CSO Feedback Survey January – February 2015 Survey Question (s) Results Summary Conclusions & Follow-up Member Name 14 surveys submitted 10 were anonymous Do you feel involved with the Classified Staff Organization? If not, would you like to be more involved? 10 yes 4 no – 3 of whom would like to be more involved What would help facilitate more involvement in CSO? CSO members like having a way to voice their concerns without directly contacting an officer. While the questions on the survey will be revised, we will continue to provide this option for anonymous feedback. It is understandable that involved members would want to share their input, but it also is nice to see that we have provided a way for less involved members to share their thoughts. This is a good reason to continue to have a feedback option. It is difficult to schedule meetings that everyone can attend, but the Officers will work to fit the majority of schedules and we will suggest to future officers that this issue be continually reviewed. The CSO social will essentially be a summer meeting and the Recognition Committee will go in to more detail later on the agenda. We will work to post more information to the webpage and send more e-mails to involve those who cannot attend. Do you have any suggestions for improving meeting attendance? Reminders the day of Responses included in prior question Outside Speakers The September meeting is difficult for anyone who works directly with students to attend. 3 - Unsure 1 - No 9 – Yes Birthday cards, hardship donations, drawings throughout the year, classified employee spotlight Would you like to see CSO acknowledge its members more? If so, what might you suggest? Small staff and office coverage is still the main issue 2 people suggested lunch time meetings, but one person noted that the idea was unsupported in a survey of CSO last year A summer meeting was suggested Collaborating with PSO & Faculty to boost moral Helping people remain in-theknow when they are unable to attend meetings Would you like to see CSO put a limit on charitable donations? 8 – No, I think the donations CSO has been making are fine. We will continue to send invites and will send reminders the morning of a meeting. These last two meetings have been focused on direct CSO business, but outside speakers do add variety and we suggest that future meetings include more of them. The officers have been working to acknowledge CSO birthdays and anniversaries. We hope to have a more solid strategy in place for next fiscal year and the new officers. We have the hardship form on the website 6 - Yes If so, how should CSO use its funds? 6 - Donations should be determined by a vote of CSO 3- Donations should be limited, but at the discretion of the Recognition Committee 2 - For member support only 2 –Other (people could select multiple options) What types of fundraising do you think would be best for CSO? 12 - Raffles 6 - Book Sale 3 – Other (people could select multiple options) Do you feel that the current CSO committees operate as they should according to the bylaws? If not what might be the best way to realign duties? 10 -Yes 3 - No Are there any changes in CSO . . . (meetings socials how we communicate decide on donations etc.) you would like to see? 4 - Work to follow the current bylaws 1 - Create new committees 1 - Rewrite the bylaws 2- Other To summarize, most CSO members are fine with the donations we have been making, but would like to have more say in those donations. Kristina Keener will be asking for a vote on proposed donation in her Treasurer’s Report. There were suggestions for more prizes for CSO members at meetings and the social. We do have door prizes today and will take the suggestion that this might increase moral and improve attendance into consideration for future meetings. The recognition committee will be giving an update on the spring raffle later in the meeting. Those who are interested in a book sale should contact the Recognition Committee at the beginning of the next fiscal year to volunteer to help. There were no new suggestions. Your officers respectfully disagree on how well the current bylaws are functioning for CSO. There were a few responses in the next question that also indicated a need for revisions. One suggestion was to do a combination of rewriting the bylaws and working to follow the current bylaws and this seems in the best spirit of what we think needs to happen. Karen will be presenting on this topic. Many extended responses have been covered in prior discussions. Several comments indicated that they felt general CSO membership needed more say in decisions. We will be working to provide more communication and easier access to information for those who cannot attend meetings. We will also work to call for votes on things such as donations. Final - I will post this review on the webpage. Karen, Amanda, and I will work to improve the information passed down to future officers about survey such as these.