Mr Greenaway Advanced Skills Mathematics Teacher St Alban’s High School Digby Road Ipswich Suffolk IP4 3NJ Nov 28th 2006 Dear Parent/Guardian I am writing to invite your son/daughter to attend a day at St Alban’s High School exploring the uses of codes and code breaking on Thursday, February 8th 2007. The day will run from 9.30am to 2.45pm. There will be about 18 pupils in total and I plan to make the day as varied and interesting as I can whilst challenging your child’s thinking through discussion, problem solving and group presentations. You will need to make arrangements for dropping off and collecting your child. Pupils can either bring a packed lunch or use the school canteen (about £1.80 should suffice) Please complete and return the slip below to your child’s primary school by the end of the Autumn Term Many thanks M Greenaway St Alban’s Maths Day Thursday February 8th 2007 - 9.30am till 2.45pm I give permission for ……………………………… (name of child) to attend the above event and agree to making the appropriate travel arrangements and providing a packed lunch or dinner money. Signed ……………………………… (Guardian)