How Incidents will be Managed

How Incidents will be Managed
The checklist below is a guide. The priority order may not be exactly
as indicated due to nature of the incident, the site resources and
location. Do not expect to pull out this checklist and read it the midst
of an incident. Assign and instruct an administrative assistant, ahead
of time, to refer to this list, if appropriate, during an incident in order to
help the Incident Coordinator. Use this information and “common
sense” to minimize problems during an emergency. Your safety and
the safety of others on your campus are paramount.
Make a thorough assessment of
the incident.
Secure safety of staff, students,
Provide immediate first aid if
necessary and/or possible.
Give the Directive for
Lockdown, Evacuation or
If evacuation-make sure outside
perimeter is safe. Take Office
“Go Kit”. Activate runners to
warn classes if PA system is
If appropriate (i.e. some natural
disasters (- Shut off gas and
water valves, Electricity breaker.
Call 911/Safe Schools
Notify-Safe Schools (7981),
Director, Supt. Office (7104),
Transportation (7689)-if near
start or dismissal times.
Revised July 2008
Safe Schools will issue an
emergency alert and/or
Connect-Ed call.
Set up Command Center, if
appropriate, usually level 2
Establish perimeter, assign staff
to manage crowd control and to
limit access.
Assign point person to direct
emergency responders if
Remove emotionally traumatized
from incident. Staff to
Call for Additional
Help/Resources, Director, and
Establish ICS Team- Assess
situation, decide on an Action
Plan, Prioritize, include a plan
for Communication.
Assign ICS Team members to
appropriate functions.
Provide Emergency
notification of incident
information to staff/students –
Use Connect Ed for parents;
include translated versions, if
District web master will post
message on school and District
web pages.
Revised July 2008
Prepare a message for students
reporting to parents by cell
Activate accountability
procedures, including Sweep
Teams if necessary-Ensure rest
rooms, out of the way places
have been checked.
Establish separate staging areas
for media & reunification area
for parents.
Establish communication with
community responders. All
responders check in with IC.
Scribe to document incident
from start to recovery.
Update all staff on a regular
Designate media spokesperson
in coordination with Director of
Communication. Principal
should be prepared to speak,
even if not the official
Obtain updated from Crisis
Counselors/Liaison regarding
Critical Incident Stress
Begin strategies for rumor
control/utilize Connect Ed and
District Web page.
Assess need for community
and/or parent meetings.
Revised July 2008
Plan for debriefing of ICS Team
Hold debriefing for all staff.
Provide aftermath recovery
Conduct Assessment of Incident
lessons learned.
Generally, most disasters and emergency situations are divided into three levels
as follows:
Level 1 - Site emergency with limited impact. Response handled by site
personnel and/or city emergency service responders. District EOC will not
usually be activated.
Examples of a level 1 emergency include:
A fire resulting in no injuries with minor fire, water or smoke damage
An extended electrical outage
A serious medical emergency warranting a 911 call
An unarmed intruder threatening or disrupting activities.
Death of student or teacher which occurred off campus
A water main break, resulting in site flooding
A public demonstration with picketing by students and/or the community
The response begins at the site or sites affected. The site administrator or
designee serves as Incident Coordinator directs immediate protective actions,
following site specific crisis response plans (Refer to the School Crisis Response
chart). The disaster procedures are kept in standardized classroom safety
folders. The I. C. (usually an administrator, but not always) will be the point of
contact between the site and the district.
Revised July 2008
Level 2– This is a local emergency, which may impact more than one site.
EOC may be implemented or response may be coordinated directly by the
Incident Commander. This may be an emergency at a single school site that is of
level II intensity. A local declaration of emergency may be required.
Examples of a level 2 emergency include:
A fire resulting in injuries and/or major structural damage.
A school shooting.
A chemical spill or explosion.
Civil disturbance or riot.
Violent incident
Viable threat
The Superintendent or his designee (Director of Emergency Operations Center)
may organize /activate the ICS command structure and District Emergency
Operations Plan in order to request additional resources and/or gather
intelligence from the district or other agencies as appropriate.
Appointed EOC Director to receive and record status updates from each of the
four section “Chiefs” or their designee if they are not available. Information
gathered will be used for the Action Plan and for communication purposes.
1. PLANNING/INTELLIGENCE (“THINKERS”): Safe Schools Administrator
Maintains documentation and evaluates incoming information from intelligence
sources to evaluate the potential risk and determine the most effective responses,
including aftermath activities.
2. OPERATIONS(“DOERS”): Director of Curriculum and Assessment
Schools and Program Directors establish and maintain contact with school sites.
Site/district needs and priorities to be received and recorded for Command Center
3. LOGISTICS (“GETTERS”): Senior Director for Planning and Facilities
Obtains essential resources to support the Command Center objectives
4. FINANCE/ADMINISTRATION (“KEEPERS”): Chief Financial Officer
Document and track all costs related to expenditures for providing facilities,
services, personnel, equipment and materials as needed for the response
operation, including recovery costs and reimbursements.
COMMUNICATION: Director of Information - to prepare statements for staff, parents,
students and media. Connect Ed and District web pages to be utilized.
Revised July 2008
Support to Sites for Level 2 Incidents
The standard practice should include site contact and assistance from the
individuals listed below during and/or after an incident. Support, in most cases,
involves Central Office staff reporting directly to the site to provide assistance. It
is critical relieve site administrator and office staff of some duties-Practice
delegating. If appropriate, personnel from other sites may also respond and lend
their support. Central office staff will work in pairs, if possible-buddy system.
 Schools & Program Director(s) – Bring two-way radios and leave
radios for Admin. Assistant.
 Safe Schools Administrator- Bring emergency carts/radios
 Director of Communication – To prepare Connect Ed and/or
media communications. Director of Communication will directly
coach the principal when he/she is interviewed. – Ensure school
and District web pages provide incident information.
 Director of Pupil Personnel Services and Crisis Counselors,
 Principals, Vice Principals from other schools
 Counselors and Psychologists from other schools, if appropriate.
 “Buddy” or adjacent school personnel
 ELL Dept. – If translators needed
Revised July 2008
Level 3 – Community or region-wide event which may include a local
declaration of emergency. District Emergency Operations Plan would be fully
implemented. This would be a major disaster where resources in or near the
impacted area are overwhelmed and extensive regional, state and /or federal
resources are required.
Examples of a level 3 emergency include:
 Major flooding affecting multiple school sites and/or buildings.
 Widespread power outage projected to last over 12 hours.
 Highest elevated terrorist attack alert (Code Red) targeted for the
Sacramento area.
 Major damage as a result of an earthquake.
The Superintendent or his designee (Director of Emergency Operations Center)
will organize /activate the ICS command structure and District Emergency
Operations Plan. Refer to the details in Level 2 response listed above.
A sustained plan may be needed depending on the extent of the disaster.
Sacramento County Mutual Aid Coordinators and other state and federal
agencies may be needed as part of this plan.
Revised July 2008