Updated: February 23, 2015
322 Agricultural Hall
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-6026
Tel: (405) 744-6164
Fax: (405) 744-8210
Majored in Applied Economics and minored in Business Administration
concentrating in Marketing, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota,
January 1996.
Majored in Agricultural Economics, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea,
February 1987.
Majored in Agricultural Economics and minored in Education, Konkuk
University, Seoul, Korea, February 1980.
Graduate Program Coordinator: Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma
State University, Stillwater, OK. August 2011 to present.
Breedlove Endowed Professor: Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK. May 2011 to present.
Professor: Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK. June 2009 to present.
Visiting Research Fellow: Korean Rural Economic Institute, Seoul, Korea. May 2009
to December 2009.
Visiting Professor: Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea. May 2009 to December 2009.
Visiting Professor: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. July 2009 to October 2009.
Associate Professor: Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK. June 2005 to May 2009.
Adjunct Graduate Faculty Member: University of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico.
May 2004 to December 2006.
Assistant Professor: Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK. July 2002 to May 2005.
Associate Director: Cornell Commodity Promotion Research Program, Department of
Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. March 1999 to
June 2002.
Research Associate III: Cornell Commodity Promotion Research Program, Department
of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. November
1996 to February 1999.
Research Associate: Roy Wilkins Center for Human Relations and Social Justice,
Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN. October 1995 to October 1996.
Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant: University of Minnesota, January 1991 to
September 1995.
Purchasing Manager/Commodity Buyer: Ralston Purina International Inc., Songtan,
Korea. March 1988 to May 1990.
Purchasing Manager/Commodity Buyer: Ralston Purina International Inc., Kunsan,
Korea. July 1985 to February 1988.
Assistant Purchasing Manager: Ralston Purina International Inc., Seoul, Korea.
September 1983 to June 1985.
46 journal articles published in major SSCI economics and agricultural journals such as
American Economic Review, Southern Economic Journal, Contemporary Economic
Policy, Gerontologist, and American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
33 experiment and extension papers, and 49 papers presented at various national and
international conferences (in Canada, Mexico, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam).
Principal or co-principal investigator on grants totalling about $2.7 million ($2.2 million
for the last 5 years).
Teaching and Advising
Teaching three graduate level courses: Econometric Methods (AGEC5213), Advance
Agricultural Prices (AGEC5203), and Advanced Agricultural Marketing (AGEC6303).
Advisor or committee member for 54 current and former graduate students at OSU (20 of
them as adviser).
International teaching experience: University of Chihuahua in Mexico, 2005; Konkuk
University in Korea, 2006-present; Kyushu University in Japan, 2009.
Faculty Council for Oklahoma State University, 2011-2015 (Chair, Rules and Procedures
Committee); Faculty Council for the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, 2010-2012; Graduate examinations committee, 2002-present; Graduate
admission committee, 2004-present (Chair since fall, 2011).
Reviewer of Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program, U.S. Department
of Agriculture/ERS, Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, 2008.
NEC-63, regional research committee on commodity promotion, secretary, 2003-2007.
American Agricultural Economics Association: selected paper review committee, 20002001, 2006; poster session review committee, 2001.
Editorial Board member for Journal of Livestock Management, 2009-present; Korean
Checkoff Institute, Senior Research Fellow, 2004-2010; Korean Rural Economic Institute,
Research Fellow, 2009: Korean Rural Development Administration, Senior Research
Fellow and Advisor, 2003-present.
Attachment Number
Description of Current Duties with Appointment
List of Journal Articles
List of Papers in Journal Review
List of Papers in Progress for Journal Submission
List of Experiment Station Publications
List of Extension Publications
List of Papers Presented at Professional Conferences
and Meetings
List of Creative Works
List of Grants and Contracts
Major Outside Activities
University and Professional Services
International Program Activities
Teaching Program Activities
Research Program Activities
Most Important Accomplishments
Description of Current Duties with Appointment Percentages
Appointment Percentages:
26% teaching and 74% research
Description of Current Duties:
Teaching responsibilities include; a) the teaching of two to
three graduate classes; b) advising as needed Ph.D. and
M.S. students; c) providing general support to the teaching
program via committee work and support of departmental
activities for students. Research duties include; a) Hatch
project research on agribusiness and marketing issues; b)
active solicitation of grants to support experiment station
research funding..
Specific responsibilities include:
Teach two to three courses per year. These courses will be primarily at the graduate level
and will be one of the Department’s course offerings in the area of marketing and
quantitative methods.
Advise Ph.D. and M.S. students.
Serve on one or more Departmental teaching related committees.
Support and contribute to the Department’s efforts to recruit and place students in quality
Establish a Hatch Project to conduct research to understand the factors affecting the
business management of firms in the agricultural and natural resource industry.
Establish a national reputation for research in one or more subject matter areas of
agribusiness, including but not limited to supply chain management, commodity
promotion, and industrial organization.
Publish in leading Agricultural Economics journals as well as other related journals.
Seek out opportunities to conduct multi-disciplinary research.
Coordinate applied research efforts with extension faculty and help communicate
research results to agribusiness decision makers.
Seek extramural support to supplement experiment station research funding.
Facilitate the exchange of knowledge between industry and academia via conferences and
university/business personnel exchanges.
List of Journal Articles
46. Ghimire, Monika, Tracy A. Boyer, Chanjin Chung, and Justin Q. Moss. “Estimation of
Residential Water Demand under Uniform Volumetric Water Pricing.” Journal of Water
Resources Planning and Management, 10.1061 (2015).
45. Cheol-hi Lee, Chanjin Chung, and Chil-Goo Choi. “Analysis on Cost Efficiency of Korean
Farmers with DEA and Tobit Model.” Journal of the Korean Society of International
Agriculture 27(3)(2015).
44. Chung, Chanjin, Young Sook Eom, and Byung Woo Yang. “Optimal Generic Advertising
under Bilateral Imperfect Competition between Processors and Retailers.” Agribusiness: An
International Journal, 30(4)(2014).
43. Baker, Christopher., Tracy Boyer, and Chanjin Chung. “Quantifying Student Preferences
for Spending Fees for Technology in a College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.”
NACTA Journal, 57(2)(2013).
42. Ji, Inbae and Chanjin Chung. “Granger Causality between Captive Supplies and Cash
Market Prices in the U.S. Cattle Procurement Market.” Agricultural and Resource Economics
Review, 41(3)(2012)
41. Chung, Chanjin, Ki-Hyun Kim, and Sungil Han. “Economic Impact of Hanwoo Advertising
Programs on Korean Beef Demand.” Journal of Agricultural Management and Policy,
40. Chung, Chanjin, Sungill Han, and Brian Briggeman. “Willingness to Pay for Beef Quality
Attributes: A Latent Segmentation Analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics,
39. Chung, Chanjin and Emilio Tostao. “Effects of Horizontal Consolidation under Bilateral
Imperfect Competition between Processors and Retailers.” Applied Economics, 44(2012).
38. Changhee Kim and Chanjin Chung. “Hedonic Analysis of Retail Egg Prices Using Store
Scanner Data :An Application of the Korean Egg Market.” Journal of Food Distribution
Research, 42(5)(2011).
37. Tostao, Emilio, Chanjin Chung, and B. W. Brorsen. “Integrating Auction Theory with
Traditional Measures of Market Power.”Agribusiness: An International Journal, 27(2) (2011).
