Presentation resume Ya Ling (Rebecca) Tsai

Presentation resume
Ya Ling (Rebecca) Tsai
Academic experience
Part-time teacher, Master program of
technology management, Business and
National University of Tainan
Teaching assistant, Management
University of Stirling (09/2007-06/2008)
Teaching assistant, Marketing
University of Stirling (09/2005-06/2008)
Industrial experience
Project Manager GenMont Biotech Inc.
(04/2002-08/2003) Tainan, Taiwan
In-house Sales Representative DHL
(08/1992-04/1999) Tainan, Taiwan
Middlesex University Business School
M.A. in Electronic Business
Principles of Electronic Business
Internet Marketing
People in Marketspace
Managing People in the Virtual Organisation
Virtual Supply Chain Management
Public Service online
University of Stirling
Department of Marketing
PhD. (March,2009)
Ordinarily score 30% : attendance, a attitude
of learning, discussions on the classes
Middle score 30%:Essay ( a report for the
classes )
Final score 40%: Presentation (groups)
Course Schedule
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Case study analysis
Week 3: When consumer reports talks,
buyers listen
Week 4: Wall-Mart: The World's Largest
Retailer I
Week 5: Wall-Mart: The World's Largest
Retailer II
Course Schedule
Week 6: Speech
Week 7: SWATCH group: On internet time
Week 8: Coffee, tea, soy milk
Week 9: Essay
Course Schedule
Week 10: The fair-trade
Week 11: The most important meal of the Day
Week 12: City Port Inc.
Week 13: Food-Town
Week 14: What the 'Green' consumer wants
Course Schedule
Week 15: Convenience stores outnumber
people I
Week 16: Convenience stores outnumber
people II
Week 17: HENKEL Group : Umbrella Branding
and globalizaiton decisions
Week 18: Presentation
How to Learn English ?
Reference: Keys to Learning English (Studio Classroom)
Do you want to learn English? I guess that goes
without saying if you’re reading this article. First
of all, you need to ask yourself, “How badly do I
want to? ”
How to learn English?
Reference: Keys to Learning English (Studio Classroom)
Some students treat English as a content subject,
like history, geography or literature. All you do is
memorize (remember) a lot of facts and you’ve
got it, right? Actually, becoming skilled (good at)
in a foreign language is more like learning to
play the piano. It takes practice. A lot of practice.
How to Learn English ?
Reference: Keys to Learning English (Studio Classroom)
In this series (line: one after the other), “Keys to
Learning English,” We want to give you some
principles (laws) to help you improve your
language leaning skills. But there is no magic
rule. You can’t just wake up one morning, say a
few magic words, and instantly (quickly) turn into
a fluent (smooth) English speaker.
How to learn English ?
Reference : Keys to Learning English ( Studio Classroom)
You have to apply yourself. And you can’t give up.
If you use the “keys” in this series, they will help
you unlock the door to the world of English.
Where are the keys?