南台科技大學九十九學年度研究所考試入學招生考試 系所組:工管所、科管所、資管系 科目:計算機概論 312 准考證號碼:□□□□□□ (請考生自行填寫) 一、 請先檢查准考證號碼、報考系所組別、考試科目名稱,確定無誤後再作答。 注 意 二、 所有答案應寫於答案紙上,否則不予計分。 事項 三、 作答時應依試題題號,依序由上而下書寫,作答及未作答之題號均應抄寫。 1. A real number can be stored in one of the IEEE standard floating point formats using the following procedure, with reference to the figure as follows: 0 1 8 9 31 S baised Exponent Mantissa sign of mantissa (a) Store the sign in S (0 or 1) (b) Change the number into binary (c) Normalize (d) Find the value of E and M (e) Concatenate S, E, and M Show the Excess_127 (single precision) representation of the decimal number 9.75(20%) 2. List four steps in programming language translation and explain each step clearly (15%) 3. (a)What is a process in operating system? (b)Describe the five states of a process in five-state process model. (c)Draw a state diagram to illustrate the transition relationship between these five states. (d) What is the difference between a job scheduler and a process scheduler? (20%) 4. Compare and contrast the three methods for handling the synchronization of the CPU with I/O devices.(15%) 5. Distinguish between compilation and interpretation.(10%) 6 .(a) Give a definition of a recursive process.(5%) (b) Write a recursive algorithm in language C to find the factorial function factorial(n),where n is a nonnegative integer number.(10%) 7. A computer has 64MB(megabytes)of memory. Each word is 4 bytes. How many bits are needed to address each single word in memory? (5%) 第1頁 共1頁