Year 8 Challenge Thinking Mathematically – a mini project A 3 X 3 square is outlined in red pen. It is then cut up into the 9 smaller squares. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How many of the small squares have no red sides ? How many of the small squares have 1 red side ? How many of the small squares have 2 red sides How many of the small squares have 3 red sides ? How many of the small squares have 4 red sides ? What happens if you start with a different size square eg 2X2 ? Can I Can I Can I Can I record my results in a table ? see any number patterns ? find any position to term rules and describe them ? make predictions and check them out ? Extensions to the problem INVESTIGATE ! Can you extend the problem by investigating what would happen if you started with a different 2 – dimensional shape ? Can you think what the equivalent problem in 3 – dimensions would be ? Please make a report of your ideas and findings including results, diagrams, predictions and anything that you notice about the results.