Final essay for Pols. 315 section 1, Prof. Chadwick, Spring,... t The essay is due Tuesday, May 9 by noon, the...

Final essay for Pols. 315 section 1, Prof. Chadwick, Spring, 2006.
Email this document with your answers to me at
The essay is due Tuesday, May 9 by noon, the time your exam is officially
In Chapter 8, "Military Power in a Turbulent World," Kegley and Raymond
examine the role of military preparations, the threat of war, and the use of war
historically in international relations.
You just completed a simulation of some East and Southeast Asian problems
and crises, including the catastrophic shock of a giant tsunami dwarfing the one
that was experienced last year. Look back over your experience in the
simulation, recalling your preparation including text readings and lectures.
Relate the two. Interpret your simulation experience in the light of various of
Kegley and Raymond's points regarding modern warfare. For instance, did you
experience the effects of "compellence" or "economic sanctions" in the
simulation, and the "limits of coercive diplomacy?" How did you "build world
security" or contribute to it, or not? Did you find alternative routes to increasing
security, such as international organization development? Take the equivalent of
about two-three double-spaced typewritten pages with normal margins and font
Alternatively, if for some reason you find it difficult to relate to the simulation,
summarize the K&R Chapter 8, and discuss it in light of the alternatives to realist
theory as described in Chapter 2 (liberalism, socialism, feminism,
constructivism). What changes in modern society have moved states away from
the use of war as "diplomacy by other means?" Take about two-three typewritten
pages (as indicated above).