CURRICULUM VITAE BRYAN A. OAKLEY Environmental Earth Science Department Eastern Connecticut State University 83 Windham Street 265 Science Building Willimantic, CT, 06226 Email: CURRENT POSITION Assistant Professor of Environmental Geoscience, Environmental Earth Science Department, Eastern Connecticut State University. EDUCATION Dept of Geosciences, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI - Ph.D. April, 2012 TEACHING AND OTHER LOAD CREDIT ACTIVITY My teaching interest’s center around getting undergraduate students interested in geology with interactive lectures, field trips, classroom demonstrations and discussions. I prefer to teach with as much context back to a student’s everyday life as much as possible. My upper level Environmental Earth Science courses focus on applied topics in coastal geology focusing on the hazards and management of developed coastlines, and glacial/Quaternary geology, with a specific focus on the sedimentary deposits of the last glaciation 26,000 years ago. Courses taught EES Courses EES 491: Environmental Earth Science Internship EES 460: Special Topics – Coastal Geologic Hazards EES 392: Earth Science Practicum EES 424: Glacial and Quaternary Geology EES 224: Landform Analysis with Laboratory Liberal Arts Core (LAC) Courses EES 220: Environmental Geology (Tier II LAC) EES 110: Introduction to Geology (Tier I LAC) EES 104: Dynamic Earth with Laboratory (Tier I LAC) CV – B.A. Oakley 1 of 13 28 February 2016 TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2013Present Assistant Professor of Environmental Geoscience, Department of Environmental Earth Science, Eastern Connecticut State University Currently teach upper level courses in glacial and coastal geology, as well as an introductory course in physical geology (Dynamic Earth (EES 104) lecture and laboratory), a tier II course in environmental geology (EES 220). I halve also taught Introduction to Geology (EES 110) and Landform Analysis (EES 224) 20122013 Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Earth Science, Eastern Connecticut State University (non-tenure track). Taught Dynamic Earth (EES 104) lecture and laboratory courses and Environmental Geology (EES 220) 2013 Field trip co-leader, Coastal Fellows field trip Shoreline change – Napatree Point, August 2013 2007 2012 Adjunct Professor, Bryant University, Smithfield, RI Physical Geology lecture and Physical Geology Lab: Taught a 3-hour weekly night lecture and multiple sections of 2-hour laboratory. Developed new course content for a university published lab textbook. 20072013 Instructor, University of Rhode Island, Providence, RI Environmental Geology: Taught the summer session II lecture 2010 Field trip co-leader, Coastal Fellows field trip Geology of the Rhode Island South shore with Jon C. Boothroyd 2001-2002 2006-2007 Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Rhode Island Courses taught or assisted with: Petrology, Structural Geology, Sedimentology, Glacial Geology, Coastal Geologic Hazards and Physical Geology 2003-2006 Field trip co-leader, Metcalf Institute for marine and environmental reporting, The Migrating Shoreline: Measuring Coastal Erosion with Jon C. Boothroyd CV – B.A. Oakley 2 of 13 28 February 2016 CREATIVE ACTIVITY Deglacial history of southern New England; Glacial lakes; isostatic rebound in southern New England; applied GIS; short-term response of shorelines to storm events; impacts of storms on coastal structures; relative sea-level rise in southern New England, long-term shoreline change; sediment transport on microtidal coasts; applied high-resolution geophysics; mapping estuarine, lagoon and shallow marine benthic geologic habitats. RESEARCH PROJECTS 2015 – Towards a sediment budget for the Rhode Island South Shore (Co-Investigator) Present – $30,922 Ongoing project funded by the Dept. of Interior and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Working to map the Rhode Island shoreface and calculate a sediment budget for this coast 2012 - Rhode Island Shoreline Change Special Area Management Plan (Beach SAMP) Present (Co-Investigator; project management team) Ongoing collaborative research/management project with the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council, Rhode Island SeaGrant and the URI Coastal Resources Center. The goal of this project is to help communities protect people, property, and infrastructure (including drinking water supplies, utilities, and roadways) with issues of erosion and inundation from sea level rise and storm surge. 