W. M. Keck Observatory Keck Next Generation AO Next Generation Adaptive Optics Irvine Meeting September 14, 2006 P. Wizinowich for NGAO Executive Committee Keck NGAO Welcome - Participants In-Person Participants – NGAO Executive Committee: Rich Dekany, Don Gavel, Claire Max, Peter Wizinowich – Sean Adkins, Aaron Barth, Antonin Bouchez, Andrea Ghez, Mike Liu, Chris Neyman Telecon Attendees: – Brian Bauman, Matthew Britton, Jason Chin, Ralf Flicker, Bruce Macintosh, Franck Marchis, Knut Olsen, Viswa Velur – Unconfirmed – Richard Ellis, Erik Johansson, Stephan Kellner, James Larkin, Junichi Meguro, Chuck Steidel 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 2 Keck NGAO Goals of Today’s Meeting Finalize the System Engineering Management Plan for the NGAO system design phase Map out the science case requirements development plan Map out the performance budget development plan The above 3 goals are part of the process of identifying the path to a system design 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 3 Keck NGAO Meeting Agenda 08:20 Welcome (Wizinowich) 08:30 Project Management (Wizinowich) 11:00 Science Team Management (Max) 12:00 Lunch at Faculty Club 13:00 Science Requirements & Performance Budgets (All) 16:30 Wrap up & Action Items 17:00 End 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 4 Keck NGAO Meeting Agenda – Science Requirements & Performance Budgets 1:00 Introduction to Goals & Approach 1:10 Plan to Develop System Requirements thru 1) Science Cases & 2) Performance Budgets Sample Cases: 1:45 Galactic Center & Astrometry Budget (Ghez, Wizinowich) 2:15 Debris Disks & Binary Brown Dwarfs & Companion Sensitivity Budget (Liu, Macintosh, Neyman) 2:45 Break 3:00 Crowded Fields &/or Resolved Stellar Populations & Photometry Budget (Max, Dekany) 3:30 High Redshift Universe & Encircled Energy Budget (Max) 4:00 Simulations & Assumptions (Neyman) 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 5 W. M. Keck Observatory Keck Next Generation AO NGAO System Design Phase System Engineering Management Plan P. Wizinowich for NGAO Executive Committee Keck NGAO Presentation Sequence Background System Design (SD) Phase Review/discuss the System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) for the SD phase of the NGAO project 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 7 Keck NGAO Background NGAO Proposal – Presented at 6/21/06 SSC meeting – Well received by SSC & Observatory management – CARA Board approved proceeding with the system design (SD) phase NGAO Executive Committee (EC) – Established by Observatory Directors to manage the NGAO SD phase – Peter Wizinowich (EC chair), Rich Dekany, Don Gavel, Claire Max (NGAO science team chair) SD Phase System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) – Document describing how the EC plans to manage the SD phase – Will be submitted to the Observatory Directors on 9/29/06 for approval 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 8 Keck NGAO System Design Phase Section 3.1 & 8 of SEMP Initial design phase (precedes the preliminary design phase) “The principle objective of a system design is to establish a design approach that meets the scientific and user requirements established for the system. System design will establish a discipline integrated engineering plan for the proposed design, understand the technical risks, explore trade-offs, and determine estimates for performance and cost to completion.” Key deliverables: – – – – 9/14/06 System Requirements Document System Design Manual System Engineering Management Plan System Design Report NGAO Irvine Meeting 9 Keck NGAO Planning Assumptions Budget – NGAO proposal estimated $980k for SD phase – $600k currently available in WMKO FY07 budget (may change NASA negotiating to buy 10 telescope nights/year in FY07-09) – Conclusions: No need to prepare funding proposals during SD phase Can accelerate SD phase once we reach FY08 Science Instruments – Will only be taken to a proposal level – Necessary to understand impact on NGAO system design & to provide a good starting point for instrument system