Hartnell College Implementing Partnerships, Technology and Online Programs to Enhance Steps to Success for College Enrollment Dr. Romero Jalomo, Vice-President of Student Affairs Dr. Mark Sanchez, Dean of Student Affairs Mary Dominguez, Dean of Enrollment Services Dave Phillips, Vice-President of Information Technology Services GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Preparing for Change • In Summer 2013 Hartnell College reorganizes the Division of Student Affairs and creates the Student Success and Support Program (SSSP). • In Fall 2013 the Dean of Enrollment Services, Dean of Student Affairs, Student Success and Vice President of Student Affairs plan and create workgroups to address the multiple components of the planned SSSP implementation. • In 2013-14 the following workgroups were created began to meet: Online Orientation, Degree Audit, Electronic Ed. Plan, and MIS Reporting. Two new committees were also formed: Student Success and Panther Prep. • In May, 2014 the First Annual Panther Prep Days is offered at two campuses. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Preparing for Change • Summer 2014: the Online Orientation is piloted and implemented in Fall 2014. • Degree Audit is piloted in Summer 2014 and implemented in Fall 2014. • The Ellucian Education Planning Tool is piloted in Fall 2014 and implemented in Spring 2015. • MIS workgroup works with the IT department to create and map new SSSP data elements for reporting. MIS counts increase in 2013-14 and 2014-15. • The Enrollment Priorities workgroup is formed in 2014-15 to ensure that priority groups receive registration priority and to remove registration priority for those groups identified in the SSSP beginning in 2015-16. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Student Success Implementation Plan In June 2013, we developed a Student Success Implementation Plan that consisted of several work teams made up of key stakeholders for each of the projects including IT staff. Our work teams identified tasks and assigned completion dates to each tasks. • Board Policies & Administrative Procedures were written as required going through the College’s shared governance process. The work team assignments were: • • • • Enrollment Priorities Assessment Orientation Degree Audit • Catalog years 2009-present • Student Planning (Initial & Comprehensive Ed. Plan) • New Transfer Credit Process • MIS Requirements • Implemented new MIS requirements • Academic Probation • • GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Loss of BOGW & Loss of Enrollment Priorities Sample Implementation Plan Requested Module Activity Assigned to ------· Due Date Enrollment 1 Priorities Share Pri ority Registration schedul e with Student Aff airs CounciI (AF Co uncil approved) Romero/Mary Degree Audit l<ickoff/W orl< shop Jutta 12/18-19/13 12/6/2013 11/26/2013 Elluci an/Mary/R oberta/ 2 Degree Audit 3 Orientation Interactive O nline Orientation Kick Off P.'leeting Mark 4 O rientatio n FlG Commi ttee wo rks on O rientatio n and Prerequisite Clearance Pr oces s (including Transfer Credit,AP,EU'.'l /EPT testing, and multipi e measures criteri a) Laverne C/l'.'lark Dec F ebruary 5 O rientation Counsel ors work on creating O rientatio n and Prerequisite Clearance Pr ocess Mark/Co unselors F ebruary 6 Degree Audit Degree Audit Consultant compi etecl 2009-10 to 2013-14 active programs in o ur catalogs Ellucian 1/6/2014 Dec - GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Done Partnerships • Hartnell College maintains comprehensive partnerships with all feeder high schools in Monterey County, adult schools, alternative schools, community based organizations, one-stop career centers, foster youth serving organizations, migrant serving organizations, Monterey County Office of Education, Department of Social Services, career training programs and many more. • The focus has been to develop and implement a broad array of transitional preparation services for individuals interested in enrolling at Hartnell College. • These partnerships have allowed us to deliver our “Steps to Success” services at our high school and community based sites. Combining online tools with an in person service delivery model has helped facilitate these services in the field. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu “Steps to Success” • Hartnell College established a College Pathways program that works collaboratively with our partners to deliver college preparation services at their sites well in advance of a student’s enrollment. • Outlining these steps in sequential order has helped Hartnell College message the steps to students and our high school and community partners. • Marketing has occurred at our local malls including food courts, movie theatres, television and radio. • http://www.hartnell.edu/registration-steps GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu “Steps to Success” - Community Marketing • Our marketing campaign has a focused and intentional message of preparation for enrolling in college. Our service area is 100 miles long and reaches from North to South Monterey County. • Our marketing is Bilingual (English/Spanish)- We utilize our students and staff in our marketing and online products so incoming students connect with people they know and recognize. Television and movie theatre presentation of “Steps to Success”: https://vimeo.com/128904550 GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Online Orientation • In academic year 2013-2014, Hartnell College developed a new online orientation tool in conjunction with Cynosure New Media, Inc. • This orientation delivers content in English, Spanish, and is American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant, which includes the captioning and audio for hearing and visually impaired students. • Implementing an online tool in conjunction with an in person delivery (after-school labs) has helped significantly. High school teachers have embedded completion of the orientation into their curriculum as an assignment requiring completion. We also offer In- person, on campus orientations as a part of a one-stop delivery model. • http://www.hartnell.edu/onlineorientation-new-students GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Online Orientation- continued • Working with our IT Department we developed the programming to upload student orientation completion every 24 hours by marking the completion directly into our MIS system. IT is currently working on the programming for real time clearance. • The College’s priority registration system then checks for orientation completion before setting up the priority registration dates. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Assessment and Curriculum Assessment Testing and Curriculum • Working to implement a paradigm shift towards student preparation for assessment • Hartnell College English as a Second Language (ESL), math and English faculty developed the content for Assessment test preparation workshops for enrolling students. This group of faculty took the Accuplacer multiple times and used their experience and the content to deliver a study guide. • The goal is to refresh students on the content of the assessment test, outline the format of the assessment test (computer based) and assist students with test taking strategies. A primary goal is to also refresh students on the content, particularly those students who have not been enrolled in college for a period of time. • The College also accepts criteria for assessment test exemption and developed enhanced multiple measure criteria for student course placement which includes (Early Assessment Program (EAP)/Smarter Balance, Advance Placement (AP), Student Academic History, Participation in college math and writing academies, and more). • The College is working with a “Curriculum Institute” team composed of county high school and Hartnell English, math and ESL faculty to align curriculum between systems and discuss opportunities for maximizing student preparation for the college assessment test. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Assessment and Curriculum Assessment Testing and Curriculum- continued • Hartnell College has hosted four “Curriculum Institutes” over the last year and a half. • These Institutes are working sessions where English, English as a Second Language (ESL), math and Counseling faculty work to align learning objectives and services to ensure a more seamless transition for students. In addition, faculty and teachers receive professional development focused on Instructional practices the positively impact student learning. • Through the collection of survey data from the “Curriculum Institutes”, high school faculty feel supported and that they have a partner in working towards increasing student success. This partnership and work through the institutes with the college is viewed as critical to enhancing student success rates for students in the county. • The Hartnell College assessment team assesses students both at our high schools and community based organizations. We worked with our IT Department to mark the student’s record with their assessment scores directly into MIS. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Panther Prep Days • Panther Prep Days is an early college preparation model program in which Hartnell College works with high school students to assist them in their transition to college months in advance of their actual enrollment. Hartnell College is the only college in the service area to deliver this type of event at this magnitude. Panther Prep Days is a culminating event for our new incoming first time freshmen (high school graduates) and their parents. • In May 2015, Panther Prep days 2015 took place: - Friday, May 1st King City Campus – 227 students served, 7 parents participated. - Saturday May 2nd Main Campus- 724 students served, 260 parents participated. • The following goals were accomplished during Panther Prep Days : A Student Educational Plan was developed. Students were fully registered for their 1st college semester. Gained valuable information on academic programs and majors. Involved parents in the transition from high school to college by offering a parent information seminar. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Panther Prep Days 2016 • In order to be eligible for Panther Prep Days, high school seniors must complete the following by April 1st: 1) Hartnell College Application/FAFSA/CAL Dreamers; 2) Online Orientation; 3) Assessment; 4) RSVP through Event Brite (in collaboration with their high school Counselor): • Hartnell College uses a web-based software to track student completion of the steps by high school. The software was developed in conjunction with Live Editions. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu HARTNELLCOLLEGE II Q. S.o.-c.h Student in Progress Student: 10 H•ghsc..,.ool F•rst Middle Lost ooooo. SalinaS High Mark p Sonc,...z 000001 Salinas High Mo"'- p Sanchez 000001 'SalinaS High Mark p Sanchez + Ent.... Keyw"'rd Or•enta"tton Matl-1 Asrnt. e e e 0 Enghsh Asrnt. Aclcil S'tVO.nt: FAFSA BOGWo•ver 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 000001 Salinas H•gt1 Mo"'- p Sanchez 0 0 0 0 0 000001 'SohnoHigh Mark p Sanchez 0 0 0 0 0 000001 Solln.os H•gh Mork p Sonc:hez 0 0 0 0 000001 Sollno5 Htgh Mo.... p Sonc..,.z 0 0 0 0 000001 Saunas H•gt'l Mork p Sanchez 0 0 0 0 000001 Sotlno• H•gh Mark p Sonc..,_z 0 Mort< p Sanche-z 0 0 0 0 Sohno5 High 0 0 0 000001 0 0 000001 Salina'H•S" Mort< p Sonc'"'-z 0 0 0 0 0 000001 Sollnos High Mort< p Soncn.z 0 0 0 0 a GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu 2 3 0 Educational Planning Workshops • Academic Counseling services is offered six days a week. The hours are: Monday-Friday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday- 9:15 am to 12:00 pm • During Fall 2014 semester, in addition to one-on-one, express and online counseling appointments, the Counseling Department at Hartnell College developed “Educational Planning Workshops”. • These workshops are designed to provide students with comprehensive information in the following areas: • • • Completing the Hartnell College Steps to Success process; • Overview of Student Support Programs; • Availability of financial resources • (Financial aid and scholarships); • Development of a student educational plan (abbreviated or comprehensive); Steps for transfer to a university; Major exploration; Setting a timeline for goal completion; • http://www.hartnell.edu/counseling-workshops-and-events GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Student Educational Planning • In fall 2013, Hartnell College implemented the Student Educational Planning tool (online ed. plan) for students including degree audit (Colleague). • Students are required to have a comprehensive educational plan by the 15 degree applicable unit mark (registration rule has been programmed into colleague to ensure students meet this mandate). • Working with IT, we developed the programming for automated completion of the educational plan requirement from the Student Educational Planning tool. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu HARTNELLCOLLEGE .I. Mol1< J HARTNELL Y COLLEGE lii! Sionovt @ ..._, D Nolli<otions 0 Our records ndiCate yoo are currently a K-12 student X Yoo must use In-person registration to regtster Yoo may regiSter for a maximum of 9.0 umts for FaD and Spring semesters and a maxunum of 6 0 umts for Summer sesston.If yoo are no looger a K-12 student,please submrt new HartneAl ppliCation for AdmiSSIOn online (awhrtneledu)ii: :f----------l Progress CO<JrreCatalog Notes PtanArcme TestScores Unofficla!Transcnpt Remove Pianned Courses Fall 2015 semester Spring 2016 semester ro to Adnlin of Justice AOJ 1:lnt .,_, ADJ-1:lrdrotoA<binof Justice C.