2013 - Understanding the Short and Long-term Shoreline Change of Napatree Barrier Present Using RTK-GPS Beach Profiles and Mapping of the Last High Tide Swash (Principal Investigator) - $3,500 Presently conducting quarterly surveys of Last High Tide Swash position using Differential GPS and cross-shore beach profiles using Realtime Kinematic GPS of the Napatree Barrier, Watch Hill, RI. Funded by the Watch Hill Conservancy 2014 - Monitoring the fate of sediment added as beach replenishment on Misquamicut Present - State Beach. (Principal Investigator) Three-pronged approach to determine the fate of sediment placed on Misquamicut State Beach in May, 2014, using beach profiles, RTK-GPS terrain models and the position of last high tide swash 2014 – Evaluating the thickness of Holocene benthic geologic habitats, Wellfleet Harbor, Present Nauset Marsh and Pleasant Bay/Chatham Harbor, Cape Cod, MA. Collaborative research with Center for Coastal Studies (Provincetown, MA) and Salem State University, determining the thickness of modern (Holocene) sedimentary deposits in three lagoons on Cape Cod, MA 2013- Benthic geologic habitats of the Lang Aquaculture beds, Brandford, CT 2014 (Principal Investigator) - $20,000 Conducting a combined side-scan sonar, sediment sample and underwater video survey as part of a collaborative mapping effort with USDA/NRCS Connecticut in support of aquaculture management CV – B.A. Oakley 3 of 13 28 February 2016 2014 - Mapping the glacial and modern (Holocene) depositional environments using seismic reflection profiles, North Truro quadrangle, North Truro, MA Collaborative research with Center for Coastal Studies (Provincetown, MA) and the Massachusetts Geological Survey mapping the type and extent of glacial (Late Wisconsinan) and modern (Holocene) sedimentary deposits in the North Truro quadrangle, North Truro, Massachusetts 2013 – Shoreline change and bluff erosion – Block Island Preset (Principal Investigator) - $6,600 Undergraduate student based research, analyzing shoreline change and bluff erosion of Block Island, RI, using LiDAR derived digital elevation models, differential GPS and volunteer based beach profiles 2006 - Quaternary depositional environments and deglacial evolution of 2012 Narragansett Bay Dissertation research on the late Wisconsinan deglaciation of Narragansett Bay, primarily focusing on the extent, timing, volume and water-level of the former Glacial Lake Narragansett, Utilizing Sub-bottom profiling, side-scan sonar, ground penetrating radar, GIS modeling and sediment cores. 2010 – Quaternary and modern sedimentary processes of Block Island and Rhode Island 2013 Sounds Interpreting geophysical data (seismic reflection profiles and side-scan sonar) for selected areas of Block Island and Rhode Island Sounds as part of the Ocean Special Area Management Plan. Included delineation of the Quaternary (glacial) depositional environments and Holocene sedimentary processes. Collaboration with John King, URI Graduate School of Oceanography 2011- The State Geothermal Data project 2013 (Co-Principal Investigator for 2012-2013 fiscal year) Part of a nationwide effort to compile data pertinent to geothermal data. Particular focus is on at-risk, legacy data, and the focus of our effort in Rhode Island has been to scan and digitize published and unpublished geologic maps (Quaternary, Bedrock, Groundwater and others), as well as compiling, digitizing and scanning drillers logs collected throughout Rhode Island. Funded by the Department of Energy via the Association of American State Geologists. 2011 Benthic geologic habitats of the Upper Pettaquamscutt River, Rhode Island (Co-Principal Investigator) - $6,000 Conducted a combined side-scan sonar, sediment sample and underwater video survey as part of a collaborative mapping effort with USDA/NRCS Rhode Island 2005 – Side-scan sonar mapping in support of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Present Management Council (RI CRMC) (Various projects) Conducted side-scan sonar surveys for a variety of tasks in response to specific issues raised by RI CRMC. Includes pre/post dredging surveys in federal navigation channels, identification/locating debris prior to dredging and impacts of vessels sunk in the Providence River. CV – B.A. Oakley 4 of 13 28 February 2016 2002- 2012: Long-term beach profiling, Rhode Island South Shore Lead field researcher through 2009 for the long-term beach profile-monitoring project managed by the Rhode Island Geological Survey. Duties include plotting, reviewing and collecting data gathered during weekly beach surveys. Established new profiles using RTK-GPS in response to various coastal management issues. 