(Revised on March 1, 2005)
Article I – Name
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be “The Oklahoma Student Section of the American
Agricultural Economics Association.”
Section 2: The name of this organization shall be locally known as “The Aggie-X Club.”
Article II – Purpose
Section 1: The purpose of this organization shall be: (a) to stimulate interest in the profession of
Agricultural Economics and related fields; (b) to foster a spirit of cooperation and mutual
helpfulness among students in the agricultural sciences; (c) to provide an opportunity for wider
acquaintances among students and professional workers in the agricultural sciences.
Article III – Membership
Section 1: Eligibility for membership: the active membership of this organization shall be
composed of undergraduate students actually interested in agricultural economics or allied
agricultural sciences. Associated memberships shall be available to the personnel of the teaching,
research, and extension staffs in agricultural economics and to graduate students in agricultural
Section 2: Privileges of membership: an active member shall be designed as a student affiliate of
the American Agricultural Economics Association. An active member shall be eligible to vote at all
meetings of its student section. Graduate students holding associate memberships shall be extended
all privileges of active members except the right to hold office.
Article IV -- Officers
Section 1: The officers of the student section shall be: President, Educational Vice-President,
Administrative Vice-President, Assistant Administrative Vice-President, Secretary/Reporter, and
Treasurer. In addition, two advisors shall be elected from the staff; one advisor shall be elected at
each election of officers and shall serve two consecutive years.
Section 2: The term of office shall be for one year. Officers shall be elected in March, prior to the
departmental banquet and take office in April.
Article V -- Meetings
Section 1: A minimum of three open meetings will be held each year.
Section 2: The President shall have the power to call special meetings upon the approval of the
faculty advisors.
Article VI – Finances
Section 1: All finances for the Section shall be handled by the Treasurer, under approval of the
Bursar’s office and faculty advisors.
Article VII – Amendments and By-Laws
Section 1: Amendments to this Constitution may be made by two-thirds vote of active members, so
long as such amendments are in conformity with the spirit of the Constitution of the National
Section 2: A special meeting shall be considered a regularly called meeting for the purpose of
amending the Constitution, provided such duly called special meeting meets the unanimous
approval of the duly elected and installed officers and duly elected and installed faculty advisors.
Section 3: The addition and/or the revision of By-Laws may be adopted by a majority vote of
members present at any duly called meeting.
Article VIII – Impeachment of Officers
Section 1: Any duly elected club officer may be impeached by this organization for failure to
perform the duties of his or her respective office. This organization shall act according to the
following impeachment proceedings: (a) Charges for impeachment against any duly elected club
officer may be presented to the membership at any regularly called meeting. Three written copies of
such charges shall be submitted to the Faculty Advisor attending the meeting and each copy shall
bear the original signatures of at least 50 percent of the active members of this organization. The
Faculty Advisor shall read such charges to the membership. (b) At the next regularly called
meeting, the Faculty Advisor shall read the charges for impeachment to the membership. The
accused officer, or his representative, shall present his/her defense to the membership. Such defense
shall be presented within a time limit of one hour. Finally, the membership shall vote by secret
ballot to impeach or not impeach the officer. A two-third vote of the active membership in a given
semester shall determine the outcome of the impeachment proceedings.
Article IX – Effective Date of Constitution and Amendments
Section 1: This Constitution or any amendment thereto, shall supersede all previous constitutions,
by-laws, rules, and regulations of this organization. It shall become effective immediately until
disapproved by the Student Senate of Oklahoma State University, or until amended or replaced
through Constitutional proceedings of this organization. Date approved by Club, February and
March meetings, 1995.
(Revised on March 1, 2005)
Article I -- Officers
Section 1: All elected officers of this organization must meet the following qualifications: (a) must
hold active memberships in this organization of the semester during which such person or persons
are nominated for office; (b) must be currently enrolled or have taken a prescribed course in
Agricultural Economics as outlined in the college course catalog and evidenced by course work
completed and current enrollment. Such evidence shall be obtained from the student’s adviser or
from the student’s official transcript on file in the Registrar’s Office; (c) must have been in regular
attendance, during the year in which election of officers is held, for at least 50 percent of the regular
and special meetings prior to such election date; (d) to be elected for an office you must be present
at the election meeting.
Section 2: Nominations for officers may be made from the floor, provided such nominees meet the
eligibility requirements of Section 1 of this Article.
Section 3: The officers of President, Educational Vice-President, and Treasurer shall be limited to
junior or senior students. All other officers are open to the membership at large. All officers must
hold an active membership in this organization.
Section 4: The offices of President, Educational Vice-President, Administrative Vice-President,
Assistant Administrative Vice-President, Secretary/Reporter, and Treasurer shall hold a term of
office for one year. Officers shall be elected in March, prior to the departmental banquet and take
office in April.
Section 5: The Assistant Administrative Vice-President may move up to Administrative VicePresident if he/she wishes to do so when the current Administrative Vice-President’s term is over or
he/she is unable to complete their elected term.