36. Chung, Chanjin. “Values of Quality Attributes in the Korean Beef Market: Identifying
Sources of Heterogeneity.” Annals of Korean Studies, 11(2010).
35. Chung, Chanjin, Sungill Han, and Tracy Boyer. “How Many Choice Sets and Alternatives
are Optimal? Consistency in Choice Experiments.” Agribusiness: An International Journal,
34. Patton, Rachel J., Damona Doye, David L. Lalman, Derrell S. Peel, Kellie C. Raper and
Chanjin Chung. “Factors Affecting Adoption of Recommended Management Practices in
Stocker Cattle Production.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 42(1)(2010).
33. Chung, Chanjin, Tracy Boyer, and Sungill Han. “Valuing Quality Attributes and Country
Equity in the Korean Beef Market.” Journal of Agricultural Economics, 60(3) (2009).
32.Chung, Chanjin, Tong Zhang, and Derrell Peel. “Effects of Country-of-Origin Labeling in
the U.S. Meat Industry with Imperfectly Competitive Processors. Agricultural and Resource
Economics Review, 38(3) (2009).
31. Chung, Chanjin and Emilio Tostao. “Non-parametric Estimation of Oligopsony Power in the
First-Price Auction.” Journal of Agricultural Economics, 60(2) (2009).
30. Kilima, Fredy, Chanjin Chung, Phil Kenkel, and Emanuel Mbiha. “ Impacts of Market
Reform on Spatial Volatility of Maize Prices in Tanzania.” Journal of Agricultural Economics,
59(2) (2008).
29. Chung, Chanjin, Todd M. Schmit, Diansheng Dong, and Harry M. Kaiser. “Economic
Evaluation of Category Management of Dairy Cases in Grocery Stores.” Agribusiness: An
International Journal 23(4) (2007).
28. Chung, Chanjin, Franklin B. Norwood, and Clem E. Ward, “Does Support for Beef Checkoff
Programs Differ by Producer Characteristics and Attitudes?” CHOICES 21(2) (2006).
27. Schmit, Todd M., Chanjin Chung, and Harry M. Kaiser, “The Dairy Case Management
Program: Does It Mooove More Milk?” CHOICES 21(2) (2006).
26. Norwood, F. Bailey, Chris Winn, Chanjin Chung, and Clement Ward. “Surveying the
Feasibility of a Voluntary Beef Checkoff.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
31(1) (2006).
25. Chung, Chanjin. “Quality Bias in Price Elasticity.” Applied Economic Letters, 13(4) (2006).
24. Chung, Chanjin, Diansheng Dong, Todd M. Schmit, Harry M. Kaiser, and Brian M. Gould.
“Estimation of Price Elasticities from Cross-Sectional Data.” Agribusiness: An International
Journal 21(4)(2005).
23. Dong, Diansheng, Chanjin Chung, and Harry M. Kaiser. “Modeling Milk Purchasing
Behavior with a Panel Data Double-Hurdle Model” Applied Economics 36 (8) (2004).
22. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of Gains from Commodity Promotion
Programs by Producer Size.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 19 (3) (Summer 2003).
21. Ards, Sheila, Samuel L. Myers, Jr., Chanjin Chung, Allan Malkis, and Brian Hagerty.
“Decomposing Black-White Differences in Child Maltreatment.” Child Maltreatment (May
20. Schmit, Todd, Brian Gould, Diansheng Dong, Harry M. Kaiser, and Chanjin Chung. “The
Impact of Generic Advertising on Household Cheese Purchases: A Censored Autocorrelated
Regression Approach.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (March 2003).
19. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Advertising Evaluation and Cross-Sectional Data
Aggregation.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics (August 2002).
18. Schmit, Todd, Diansheng Dong, Chanjin Chung, Harry M. Kaiser, and Brian Gould.
“Identifying the Extensive and Intensive Effects of Generic Advertising on the Household
Demand for Fluid Milk and Cheese.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (July
17. Chung, Chanjin, Samuel L. Myers, Jr., and Lisa Saunders. “Racial Differences in
Transportation Access to Employment in Chicago and Los Angeles, 1980 and 1990.” The
American Economic Review (May 2001).
16. Ards, Sheila, Chanjin Chung, and Samuel L. Myers, Jr. “Sample Selection Bias and Racial
Differences in Child Abuse Reporting: Once again.” Child Abuse and Neglect, The International
Journal 25 (December 2000).
15. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of Generic Advertising Benefits Across
Participating Firms.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics (August 2000).
14. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Do Farmers Get An Equal Bang for Their Buck from
Generic Advertising Programs? A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis.” Journal of Agricultural
and Resource Economics (July 2000).
13. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Determinants of Temporal Variations in Generic
Advertising Effectiveness.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 16(2) (2000).
12. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Measurement of Advertising Effectiveness Using
Alternative Measures of Advertising Exposure.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 15(4)
11. Chung, Chanjin and Samuel L. Myers, Jr. “Do the Poor Pay More for Food? An Analysis of
Grocery Store Availability and Food Price Disparities.” The Journal of Consumer Affairs 33
(Winter 1999).
10. Ards, Sheila, Chanjin Chung, and Samuel L. Myers, Jr. “The Effects of Sample Selection
Bias on Racial Differences in Child Abuse Reporting: Reply.” Child Abuse and Neglect, The
International Journal 23 (December 1999).
9. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of Gains from Research and Promotion in
Multi-Stage Production Systems: Comment.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics
(August 1999).
8. Chung, Chanjin and James E. Pettigrew. “Economics of Soybean Biotechnology in the
Livestock Industry.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 1(3) (1998).
7. Darity, William A., Jr., Samuel L. Myers, Jr., and Chanjin Chung. “Racial Earnings
Disparities and Family Structure.” Southern Economic Journal 65(1) (1998).
6. Lenz, John, Harry M. Kaiser, and Chanjin Chung. “An Economic Analysis of Generic Milk
Advertising Impacts on Markets in New York State.” Agribusiness: An International Journal
14(1) (1998).
5. Myers, Samuel L., Jr. and Chanjin Chung. “Criminal Perceptions and Violent Criminal
Victimization.” Contemporary Economic Policy 16 (July 1998).
4. Ards, Sheila, Chanjin Chung, and Samuel L. Myers, Jr. “The Effects of Sample Selection
Bias on Racial Differences in Child Abuse Reporting.” Child Abuse and Neglect, The
International Journal 22(2) (1998).
3. Chung, Chanjin and Brian L. Buhr. “Market Level Distribution of the Economic Impacts of
Modified Soybeans.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 13(5) (1997)
2. Chung, Chanjin and Vernon Eidman. “The Economic Use of Spent Bleaching Earth.”
INFORM 8 (July 1997).
1. Myers, Samuel L., Jr. and Chanjin Chung. “Racial Differences in Home Ownership and
Home Equity Among Preretirement-Aged Households.” The Gerontologist 36(3) (1996).
List of Papers in Journal Review
12. Park, Seongjin and Chanjin Chung. “Estimating Bilateral Market Power of Processors and
Retailers in the U.S. Beef Industry (Agribusiness: An International Journal, 1st round).
11. Chung, Chanjin, Peaseth Trak, and Sungill Han. “Efficiency of Rice Production in South
Korea.” (Journal of Productivity Analysis, 1st round).
