CSO Classified Staff Organization February 25, 2016 3:00–4:00pm, ACW 132 Minutes Meeting called to order by CSO Chair Karen Schmidt and introductions were made by each member. New Employees Karen introduced new employee Mark Brazington from the Physical Plant, who is a Landscape Technician. CSO Officer Updates and Committee Reports Old Business: Karen confirmed with Human Resources that the names of those receiving hardship donations must be kept confidential among the CSO Officers and the Recognition Committee. Compensation Review Committee (CRC): Karen indicated an email was sent to CSO with a link to the first CRC report. The report details how CSO salaries are low and not market competitive with either private, county or city positions. The CRC committee recommended a 3% tuition and fee increase, across the board, to the Cabinet. This will have to be approved by the State Board of Education (SBOE). Next, Karen will be comparing CSO salaries to averages as determined by the Idaho Department of Human Resources. The final report is due April 1st. President’s Council: Karen updated the group on February’s meeting. The State Board of Education is allowing LCSC two new positions for faculty, one new position for Security, two new positions for Student Affairs (Bilingual Recruiter and Veterans Coordinator) and a new Title 9 Coordinator position. Karen also reported that the college requested a 2.5% increase in tuition for in-state students, and a 4% increase for out-of-state students for the next academic year. The State Board of Education is currently deciding on whether or not to allow state colleges to make their own decisions regarding health insurance for the students and the administration may obtain a company to provide it through LCSC again. In regards to capital spending updates, Spalding Hall will receive a major upgrade with the assistance of funds from the Department of Public Works and the project will start this summer. A new “playing field” with artificial turf is being installed in the green space across from Harris field and administration is in the process of considering a new residence hall. Julie Hutchison, CSO Treasurer shared the treasurer’s report with the group, a copy of which is attached on the CSO Minutes web page. New Business: Amanda Gill, from Community Programs, took the floor to talk about the needs of Kids’ College this summer. She said employees, who have a skill or hobby they would like to share with kids are invited to teach a class on work time. The college will allow employees to use up to 8 hours (2 hrs. x 4 days) to teach a Kids’ College class during work hours. Amanda talked about a “pirate class” offered last year and it was a big hit with the kids. Amanda also explained the donation options for Kids’ College, the $50 donation to allow one kid to take a course, whose family cannot afford the fees, and the $500 donation that would go to support the whole program. Theresa Chrisman made a motion for CSO to donate five $50 scholarships, for a total of $250, from CSO to Kids’ College. The motion was seconded by Angel Wyatt and passed by the group. If anyone would like to make personal contributions to Kids’ College (via a monetary or nonmonetary donation (i.e. volunteering time/services, donating supplies for a class or snacks for the kids, etc.), please contact Amanda in Community Programs. Karen indicated there was interest to alternate CSO meetings between morning and afternoons to allow for attendance of a broader representation of members from across campus . A motion was made to do that, seconded and approved by the group. Page 1 of 2 CSO Committee Reports: Recognition Committee: Allison Thomas, Chair of the Recognition Committee updated the group on the plans for the CSO Spring Social. They are thinking it would be fun and different to have it at Brocks/Brava’s this year. The restaurant is nice, but if the weather is good that day, we can eat, visit and have the meeting outside on their attractive patio. Allison polled the group for the best date to have the social and most people agreed after graduation would work well again this year. Allison said they have a fun spring fundraiser in the planning phase and she will update CSO via email when that plan is finalized. Karen added that Erika Allen, in College Advancement, would like CSO to check with them first, before soliciting donations from the community as we do not want to overwhelm the same community partnerships with LCSC requests. Bylaws Committee: Robin VanSickle, Chair Elect and Chair of the Bylaws committee, indicated she is making a few minor changes to the CSO Bylaws which CSO will vote on at the spring social. Robin provided copies of the bylaws with those changes for the group to review. Nomination Committee: CSO Web Secretary, Maria Johnston, indicated the nominations for CSO officers will be open on-line February 26th and encouraged everyone to nominate people who they think will represent CSO well. Employee of the Year Committee: Geri Seale, Chair of the Employee of the Year Committee, said those nominations will be open soon. LC Cares Committee: Theresa Chrisman, CSO Secretary and Chair of the LC Cares Food and Toy Drive for 2015, said the 3rd year was a success and thanked everyone for donations that have increased every year. Professional Development Committee: Dianna Higgins, who is serving as the CSO member of the Professional Development (PDT) committee, said the PDT committee is looking for ways to freshen up the program, such as developing “tracks” that lead to a certificate, etc. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, they should contact her. The committee is also developing some possible classes around the theme of keeping our brains sharp. They are looking at classes on brain games, and improving mental focus. Amy Minervini and Diana are working on a book club/lecture series. CSO Observers of the Functional Area Committee (FAC): Karen Schmidt, Chair of the CSO FAC Observers Committee, said the CSO committee members this year include: Kim Behler who observed the Student Affairs FAC, Theresa Chrisman who observed the Direct Reporting Units FAC, Kati Wilson who observed the Professional Technical Programs FAC, Cindy Patterson who observed the Academic Programs FAC, Robin VanSickle who observed the Community Programs FAC and she, herself, who observed the Administrative Services FAC. After meeting with the committee, Karen is preparing the first draft of the CSO FAC Observer Report and will use the strategic and enrollment plans as the theme and basis for the supporting the top requests of each program. Karen will also be giving CSO’s verbal presentation of the report to the Cabinet on Monday, March 7th, after the final report has been submitted and posted to the IPRA website. Door Prizes Stem vases filled with fresh daffodils were awarded to four CSO raffle member winners. Meeting was adjourned early at 3:40 pm Page 2 of 2