2009- 2012; oversaw present field technicians, monitor, review, and interpret collected data. 2010 Benthic geologic habitats of Trustom Pond (Co-Principal Investigator) - $6,000 Conducted a combined side-scan sonar, sediment sample and underwater video survey as part of a collaborative mapping effort with USDA/NRCS Rhode Island 2009 Benthic geologic habitats of Green Hill Pond (Co-Principal Investigator) - $6,000 Conducted a combined side-scan sonar, sediment sample and underwater video survey as part of a collaborative mapping effort with USDA/NRCS Rhode Island 2008 Single-beam survey of Brewers Marina, Warwick, RI Conducted a single-beam bathymetric and RTK-GPS survey of Brewers Marina in Warwick Cove, Greenwich Bay in support of a planned dredging project 2008 Benthic geologic habitats of the Misquamicut – Watch Hill Shoreface, Rhode Island (Co- Principal Investigator) – $37,164 Conducted a combined side-scan sonar, sediment sample, and underwater video survey of a portion of the southern Rhode Island shoreface to locates suitable sites for placement of dredged materials. Funded by the US Army Corps of Engineers, New England district. 2007 Benthic geologic mapping of the lower Pettaquamscutt River, Rhode Island (Co- Principal Investigator) - $9,000 Conducted a side-scan sonar survey to map the benthic geologic habitats and a combined single-beam and RTK GPS bathymetric survey for a proposed dredging and habitat restoration project. Funded by the US Army Corps of Engineers, New England district 2006 Benthic geologic habitat mapping, Wickford Harbor, RI Conducted a combined side-scan sonar and sediment sample survey of Wickford Harbor, RI as part of a ongoing larger mapping project ( 2006 Benthic geologic habitats of the Moonstone – Matunuck Shoreface, Rhode Island (Co- Principal Investigator) – $31,392 Conducted a combined side-scan sonar, sediment sample and underwater video survey of a portion of the southern Rhode Island shoreface to locate suitable sites for placement of dredged materials. Funded by the US Army Corps of Engineers, New England district 2006 Benthic geologic habitat mapping, Fire Island Shoreface, New York Conducted a side-scan sonar survey offshore of Fire Island, NY as part of a United States Geological Survey/National Parks Service study attempting to link shoreline change to shoreface processes. Funded by the US Geological Survey CV – B.A. Oakley 5 of 13 28 February 2016 2005 Benthic habitat mapping, Chatham Harbor/Pleasant Bay, Massachusetts Conducted a side-scan sonar and sediment sample survey or Chatham Harbor and Pleasant Bay, MA. Joint project with affiliates from Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management. 2004- Side-scan sonar survey of Eelgrass transplant sites (Co- Principal Investigator) – 2011 $4,000. Conducted annual side-scan sonar surveys of eelgrass transplant sites maintained by Save the Bay in Narragansett Bay 2003- Benthic geologic habitats of Greenwich Bay, Rhode Island 2004 Mapped benthic geologic habitats within Greenwich Bay, R.I. to assist the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council with the creation of a Special Area management Plan for the Greenwich Bay watershed. 2003 Monitoring the effects of long-term fish trawl surveys Conducted side-scan sonar surveys to examine the long and short-term effects of repeated fish trawling in selected areas of Narragansett Bay. PUBLICATIONS denotes student author Oakley, B.A., Manzi, M., Sumeersarnauth, B., and Boyle, S., The Block Island Bluff Image Project: Using Google EarthTM, Spreadsheet Mapper and Google DriveTM to build a database of spatially located field images of coastal bluffs – Submitted to the Journal of Coastal Research, March, 2016 Oakley, B.A., Boothroyd, J.C., 2016, Volume of sediment deposited in Glacial Lake Narragansett during Late Wisconsinan deglaciation: Implications for sub-glacial sediment source. Quaternary Science Review – In Prep, to be submitted summer, 2016 LaFrance, M., King, J.W., Oakley, B.A., Pratt, S., 2014 A comparison of top-down and bottom-up approaches to benthic habitat mapping to inform offshore wind energy development. Continental Shelf Research, v. 