Branches Daniel Ángel Jiménez Departments of Computer Science UT San Antonio & Rutgers

Daniel Ángel Jiménez
Departments of Computer Science
UT San Antonio & Rutgers
About Me
Born in Fort Hood, Texas in 1969 (~80 miles north on IH-35)
Moved to San Antonio, Texas in 1973 (~80 miles south on IH-35)
Ph.D. UT Austin, 2002
Moved to New Jersey in 2002, New York 2003
Non-tenure-track faculty, UTHSCSA
Moved to Austin in 1999
Started Ph.D. program at UT Austin
Moved back to San Antonio in 1996
B.S. at UTSA, 1992
M.S. at UTSA, 1994
Moved to San Marcos, Texas in 1995 (~30 miles south on IH-35)
Dad from Mexico, Mom from Texas
Lived in Temple, Texas
Asst. Professor, Rutgers
Sabbatical in Barcelona, Spain in 2005
Back to San Antonio in 2007
 Associate Professor, UTSA
 Mostly for the breakfast tacos
More about me
Always liked computer programming
Fortunate sequence of mentors guided me into my career
First computer was Tandy Color Computer in 1984
Mom – Education is important (didn’t believe her at the time)
Neal Wagner – theory is exciting
Hugh Maynard – math is my friend
Betty Travis – Research Careers for Minority Scholars
Calvin Lin – perfect fit Ph.D. advisor
Uli Kremer – welcomed me into being a professor
Like taekwondo, piano, traveling, Spanish music
Current favorite band – Ojos de Brujo
This Talk
How an instruction is processed – pipelining
Kinds of branches
Branch prediction
Empirical properties of branches
How to handle branches
How an Instruction is Processed
Processing can be divided
into five stages:
Instruction fetch
Instruction decode
Memory access
Write back
Instruction-Level Parallelism
To speed up the process,
pipelining overlaps execution of
multiple instructions, exploiting
parallelism between instructions
Instruction fetch
Instruction decode
Memory access
Write back
Control Hazards: Branches
Conditional branches create a
problem for pipelining: the next
instruction can't be fetched until
the branch has executed, several
stages later.
Branch instruction
Pipelining with Branches
Branches cause bubbles in the pipeline,
where some stages are left idle.
Instruction fetch
Instruction decode
Memory access
Write back
Unresolved branch instruction
Branch Prediction
A branch predictor allows the processor
to speculatively fetch and execute
instructions down the predicted path.
Instruction fetch
Instruction decode
Memory access
Write back
Speculative execution
Branch predictors must be highly accurate to avoid mispredictions!
Kinds of Branches
Targets still have to be predicted with BTB
Very common, 1/4 to 1/10 of instructions
Must be predicted, can be hard to predict
Loops back edges with short fixed trip counts can be predicted perfectly
E.g. jumping through a table of addresses
Can be predicted, often just use BTB as predictor
Predicted with RAS
>99% possible if you avoid deep recursion
Branch Predictor Accuracy is Critical
The cost of a misprediction is proportional to pipeline depth
Predictor accuracy is more important for deeper pipelines
Need good branch predictor to feed core with right-path insts
Deeper pipelines allow higher clock
rates by decreasing the delay of each
pipeline stage
Decreasing misprediction rate from
9% to 4% results in 31% speedup for
32 stage pipeline
pipelines have been scaled
back, but only temporarily…
Simulations with SimpleScalar/Alpha
Conditional Branch Prediction
Most predictors are based on 2level adaptive branch prediction
GAs – a common
type of predictor
[Yeh & Patt ’91]
Branch outcomes are shifted into a
history register, 1 for taken, 0 for
not taken
History bits and address bits
combine to index a pattern history
table (PHT) of 2-bit saturating
Prediction is high bit of counter
Counter is incremented if branch is
taken, decremented if branch is not
Characteristics of Branch Behavior
Branches tend to be highly biased
53% are strongly biased, taken at least 98% or at most 2% of the time
Remaining branches also exhibit weak biases
A few branches show no bias
Branch outcomes are highly correlated with past branch history
Important Facts about Branches
A taken branch is (often) more costly than an untaken branch
Mispredicted branches are very costly
Trace caches can mitigate this
Some mispredictions are more costly than others – how to exploit that?
Be aware of your machine’s indirect branch predictor
What’s the best way to compile dense switch/case stmts?
What to do about virtual dispatch?
Some ISAs have hint bits
These can help a lot if set correctly
But only if microarch uses them
What to do about mispredictions?
Too many program paths, collisions in tables
Solutions: use the hint bits or align branches
Unfortunately branch predictors are secret so options are limited
Branches not correlated with recent history
Split loops so trip counts are within history length
Data dependent branches with unfriendly distributions
Predicate if possible
Performance counters + tools such as VTune or Oprofile
Branches can have variable costs due primarily to prediction
Be aware of the implementation of branches
Profiling and ISA support for branches
Different causes and effects of mispredictions
Impact of mispredictions has crept up in recent years
The End
Related Compiler Work
Profile-guided code placement to improve instruction locality
Program restructuring for virtual memory [Hatfield & Gerald `71]
Reducing conflict misses in direct-mapped I$ [McFarling `88, `89]
Procedure placement [Petis & Hansen `90], [Gloy & Smith `99]
Transformations for reducing branch costs
Branch alignment [Calder & Grunwald `94],[Young et al. `97]
Software trace cache [Ramirez et al. `99]
Transformations for improving predictor accuracy
Static correlated branch prediction [Young & Smith `99]
Address adjustment [Chen & King `99]
Reverse-engineering branch predictors [Milenkovic et al. `04]
PHT partitioning [Jiménez `05]