-3 .,_, AOJ-1·1n trotoAdmtnoiJusbct: )( summer 2016 session AOJ-18: Juvenile Pmcedures C.-3 A Fall 2016 semester 130: llllhducbon to FOod 11t1:0rgaMCVegetabiC Prod ucbon Sal<ty .,_ .,_ 1!10 "" A8T104' Ag 6Bs Oev forNewOrgame "'" 3 AOJ-1: lntro to Admlfl ot Jusbce A 10:.hrV'enlle ocedures 3 AOJ-11:L aw Wnt>ng 1 : reen Me,_, Matenab & """"'' AOT-141:Aut ran Report .,_, AOJ 10·Jwenlle Procedures ADT-101 Dleset Engine Rebulkf .,_, ·"'"""'' AOT-126:CiilllateCOIIIJol A001 FllftdofCher'Ncal 3 13"--dCr.ditf. 0 200:).2016 EllJcl3fl Alt fiCJIIIs reserved ellucian GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. AChievement www.hartnell.ec/ll Online Academic Probation and Student Success Workshop for Students • Students on Level 1, Academic/Progress Probation are required to take the newly developed “Online Student Success (Probation) Workshop. Student Support Programs e.g. EOPS and Counseling offer in person workshops for those students who feel the online workshop does not work for them. The content of this workshop covers: 1) What is Probation?; 2) How Did I End Up on Probation?; 3) Why is GPA So Important?; 4) What Services Exist to Assist Me?; 5) What Can I Do to Help Myself? • Students on Level 2, Academic/Progress Probation are required to take the newly developed “Online Student Success (Course) Workshop”. This workshop focuses more on classroom success strategies designed to assist students in becoming more effective classroom learners. The strategies focus on: 1) Active Listening; 2) Getting the Most Out of Lectures; 3) Setting Goals; 4) Reading to Answer Questions; 5) Taking Effective Notes Online Student Success (Probation) Workshop http://www.cynosurenewmedia.com/demos/hcpw/hc.asp?id=guest GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Online Student Success (Course) Workshop http://www.cynosurenewmedia.com/demos/hcsm/hc.asp?id=guest Capturing Student Completion of Services • In the Spring 2015 semester, the Hartnell College team developed a customized screen to capture all the required elements of the Student Success and Support Program (SSSP). • The screen below captures each element required for students to complete the enrollment and success process: GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Colleague Projects Prioritization PRIORITIZED PROJECTS (11) AVERAGE PROJECT DUE DATE NOTES STATUS SARS to Colleague Integration 1/15/2016 Retrieve counseling appointment information and load onto CASM Prioritized, not started anticipated start week of 3/6 Online Faculty Drops through PAWS Early June 2016 Prioritized, not started Determine if Colleague supports letting faculty drop students online. If not, next step - form teami n March. AA, create custom application. See Butte College for example. faculty, student affairs and IT. 3/2/2015 284.33 Move away from paper rosters and more to online rosters for attendance, etc. (Find a grading/attendance system to replace paper rosters accessible for all Late May 2016 faculty) Requested by Dr. Lewallen. This is a major project that involves selecting an Prioritized, not started attendance program as well as faculty training workshops. End of May may next step - form teami n March. AA, not be realistic. faculty, student affairs and IT. 3/2/2015 283.67 Reporting from Student Planner TBD Goal is to mine data from student planner - example - create demand statistics Prioritized, not started next step - identify desired reports. Mark, Mary, AA, research. example - Demand stats for course / schedule planning. 9/14/2015 256.00 NSLC for online transcripts/verification requests/Student Self Service Fall 2015 Contracts are signed. Need to implement each product. Prioritized, 2/29 - project started. Target date end of March - early April. 3/2/2015 248.33 Use Ellucian's’ complete Graduation Process and utilize CM processes December 2015 2/29 - move to on hold 2/1/16 - Current version of the Move away from Access Database. Communications Management is part of product does not meet Hartnell's this, and learning the Colleague forms is another requirements. Will keep an eye on future enhancements. 