10. Durborow, Samantha L. and Chanjin Chung. “Implications of the 2006 E. Coli Outbreak on
Spatial Price Transmission in the U.S. Fresh Spinach Market (Journal of Agricultural and
Resource Economics, 1st round)
9. Surathkal, Prasanna and Chanjin Chung. “Asymmetric Adjustment in Vertical Price
Transmission in the U.S. Beef Sector: Testing for Differences among Product Cuts and Quality
Grades.” (Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 1st round)
8. Rushin, Johnna and Chanjin Chung. “Impact of the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act on the
Vertical Price Transmission within the Beef Supply Channel.” (Journal of Agricultural and
Applied Economics, 1st round)
7. Qui, Zhiming and Chanjin Chung. “Estimating Effects of Food Programs on Children’s Food
Insecurity: A Simultaneous Equation Model with Pseudo Panel Data” (Food Policy, 1st Round)
6. Han, Sungill and Chanjin Chung. “Impact of Mandatory Reporting Act on Spatial Price
Transmission in the U.S. Beef Industry.” (Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1st
5. Han, Sungill and Chanjin Chung. “Increased Corn Ethanol Production and Fed Market
Integration.” (Agribusiness: An International Journal, 2nd round)
4. Park, Seongjin, Chanjin Chung, and Kellie Raper. “Modelling Upstream and Downstream
Market Power in Bilateral Oligopoly.” (Applied Economics, 1st Round)
3. Ghimire, Monika, Tracy Boyer, and Chanjin Chung, “Preference Shares for Turfgrass
Attributes: A Comparison using Discrete Choice Experiment and Best-Worst Method” (Journal
of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 1st Round).
2. Ghimire, Monika, Tracy Boyer and Chanjin Chung. “Heterogeneity in Preferences for
Turfgrass Attributes: A Latent Class Model” (Agricultural Economics, 1st Round).
1. Ji, Inbae and Chanjin Chung. “Measuring Oligopsony Power in the U.S. Cattle Procurement
Market: Packer Concentration, Cattle Supply, and Seasonality” (Agribusiness: An International
Journal, 3rd round)
List of Papers in Progress for Journal Submission
7. Han, Kwideok and Chanjin Chung. “Impact of Captive Supplies on Change in Market Power
and Price Volatility in the Cattle Procurement Market”
6. Lee, Jeongmin and Chanjin Chung. “Estimating Market Power of Agricultural and Food
Industries: An Issue of Data Aggregation.”
5. Chung, Chanjin, Tracy Boyer, and Marco Palmer. “Sod Producer Preferences for Turfgrass
Attributes: An Eye Tracking Study.”
4. Boyer, Tracy, Schmidt, JoDee, and Chanjin Chung. “Adoption of Water Conservation by Turf
3. Chung, Chanjin. “Optimal Advertising Expenditure under Bilateral Imperfect Competition
using a Production Function Approach.”
2. Jeongseung Kim, Chanjin Chung, and Cheolhi Lee. “Is Efficiency the Driving Force of
Commercialized Agriculture?: Small vs. Large Farms in Korea.”
1. Chung, Chanjin and Zhiming Qui. “Impact of Food Programs on Child Food Insecurity: An
Error in Variance Estimation.”
List of Experiment Station Publications
9. Schmit, Todd M., Harry M. Kaiser, and Chanjin Chung. “The Dairy Case Management
Program: Does It Moove More Milk? A Case Study of the Northwestern Hudson Valley Market.
NICPRE Research Bulletin 2004-02, National Institute for Commodity Promotion Research and
Evaluation, Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, January
8. Kaiser, Harry M. and Chanjin Chung. “Impact of Generic Milk Advertising on New York
State Markets, 1986-2000.” NICPRE Research Bulletin 2002-02, National Institute for
Commodity Promotion Research and Evaluation, Department of Agricultural, Resource, and
Managerial Economics, Cornell University, March 2002.
7. Schmit, Todd M., Chanjin Chung, Diansheng Dong, Harry M. Kaiser, and Brian Gould.
“Identifying the Extensive and Intensive Effects of Generic Advertising on the Household
Demand for Fluid Milk and Cheese.” NICPRE Research Bulletin 01-01, National Institute for
Commodity Promotion Research and Evaluation, Department of Applied Economics and
Management, Cornell University, January 2001.
6. Kaiser, Harry M. and Chanjin Chung. “Impact of Generic Milk Advertising on New York
State Markets.” NICPRE Research Bulletin 99-05, National Institute for Commodity Promotion
Research and Evaluation, Department of Agricultural, Resource, and Managerial Economics,
Cornell University, June 1999.
5. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of Gains from Research and Promotion in
Multi-Stage Production Systems: Further Results.” NICPRE Research Bulletin 98-10, National
Institute for Commodity Promotion Research and Evaluation, Department of Agricultural,
Resource, and Managerial Economics, Cornell University, November 1998.
4. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Determinants of Temporal Variations in Advertising
Effectiveness.” NICPRE Research Bulletin 98-03, National Institute for Commodity Promotion
Research and Evaluation, Department of Agricultural, Resource, and Managerial Economics,
Cornell University, April 1998.
3. Lenz, John, Harry M. Kaiser, and Chanjin Chung. “An Economic Analysis of Generic Milk
Advertising Impacts on Markets in New York State.” NICPRE Research Bulletin 97-06,
National Institute for Commodity Promotion Research and Evaluation, Department of
Agricultural, Resource, and Managerial Economics, Cornell University, March 1997.
2. Ards, Sheila, Chanjin Chung, and Samuel L. Myers, Jr. “Measuring the Effects of Reporting
Bias on Estimates of Child Abuse.” Wilkins Center Working Paper, University of Minnesota,
February 1997.
1. Myers, Samuel L. Jr., Lisa Saunders, and Chanjin Chung. “Transportation, Efficiency, and
Equity.” Buying Time: Symposium-Research Policy Symposium on the Land Use and Equity
Impacts of Congestion Pricing. State and Local Policy Program, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute
of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, August 1996.
List of Extension Publications
26. Chung, Chanjin. “Assessing Bilateral Imperfect Competition between Processors and
Retailers.” Proceedings of International Conference on Global System Risk in Food, Energy,
and Finance: 456-462. November 2014.
25. Chung, Chanjin. “Commodity Advertising for Product Differentiated Agricultural
Industries.” Proceedings of Korean Livestock Management Association Symposium: 95-105.
July 2010.
24. Chung, Chanjin and Jonghoon Kim. “U.S. and Korean Checkoff Programs.” Proceedings of
Korean Livestock Management Association Symposium: 111-123. June 2008.
23. Chung, Chanjin. “What Can We Learn from the U.S. Checkoff Programs?” Checkoff
Newsletter, Korean Checkoff Institute, No.17, December, 2007.
22. Chung, Chanjin. “U.S. Soybean Checkoff Programs.” Checkoff Newsletter, Korean
Checkoff Institute, No.15, May, 2007.
21. Chung, Chanjin. “Arkansas Rice Checkoff Programs.” Checkoff Newsletter, Korean
Checkoff Institute, No.13, January, 2007.
20. Schmit, M. Todd and Chanjin Chung. “A Retail Approach to Improving Milk Sales," Smart
Marketing, Cornell University, December, 2006.
19. Chung, Chanjin. “Florida Citrus Checkoff Programs.” Checkoff Newsletter, Korean
Checkoff Institute, No.12, November, 2006.
18. Chung, Chanjin. “U.S. Mushroom Checkoff Programs.” Checkoff Newsletter, Korean
Checkoff Institute, No.11, September, 2006.
17. Chung, Chanjin. “U.S. Honey Checkoff Programs.” Checkoff Newsletter, Korean Checkoff
Institute, No.9, May, 2006.
