PARTICIPANT INFORMATION Completed and signed forms are mandatory prior to participation. Participant Name (Last) (First) (Middle Init) Birthdate Sex (circle one) M Address (Street & Apartment No.) City Work Phone ( ) Cell Phone ( Home Phone ( ) E-mail Address State F Zip County ) Parent/Guardian’s Name (if participant is under 18) Address (Street & Apartment No.) Height/Weight Relationship to Participant City Work Phone ( ) Cell Phone ( Home Phone ( ) E-mail Address State Zip ) EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Name Relationship to Participant Work Phone ( ) Cell Phone ( Home Phone ( ) E-mail Address ) Name Relationship to Participant Work Phone ( ) Cell Phone ( Home Phone ( ) E-mail Address ) Expedition Information for the Medical Professional This is a wilderness experience program for participants that takes place in the _________________________Alaska. The entire program is conducted in the field. The program will involve hiking on trails, hiking off trails, camping in mountainous terrain, travel by kayak and chartered plane. Physical demands on the participant include carrying a backpack of up to 40 lbs while walking over uneven terrain for _______ miles. Physical demand to control a boat for up to ________miles on Alaska rivers. Participants may be exposed to inclement and unpredictable weather, mosquitoes, bees, black flies, ticks, or snakes. We will be sleeping outside for _______ nights. We will possibly climb as high as ________ ft of elevation. Please consider these activities when evaluating the health of the team member. ACTIVITY AND DIETARY QUESTIONNAIRE Is the participant capable of participating in at least a ____ mile uphill hike, carrying a full back pack(up to 40 lbs) where the pace is set by peers? FOOD: Does the participant have any special dietary restrictions (vegetarian, dairy products,…).If yes, please describe: YES NO YES NO Please indicate participant's current physical activity level. Check appropriate box and describe below: Not active Moderately active (at least 30 minutes per day, 3x or less per week) Very active (at least 30 minutes per day, more than 3x per week) HEALTH INFORMATION Participant’s Physician Name Phone Number Location Participant covered by medical insurance? Company Name Phone Number YES 1. Date of most recent tetanus shot NO Does the participant have any serious medical conditions (including but not limited to asthma, YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO chest pains, heart problems, diabetes, seizure disorders, pregnancy, significant psychiatric illness, alcohol or drug problems)? If YES, please describe the nature of the condition, last occurrence, symptoms and any limitations as a result of the condition: 2. Does the participant have any significant physical restrictions or recent injuries (within the past three years) that may impact physical abilities? Examples include strains, fractures, strains etc..If YES, please describe and how it may impact physical ability: 3. Is the participant taking any medications? If YES, please list and explain and bring double the amount the participant will need and give half to the instructor to carry. 4. Does the participant have any allergies to food, drugs (over-the-counter or prescription), insect bites or any other allergies? If YES, please describe the allergy and its symptoms and treatment [if the participant carries an Epi-pen, bring an extra Epi-pen and give it to the instructor to carry] 5. Has the participant had chest pains, dizziness, or fainted or passed out during exercise? If YES, YES NO please describe: 6. Does the participant have migraines or other headaches? Medications, frequency, are they debilitating? 8. Does the applicant have any physical, cognitive, sensory or emotional condition that would require a special teaching environment? If yes, please describe how the condition affects you: YES NO YES NO Please list anything else about the participant that will assist us in contributing to a positive and enriching experience. Examiner’s Name Phone Street Address State / Date: Physician Signature Zip / By my signature, I attest that the information in this form is correct and the person named on page one of this form is medically cleared to participate on a program based on the expedition information provided on page 1 of this form along with the background information provided by the participant and my physical examination of them.