Make a unique star Take a square of paper

Make a unique star
Take a square of paper
Fold along the 4 lines of symmetry
In card or stiff paper, cut out an interesting triangle (one with an angle
of 20o, 30 o, 36 o, 40 o, 45 o, 60 o, 120 o or any other factor of 360 o)
Place the longest side of the triangle along
each line of symmetry in turn, and draw
round it, always keeping the same corner at
the centre of the rotation.
 Two identical shapes on top of each
other look good
2 of these cut out of tissue paper
and glued symmetrically overlapping
make a good window decoration
an isosceles triangle looks good if
the base is a lot bigger than the 2 equal sides
Try an equilateral triangle, and let the rotations overlap
Use a 360 protractor to create more than 4 lines of symmetry
Pritt stick and glitter looks good