16. Chung, Chanjin. “U.S. Chicken Checkoff Programs.” Checkoff Newsletter, Korean
Checkoff Institute, No.8, March, 2006.
15. Chung, Chanjin. “U.S. Egg Checkoff Programs.” Checkoff Newsletter, Korean Checkoff
Institute, No.7, January, 2006.
14. Chung, Chanjin. “U.S. Pork Checkoff Programs.” Checkoff Newsletter, Korean Checkoff
Institute, No.6, September, 2005.
13. Chung, Chanjin. “U.S. Beef Checkoff Programs.” Checkoff Newsletter, Korean Checkoff
Institute, No.5, July, 2005.
12. Chung, Chanjin. “U.S. Dairy Checkoff Programs (II).” Checkoff Newsletter, Korean
Checkoff Institute, No.4, May, 2005.
11. Chung, Chanjin. “U.S. Dairy Checkoff Programs (I).” Checkoff Newsletter, Korean
Checkoff Institute, No.3, March, 2005.
10. Chung, Chanjin. “Checkoff Assessment for the U.S. Commodity Programs.” Checkoff
Newsletter, Korean Checkoff Institute, No.2, January, 2005.
9. Chung, Chanjin. “Checkoff Programs in the U.S. Agricultural Industry.” Checkoff Newsletter,
Korean Checkoff Institute, No.1, October, 2004.
8. Chung, Chanjin, Shida R. Henneberry, and Emilio Tostao. “Optimal Advertising and FreeRiding Under a Voluntary Beef Checkoff Program.” NICPRE Quarterly, Vol.10 No.3, The Third
Quarter 2004.
7. Schmit, Todd M., Harry M. Kaiser, and Chanjin Chung. “The Dairy Case Management
Program: an Alternative Retail Promotion Approach.” NICPRE Quarterly, Vol.10 No.2, The
Second Quarter 2004.
6. Schmit, Todd M., Harry M. Kaiser, and Chanjin Chung. “The Dairy Case Management
Program: an Alternative Retail Promotion Approach.” NICPRE Quarterly, Vol.10 No.2, The
Second Quarter 2004.
5. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Evaluation of Producer Gains from Commodity
Checkoff Programs: Research vs. Promotion.” The Smart Marketing Newsletter, August, 2001.
4. Schmit, Todd M., Chanjin Chung, Diansheng Dong, Harry M. Kaiser, and Brian Gould.
“Decomposing the Extensive and Intensive Effects of Advertising on Fluid Milk and Cheese
Demand.” NICPRE Quarterly, Vol.7 No.1, The First Quarter 2001.
3. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Measuring Advertising Effectiveness: Expenditure vs.
Gross Rating Point.” NICPRE Quarterly, Vol.5 No.2, The Second Quarter 1999.
2. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of gains from Commodity Checkoff
Programs: Research vs. Promotion.” NICPRE Quarterly, Vol.5 No.1, The First Quarter 1999.
1. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Does Advertising Effectiveness Vary over Time?”
NICPRE Quarterly, Vol.4 No.1, The First Quarter 1998.
List of Papers Presented at Professional Conferences and Meetings
49. Boyer, Tracy, Monika Ghimire, and Chanjin Chung. “Consumer preferences for Warm
Season Turfgrass Attributes.” Symposium: USDA-SCRI Turfgrass Breeding Projects
Minneapolis, MN November 17, 2015.
48. Chung, Chanjin. “Assessing Bilateral Imperfect Competition between Processors and
Retailers.” International Conference on Global System Risk in Food, Energy, and Finance.
November 4-9, 2014, Seoul, Korea.
47. Surathkal, Prasanna and Chanjin Chung. “Asymmetric Adjustment in Vertical Price
Transmission in the U.S. Beef Sector: Testing for Differences among Product Cuts and Quality
Grades.” Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. July 27-29, 2014, Minneapolis,
46. Jeongseung Kim, Chanjin Chung, and Cheolhi Lee. “Is Efficiency the Driving Force of
Commercialized Agriculture?: Small vs. Large Farms in Korea.” Western Economics
Association International. June 27-July1, 2014, Denver, Colorado.
45. Chung, Chanjin, Young Sook Eom, and Byung Woo Yang. “Optimal Generic Advertising
under Bilateral Imperfect Competition between Processors and Retailers.” Agricultural and
Applied Economics Association. August 4-6, 2013, Washington D.C.
44. Seongjin Park and Chanjin Chung. “Estimating Market Power Exertion under Bilateral
Imperfect Competition.” Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. August 12-14,
2012, Seattle, Washington.
43. Chung, Chanjin, Sungil Han, and Daeseok Suh. “Generic Advertising in Concentrated and
Differentiated Agricultural Markets.” Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. July
24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
42. Inbae Ji and Chanjin Chung. “Dynamic Assessment of Bertrand Oligopsony in the U.S.
Beef Cattle Procurement Market.” Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. July 2426, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
41. Inbae Ji and Chanjin Chung. “Dynamic Assessment of Oligopoly/Oligopsony Power and
Cost Efficiency Using the NEIO in the U.S. Beef Packing Industry.” Agricultural and Applied
Economics Association. July 26-28, 2010, Denver, Colorado.
40. Chung, Chanjin. “Commodity Advertising for Product Differentiated Agricultural
Industries.” Korean Livestock Management Association. June 30 - July 2, 2010, Seoul,
39. Daeseok, Suh and Chanjin Chung. “Dose Generic Advertising Help or Hurt Brand
Advertising?” Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. July 26-28, 2009,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
38. Roh, Kyungsang, Sungil Han, and Chanjin Chung. “Evaluation of Korean Beef Checkoff
Programs.” Korean Livestock Management Association. February 19, 2009, Seoul, Korea.
37. Chung, Chanjin. “Improving Korean Checkoff Programs: Lessons from U.S. Checkoff
Programs.” Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, and Food, Korean Checkoff
Research Institute, and Korean Rural Economics Institute. December, 15, 2008, Seoul, Korea.
36. Chung, Chanjin, Sungil Han, and Brian Briggeman. “Willingness to Pay for Beef Quality
Attributes: A Latent Segmentation Analysis.” American Agricultural Economics Association.
July 27-29, 2008, Orlando, Florida.
35. Chung, Chanjin and Jonghoon Kim. “U.S. and Korean Checkoff Programs.” Korean
Livestock Management Association. June 5, 2008, Chun Cheon, Korea.
34. Chung, Chanjin. “Willingness to Pay for Beef Quality and Country Equity.” Nec-63
Conference. March 14-15, 2008, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
33. Chung, Chanjin and Jonghoon Kim. “Agricultural Checkoff Programs in Korea.” Nec-63
Conference. September 27-28, 2007, Vancouver, Canada.
32. Chung, Chanjin, Sungil Han, and Tracy Boyer. “Valuing Quality Attributes and Country
Equity in the Korean Beef Market.” American Agricultural Economics Association. July 29August 1, 2007, Portland, Oregon.
31. Tostao, Emilio and Chanjin Chung. “Testing for Market Power in Cattle Procurement
Markets: A Nonparametric Approach.” American Agricultural Economics Association. July
23-26, 2006, Long Beach, California.
30. Basu, Debasmita and Chanjin Chung. “The Comparison of Welfare Impacts between
Price and Quantity Competition under Bilateral Oligopoly in Beef Packing Industry.”
American Agricultural Economics Association. July 23-26, 2006, Long Beach, California.