83, p. 24-44 Oakley, B.A., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2013, Constrained age of Glacial lake Narragansett and the deglacial chronology of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in southeastern New England, Paleolimnology, v. 50, p. 305-317 Oakley, B.A., Alvarez, J.D. and Boothroyd, J.C., 2012, Benthic Geologic Habitat of shallow estuarine environments: Greenwich Bay and Wickford Harbor, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 28, i. 4, p. 760-773 Oakley, B.A. and Boothroyd, J.C., 2012, Reconstructed topography of southern New England prior to isostatic rebound, with implications of total isostatic depression and relative sea level: Quaternary Research, v. 78, i. 1, p. 110-118 CV – B.A. Oakley 6 of 13 28 February 2016 Stolt, M., Bradley, M., Turenne, J.T., Payne, M., Scherer, E., Cichetti, G., King, J., Shumchenia, E., Guarinello, M., Boothroyd, J.C., Oakley, B.A., Thornber, C., August, P.V., 2011. Mapping Shallow Coastal Ecosystems: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 27, p. 1-15 Borelli, M., Oakley, B.A., Giese, G.S., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2011. Inlet formation as a result of hydraulic inefficiency leading to further inlet instability: Coastal Sediments 2011. Technical reports Oakley, B. A., 2016, Summary of Chirp Seismic Reflection Profile Mapping of Wellfleet Harbor, Nauset Marsh and Pleasant Bay/Chatham Harbor, Massachusetts: A Technical Report Prepared for the Center for Coastal Studies, Provincetown, MA as part of the National Park Service Funded Project Submerged Marine Habitat Mapping, Cape Cod National Seashore: A Post-Hurricane Sandy Study Boothroyd, J.C*., and Oakley, B. A., 2016, Geology of Narragansett Bay and Adjacent Watersheds: A technical chapter prepared for the Rhode Island Shoreline Change Special Area Management Plan. *deceased Oakley, B. A., Hollis, R.J., and Boothroyd, J.C.*, 2016, Shoreline change mapping 1939-2014: Washington County (Excluding Block Island), Rhode Island. A technical chapter prepared for the Rhode Island Shoreline Change Special Area Management Plan. *deceased Oakley, B.A., Hollis, R.J., Boothroyd, J.C., Freedman, J., Boyd, J., Fugate, G., 2016. Preliminary Identification of At Risk Areas: Shoreline Change Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) Phase II – Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound shorelines. Technical prepared for the Rhode Island Bay’s Rivers and Watersheds Coordination Team Oakley, B. A., 2015, Generalized 1% storm barrier profile for the East Beach and Quonochontaug barriers, Rhode Island. Technical report prepared for the Shoreline Change Special Area Management Plan Oakley, B. A., 2015, Short and Long-term Shoreline Change of Napatree Barrier Using RTKGPS Beach Profiles and Mapping of the Last High Tide Swash – 2015 Update and Progress Report, in August, P. V., and Sassi, J., eds., The State of Napatree Report: 2015: Watch Hill, RI, The Watch Hill Conservancy. Oakley, B. A., 2014, Short and Long-term Shoreline Change of Napatree Barrier Using RTKGPS Beach Profiles and Mapping of the Last High Tide Swash – 2014 Update and Progress Report, in August, P. V., and Sassi, J., eds., The State of Napatree Report: 2014: Watch Hill, RI, The Watch Hill Conservancy. Oakley, B.A., Rasmussen, S.A., Boothroyd, J.C., 2013. Proposed and on-going monitoring of At Risk Areas: Shoreline Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) Phase 1 – Rhode Island South Shore and Block Island. A report prepared for the Rhode Island Bay’s Rivers and Watersheds Coordination Team CV – B.A. Oakley 7 of 13 28 February 2016 Oakley, B. A., 2013, Understanding the Short and Long-term Shoreline Change of Napatree Barrier Using RTK-GPS Beach Profiles and Mapping of the Last High Tide Swash, in August, P. V., and Sassi, J., eds., The State of Napatree Report: 2013: Watch Hill, RI, The Watch Hill Conservancy. Lafrance, M., Shumchenia, E., King, J., Pockalny, R., Oakley, B.A., Pratt, S., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2010, Benthic habitat distribution and subsurface geology of selected sites from the Rhode Island Ocean Special Management Study Area. Technical Report 4. Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan. Boothroyd, J.C., and Oakley, B.A., 2009, Benthic geologic habitats of the Watch Hill – Misquamicut shoreface, Rhode Island, Technical report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Includes 1:10,000 scale maps and accompanying figures Boothroyd, J.C., and Oakley, B.A., 2007, Benthic geologic habitats of the Lower Narrow (Pettaquamscutt) River, Rhode Island, Technical report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Includes 1:5,000 scale maps and accompanying figures Boothroyd, J.C., and Oakley, B.A., 2006, Benthic geologic habitats of the Green Hill – Matunuck shoreface, Rhode Island, Technical report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Includes 1:5,000 scale maps and accompanying figures Boothroyd, J.C., and Oakley, B.A., 2005, Benthic geologic habitats of Greenwich Bay, Rhode Island: in Special area management plan for Greenwich Bay and watershed, Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council, Wakefield, RI, includes 1:10,000 scale maps and accompanying figures Papers presented at professional meetings (Eastern Connecticut State University student) Grilli, A., Spaulding, M., Schambach, L., Oakley, B.A., Damon, C., and Shi, F., 2016, Sensitivity of the 100-year storm flood zone to sea level rise. 14th Estuarine and Coastal Monitoring Conference (ECM14), Kingston, RI Shaw, A., Hashemi, M.R., Oakley, B.A. and Spaulding, M., 2016, The Effect of Coastal Erosion on Storm Surge; A Case Study in the Southern Coast of Rhode Island. 14th Estuarine and Coastal Monitoring Conference (ECM14), Kingston, RI Oakley, B.A., Turenne, J.D., Bartosiewicz, J., Hollis, R.J., Alvarez, J.D., Borrelli, M., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2016, Mapping benthic geologic habitats in shallow estuarine and lagoon environments: Case studies, experience and results from southern New England. Northeastern meeting of the Geological Society of America, Albany, NY, March 2016 Bartosiewicz, J. and Oakley, B.A. The benthic geologic habitats of Long Island Sound in the vicinity of the Thimble Islands and Branford River, Connecticut, USA. Northeastern meeting of the Geological Society of America, Albany, NY, March 2016 CV – B.A. Oakley 8 of 13 28 February 2016 Hollis, R.J. and Oakley, B.A., Variable rates of shoreline change along the Rhode Island south shore: A closer look at processes and methods. Northeastern meeting of the Geological Society of America, Albany, NY, March 2016 Oakley, B.A., Freedman, J., Hollis, R.J., Goulet, D.R., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2015, The Misquamicut State Beach Replenishment Project: One year later measured using RTKGPS, DGPS and Beach profiles. National meeting of the Geological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland, October, 2015 Borrelli, M., Smith, T.L., Kennedy, C., Oakley, B.A., Hubeny, J.B., 2015, Science and mapping in very shallow coastal waters with a phase-measuring side-scan sonar. National meeting of the Geological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland, October, 2015 Love, H., Hubey, J.B., Oakley, B.A., and Borrelli, M., 2015, Late Holocene Statigraphy of finesediment depocenters within Pleasant Bay and Nauset Marsh back-barrier systems, Cape Cod. National meeting of the Geological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland, October, 2015 Oakley, B.A. and Boothroyd, J.C., 2015, Volume of sediment deposited in Glacial Lake Narragansett during Late Wisconsinan deglaciation: Implications on sediment source? Northeastern meeting of the Geological Society of America, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, March 2015. Borrelli, M., Smith, T.L., Oakley, B.A., and Geise, G., 2015, Understanding coastal and glacial processes through multi-scale, multi-sensor data visualization: Discovery, hypothesis development and testing. Northeastern meeting of the Geological Society of America, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, March 2015. *Manzi, M., *Sumeersarnauth, B., and Oakley, B.A., 2015, Building a post-Sandy database of ground-level photomosaics of the Block Island bluffs using Google Drive, Spreadsheet Mapper and Google Earth. Northeastern meeting of the Geological Society of America, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, March 2015. *McDonald, A., and Oakley, B.A., 2015, Constraining the vertical limit of bluff erosion on Block Island, Rhode Island using topographic profiles extracted from per and post-storm LiDAR, Northeastern meeting of the Geological Society of America, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, March 2015 Smith, T.L., Oakley, B.A., Borrelli, M., and Geise, G., 2015, Vessel-based acoustic investigation of glacial lakefloor deposits off the coast of outer Cape Cod, Massachusetts Northeastern meeting of the Geological Society of America, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, March 2015. Boothroyd, J.C., Oakley, B.A., Rasmussen, S., Freedman, J., McCandless, S., Dowling, M. and Hollis, R., Climate change comes to the south shore of Rhode Island: Erosion, Inundation and Migration. 