SDIMS: A Scalable Distributed Information Management System Praveen Yalagandula Mike Dahlin Laboratory for Advanced Systems Research (LASR) University of Texas at Austin July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 1 Goal A Distributed Operating System Backbone Information collection and management Core functionality of large distributed systems Monitor, query and react to changes in the system Examples: System administration and management Service placement and location Sensor monitoring and control Distributed Denial-of-Service attack detection File location service Multicast tree construction Naming and request routing ………… Benefits July 12, 2016 Ease development of new services Facilitate deployment Avoid repetition of same task by different services Optimize system performance Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 2 Contributions – SDIMS Provides an important basic building block Information collection and management Satisfies key requirements Scalability • With both nodes and attributes • Leverage Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) Flexibility • Enable applications to control the aggregation • Provide flexible API: install, update and probe Autonomy • Enable administrators to control flow of information • Build Autonomous DHTs Robustness • Handle failures gracefully • Perform re-aggregation upon failures – Lazy (by default) and On-demand (optional) July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 3 Outline SDIMS: a distributed operating system backbone Aggregation abstraction Our approach Design Prototype Simulation and experimental results Conclusions July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 4 Aggregation Abstraction Astrolabe [VanRenesse et al TOCS’03] f(f(a,b), 9 f(c,d)) f(a,b) 5 Attributes 4 f(c,d) Information at machines Aggregation tree Physical nodes are leaves 2 d 1 2c 4a b Each virtual node represents a logical group of nodes A2 A1 A0 • Administrative domains, groups within domains, etc. Aggregation function, f, for attribute A Computes the aggregated value Ai for level-i subtree • A0 = locally stored value at the physical node or NULL • Ai = f(Ai-10, Ai-11, …, Ai-1k) for virtual node with k children Each virtual node is simulated by one or more machines Example: Total users logged in the system Attribute: numUsers Aggregation Function: Summation July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 5 Outline SDIMS: a distributed operating system backbone Aggregation abstraction Our approach Design Prototype Simulation and experimental results Conclusions July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 6 Scalability with nodes and attributes To be a basic building block, SDIMS should support Large number of machines • Enterprise and global-scale services • Trend: Large number of small devices Applications with a large number of attributes • Example: File location system – Each file is an attribute – Large number of attributes Challenges: build aggregation trees in a scalable way Build multiple trees • Single tree for all attributes load imbalance Ensure small number of children per node in the tree • Reduces maximum node stress July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 7 Building aggregation trees: Exploit DHTs A DHT can be viewed as multiple aggregation trees Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) Each node assigned an ID from large space (160-bit) For each prefix (k), each node has a link to another node • Matching k bits • Not matching on the k+1 bit Each key from ID space mapped to a node with closest ID Routing for a key: Bit correction • Example: from 0101 for key 1001 • 0101 1110 1000 1000 1001 Lots of different algorithms with different properties • Pastry, Tapestry, CAN, CHORD, SkipNet, etc. • Load-balancing, robustness, etc. A DHT can be viewed as a mesh of trees Routes from all nodes to a particular key form a tree Different trees for different keys July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 8 DHT trees as aggregation trees Key 111 111 11x 1xx 000 July 12, 2016 100 010 110 001 101 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 011 111 9 DHT trees as aggregation trees Keys 111 and 000 000 111 00x 11x 0xx 1xx 000 July 12, 2016 100 010 110 001 101 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 011 111 10 API – Design Goals Expose scalable aggregation trees from DHT Flexibility: Expose several aggregation mechanisms Attributes with different read-to-write ratios • “CPU load” changes often: a write-dominated attribute – Aggregate on every write too much communication cost • “NumCPUs” changes rarely: a read-dominated attribute – Aggregate on reads unnecessary latency Spatial and temporal heterogeneity • Non-uniform and changing read-to-write rates across tree • Example: a multicast session with changing membership Support sparse attributes of same functionality efficiently Examples: file location, multicast, etc. Not all nodes are interested in all attributes July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 11 Design of Flexible API New abstraction: separate attribute type from attribute name Attribute = (attribute type, attribute name) Example: type=“fileLocation”, name=“fileFoo” Install: an aggregation function for a type Amortize installation cost across attributes of same type Arguments up and down control aggregation on update Update: the value of a particular attribute Aggregation performed according to up and down Aggregation along tree with key=hash(Attribute) Probe: for an aggregated value at some level If required, aggregation done to produce this result Two modes: one-shot and continuous July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 12 Scalability and Flexibility Install time aggregation and propagation strategy Applications can specify up and down Examples • Update-Local up=0, down=0 • Update-All up=ALL, down=ALL • Update-Up up=ALL, down=0 Spatial and temporal heterogeneity Applications can exploit continuous mode in probe API • To propagate aggregate values to only interested nodes • With expiry time, to propagate for a fixed time Also implies scalability with sparse attributes July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 13 Scalability and Flexibility Install time aggregation and propagation strategy Applications can specify up and down Examples • Update-Local up=0, down=0 • Update-All up=ALL, down=ALL • Update-Up up=ALL, down=0 Spatial and temporal heterogeneity Applications can exploit continuous mode in probe API • To propagate aggregate values to only interested nodes • With expiry time, to propagate for a fixed time Also implies scalability with sparse attributes July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 14 Scalability and Flexibility Install time aggregation and propagation strategy Applications can specify up and down Examples • Update-Local up=0, down=0 • Update-All up=ALL, down=ALL • Update-Up up=ALL, down=0 Spatial and temporal heterogeneity Applications can exploit continuous mode in probe API • To propagate aggregate values to only interested nodes • With expiry time, to propagate for a fixed time Also implies scalability with sparse attributes July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 15 Scalability and Flexibility Install time aggregation and propagation strategy Applications can specify up and down Examples • Update-Local up=0, down=0 • Update-All up=ALL, down=ALL • Update-Up up=ALL, down=0 Spatial and temporal heterogeneity Applications can exploit continuous mode in probe API • To propagate aggregate values to only interested nodes • With expiry time, to propagate for a fixed time Also implies scalability with sparse attributes July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 16 Scalability and Flexibility Install time aggregation and propagation strategy Applications can specify up and down Examples • Update-Local up=0, down=0 • Update-All up=ALL, down=ALL • Update-Up up=ALL, down=0 Spatial and temporal heterogeneity Applications can exploit continuous mode in probe API • To propagate aggregate values to only interested nodes • With expiry time, to propagate for a finite time Also implies scalability with sparse attributes July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 17 Autonomy Systems spanning multiple administrative domains Allow a domain administrator control information flow • Prevent external observer from observing the information in the domain • Prevent external failures from affecting the operations in the domain Support for efficient domain wise aggregation DHT trees might not conform Autonomous DHT Two properties 110 101 • Path Locality • Path Convergence 100 Reach domain root first July 12, 2016 111 010 000 001 Domain 1 Domain 2 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 011 Domain 3 18 Outline SDIMS: a distributed operating system backbone Aggregation abstraction Our approach Leverage Distributed Hash Tables Separate attribute type from name Flexible API Prototype and evaluation Conclusions July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 19 Prototype and Evaluation SDIMS prototype Built on top of FreePastry [Druschel et al, Rice U.] Two layers • Bottom: Autonomous DHT • Top: Aggregation Management Layer Methodology Simulation • Scalability • Flexibility Prototype • Micro-benchmarks on real networks – PlanetLab – CS Department July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 20 Simulation Results - Scalability Methodology Two points Sparse attributes: multicast sessions with small size membership Node Stress = Amt. of incoming and outgoing info Max Node Stress an order of magnitude less than Astrolabe MAXdecreases node stressaswith 8 increases Max Node Stress theparticipant number ofsize nodes 1e+07 Astrolabe 65536 Node Stress 1e+06 Astrolabe 4096 Astrolabe 256 100000 SDIMS 256 10000 SDIMS 4096 1000 SDIMS 65536 100 10 1 1 July 12, 2016 10 100 1000 Number of sessions Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 10000 100000 21 Simulation Results - Flexibility Number of messages per operation Simulation with 4096 nodes Attributes with different up and down strategies 10000 1000 Update-All Update-Local Up=5, down=0 100 10 1 Up=all, down=5 Update-Up 0.1 0.0001 July 12, 2016 0.01 1 100 Read to Write ratio Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 10000 22 Prototype Results CS department: 180 machines (283 SDIMS nodes) PlanetLab: 70 machines Planet Lab Latency (ms) Department Network 800 3500 700 3000 600 2500 500 2000 400 1500 300 1000 200 500 100 0 0 Update - All July 12, 2016 Update - Up Update - Local Update - All Update - Up Update - Local Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 23 Conclusions SDIMS – basic building block for large-scale distributed services Provides information collection and management Our Approach Scalability and Flexibility through • Leveraging DHTs • Separating attribute type from attribute name • Providing flexible API: install, update and probe Autonomy through • Building Autonomous DHTs Robustness through • Default lazy reaggregation • Optional on-demand reaggregation July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 24 For more information: July 12, 2016 Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin 25