29. Chung, Chanjin, Franklin B. Norwood, Chris Winn, and Clement Ward. “Feasibility and
Design of Voluntary Beef Checkoffs.” NEC-63 Conference. March 17-18, 2005, San Diego,
28. Chung, Chanjin, Tong Zhang, and Derrell Peel. “ Will Country-of-Origin Labeling
(COOL) be Cool for the U.S. Beef Industry?” American Agricultural Economics Association.
August 1-4, 2004, Denver, Colorado.
27. Winn, Chris, Chanjin Chung, Franklin B. Norwood, and Clement Ward. “ Surveying the
Feasibility of a Voluntary Beef Checkoff.” American Agricultural Economics Association.
August 1-4, 2004, Denver, Colorado.
26. Kilima, Fredy, Chanjin Chung, Phil Kenkel, and Emanuel Mbiha. “Impacts of Market
Reforms on Spatial Volatility of Maize Price in Tanzania.” American Agricultural Economics
Association. August 1-4, 2004, Denver, Colorado.
25. Schmit, Todd M., Harry M. Kaiser, and Chanjin Chung. “The Dairy Case Management
Program: Does It Moove More Milk? August 1-4, 2004, Denver, Colorado.
24. Chung, Chanjin and Emilio Tostao. “Voluntary Beef Checkoff Program? An Analysis of
Optimal Advertising and Free-Rider Problem in an Imperfectly Competitive Industry.” The
Spring 2004 NEC-63 Conference. March 25-26, 2004, Baltimore, MD.
23. Chung, Chanjin, Shida R. Henneberry, and Emilio Tostao. “Will the Voluntary Checkoff
Program be the Answer? An Analysis of Optimal Advertising and Free-Rider Problem in the
U.S. Beef Industry.” Southern Agricultural Economics Association. February 14-18, 2004,
Tulsa, OK.
22. Chung, Chanjin, Harry M. Kaiser, Diansheng Dong, and Todd M. Schmit. “Benefits of
Category Management on Dairy Cases of Grocery Retailers.” The Fall 2003 NEC-63
Conference. October 6-7, 2003, Lake Tahoe, CA.
21. Chung, Chanjin, Harry M. Kaiser, Diansheng Dong, and Todd M. Schmit. “Measuring
Effects of Category Management.” Western Economics Association International. July 11-15,
2003, Denver, Colorado.
20. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of Gains from Commodity Promotion
Programs by Producer Size.” The Fall 2002 NEC-63 Conference. October 22-23, 2002,
Washington, D.C.
19. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Advertising Evaluation and Cross-Sectional Data
Aggregation.” Allied Social Science Associations. January 4-6, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia.
18. Chung, Chanjin, Diansheng Dong, Todd M. Schmit, and Harry M. Kaiser. “Estimation of
Price Elasticities from Cross-Sectional Data.” American Agricultural Economics Association.
August 5-8, 2001, Chicago, Illinois.
17. Dong, Diansheng, Chanjin Chung, and Harry M. Kaiser. “Modeling Milk Purchasing
Behavior with a Panel Data Double Hurdle Model.” American Agricultural Economics
Association. August 5-8, 2001, Chicago, Illinois.
16. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Economics Impacts of Commodity Programs
among Industry Producers.” The Spring 2001 NEC-63 Conference. March 22-23, 2001,
Washington, D.C.
15. Chung, Chanjin, Samuel L. Myers, Jr., and Lisa Saunders. “Racial Differences in
Transportation Access to Employment in Chicago and Los Angeles, 1980 and 1990.”
American Economics Associations. January 5-7, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana.
14. Chung, Chanjin, Diansheng Dong, Harry M. Kaiser, and Brian Gould. “Advertising
Evaluation and Data Aggregation.” American Agricultural Economics Association. July 30August 2, 2000, Tampa, Florida.
13. Schmit, M. Todd, Chanjin Chung, Diansheng Dong, Harry M. Kaiser, and Brian Gould.
“Evaluation of the Generic Dairy Advertising Program: A Household-Level Demand
Analysis.” American Agricultural Economics Association. July 30-August 2, 2000, Tampa,
12. Dong, Diansheng, Chanjin Chung, Todd M. Schmit, and Harry M. Kaiser. “Modeling the
Effects of Advertising Using a Dynamic Tobit Model.” American Agricultural Economics
Association. July 30-August 2, 2000, Tampa, Florida.
11. Chung, Chanjin, Diansheng Dong, and Harry M. Kaiser. “Measuring Advertising
Effectiveness: Temporal Aggregation.” Western Economics Association International, June
29-July 3, 2000, Vancouver, Canada.
10. Dong, Diansheng, Chanjin Chung, and Harry M. Kaiser. “Advertising Effects on
Consumer's Decision to Penetrate Dairy Markets: A Double Hurdle Approach.” Western
Economics Association International, June 29-July 3, 2000, Vancouver, Canada.
9. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of Generic Advertising Benefits
Across Participating Firms.” Allied Social Science Associations. January 6-8, 2000, Boston,
8. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Measuring Advertising Effectiveness: Expenditure
vs. Gross Rating Point.” The Spring 1999 NEC-63 Conference. March 29-30, 1999,
Washington, D.C.
7. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of Generic Advertising Benefits
Across Producers.” American Agricultural Economics Association. August 2-5, 1998, Salt
Lake City, Utah.
6. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of Gains from Research and Promotion
in Multi-Stage Production Systems: Further Results .” Western Economics Association
International, June 28-July 2, 1998, Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
5. Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Determinants of Temporal Variations in Generic
Advertising Effectiveness.” Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association,
June 21-23, 1998, Ithaca, New York.
4. Chung, Chanjin and Brian L. Buhr. “A Generalized Recursive Simulation Model for the
Economic Evaluation of Agricultural Biotechnology.” American Agricultural Economics
Association. July 27-30, 1997, Toronto, ON, Canada.
3. Myers, Samuel L. Jr. and Chanjin Chung. “Criminal Perceptions and Violent Criminal
Victimization.” Western Economics Association International. June 30-July 2, 1996, San
Francisco, California.
2. Chung, Chanjin, Vernon Eidman, James E. Pettigrew, Hugh Chester-Jones, and Jestina
Kusina. "Testing an Exponential Pig Growth Response Function against Quadratic
Specification." The American Dairy Science Association and The American Society of
Animal Science. July 11-15, 1994, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1. Chester-Jones, Hugh, James E. Pettigrew, Chanjin Chung, Vernon Eidman, L. Jacobson,
and S.G. Cornelius. "Response of Growing-Finishing Pigs to Varying Dietary Lysine and
Supplemental Fat Levels." The American Dairy Science Association and The American
Society of Animal Science. July 11-15, 1994, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
List of Creative Works
Poster Sessions:
4. Lee, Jungmin and Chanjin Chung. “Estimating Market Power of Agricultural and Food
Industries: An Issue of Data Aggregation Bias.” Agricultural and Applied Economics
Association Annual Conference, July 26-28, 2015, San Francisco, CA.
3. Park, Seongjin and Chanjin Chung. “Estimating Market Power Exertion under Bilateral
Imperfect Competition.” Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. August 12-14,
2012, Seattle, Washington.
