Part III – APPENDIX OF REQUIRED FORMS AND MATERIALS 4th Year Comprehensive and Diagnostic Review for CES Faculty CONTENTS A. Comprehensive Review Schedule You do not need to include this in your file. B. Comprehensive Review Materials Checklist This form will be included in your file. Please check off materials as they are added. Each item on this checklist should have its own divider/tab in your file that is clearly marked, so that your file can be conveniently navigated. C. Summary of Recommendations Form Please completely fill out the top portion of this form and include it in your file. D. Comprehensive Activities Report If there are sections on this form that do not apply to your appointment, please either enter “n/a” or delete after consulting your mentor or dean/director. E. Candidate response forms for each of the following levels of recommendation: Unit Peer Committee, Dean/Director, University-Wide Faculty Review Committee, and Provost These forms are included for your use in the event you wish to provide a response to a recommendation. All candidate responses are optional, and you are welcome to use any format for a response that you wish – these forms are simply for your convenience. Please type as much information as possible on the following forms (versus handwriting). The use of clear plastic sleeves in your review file is prohibited, unless they are used to include single items that are originals, of unusual size, or cannot otherwise be duplicated. If your file has clear sleeves on every page, your file will be returned to you to repair. The use of tabs/dividers is required (however, please use your judgment and do not go overboard). Your file should have tabs/dividers for each of the main sections listed on the Materials Checklist. The goal is to produce a file that can be easily navigated by the reviewers, meaning that your tabs/dividers should be labeled, legible, and visible. Please use an appropriately sized binder to house your file. Your binder should have rigid sides (no paper or flimsy plastic), have rings that close securely, and should have some extra room so materials can be added to your file during the process with ease (for example, recommendations and any responses you might have to recommendations). Your binder should be clearly labeled on the cover and spine with the following information: Name, current Updated August 2014 title, academic unit/institute, department (if applicable), and the type of review (i.e., 4th Year Comprehensive Pre-Tenure Review). Updated August 2014 4th UNAC Review Schedule for Tenure/Promotion, Year Pre-Tenure Review, and 6th Year Post-Tenure Review Corresponds with the UNAC CBA effective January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2016 DATE* ACTION Prior academic year Candidates electing to stand for promotion and/or tenure review prior to their mandatory year must notify their dean or director in writing of their intent to do so no later than the last day of the prior academic year (i.e., May 17, 2014 deadline to stand in AY14-15). Prior academic year All candidates standing for promotion and/or tenure review during the next academic year must submit a current CV and a list of two external reviewers to their dean or director no later the last day of the current academic year (i.e., May 17, 2014 deadline for review in AY14-15). June 30 Promotion/Tenure Only: Dean or director will distribute candidate’s CV to the two external reviewers and up to two additional external reviewers selected by the dean or director. September 1 Promotion/Tenure Only: Letters from the external reviewers are due to dean’s or director’s office. (The external review letters will be included in the candidate’s file upon receipt.) September 8 Promotion/Tenure Only: Copies of the external review letters are due to the candidate, with a written note from the dean or director indicating the number of external reviews requested and received. October 2 Candidate submits file to dean or director. October 5 Dean or director submits files to unit peer review committee. November 5 Unit peer committee’s recommendation due to the dean or director; copy to candidate. November 12 Candidate response (optional) regarding unit peer committee recommendation due to dean or director. November 13 Dean and/or director begin review of files. December 12 Dean and/or director recommendation due to Provost; copy to candidate. Files are transferred to the Provost’s Office. NOTE: This is the final level of review for Post-Tenure files with a satisfactory review by the unit peer review committee and the dean and/or director. December 19 Candidate response (optional) regarding dean and/or director recommendation due to Provost. December 19 Provost submits files to the University-wide review committee. February 7 University-wide committee recommendation due to the Provost; copy to candidate. February 14 Candidate response (optional) regarding University-wide committee recommendation due to the Provost. February 15 Provost begins review of files. March 30 Provost’s recommendation due to Chancellor; copy to candidate. This is the final level of review for 4th Year Pre-Tenure files and Post-Tenure files. April 5 Candidate response (optional) regarding Provost’s recommendation due to Chancellor. April 6 Promotion/Tenure Only: Chancellor begins review of files. May 1 Chancellor’s decision for all promotion and tenure files due; original to candidate. *All dates are taken from Article 9.2.6 of the UNAC CBA. *If a date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the materials are due the following Monday. Updated August 2014 4th Year Comprehensive Pre-Tenure Review Materials Checklist Name: Department: Sections (each of these items should correspond to a labeled tab/divider in your binder): _____ 1. 