designs 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 10 Keck NGAO Planning Approach Design process loop – Will begin anew & complete several iterations during SD Science Requirements Technical Implications Initial Concept Performance Assessment Repeat as required while making improvements & balancing trade offs 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 11 Keck NGAO Work Flow Approach 1. Initial focus will be on requirements & performance budgets to ensure we understand the largest levers on the design 2. Break down the requirements into functional requirements on the major systems (AO, LGS facility, operations tools & science instruments) 3. In parallel with 1 & 2, perform trade studies to better understand the appropriate design choices 4. Work on overall AO architecture & concepts for the major systems. Continue to iterate with the requirements & performance budgets. 5. Work on cost estimates & the plans for the NGAO project 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 12 Keck NGAO SD Phase - Work Breakdown Structure Each major WBS produces one of the 4 major deliverables of the SD Phase: 1 System Design Phase Management System Design Report 2 System Requirements System Requirements Document 3 System Design Approach System Design Manual 4 System Engineering Management Plan System Engineering Management Plan WBS dictionary defines each element in WBS (section 9) 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 13 Keck NGAO WBS 1 SD Phase Management 1.1 Planning & Contracting 1.2 Meetings 1.3 Tracking & Reporting 1.4 Funding Proposals 1.5 System Design Report & Review 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 14 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 15 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 16 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 17 Keck NGAO MILESTONE DATE DESCRIPTION SD SEMP Approved 10/9/06 Approval of this plan by the Directors. Initial SEMP version released to Directors for comment on 9/12 & final version on 9/29/06. SD phase contracts in place 10/27/06 Contracts issued to Caltech & UCSC for the system design phase. System Requirements v1.0 Rel. 10/27/06 Initial release of System Requirements with emphasis on the science requirements Individual Performance Budgets Released 2/16/07 First round of all performance budgets complete & documented System Requirement v2.0 Release 3/9/07 Second release of System Requirements Initial Risk Analysis Released 4/18/07 First round of project risk analysis complete & documented Trade Studies Complete 6/16/07 All trade studies complete & documented System Requirement v3.0 Release 6/29/07 Third release of System Requirements System Design Manual v1.0 Release 8/31/07 First release of System Design Manual System Design Manual v2.0 Rel. 10/31/07 Second release of System Design Manual Cost Review Complete 12/12/07 Project cost estimates complete, documented & internally reviewed SDR Package Distributed 1/15/08 SDR documents sent to reviewers System Design Review 2/4/08 SDR meeting SSC final SDR Report 4/3/08 Final SD phase report including results of SDR 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 18 Keck NGAO Date # Venue 14- Sep- 06 1 UCI 3- Nov- 06 2 Major Meeting Goal Kic koff Sc i. Case I Sc ienc e/Management Milestone NGAO SD Plan Systems Engineering Milestone Optic s/Mec hanic s Milestone Elec tronic s/Software Milestone WFS/WFP Milestone Model/Tool Validation CIT Performanc e Drivers Identify Perf. Drivers SRD I SRD I 13- Dec - 06 3 Video Various TS's 22- Jan- 07 4 Keck Performanc e Budgets Continuous Sc i. Field Photometric Budget Var/Fixed LGS Ast LGS Ast Geom & Sz Obs. Effic . Budget Rayleigh Rejec tion Site Monitoring Update Tip/Tilt Stage v. DM Operations Arc h. I Tel Wavefr Errors LOWFS Num & Type HOWFS Num & Type Astrometric Budget High- c ontrast Budget Polarimetric Budget Throughput Budget 7- Mar- 07 5 Video SRD II Various TS's 18- Apr- 07 6 UCSC Various TS's 30- May- 07 7 9- Jul- 07 8 UCSC 5- day Retreat 22- Aug- 07 9 Video Cost Review I 13- Sep- 07 10 CIT Infrastruc ture I 5- Nov- 07 