2. Chung, Chanjin, Vernon Eidman, James E. Pettigrew, Hugh Chester-Jones, and Jestina
Kusina. "Testing an Exponential Pig Growth Response Function against Quadratic
Specification." The American Dairy Science Association and The American Society of
Animal Science. July 11-15, 1994, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1. Chester-Jones, Hugh, James E. Pettigrew, Chanjin Chung, Vernon Eidman, L. Jacobson,
and S.G. Cornelius. "Response of Growing-Finishing Pigs to Varying Dietary Lysine and
Supplemental Fat Levels." The American Dairy Science Association and The American
Society of Animal Science. July 11-15, 1994, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
List of Grants and Contracts
USDA, NIFA-AFRI. $1 million (for OSU). 2015-2019. Title: Persistence, Survival, and
Recovery of Warm-Season Turfgrass Selections for Sustainable Urban Landscapes Under
Limited Irrigation and Long-Term Drought. The project will build on the success and
momentum of an existing USDA-SCRI CAPS project ending in 2015. Turfgrass is a primary
recreational surface and enhances the aesthetic value of urban environments improving
physiological and psychological well-being with a multibillion dollar industry in the United
States. However, water availability for irrigating turfgrass is becoming limited, and the
resulting policies on water restrictions and public opinions impact turfgrass production and
the performance of installed turf, posing challenges to the whole turfgrass industry. To
address turfgrass water use related issues, a 5-year USDA-NIFA funded SCRI project has
identified 105 advanced lines with improved drought and salinity tolerance through the
extensive collaboration among scientists in southern U.S. The advanced lines require better
quantification of their long-term drought persistence and ancillary information is needed
before commercialization. We propose using a Coordinated Agricultural Projects (CAPs)
team comprised of turfgrass breeders, extension specialists, plant physiologists, irrigation
engineers, molecular biologists and agricultural economists from five major universities
across the southern U.S. The CAPs team will coordinate and facilitate efforts in the area of
turfgrass production (Primary System I), and consumer appeal and market approaches
(Primary System II).
Korean Rural Economic Institute. $26,000, 2014. Title: Industrial Structure Analyses of
Processed Meat and Dairy Product Industries in Korea. The objective of this study is to measure
the degrees of market power in Korean meat and milk processing industry, while considering
the full range of bilateral imperfect competition between processors and retailers. Specifically,
we separate processors from the integrated processor-retailer sector that are typically used in
many previous studies and consider separate market power parameters for input and output
markets of processing and retail sectors. Therefore, both oligopoly and oligopsony market
power are estimated for retailers and processors, separately.
Korean Rural Development Administration. $60,000, 2013-2014. Title: Is Efficiency the
Driving Force of Commercialized Agriculture?: Small vs. Large Farms in Korea.
The primary purpose of the proposed research is to examine the viability of small farms in the
process of commercialized agriculture. More specifically, the study will measure efficiencies
of large vs. small farms to better understand economic and environmental conditions that
determine the efficiency of farms.
Korean Rural Economic Institute. $26,000, 2013. Title: Analyses of Dairy Check-Off Program
Effects and Integration Effects in Duck Industry. This study will examine the distributional
impacts of gains from generic milk advertising on producers, processors, and retailers with
alternative levels of price transmission elasticities, elasticities of demand and supply at retail,
whole, and farm-level markets, and market structures. The study will also explore some
optimal policy schemes (i.e., optimal assessment rates for producers and processors) to
maximize total welfare in the economy, gains to producers (assuming only producers are
paying for the programs), and gains to producers, processors, and retailers (assuming all three
entities are paying for the programs). This study will also examine economic effects of
vertical integration in Korean Duck industry.
USDA, NIFA-AFRI. $1.1 million (for OSU). 2010-2015. Title: Plant Genetics and
Genomics to Improve Drought and Salinity Tolerance for Sustainable Turfgrass Production in
the Southern United States. Working with turfgrass industry leaders we have identified our
research and extension objectives. Objectives of this project are to develop and use turfgrass
cultivars capable of tolerating soil moisture deficit (drought tolerance) and stress created by
saline (high salt) soils and/or saline irrigation water (effluent or brackish). A Coordinated
Agricultural Projects (CAPs) team is comprised of turfgrass breeders, extension specialists,
plant physiologists, soil scientists, and agricultural economists from five major universities
across the southern U.S. This CAPs team will coordinate and facilitate efforts in the area of
turfgrass production (Primary System I), and consumer appeal and market approaches
(Primary System II). This synergistic approach will restrict the duplication of research efforts
and broaden the network of extension activities, thereby greatly enhancing our capability to
capitalize on the genetic diversity for developing environmentally sustainable turfgrasses with
wider geographical adaptation and broader regional impacts. This CAPs project will
significantly increase the productivity, sustainability, and the economic gain of not only the
individual state turfgrass programs, but the overall turfgrass industry
Korean Rural Economic Institute. $10,000, 2009. Title: Information Asymmetry, Quality
Grading, and Welfare Effects: The Case of Korean Beef Market. The objective of this study
is to analyze limitations of current grading systems in the Korean beef market. The Korean
market is one of major export markets in Asia, and this study develops a new framework that
could be more consistent with the current consumers’ valuation of beef quality attributes.
National Agricultural Cooperatives Federation in Korea. $70,000, 2008. Title: Impacts of
Recent High-Commodity Prices on the Korean Feed Manufacturing Industry (with Jaesun
Roh, Seoul National University). The study develops an econometric model for the Korean
livestock industry and estimates economic effects of recent high-commodity prices. The
study also surveys U.S. and Japanese feed manufacturing industries and presents several ways
to reduce feed cost at the feed manufacturer level.
National Agricultural Cooperatives Federation in Korea. $70,000, 2008. Title: Impacts of U.S.
Beef Import on the Korean Beef Industry (with Jaesun Roh, Seoul National University). The
study develops an econometric model for the Korean beef industry and estimates effects of
U.S. beef import in Korean beef price and consumption.
Korean Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery. $10,000, 2007. Title: A Comparative Study of
U.S. and Korean Checkoff programs (with Jonghoon Kim, Korean Ministry of Agriculture
and Fishery). The study surveys various U.S. and Korean checkoff programs and seeks to
find directions of future development for checkoff programs in both countries.
Konkuk University in Seoul, Korea. $10,000, 2007. Title: Evaluation of Korean consumers’
perception on Korean beef checkoff program (with Sungil Han, Konkuk University). The
study surveyed Korean consumers’ perceptions and expectations on the checkoff programs,
and developed an econometric models for the evaluation. One of important findings from the
consumer survey was that Korean consumers have strong ethnocentrism. Korean consumers
strongly believe that Korean beef has to be the best for Korean consumers in terms of taste,
freshness, and health and food safety compared to imported beef. Results of this study have
been submitted for two journal publications.
Korean Beef Association. $90,000, 2007-2009. Title: Annual Evaluation of Korean Beef
Checkoff Programs for 2007- 2009 (with Sungil Han, Konkuk University, Seoul). The
proposed study is a three year-annual evaluation for Korean Beef Checkoff programs.
National Institute for Commodity Promotion Research and Evaluation. $12,000, 2004-2005.
Title: Valuing Beef Promotion through Traceability-Assured Labels: A Comparison of Selfvs. Third-Party-Certification in Mexico, Japan, Korea, and the U.S.(with Shida Henneberry,
Oklahoma State University). To estimate consumers’ willingness-to-pay for the traceabilityassured beef in Mexico, Japan, Korea, and the U.S. The proposed study intends to examine
the consumer’s willingness-to-pay under self- and third-party certification systems, separately.
National Institute for Commodity Promotion Research and Evaluation. $12,000, 2003-2004.
