JUNIOR ENGLISH/APLAC NAME: JUNIOR NAVIANCE UNIT PLAN Student-Friendly Learning Target Statements Knowledge Targets “What I need to know!” I have completed the 2017 Career Day Survey about my preferences for Career Day speakers. I know my Myers- Briggs Personality Type: The letters that represent my personality type are _____ _____ ______ ______ Read the Do What You Are results for your personality type. Describe in 3 sentences what people with this personality are like? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I can list at least 3 search criteria I find important to use in the College SuperMatch _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ I have compared my grades and test scores to the graph of at least 2 universities in Naviance I can estimate if my family will qualify for a CAL Grant CAL Grant A ≥ 3.0 GPA CAL Grant B ≥ 2.0 GPA I have completed the College and Career Center Scavenger Hunt 11th Reasoning Targets “What I can do with what I know.” Skill Targets “What I can demonstrate.” Product Targets “What I can make to show my learning.” I have created a potential college list based on criteria that is important to me. I can write statements in my resume using active verbs I can properly format a cover letter I can create a resume of my experiences at this time for use in jobs or college applications I can create a cover letter for use in job applications