3/2/2015 246.33 IT Solution for CA Dreamer Cal Grants Late May 2015 No Colleague solution available, custom programming required. Prioritized, not started 3/2/2015 238.67 implement the Veterans Student Module November 2015 Allows us to track Veteran students over time. Schedule half-day training with consultant Prioritized, not started 3/2/2015 232.33 Ask Hartnell Fall 2015 Implement dynamic system of FAQ's and information. Initially student focused, but may create a similar system for faculty Moved from "on hold" and prioritized on 12/7/15; not started 4/6/2015 207.00 Tracking of Student Activities Summer 2015 Examine Colleague Campus Orgs module. If insufficient, either purchase or create a custom product 3/14 - Campus Org demo. Prioritized, not started 3/2/2015 173.33 GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu REQUEST DATE SCORE 311.00 Colleague Projects Priority Scoring Matrix Criteria # Criteria VALUE TO THE INSTITUTION Weight 37% Score Assigned Weighted Score 1 Is this project required or mandated? - Does the project address federal or sate compliance issues? Does it help avoid negative legal consequences? 8% 0 2 3 4 5 6 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 0 0 0 0 0 7 Does this project support Hartnell College's strategic objectives? Is the project an urgent need for Hartnell College? Is there a work-around or contingency plan? Is there a positive return on investment? What is the impact to the academic / fiscal calendar or business cycles? Impact to students Admissions Impact - How does the project affect the admissions process? 2% 0 8 Fin Aid Impact - What is the impact to timely and compliant support of financial aid processing and distribution? 2% 0 9 10 2% 2% 0 0 2% 2% 2% 25% 5% 5% 8% 5% 2% 0 0 0 14 15 16 17 18 Student Success -How does the project support student success? Academic Affairs - How does the project impact - instructional delivery, curriculum, and scheduling? Impact to business areas Payroll / contract - Does the project impact compensation or contracts? HR - How does the project impact onboarding, retention, and documentation? Finance - How does the project impact fiscal operations? VALUE TO THE CUSTOMER What are the consequences of doing nothing? How are business rules and/or processes impacted? Does it improve the ability of users to perform tasks? What users will be impacted or benefit? How much job training is necessary, and who will need that training? 19 20 21 22 Has a project scope been defined and documented? Is there available funding for the project? Budget Impact - Have the ongoing costs been identified? Is there a member of Cabinet who is the project sponsor? 15% 6% 2% 5% 2% 0 0 0 0 23 24 25 26 27 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM RISK What is the effect on IT staffing or technology systems? What is the state of the current system? Does the project provide needed data? What is the technology risk due to maturity or complexity of the proposed technology? Does Hartnell IT staff have experience with the proposed technology? 23% 4% 7% 2% 5% 5% 0 0 0 0 0 11 12 13 PROJECT READINESS Project Value Totals Project Value Maximums GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135 500 Follow-Up Services • Hartnell College utilizes the “Retention Alert” component of Colleague. Faculty generate the alerts when a student needs support (academic or program), which then notifies the Academic Follow-Up Services Specialist, Counselor and Program Assistant II to follow up with the student (typically within 24 hours). • Through the Coordination of a full-time “Academic Follow-Up Services Specialist (Faculty) working with three full-time Counselors (one at each campus/center) and threefull time Program Assistant II’s. The team has formed into an “Early Support” team on campus. • This team works with Instructional Faculty to conduct classroom presentations on academic and student support services available to students e.g. tutorial services. Instructional Faculty generate alerts to the team which then elicits follow-up with the students. The goal is for Instructional Faculty to assess and determine which students need support, ideally by the 2nd to 3rd week of the semester. • Our team has researched courses over the last three academic years that have the highest student attrition rates and have targeted services to Faculty and Students in those courses. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Loss of BOGW/Enrollment Priorities • • • • We noticed Level 2 students of their loss of BOGW/enrollment priorities in January 2016. We established an Academic Standards Committee to review all of the Appeal Petitions. (Made up of faculty, administrators, Counselors, and financial aid staff) We developed an Appeal form that is designed to handle both types of appeals. We established a deadline date that works with the enrollment priority schedule to ensure decisions are made prior to Fall 2016 registration starting. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Hartnell College Questions/Discussion? GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu