Student Government Louis Pasteur Middle School (916) 971-7891

Advisor: Brandalyn Burke
Louis Pasteur Middle School
(916) 971-7891
Cell (916) 671-9920
Student Government
Duis iaculis augue ac
diam varius blandit.
Proin lobortis iaculis
enim, ut mattis lectus
placerat sed. Curabitur
ac quam nec dolor
sollicitudin mollis id
vitae ligula. Maecenas
et arcu sem. Ut sit amet
quam urna.
Leadership is not a position or title;
it is action and example.
Student Government is a participation-based course
designed to train students in the essentials of
leadership and personal growth through school and
community experiences.
This class is intended to provide leadership training
in which students develop appreciation of the duties
and responsibilities of communication, citizenship,
and teamwork. Students will also plan and
implement student activities throughout the school
Student Government students are held to a higher
standard compared to their peers and are expected
to be role models on and off campus.
Expectations of Student Government
 Maintain at least a 2.0 ( “C” Average) GPA
with no “D” or “F” marks
 Maintain at least “S” or “O” marks for
citizenship; strive for all “O”
 Be on time to all classes; habitual tardiness
is unacceptable
 Know when to lead, when to be a team
player, and always have integrity
 Maintain professionalism during meetings
 Promote school spirit and always have a
positive approach towards school events
Students who fail to meet expectations of a student government representative will be placed on
“probationary status”.
Students on “probationary status” will be given four weeks/one grade period, to improve, otherwise
they may be removed from the class.
Lorem Ipsum
Grading Policy
The traditional grading scale
will be used:
A 90%-100%
Class Officers, Commissioners, &
All students in Student Government will have
the opportunity to serve in one or more
positions to help build and develop leadership.
B 80% - 89%
C 70% - 79%
*Grades of D or F in Student
Government will result in an
automatic removal from the
Class Officers ~
Commissioners & Chairs
These positions will be
These positions will be
determined based on a
determined based on a vote
school-wide election.
within the Student
Government Class.
class; student will be assigned
Class Officers represent
a new elective.
Pasteur and are expected to
Students who are interested
demonstrate leadership in all
in holding one or more of
classes 100% of the time.
these positions will need to
Breakdown of Grade
Outside Hours ~ 25%
Students will need to complete a
minimum of 10 hours outside of
the class each quarter in order to
help set-up, break-down,
manage, etc. events ran by
student government. Hours may
President – 8th Grade
Vice President – 7th Grade
Secretary – 7th or 8th Grade
Treasurer – 7th or 8th Grade
6th Grade Class Officer
participate in student government
run activities during, but not
limited to Advisory & Lunch.
Students must show support for
would like to hold this
Specifications on the
provided when the
opportunity arises.
determined by Advisor.
Students are expected to
statement as to why they
available positions will be
be earned in other ways
Participation in Activities ~ 25%
prepare a one-to-two minute
Examples of Commissioners & Chairs
Public Relations
Activities Commissioner
Athletic Commissioner
Publicity Commissioner
Technology Commissioner
Human Relations
Pep Commissioner
Club Live Chair
Beautification Chair
Staff Appreciation Chair
Committees, Class Work, CleanUp & Cooperation ~ 50%
Louis Pasteur Middle School
Student Government Contract
I, ____________________________, understand that it is a privilege to be in
Student Government at Louis Pasteur Middle School. Therefore, I will represent
myself, my family, my school, and my community in a manner that is appropriate.
I will maintain the highest standard of personal behavior in, and out of, the class and
during all school-related activities.
I promise to take part in all of the required extra-curricular activities during and after
school in order to earn my 10 service hours. These may include, but are not limited
to, Back-to-School Night, Dances, Skate Night, Movie Night, Lunchtime Activities, &
Open House.
I understand that if I fail to maintain such standards that the Principal and/or Student
Government Advisor may choose to either remove me from class or put me on
“Probationary” Status.
I understand that I will be removed from the class immediately if I receive an athome suspension.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Leadership Qualities
Name: ____________________________________
Directions: Read each of the statements below & rate yourself using the scale provided.
This self-assessment will be used as a monitoring tool to help you and your advisor develop and/or
refine your skills as a leader.
Feel free to add any comments to help further explain your assessment.
Rating Scale:
1- Needs Serious Help
2- Ok, but could be better
3- Good, at the same level as my peers
4- Awesome, this is a major strength of mine
Dependability – Others can rely on me to
follow through on my word as well as follow
tasks given me
Team Player – I work well with others. I know
when and how to follow someone’s lead as
well as guide others when needed.
Organization – I can organize my ideas, my
time, and my work space.
Professionalism (with projects) – Work I
produce looks professional and creative. I pay
close attention to minor details.
Citizenship – I am an exceptional role model
to my peers. I model and encourage others to
lead by example and Show their PAWS