1 MINISTER Auditing and Consulting Departments Vice-Minister Undersecretary Turkish Water Institure (SUEN) Deputy Undersecretaries State Hydraulic Works (DSI) Directorate General for Forestry (OGM) Turkish State Meteorological Service (MGM) Directorate General for Nature Conservation and National Parks Regional Directorates Regional Directorates Regional Directorates Regional Directorates Directorate General for Water Management Directorate General for Combating to Desertification and Erosion Administrative and Supporting Departments 2 MFWA is one of the leading Ministries of Turkey that make investments in different areas of activity. 3 FORESTRY 4 Total area of forest in Turkey is 21.7 million hectares. 27,7% of the total area of Turkey is covered with forest. We aim at reaching the target of 30% forest area in 2023 all over the country which means 23 million hectares in5 total. Forest areas according to the years 22 million hectares 21,66 million hectares 21,56 million hectares 21,1 million hectares 20,2 million hectares 1972 2004 2011 2012 2015 Target 6 Total Area of Belgium (3 million ha) Within the framework of afforestation campaign: 3.796.000 hectares of land has been afforested in last decade. Forested land in last decade is almost equal to the total area of Belgium. 7 401 million pcs. 75 million pcs. 2002 2014 Annual Seedling Production 8 15,5 million m3 13,7 million m3 7,3 million m3 2003 2013 2015 Target 9 300 million $ Sage Tea Lime Tea Total production of non-wood forest products in 2013 was 47,5 million $ 159.000 tons 2002 2015 10 11 5,6 % 753.537 France 0,4 % Spain Italy Portugal Greece 85.224 6% 390.448 1.096.735 1.337.293 4,2 % 176.944 1,2 % 38,2 % Turkey Portugal Spain France Italy Greece Turkey 3,5 million hectares 26 million hectares 14,5 million hectares 13,5 million hectares 6,5 million hectares 21,7 million hectares 12 194 surveillance cameras in 97 observation towers are utilized in order to detect fires automatically in the areas 13 that are vulnerable to forest fires. In order to improve biological control against forest pests, annually based on the requirements; we produced an average of more than 600.000 beneficial insects and released into the forests, we mounted 50.000 bird nests on trees and transferred an average of 150 beneficial ant nests. We also support other countries for combating forest pests We share our experiences in combating forest pests with Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Albania and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 14 ANTALYA INTERNATIONAL FOREST FIRE TRAINING CENTER • Training and international cooperation for fighting forest fires. • The largest and most up-to-date FIRE TRAINING CENTER in Mediterranean region in Antalya. 15 T.R.MINISTRY OF FORESTRY AND WATER AFFAIRS 5 year-period Action Plan to Combat Erosion has been prepared for the years of 20132017. The said plan shall be applied to 1,4 million hectares. 16 17 Number of protected areas in Turkey is 1.800 , the total size of terrestrial protected areas around Turkey increased up 6.3 million hectares (8.15%). There are 40 National Parks in Turkey. 18 2002 2015 Number of Protected Areas 952 1800 Total Ha of Protected Areas 3,4 million hectares 6.3 million hectares Number of National Parks 33 40 Number of Natural Parks 17 201 Number of Natural Monuments 89 112 Wildlife Development Areas - 43 Ramsar Areas 9 14 Wetlands under Protection - 41 19 20 During the winter period of 2013-2014, 211 tons of feed stuff was made available for wild animals. 22 Around the country we make observations, weather forecasts, early warnings and monitor climate changes. We provide meteorological services for all sectors. SECTORS FOR WHICH WE PROVIDE SERVICE Forestry: Knowing meteorological conditions in advance is of vital importance to prevent forest fires. Transportation: Safe land, sea and air transportation is possible with knowing meteorological events in advance. Agriculture: Consideration of meteorological conditions in each phase from plowing to harvesting in terms of planning and implementation enhances productivity and efficiency. *Energy: Meterological factors are taken into consideration when choosing energy production type and location and during production stage. *Environment *Defense *Health *Sports *Tourism *Art *Insurance *Justice. 23 Irrigation Energy Potable Water Supply Flood and Environment Protection 24 The percentages of total 8,5 million hectares irrigable lands 30 % Non-irrigated land 2,61 million hectares 70% Irrigated land 6,1 million hectares 25 Alaköprü Dam Undersea Crossing Water Pipeline of 80 km-lon Geçitköy Dam 26 26 249 meters Deriner Dam Turkey’s first and world’s sixth highest dam with the dam body of 249 meter-high Power generation of the dam with the installed capacity of 670 27 MW is 2 billion and 118 million kilowatt-hour AID CAMPAIGN FOR AFRICA • Cooperation with 22 countries in Africa on forestry training activities. • Friendship forest project has been realized in Niger under the scope of cooperation with Niger, Senegal and Morocco. ACTIVITIES IN AFRICA In Somali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Sudan, Mali, Djibouti and Ethiopia • we have supplied drinking water sufficient for 1,6 million people. • DSI has maintained its activities to improve limited water resources in order to solve water problem experienced in friend and sister African countries. ACTIVITIES IN AFRICA We have supplied drinking water to 1.618.000 people in Africa 175 thousand in Somali 60 thousand in Somaliland 260 thousand in Burkina Faso 861 thousand in Niger 62 thousand in Mali 100 thousand in Mauritania 100 thousand in Ethiopia have been supplied with drinking water Agreement was signed between FAO and MFWA on 4th June 2014. The Programme will assist country-level, multi-country, and sub-regional or inter-regional programmes. 31 . FTPP assistance will focus on the countries of the subregion for which the Office provides assistance, namely, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and other countries of mutual interest. 32 The substantive scope of the FTFP is defined by the following nine broad areas in the Supplemental Agreement: Area 1 Sustainable forest management, plantations and restoration Area 2 Forest products and ecosystem services Area 3 Forest, including conservation of biodiversity, wildlife management, etc Area 4 People and forests 33 FTFP areas in the Supplemental Agreement: Area 5 Governance, including policy and institutional development Area 6 Assessment and monitoring Area 7 Interdisciplinary issues, including sustainable land management, climate change, etc. Area 8 Drought impact mitigation Area 9 Land degradation, combatting desertification, dust transportation and soil fixation 34 Thematic Areas of the FTFP are defined below: • Sustainable management of forests and trees • Sustainable land and natural resource management • Institutional reform, training and national capacity enhancement 35 TURKEY’S ASSISTANCE PRIORITIES DURING FTFP Capacity building 36 TURKEY’S ASSISTANCE PRIORITIES DURING FTFP Forest Management Planning 37 TURKEY’S ASSISTANCE PRIORITIES DURING FTFP Watershed Rehabilitation 38 TURKEY’S ASSISTANCE PRIORITIES DURING FTFP Benefits from Non-wood forest products 39 TURKEY’S ASSISTANCE PRIORITIES DURING FTFP Dry and semi-dry areas afforestations methods 40 TURKEY’S ASSISTANCE PRIORITIES DURING FTFP Improving Nursery Methods 41 TURKEY’S ASSISTANCE PRIORITIES DURING FTFP Combating desertification and erosion 42 TURKEY’S ASSISTANCE PRIORITIES DURING FTFP Landscape Restoration in degraded ecosystems 43 44