11 Video Software Review II Operations Tools II SDM II Non- real- time Softwr II 12- Dec - 07 12 Keck 3- day Meeting Risk Analysis II Cost Estimate II Integr. & Test Plan I Elec tronic s II HO WFS II LO WFS II SDR Prep SDR Prep SRD IV SDR Prep SDR Prep Video Software Review I SRD IV Cost Review II 9- Jan- 08 13 Video SDR Preparation Prelim. Design Prop. 4- Feb- 08 14 Keck SDR 4- Apr- 08 15 TBD Prelim. Design Kic koff 9/14/06 K- & L- band Sc ienc e SRD II GLAO for non- AO AM2 Optic al Relay d- IFU Opt Sampling Risk Analysis I Field Rotat. Strategy Enc l/Relay Temp. Operations Tools I Laser Enc losure Software Arc hitec ture Slow WFS Centroid Anisoplan Sc i Path Opt Des I Mec h Struc ture I Non- real- time Softwr I HOWFS I LOWFS II Elec tronic s I Real- time Control I SRD III Cost Estimate I Subsystem Test Plans SDM I NGAO vs Upgrades Foc us Compens. Sc i Path Opt Des II Mec h Struc ture II SDR Prep SDR Sc i Path Opt Des III Mec h Struc ture III NGAO Irvine Meeting Real- time Control II 19 Keck NGAO WBS 2 System Requirements 2.1 Science Requirements 2.2 Observatory Requirements 2.3 System Requirements Document 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 20 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 21 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 22 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 23 Keck NGAO WBS 3 System Design Approach 3.1 System Engineering 3.2 AO System 3.3 Laser Facility 3.4 Operations Tools 3.5 Science Instruments 3.6 System Design Manual 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 24 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 25 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 26 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 27 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 28 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 29 Keck NGAO WBS 4 System Engineering Management Plan 4.1 Project Plan 4.2 Risk Assessment & Management Plan 4.3 Preliminary Design Phase Plan 4.4 Integration & Test Plans 4.5 Configuration Management Plan 4.6 Project Management Plan 4.7 System Engineering Management Plan 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 30 Keck NGAO 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 31 W. M. Keck Observatory Keck Next Generation AO System Requirements Development: Science Requirements & Performance Budgets P. Wizinowich for NGAO Executive Committee Keck NGAO Science Requirements & Performance Budgets The science & user requirements drive the performance budgets & hence the design As a 1st step we want to identify the biggest terms in the performance budgets & the biggest levers on the design Our approach for each performance budget: – – – – – – – Select the science case(s) that most drive the budget Develop the science requirements from the science case Develop the elements of the performance budget Validate models & assumptions that have a big impact Develop predictions from the budgets (i.e., PSFs, backgrounds, etc.) Use predictions to test whether science case needs achieved Iterate until science case & performance budget achieved Good iteration on the wavefront error budget produced for proposal. All other performance budgets need a 1st iteration. 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 33 Keck NGAO Example: Wavefront Error Budget Science Case (typically under median conditions) AO mode Seeing Field of View (arcsec) RMS Wavefront Error (nm) NGS mag or Sky Coverage at H-band "Best-conditions" narrow-field 5 LGS Superior 2" 93 20% Io 1 NGS Median 1" 125 mV = 5.5 Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) 5 LGS Median 2" 131 mH = 15.75 Galactic Center (GC) 5 LGS Median 10" 182 mH=8.8 (IRS7) Field Galaxies (sky-average) 5 LGS Median 2" 173 + 6 mas 30% Field Galaxies (d-IFU case) 5 LGS Median 2" 173+30 mas 90% GOODS-N Field 5 LGS Median 2" 218+16 mas 20% of G-N GOODS-N Field (d-IFU case) 5 LGS Median 2” H-band FWHM 75% of G-N 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 50mas 34 Keck NGAO Example: Wavefront Error Budget for KBO case 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 