Article II -- Duties of Officers
The elected officers of Aggie-X Club shall assume all responsibilities customary to their respective
office. Specific duties and assignments are as the following:
Section 1: - President
A. Presides over all meetings; regular, special, and executive.
B. Responsible for coordinating all meetings, activities, and projects with the appropriate club
officer or committee chairperson.
C. Responsible for keeping club advisors current on all activities and projects.
D. Responsible for ensuring that members understand and have access to the Constitution and
E. Chairman of the Executive Committee.
F. Appoints committee members and chair people.
G. Attends all exec. meetings
H. Attends all club meetings.
Section 2: - Educational Vice-President
A. Assumes the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
B. Responsible for reserving the room for club meetings.
C. Coordinates and presides over all new member meetings; both those prior to regular
meetings and any special meetings new members may have.
D. Responsible for pledge program in the fall and spring semesters.
E. Coordinates all member and pledge points and keeps updated records to club standing.
F. Assists President in coordinating club activities.
G. Member of Executive Committee.
H. Attends all exec. Meetings.
I. Attends all club meetings.
Section 3: - Administrative Vice-President
A. Responsible for the entire concession fundraising operations. Must coordinate with the
Athletic Department on all matters, open concession stands, assign work responsibilities,
coordinates concession supply operations and close the operations at the end of the day.
Their presence is essential at all games.
B. Assists the President in coordinating club activities.
C. Member of Executive Committee.
D. Attends all exec. Meetings.
E. Attends all club meetings.
Section 4: - Assistant Administrative Vice-President
A. Assists Administrative Vice-President in operation of all concession activities. Their
presence is essential at all games.
B. Responsible for contacting club members about games and soliciting volunteers from the
club to work at concession.
C. Member of Executive Committee
D. Attends all exec. Meetings.
E. Attends all club meetings.
Section 5: - Secretary/Reporter
A. Records and prepares the minutes of all meetings; regular and special, and distributes
minutes to all officers and advisors.
B. Responsible for taking roll at all meetings and other activities.
C. Responsible for keeping active members contact files current.
D. Coordinates public relations for the club.
E. Write articles and notifications about club activities with the Daily O’Collegian and other
media sources.
F. Responsible for hanging fliers around the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources as notification of upcoming meetings and activities.
G. Responsible for refreshments at club meetings.
H. Member of Executive Committee.
I. Attends all exec. Meetings.
J. Attends all club meetings.
Section 6: - Treasurer
A. In general, is responsible for all club financial transactions.
B. Prepare and pay all club vouchers and bills.
C. Prepare Activity Fee Allocation Process (AFAP) forms and attend professional interview
with college and university governments.
D. Keep current financial records and prepare financial statements periodically.
E. Keep all officers, advisors, and members of the club informed at all times as to the financial
status of all club accounts.
F. Member of the Executive Committee.
G. Member of Banquet Committee
H. Attends all exec. Meetings.
I. Attends all club meetings.
Article III -- Ag Council Representation
Section 1: The Executive Committee shall, in their first month of their terms of office, decide a
rotation pattern among themselves to attend all meetings of the Ag Council/Full Council meetings,
which occur twice monthly. Each member of the Executive Committee shall take equal part in the
Section 2: Two pledges shall be elected by the club membership to be representatives for Ag
Council. They shall each separately attend one Ag Council/Full Council meeting per month along
with the designated member of the Executive Committee. These representatives are responsible for
informing the general membership of the club about Ag Council opportunities and activities at each
general club meeting.
Section 3: The pledge and Executive Committee members attending Ag Council meetings shall at
all times act in good faith of the general membership of the club. They must actively campaign on
behalf of those they represent.
Article IV -- Committees of the Club
Section 1: The Executive Committee shall, as they see fit, develop working committees of the club.
Section 2: The committees shall include but not be limited to:
A. Banquet/Social Committee
B. Ag Council Committee
C. Intramurals Committee
D. Trips/Social Committee
E. Public Relations Committee
Section 3: The Executive Committee shall have the ability with the consent of the President to
appoint and remove Committee Chairs for the designated committee from the general membership
and pledges.
Article V -- Rules of Order
The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern this organization in all cases to which
they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution.
Article VI -- Active Membership
Section 1: An active member shall be any member eligible under Article III of the Constitution who
has paid his or her dues in full.
Section 2: All active undergraduate members shall have full voting privileges at any regularly
called or special meeting.
Section 3: Graduate students holding associate memberships shall have full voting privileges at any
duly called regular or special meeting.
Article VII -- Dues
Dues shall be established by the Executive Committee. Any changes will be made by the Executive
Committee, and approved by the members.
Article VIII – Quorum
One-third of the active members present at any duly called regular or special meeting shall
constitute a quorum. A majority vote of the membership present shall have the power to transact
business except as otherwise specified in the Constitution.