Fractions and Decimals

Fractions and Decimals
To reach a total of 10 in nine moves by adding whole numbers and
Whole class, group, individual, pairs.
Players draw up a 9 step ladder and turn over a card from the deck. They
must decide either keep it as a whole number or divide it by 10 to make a
decimal - eg 5 or 0.5. Play continues as cards are turned over and added
to the previous total. After nine cards have been used the players who
have made 10 win. If no-one has made 10 points are awarded to the
closest number.
The total can be changed to 1 and whole numbers will need to be divided
by 100 or 10
To use mental computation to add, subtract and multiply fractions
Multiplication of fractions: Each player is dealt 3 cards. The first
becomes the numerator, the second the denominator and the third the
multiplier - eg 3, 4, 10 becomes
¾ x 10 = 7½ or 7.5
3, 2, 4 become 3/2 x 4 = 1½ x 4 = 6
Player one wins
Addition of fractions: Each player is dealt 4 cards and arranges them to
make the largest fractions possible and then adds. The player with the
largest total wins.