parent Involvement Policy –share out by parent liaison, Jessie Walth. 9. Adjournment (1 min.) Comments/Parent Advice Adjourned Meeting at 3:55. Next meeting is October 15th. Chair AGENDA MUST BE POSTED 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING DATE 2 School Site Council (SSC) Agenda/Minutes 2013-2014 TITLE I SCHOOL Prepared By: _____________________(signature)______________ Date: ___________ (type name) Attach sign-in sheet Send completed Agenda/Minutes and sign-in sheet to the Office of Student Learning Assistance Questions: Legal Requirements and Recommendations Date Accomplished: 8/27/12-9/4/12 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 9/12/12 9/12/12 9/12/12 Selection/Election of SSC Council (At the beginning or end of school year, keep all election and ballot materials at school site) Professional Development and Training for SSC-Roles and Responsibilities Develop Meeting Calendar for 2012-2013 (Post calendar on school website and bulletin board visible to the public) Review Student Achievement Data (Data: CST, curriculum embedded data, attendance, and or behavior, etc.) Monitor the Implementation of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) (Agendized at each SSC meeting) Annually review and revise the plan and proposed expenditure of funds Evaluate the effectiveness of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) (Agendized at least at mid-year and end of year meetings) For Sites who have ELAC -Coordinate with ELAC to review programs for English learners For newly identified PI year 1 schools only: Revision of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) n/a 9/12/12 For identified PI schools: Ensure that at least 10% of the Title I fund is set aside for Professional Development Obtain Recommendations from other school site advisory, standing and special committees regarding the focus of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Develop the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) AGENDA MUST BE POSTED 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING DATE 3 School Site Council (SSC) Agenda/Minutes 2013-2014 TITLE I SCHOOL Date Accomplished: Develop and annually review the school level Parent Involvement Plan and School Parent Compact (Post Parent Involvement Plan/Policy on school website and bulletin board visible to public) RECOMMENDATIONS Development of SSC Bylaws Coordinate with the Safety Committee regarding the Safe School Plan-Recommended AGENDA MUST BE POSTED 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING DATE 4