106th Meeting of the New England Intercollegiate Geologic Conference Oakley, B.A., Rasmussen, S.A., McCandless, S.J. and Boothroyd, J.C., Geomorphic response of the Rhode Island south shore to Hurricane Sandy measured using beach profile and CV – B.A. Oakley 9 of 13 28 February 2016 LiDAR imagery – 44th Annual Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium. October 2013 PDF of Poster Oakley, B.A. and Boothroyd, J.C., Constrained the age and nature of deglaciation of SE New England, Northeast meeting of the Geological Society of America, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, March 20 2013. PDF of presentation Boothroyd, J.C., Oakley, B.A., and Rasmussen, S.A. Coastal Geologic Hazards and Sea Level Rise: Climate Change effects in Rhode Island – Continued, Northeast meeting of the Geological Society of America, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, March 20 2013. Boothroyd, J.C., Oakley, B.A., Rasmussen, S.A., McCandless, S.J., Dowling, M.J., Freedman, J., and Fugate, G. Superstorm Sandy and Changes to the Rhode Island Shoreline, What Next? Northeast meeting of the Geological Society of America, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, March 20 2013. Oakley, B.A., Turenne, J.D. and Boothroyd, J.C., 2012, Water levels of Glacial Lake Narragansett determined using ground-penetrating radar. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section 47th annual meeting Oakley, B.A., Alvarez, J.D., Brenner, H., Dowling, M., Klinger, J., Zitello, M., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2009, Depositional environments and sediment transport on a microtidal, wave dominated shoreface: Proceedings of Coastal Zone 2009. df Oakley, B.A., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2009, Sediment transport on the Watch Hill – Misquamicut shoreface based on repeat side-scan sonar surveys: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs v. 41, n. 3 Bradley, M., Oakley, B.A., Stolt, M., Turenne, J., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2009, Mapping subaqueous soils in Rhode Island: Integration of pedologic and acoustic approaches: Coastal Geotools 2009, Abstracts with Program Oakley, B.A., Alvarez, J.D., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2007, Benthic Geologic Habitats of the Moonstone-Matunuck Shoreface: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v.39, n. 1, p.70. Oakley, B.A.; Boothroyd, J., 2007, Mapping Benthic Geologic Habitats in Narragansett Bay and Block Island Sound, Estuarine Research Foundation Oakley, B.A., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2006. Benthic geologic habitats of Greenwich Bay, Rhode Island: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n.2, p. 11 Buynevich, I.V., Larchenkov, E.P., and Oakley, B.A., 2006. Heavy-mineral concentrations as proxies of high-energy events along sandy coasts. International Geological Correlation Programme Project 521, Second Plenary Conference Extended Abstracts, Odessa, Ukraine, p. 31-32 Borrelli, M.B., Boothroyd, J.C., and Oakley, B.A., 2005. Historic and present day CV – B.A. Oakley 10 of 13 28 February 2016 hydrodynamics of intertidal bedforms in a coastal lagoon: Photogrammetric analysis and field surveys: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, n.1, p. 70 Oakley, B.A., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2004. Side scan sonar mapping of Greenwich Bay, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Natural History Survey Annual Conference Abstracts of Presented Papers and Posters Boothroyd, J.C., McCandless, S.J., and Oakley, B.A., 2004. Quaternary mapping for resource management in an urbanized watershed: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, n.5, p.577 Oakley, B.A., 2003. Response of a microtidal wave-dominated barrier to closely timed extratropical cyclones, Geological Society of America, abstracts with Programs, v. 35 Oakley, B.A., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2003. Response and recovery of a microtidal wave dominated