4th Year Comprehensive and Diagnostic Review Checklist Form _____ 2. Summary of Recommendation Form _____ 3. Faculty Senate Approved Special Unit Criteria (if applicable) _____ 4. Comprehensive Activities Report _____ 5. Self-Evaluation _____ 6. Peer, Student and External Evaluations (please use colored paper or tabs to separate) Past Evaluations Copies of workloads for the period of review Student evaluation (IAS) summaries Peer evaluation of teaching, if available Examples of course syllabi Examples/Evidence of research/creative activities, if applicable Letters or other external feedback you have received concerning your service activities External Reviews, Honors, and Citations Letters of support; miscellaneous _____ 7. Curriculum Vitae _____ 8. Unit Peer Committee Recommendation _____ 9. Dean/Director Recommendation _____ 10. University-wide Faculty Review Committee Recommendation _____ 11. Provost Recommendation _____ 12. Chancellor Decision (if requested) Updated August 2014 Summary of Recommendations Form for th 4 YEAR COMPREHENSIVE AND DIAGNOSTIC PRE-TENURE REVIEW Name: ______________________________________ Campus:___________________ (Please write name as you want it to appear on letters) PhD? Yes No If yes, year doctorate was granted: ___________________________ If no, please list other appropriate degree/s and/or experience: ________________________________________________________________________ Academic Unit, Department, and/or Institute: ___________________________________ Current Rank and Discipline: _______________________________________________ (i.e., Assistant Professor of Biology) This file includes material covering the period _____________ to September 20______ Appointment (please circle one): Tripartite Bipartite (Teaching and Service) If you were hired with prior academic experience, please list accredited institution(s) and years of service at each institution. If you held tenure at any institution, please also note. ________________________________________________________________________ For Provost’s Office Use Only SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS: Unit-Peer Review Committee Recommendation Candidate Response Included Notes: Updated August 2014 Dean/ Director University-wide Review Committee Provost Yes/No Vote: Yes/No Yes/No Vote: Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No University of Alaska Fairbanks 4th Year Comprehensive and Diagnostic Review COMPREHENSIVE ACTIVITIES REPORT FOR CES FACULTY Instructions: Complete each section of this Activities Report as completely as possible. Please provide career information and highlight the activities done since your hire into your current tenure-track position. If you have any questions, please consult with your program chair, the Extension director, or contact the Office of the Provost. 1. Personal Information Name Academic Title Department/Division 2. Workload Summary Teaching Year Research Percentage: Units: Percentage: Units: (1) Include management under service. Service (1) Percentage: Units: 3. Teaching Table 3.1: Instructional Activities Campus/ Semester Course Name, Number & Title M/I (1) Credit Hours No. of Contact Hours Students Shared (2) KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) Multistate (M) or integrated (I) activity: place an M and/or an I in the space to indicate if the activity involved more than one state (multistate) and/or integrated research and Extension (integrated). (2) Name(s) of instructors if course is team-taught. . Table 3.2: Instructional Activities – Non-credit (instructor) (1) KNWL Total Date Class Title M/I Location Area ParticiHours Codes pants Totals (1) A non-credit instructional activity that is taught by the faculty member. These instructional activities are developed from research-based information and could include a student evaluation of the class. Updated August 2014 Table 3.3: Instructional Activities – Non-credit (leadership in arranging) (1) Date Class Title M/I Location Hours KNWL Area Code Total Participants Totals (1) A non-credit instructional activity that is arranged or coordinated by the faculty member. In Extension this could include classes, conferences, workshops or other instructional activities (specify) sponsored and coordinated by the Extension faculty where other experts are the instructors. Table 3.4: Curriculum Development Date Curriculum Title M/I Author(s) & Collaborator(s) Purpose (1) Hours KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) The purpose of this curriculum development was: new curriculum; major revision; periodic update. Table 3.5: Graduate Committee Chair Date Student Name Campus/Degree Sought Student Status Hours (1) KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) Active, inactive or graduated (if graduated indicate year degree was awarded). Table 3.6: Student Advising - Graduate or Undergraduate Student Name Date & Status Degree Sought (1) Type (2) Hours KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) Active, inactive or graduated (if graduated indicate year degree was awarded). (2) Member of graduate, undergraduate or senior thesis committee; individual advising of graduate students. 