35 Keck NGAO Science Requirements Overview Science Case Solar System Multiple Asteroidal Systems Main Belt multiples T NO multiples Size & shape Moonlet spectroscopy Giant Planet Satellites T itan surface & atmosphere Io volcanism Galactic Galactic Center Dynamics Astrometry Radial Velocities Debris Disks Direct Imaging of Planets Around VLM stars & brown dwarfs Around very young stars Protostars Circumstellar Environment Outflow kinematics Extragalactic AGNs & Supermassiv e BHs BH mass determinations AGN/QSO host galaxies High-z Field Galaxies Grav itational Lensing Cluster lensing Galaxy-galaxy lensing 9/14/06 Critical performance metrics: Imaging Image Phot SNR error (mag) Spectroscopy Spec Spec Res SNR ( ) Tiptilt stars OnOffaxis: axis: mag sky % (m) FOV (") Mag limit # of Targs 0.7-2.4 1.1-2.4 0.7-2.4 0.7-2.4 3 3 2 2 V=7-17 V=19-21 V=7-17 V=7-17 100 60 300 ~85 100 40 100 100 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.1 20 20 400 400 V<17 V<17 V<17 V<17 30 - 0.83-2.4 0.7-5.3 2 3 V=8 V=5 1 1 200 200 0.05 0.05 100 100 1000 1000 V=8 V=5 any 1.5-2.4 1.5-2.4 0.7-3.8 10 1 <20 K=18 K=18 (H)<20 1 1 50 tbd tbd 20 0.02 0.02 100 20 4K/15K 100 H=8.8 H=8.8 V=4-20 - 0.9-3.8 0.9-3.8 2 2 J=13-25 J=13-25 300 300 20 20 0.05 0.05 20 20 100 100 H<15 R<19 30 30 High contrast High contrast 0.6-13 0.6-2.2 <30 <30 I=9-24 I=9-24 200 50 30 - 0.03 - 50 50 3K 20K - 30 30 Polarimetry 0.8-2.4 0.8-2.4 0.7-2.4 10 10 >120 R=16 K=20 K=22 50 200 1000s 20 20 0.05 0.05 30 30 20 5K >3K >3.5K - 30 30 30 0.9-2.4 0.9-2.4 >60 4 H=24 H=24 200 50 5 5 0.1-0.2 0.1-0.2 20 20 >3K >3K - 30 30 NGAO Irvine Meeting Special Reqs service observing service observing service observing service observing - thermal IR Astrometry: 10 mas High contrast; PSF knowledge Some Multiplexed spectroscopy Multiplexed spectroscopy Multiplexed spectroscopy 36 Keck NGAO Science Requirements Overview Parameter Space of Possible AO Systems Optical Near-IR Thermal-NIR narrow field, modest Strehl narrow field, high Strehl narrow field, v.high Strehl High Contrast Wide-Field, Multi-Object Solar System Key Yes Yes Maybe - Galactic Yes Key Maybe Key - Extragalactic Key Key - Yes Key 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 37 Keck NGAO Science Requirements Overview Prioritized List of Science Instruments Solar System Galactic Extragalactic 1. VIS Cam 1. NIR Cam + coronagraph 1. d-IFU-NIR: R~3000 2. NIR Cam 2. IFU-NIR: R~100, 3000 2. NIR Cam 3. IFU-NIR: R~400-1000 3. VIS Cam 3. IFU-VIS: R~5000 4. Thermal NIR Cam 4. Thermal NIR Cam 4. VIS Cam 5. IFU-VIS: R~400-1000 5. IFU-VIS: R~100, 3000 5. Thermal NIR Cam 6. d-IFU-NIR 6. d-IFU-NIR 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 38 W. M. Keck Observatory Keck Next Generation AO Astrometry Performance Budget P. Wizinowich Keck NGAO Current Keck AO Astrometry Performance Galactic Center – 250 arcsec with NIRC2 (Ghez) < 20 arcsec spectro-astrometry precision with NIRC2 (Ireland) 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 40 Keck NGAO Predicted Keck Interferometer Astrometry Performance Differential Interferometric Astrometry Error Term – Angle = OPD/Baseline – Assumptions: IRS7 for phase referencing, K=16 science object, 20 min integration Goals: – 100 arcsec for exoplanets – 30 arcsec for Galactic Center PTI demo: – 10 arcsec for mag binaries separated by 1” <4th 9/14/06 RMS error (µas) Atmosphere - turbulence 9.72 Atmosphere - dispersion 8.51 Baseline - noise 6.59 Baseline - solution 2.31 Metrology - sampling 4.85 Metrology - alignment 5.10 Metrology - laser stability 1.46 Metrology - thermal 6.07 Fringe detection - non-linearities 8.49 Photon noise - reference target 0.09 Photon noise - science target 5.58 Total rms error = NGAO Irvine Meeting 20.18 41 Keck NGAO AO Astrometry Performance Budget Error Term As a starting point RMS error (µas) Atmosphere - turbulence What other terms should be considered? What is needed for the Galactic Center? Atmosphere - dispersion AO distortion Camera distortion Centroiding Photon noise - reference target Photon noise - science target Total rms error = 9/14/06 NGAO Irvine Meeting 42