barrier to closely spaced extra-tropical cyclones: Rhode Island Natural History Survey Annual Conference Abstracts of Presented Papers and Posters Website contributions Oakley, B.A., 2009. Eruption Prediction: Science education resource center website Guest opinions and editorials Oakley, B.A., Climate change and potential impacts to southern New England Fishing, appeared in The Fisherman Magazine, September 2008 Maps Borrelli, M., Smith, T.L., Oakley, B.A., Shumchenia, E.J., Wilson, J.R., Gontz, A.M., Giese, G.S., 2014. Onshore-offshore surficial geologic map of the North Truro quadrangle, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, 1:24,000 scale. Massachusetts Geological Survey, Open File Report 14-02. 2 sheets and digital product Hollis, R.J., Oakley, B.A. and Boothroyd, J.C., 2014, Benthic Geologic Habitats of Briggs Marsh, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Geological Survey Open-File Map. Scale 1:3,000 Oakley, B.A., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2011, Benthic Geologic Habitats of the Pettaquamscutt (Narrow) River, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Geological Survey Map. Scale 1:5,000 Oakley, B.A., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2010, Benthic Geologic Habitats of Trustom Pond, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Geological Survey Map. Scale 1:5,000 Oakley, B.A. Boothroyd, J.C and King, J.W. 2010, Benthic Geologic Habitats of the Federal Ocean SAMP Area. Scale 1:10,000 Oakley, B.A. Boothroyd, J.C and King, J.W. 2010, Benthic Geologic Habitats of the Block Island Ocean SAMP Area. Scale 1:10,000 CV – B.A. Oakley 11 of 13 28 February 2016 Oakley, B.A., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2009, Benthic Geologic Habitats of Green Hill Pond, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Geological Survey Map. Scale 1:5,000 Oakley, B.A. and Boothroyd, J.C., 2009, Benthic Geologic Habitats of Quonochontaug Coastal Lagoon, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Geological Survey Map. Scale 1:5,000 Oakley, B.A. and Boothroyd, J.C., 2008, benthic Geologic Habitats of Point Judith Pond, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Geological Survey Map. Scale 1:10,000 PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS Senior Fellow, Coastal Institute, University of Rhode Island Science Advisory Board, Napatree Point Conservation Area Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Scientific Support for Environmental Emergency Response (SSEER) Team Rhode Island State Dredge Team PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Geological Society of America Coastal Education and Research foundation Society for Sedimentary Geology, Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Council SOFTWARE TRAINING 2012 2011 2007 2005 2004 SonarWiz 5.0 Training workshop (Co-host of workshop) SonarWiz 5.0 Online training CARIS HIPS/SIPS Training, New Bedford, MA Chesapeake Technologies training workshop, Annapolis, MD Introduction to geographic information systems using ArcGIS 9 for geological applications, Denver, CO CV – B.A. Oakley 12 of 13 28 February 2016 SOFTWARE SKILLS Proficient with Chesapeake Technologies SonarWiz and SonarWeb software packages, ESRI ArcMap 10 and MapInfo Geographic Information Systems, Corel designer, Grapher, and the Microsoft Office suite of software Skilled in the use of Adobe Photoshop, Word, Excel, HyPack, HySweep and CARIS HIPS/SIPS, Autodesk, Seasoft Waves MEDIA APPEARANCES Multiple interviews in print; Providence Journal, Providence Business News and other outlets as a scientific expert, including a recent (November, 2012) front-page article documenting the coastal erosion and damage to properties along the Rhode Island south shore from Hurricane Sandy. I am also available for non-print media requests, and have been interviewed on WPRO630AM Talk Radio in Providence, Rhode Island, Rhode Island Public Radio and been featured on a nationally syndicated television show ‘Xploration Awesome Planet’ PROFESSIONAL LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS United States Coast Guard Licensed Merchant Marine Master of Steam or Motor Vessels of not more than 100 Gross Registered Tons upon inland waters; Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels out to 100 nautical miles License number USA000016284. Valid through July, 2014 Red Cross – Certified CPR/AED and First Aid CV – B.A. Oakley 13 of 13 28 February 2016