4. Research, Scholarly and Other Creative Activities Table 4.1: Publications from Original Research Date Published Updated August 2014 Citation (1) M/I Type (2) Review (3) Level of Outreach (4) Hours KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) Give full citation, including all co-authors. (2) Published journal articles, abstracts, conference proceedings, books, pamphlets, publications, guides, technical manuals, reports or other published documents that are based on original research. (3) Type of review: peer, editor or board of editors, conference committee, conference session chair, or other (specify). (4) Potential audience for publication: state, national, international, universe. Table 4.2: Non-Journal Publications from Original Research Date Published Citation (1) M/I Type (2) Review (3) Level of Hours Outreach (4) KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) Give full title of publication, name of publisher and all authors and co-authors. (2) Published Extension publication, pamphlets, guides, technical manuals, reports, conference proceedings, or other documents that are based on original research. (3) Type of review: peer (Alaska and/or other states), conference committee, conference session chair, or other (specify). (4) Potential audience and distribution for publication: state, national, international, universe. Table 4.3: Publication in PRESS (1) Date Published Citation (2) M/I Type (3) Review (4) Hours KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) List those publications for which all editorial work is complete and awaiting scheduled publication. (2) Give full title of publication, name of publisher and all authors and co-authors. (3) Any type (journal, abstract, Extension, report, etc.) of publication from original research. (4) Type of review: peer (Alaska and/or other states), conference committee, conference session chair, or other (specify). Table 4.4: Professional, Creative Activities Date Nature of Activity/Title (1) M/I Participating Individual(s) Level of Activity (2) Hours KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) List activities that are original creations or from original research, such as: performances, exhibits, presentations, audio/video recordings, computer programs, musical compositions, poems, concert performances. (2) Local, regional, state, national, international. Table 4.5: Sponsored Projects/Commissions Received Updated August 2014 Date Granted & Duration Names (1) PI or Co-PI Project Title M/I Grant Sponsor Grant Amount KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) Include names of all investigators. Table 4.6: Other Scholarly Work in Progress Nature of Activity (1) Date Names (2) Publication/Project M/I Hours Title KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) Document scholarly work in progress. This will include but is not limited to: proposals pending, proposals in preparation, proposals denied during review period, manuscripts at all stages up to IN PRESS, unfunded projects/activity. (2) Names of PI/Co-PI, author, co-author(s) or collaborators on proposals, manuscripts or projects/activities. Table 4.7: Conference/Meeting Participation Date Conference Name Type (1) Title Names (2) M/I KNWL Area Codes Total Participants Totals (1) Type of presentation or activity could include: poster session, roundtable, formal presentation or other (specify) from original research. (2) Names of presenter(s). 5. Public, University and Professional Service Table 5.1.1: Public Service (1): Presentation to Groups, Agencies or Organizations Level of KNWL Title of Name M/I Date Location Activity Hours Area Presentation (2) (3) Codes Total Participants Totals (1) Public service: in organized, non-remunerative, educational and consultative activities which devolve from a faculty member’s professional expertise and further the interests or prestige of the university. (2) Name of group, agency or organization to whom the presentation was given. (3) Your role in the presentation: presented, OR arranged by the faculty member. Table 5.1.2: Public Service: Consultations with Individuals, Groups, Agencies or Organizations Updated August 2014 Date Subject Individual or Name (1) Type of KNWL Consultation M/I Hours Area (2) Codes Total Participants Totals (1) Enter who the consultation was with: an individual OR name of group, agency or organization. Do not enter an individual’s actual name, just enter the word individual. (2) What type of consultation occurred: phone, e-mail, face-to-face, etc. Table 5.1.3: Public Service: Popular Media – Newspaper and Magazine Articles Date Published Title Author or Resource M/I (1) Publication (2) Circulation Hours (3) KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) Were the newspaper or magazine articles authored by you OR were you a resource to the reporter/author. (2) Name of newspaper or magazine. (3) Number of subscribers or readers of the newspaper or magazine. Table 5.1.4: Public Service: Publications, DVDs, Web Modules and Websites Date Type Review Author(s) Published/ Title M/I (1) (2) Released Distribution Hours (3) KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) What kind of publication is this: newsletter (electronic and/or printed), DVD, web-based modules, websites, fact sheet, bulletin, pamphlet, technical publication, guide or other (specify). (2) Kind of review, if applicable: peer (specify Alaska or other states), district, other (specify). (3) Local, district, state, national, international. Table 5.1.5: Public Service: Publications – Journal Articles Not from Original Research Date Published Citation (1) M/I Type (2) Review (3) Distribution Hours (4) KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) Give full citation including: title, publisher, issue, author(s) and co-authors. (2) Published