Title: Free Rider Problem in Generic Promotion of Source Differentiated Products: A Case
Study of U.S. Beef Imports (with Shida Henneberry, Oklahoma State University). The
objective is to estimate the extent of free riding by commodity exporters in the evaluation of
advertising effectiveness.
National Institute for Commodity Promotion Research and Evaluation. $13,000, 2002-2003.
Title: Economic Evaluation of Category Management of Dairy Cases in Grocery Stores. This
study develops a general methodology that can be used for the analysis of economic impact of
in-store space management programs in retail stores and evaluates dairy case management
programs of the New York State grocery retailers.
USDA, HATCH. 2002-2009, $156,000. Title: Economics of Supply Chain Management,
Traceability, and Commodity Promotion in Food and Agricultural Industries.
USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service. 2000-2004, $400,000. Title: Quantitative Evaluation
of Fluid Milk Processors’ and Dairy Producers’ Generic Promotion Programs (with Harry M.
Kaiser, Cornell University). The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of dairy promotion
programs at the national level each year.
Major Outside Activities
Economic Assessment of Category Management of Grocery Retailers, American Dairy
Association and Dairy Council and Cornell University, Consultant, 2001-2002.
Several Presentations on Economic Benefits of U.S. Dairy Promotion Programs for American
Dairy Board and AMS, USDA, 1998-2001.
Several Presentations on Economic Benefits of New York State Dairy Promotion Programs
for New York State Fluid Milk Promotion Board and Department of Agriculture, the State of
New York, 1998-2001.
University and Professional Services
Professional Organization Offices and Activities:
Korean Rural Development Administration, Senior Research Fellow and Advisor, 2010present.
Member of editorial board. Journal of Livestock Management, Seoul, Korea. 2009-present
U.S. Department of Agriculture/ ERS, Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program,
Reviewer of Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program, 2008.
NEC-63, The Research Committee on Commodity Promotion, Secretary, 2003-2007
American Agricultural Economics Association
Selected Paper Review Committee, 2000-2001, 2006
Poster Session Review Committee, 2001
Korean Checkoff Institute, Senior Research Fellow, 2004-present
Korean Rural Development Administration, Senior Research Fellow, 2003-2006
Reviewer for American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Canadian Journal of Agricultural
Economics, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Agricultural and
Resource Economics Review, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics,
Agricultural Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Agribusiness: An International
Journal, Applied Economics, European Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of
Agricultural Economics
University Activities:
OSU Faculty Council, 2010- 2015
CASNR Faculty Council, 2011 - 2013
Departmental Committees:
Faculty RPT committee, 2013 - present
Graduate examinations committee, 2002-present
Graduate admission committee (Chair), 2004-present
Department curriculum committee, 2011-present
Department seminar committee, 2004-2011
International Program Activities
Academic Experience:
Teaching an econometric course for M.S. students at Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea, May
and June, 2015.
Invited seminar, “Optimal Advertising under Bilateral Imperfect Competition.” Kyungbuk
National University, Daegu, Korea, June 24, 2015.
Invited seminar, “Efficiency Analysis of Korean Farms.” Korean Rural Development
Administration, Suwon, Korea, May 13, 2014.
Invited seminar, “Economics of Merger.” Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea, May 23, 2013.
Invited seminar, “Economics of Merger.” Chun Nam National University, Kwangjoo, Korea,
May 21, 2013.
Invited seminar, “Effects of Horizontal Consolidation in the U.S. Packing Industry.” Korean
Rural Development Administration – Hanwoo Breeding Research Institute, Pyungchang,
Korea, May 16, 2013.
Invited seminar, “U.S. Checkoff Programs and Optimal Advertising.” Korean Rural
Development Administration, Suwon, Korea, May 15, 2013.
Invited seminar, “U.S. and Korean Commodity Programs.” Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea,
May 25, 2012.
Invited seminar, “U.S. and Korean Checkoff Programs.” Korean Rural Development
Administration, Suwon, Korea, May 23, 2012.
Invited seminar, “U.S. Commodity and Risk Management Programs and U.S. Livestock
Industry.” Korean Rural Economic Institute, Seoul, Korea, September 5, 2011.
Visiting Research Fellow: Korean Rural Economic Institute, Seoul, Korea. May 2009 to
December 2009.
Visiting Professor: Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea. May 2009 to December 2009.
Visiting Professor: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. July 2009 to October 2009.
Teaching an econometrics course for Ph.D. students at Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea,
September and December, 2009.
Invited seminar, “Values of Quality Attributes in the Korean Beef Market: Identifying
Sources of Heterogeneity.” Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, November 10, 2009.
Invited seminar, “U.S. and Korean Agriculture on the Crossroad.” Kangwon University,
Chuncheon, Korea, August 4, 2009.
Invited seminar, “U.S. and Korean Agriculture on the Crossroad.” Korean Rural Development
Administration, Suwon, Korea, July 23, 2009.
Invited seminar, “Non-parametric Estimation of Oligopsony Power in the First-Price
Auction.” Korean Rural Economics Institute, Seoul, Korea, June 22, 2009.
Teaching a microeconomics course for Ph.D. students at Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea,
May and June, 2007-2008.
Two invited seminars in Korea, “Korea and U.S. Free Trade Agreement,” Konkuk University
and Suncheon National University, May and June, 2007.
Teaching a price analysis course for M.S. students at Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea, May
and June, 2006.
Four invited seminars in Korea, “U.S. Agriculture Today and Tomorrow,” Konkuk University,
Ministry of Agriculture, Easy Bio Inc., and Suncheon Livestock Cooperatives, Seoul and
Suncheon, Korea, May and June, 2006.
Teaching an econometrics course for Ph.D. students at the University of Chihuahua,
Chihuahua, Mexico, Summer, 2005.
Invited seminar, “Estimation of Price Elasticities from Cross-sectional Data,” Institute of
Applied Economics, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taipei, Taiwan, October, 2004.
Four invited seminars at universities in Korea, “Commodity Marketing and the Future of
Agriculture,” Seoul National University, Chonnam National University, Choongang
University, and Konkuk University, Seoul and Kwangjoo, Korea,
October, 2004.
Three invited seminars at universities in Vietnam, “Commodity Marketing and the Future of
Agriculture,” Cantho University, Ho Chi Minh National University, and Nong Lam
University, Cantho City and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, October, 2004.
Invited seminar, “Estimation of Price Elasticities for the Mexican Food Consumption,”
University of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico, September, 2004.
Invited paper, “Effects of Country-of-Origin Labeling in the U.S. Beef Industry,” Korean
Livestock Management Association, Seoul, Korea, November, 2003.
Invited seminar, “Quality Bias and Price Elasticity,” Korean Rural Economics Institute, Seoul,
Korea, November, 2003.
Invited paper, “Branding Agricultural Products: Lessons from European Countries,” Korean
Livestock Management Association, Seoul, Korea, November, 2001.
Special lectures to undergraduate and graduate students at Kon-Kuk University, Kang-Won
University, and Chung-Nam National University, Korea, November, 2001.
Invited paper, “Traceability and Food Safety in U.S. and European Countries,” Korean
Agricultural Policy Association, September, 2003, Seoul, Korea.
Industry Experience:
Purchasing Manager/Commodity Buyer: Ralston Purina International Inc., September, 1983 May, 1990. Seoul, Korea.
Traveled several foreign countries such as Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, England,
Germany, France, Italy, and Brazil for various business purposes.