journal articles, abstracts, conference proceedings or other published documents that are not from original research. (3) Kind of review: peer, editor or board of editors, conference committee, conference session chair, or other (specify). (4) Potential audience for publication: state, national, international, universe. Updated August 2014 Table 5.1.6: Public Service: Television and Radio Date Aired Program Title M/I Type (1) Station/ Location (2) Program Hours Duration (4) (3) KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) Program, public service announcement, interview, demonstration, other (specify). (2) Station call letters and location. (3) Duration, in minutes, of television or radio program, public service announcement, interview or other. (4) Time spent in preparation and recording. Table 5.1.7: Public Service: Paraprofessional and Volunteer Programs Supervised by Faculty (1) Number Faculty KNWL Audience Type & Title Hours Paraprofs/ Location Area Date M/I Hours (2) (3) Volunteers (4) Codes (6) (5) Total Participants (7) Totals (1) The purpose of this table is to document the educational outreach activities of volunteers and paraprofessionals whose programs are supported by faculty. (2) Titles could include: consolidated categories of programs or activities for FSNEP, EFNEP, Master Gardeners, Master Food Preservers, 4-H volunteer leaders, FCE volunteers, other (specify) OR the title of a specific program, class, presentation or activity carried out by volunteers or paraprofessionals. (3) The amount of time (hours) the volunteers or paraprofessionals spent carrying out the program or activity. (4) Indicate if the audience was a specific agency, organization, group or the general public and the location (city) where the program or activity was offered. (5) Document the number of paraprofessionals or volunteers who provided leadership or instruction for the program or activity. (6) Document the number of faculty hours spent in providing subject matter support, supervision, or general oversight of the paraprofessional(s) or volunteer(s) programs or activities. (7) Document the number of participants in the program or activity offered by the volunteer(s) or paraprofessional(s). Table 5.2: University Service (1) Date/ Duration Activity M/I Your Role Hours KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) University service: as program chair or department head; service on administrative and governance committees; service on collective bargaining unit committees or elected office; and other tasks as deemed necessary by the university. In Extension examples include but are not limited to: office coordinator; member or chair of a search committee; coordination or participation in district or state needs assessments; supervision of paraprofessionals or administrative staff; leadership or participation in program planning meetings; coordination and/or representation at state fair and health fair booths; Extension representative or liaison to other agencies, organizations, University of Updated August 2014 Alaska MAUs or CSREES/USDA committees; UAF committee such as faculty senate, faculty appeals, comprehensive review, promotion and tenure review or post-tenure review; and other (specify). Activities in this category do not require the specific professional expertise of the faculty member for participation. Table 5.3: Professional Service (1) Date/ Duration Activity M/I Hours Your Role KNWL Area Codes Totals (1) Professional service: on grant, journal, or accreditation review boards, or as an ad hoc reviewer, in the faculty member’s area of expertise; as an officer in a professional society; organizing and/or chairing conferences, symposia, seminars, etc.; editing journals, books, special volumes of papers, etc. In Extension activities could include: peer review of publications; peer review of storyboards or scripts for DVDs and web-based modules; peer review of teaching and curriculum; faculty mentoring committee; and other (specify). Activities in this category require a faculty member’s professional expertise for participation. 6. Professional Development Table 6.1: Professional Development: Conferences and Meetings Date Conference Title Location Hours Your Role Totals Table 6.2: Professional Development: Formal Education Date Course Title/Activity Institution Table 6.3: Professional Development: Membership in Professional Organizations Date(s) Organization Credits Your Role 7. Honors and Awards Table 7.1: Honors and Awards Date Honor or Award Updated August 2014 Presented By Reason for Honor/Award 4th Year Comprehensive and Diagnostic Review CANDIDATE RESPONSE to UNIT-PEER COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION _________________________________ Signature _________________________________ Printed Name Use additional sheet(s) if necessary. Updated August 2014 Date 4th Year Comprehensive Review CANDIDATE RESPONSE to DEAN/DIRECTOR RECOMMENDATION _________________________________ Signature _________________________________ Printed Name Use additional sheet(s) if necessary. Updated August 2014 Date 4th Year Comprehensive Review CANDIDATE RESPONSE to UNIVERSITY-WIDE REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION _________________________________ Signature _________________________________ Printed Name Use additional sheet(s) if necessary. Updated August 2014 Date 4th Year Comprehensive Review CANDIDATE RESPONSE to PROVOST’S RECOMMENDATION _________________________________ Signature _________________________________ Printed Name Use additional sheet(s) if necessary. Updated August 2014 Date