Teaching Program Activities
Courses Taught:
Oklahoma State University
AGEC 5203, Advanced Agricultural Prices. Teaching evaluation: spring 2004, 3.80/4.00;
spring 2005, 3.88/4.00; spring 2007; 4.00/4.00; spring 2008, 3.57/4.00; spring 2009, 3.80/4.00,
spring 2011, 3.50/4.00; spring 2013, 4.00/4.00; spring 2015, 3.90/4.00 .
AGEC 5213, Econometric Methods. Teaching evaluation: spring 2003, 3.60/4.00; spring 2004,
3.83/4.00; spring 2005, 3.65/4.00; spring 2006, 3.72/4.00; spring 2007, 3.27/4.00; spring 2008,
3.71/4.00; spring 2009, 3.48/4.00; spring 2010, 3.41/4.00; spring 2011, 3.59/4.00; spring 2012,
3.13/4.00; spring 2013, 2.79/4.00; spring 2014, 3.16/4.00; spring 2015, 3.00/4.00.
AGEC 6303, Advanced Agricultural Marketing. Teaching evaluation: fall 2003, 4.00/4.00;
fall 2005, 3.40/4.00; fall 2007, 4.00/4.00, spring 2010, 4.00/4.00, fall 2011, 4.00/4.00, fall
2013, 3.69/4.00, fall 2015, 3.77/4.00.
Cornell University
AEM 411, Introduction to Econometrics, January 2002 to May 2002. Teaching evaluation:
AEM/ECON 415, Price Analysis, August 2000 to December 2000. Teaching evaluation:
University of Minnesota
PA 5012, Analysis of Discrimination, January 1996 to March 1996 (Team Taught).
Graduate Student Committee Activities:
23. Adviser
Bernadette Chimai
22. Adviser
Pedro Machado
21. Adviser
Kwideok Han
20. Adviser
Jungmin Lee
19. Adviser
Jeongseung Kim
18. Adviser
Prasanna Surathkal
17. Adviser
Seongjin Park
16. Adviser
Inbae Ji
15. Adviser
Debasmita Basu
14. Adviser
Daeseok Suh
13. Adviser
Emilio Tostao
12. Adviser
Bharat Arunachalam
11. Adviser
Peaseth Trak
10. Adviser
Zhiming Qui
9. Adviser
Johnna Rushin
8. Adviser
Alice White
7. Adviser
Changhee Kim
6. Adviser
Yoonsuk Lee
5. Adviser
Casey Toyne
4. Adviser
Doyeon Hwang
3. Adviser
Abeje Abebe
2. Adviser
Tong Zhang
1. Adviser
Lisa Conway
34. Member
Samantha Durborow
33. Member
Monika Ghimire
32. Member
Mana-Annya Iemsamarng
31. Member
Mouhcine Guettabi
30. Member
Brenna Ellison
29. Member
Chris Boyer
28. Member
Taeyoon Kim
27. Member
Jaehong Park
26. Member
Helen Barela
25. Member
Jeongyeop H. Kim
(Computer Science)
24. Member
Abush Belehe
23. Member
Fuad Rakhman
22. Member
Yuyun Sejati
21. Member
O. Olukoya
20. Member
Sora Yoon
19. Member
J. Kang (Apparel
18. Member
Seong-Hyuk Hwang
17. Member
Baltazar Prado
16. Member
K. Boonlert-UThai(Accounting)
15. Member
Admas Siyoum
14. Member
Yu Wang
13. Member
Harshanee Jayasekera
2014- present
12. Member
Candi Ge
11. Member
Li Niu
10. Member
JoDee Schmidt
9. Member
Max Corbin
8. Member
Chris Winn
7. Member
Megan Hall
6. Member
Joni Klump
5. Member
Amanda Hill
4. Member
Eugenie Maiga
3. Member
Lisa Pace
2. Member
Kittiphong Limpasirat
1. Member
Mario Moreno
Research Program Activities
For details of research activities, refer to:
Attachment 2, List of Journal Articles,
Attachment 3, List of Papers in Journal Review,
Attachment 4, List of Papers in Progress for Journal Submission,
Attachment 5, List of Experiment Station Publications,
Attachment 6, List of Extension Publications,
Attachment 7, List of Other Publication,
Attachment 8, List of Papers Presented at Professional Conferences and Meetings,
Attachment 9, List of Creative Works, and
Attachment 10, List of Grants and Contracts.
Most Important Accomplishments
1. Contribution to Economics of Commodity Checkoff Programs
Chung, Chanjin, Young Sook Eom, and Byung Woo Yang. “Optimal Generic Advertising
under Bilateral Imperfect Competition between Processors and Retailers.” Agribusiness: An
International Journal, 30(4)(2014)
Chung, Chanjin, Todd M. Schmit, Diansheng Dong, and Harry M. Kaiser. “Economic
Evaluation of Category Management of Dairy Cases in Grocery Stores.” Agribusiness: An
International Journal 23(4) (2007).
Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of Gains from Commodity Promotion
Programs by Producer Size.” Agribusiness: An International Journal (Summer 2003).
Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Advertising Evaluation and Cross-Sectional Data
Aggregation.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics (August 2002).
Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Determinants of Temporal Variations in Generic
Advertising Effectiveness.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 16(2) (2000).
Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of Generic Advertising Benefits Across
Participating Firms.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics (August 2000).
Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Do Farmers Get An Equal Bang for Their Buck from
Generic Advertising Programs? A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis.” Journal of
Agricultural and Resource Economics (July 2000).
Schmit, Todd, Diansheng Dong, Chanjin Chung, Harry M. Kaiser, and Brian Gould.
“Identifying the Extensive and Intensive Effects of Generic Advertising on the Household
Demand for Fluid Milk and Cheese.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (July
Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Distribution of Gains from Research and Promotion in
Multi-Stage Production Systems: Comment.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics
(August 1999).
Chung, Chanjin and Harry M. Kaiser. “Measurement of Advertising Effectiveness Using
Alternative Measures of Advertising Exposure.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 15(4)
2. Contribution to Estimating Market Power in the U.S. Cattle Procurement Market
Chung, Chanjin and Emilio Tostao. “Effects of Horizontal Consolidation under Bilateral
Imperfect Competition between Processors and Retailers.” Applied Economics, 44(2012).
Tostao, Emilio, Chanjin Chung, and B. W. Brorsen. “Integrating Auction Theory with
Traditional Measures of Market Power.”Agribusiness: An International Journal, 27(2)(2011).
Chung, Chanjin and Emilio Tostao. “Non-parametric Estimation of Oligopsony Power in the
First-Price Auction.” Journal of Agricultural Economics, 60(2) (2009).
3. Contribution to Econometric Methods in Labor Economics
Chung, Chanjin, Samuel L. Myers, Jr., and Lisa Saunders. “Racial Differences in
Transportation Access to Employment in Chicago and Los Angeles, 1980 and 1990.” The
American Economic Review (May 2001).
Ards, Sheila, Samuel L. Myers, Jr., Chanjin Chung, Allan Malkis, and Brian Hagerty.
“Decomposing Black-White Differences in Child Maltreatment.” Child Maltreatment (May
Ards, Sheila, Chanjin Chung, and Samuel L. Myers, Jr. “Sample Selection Bias and Racial
Differences in Child Abuse Reporting: Once again.” Child Abuse and Neglect, The
International Journal 25 (December 2000).
Darity, William A., Jr., Samuel L. Myers, Jr., and Chanjin Chung. “Racial Earnings
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