Student Services Program Review: Section III Program PRIORITIES & Associated Objectives 2012-2015 Objective 1 Objective 1 OBJECTIVES for above PRIORITY Description Outcome Measure Development and implementation of Transfer Site will be operational by January 2012. Center’s FACEBOOK page #1 Priority Priority Program/Unit: Transfer Center Priority Transfer Center will strengthen its communication capacities and partnerships with students, faculty and admission representatives to facilitate student transfers on main campus, and West Sacramento/Davis outreach centers. Objective 2 Development and implementation of Transfer Site will be operational by Spring 2013. Center’s new website Objective 2 Objective 3 Provide class presentations to students ready to transfer. This would include Math 120, and EngWr 300 as examples on the main campus, West Sac and Davis Centers. # of presentations in year Objective 3 Objective 4 Coordinate TAG and TAP programs. # of TAG’s and TAP’s written Objective 4 Objective 5 Sponsor Transfer Day, Majors/Transfer/Career gatherings with instruction, application and personal statement workshops Host Transfer Day Host Application Workshops Host Personal Statement Workshops Objective 5 Objective 6 Sponsor Scholarship workshops in partnership with Financial Aid and Foundation office for transferring students Create workshops to encourage and inform students of scholarship opportunities Objective 6 Student Services Program Review: Section III Program PRIORITIES & Associated Objectives 2012-2015 Program/Unit: Transfer Center Priority #1 Priority Priority (Priority #2 Continued) Objective 7 Objective 7 OBJECTIVES for above PRIORITY Description Outcome Measure Sponsor Financial Aid workshop in January for # of students attending transferring students. Objective 8 Objective 9 Increase campus visits from college admission representatives in the California (non-profit) system, and with out-of-state public and private (non-profit) # increase in representative visits Objective 9 Objective 10 Provide counseling appointments with Transfer Center Director, General Counseling, and visiting admission representatives. Develop distance advising opportunities for students with admission representatives # of attended appointments with TC Director, General Counseling, and University Reps Objective 10 Objective 11 Continue partnerships with Counseling, 411 first year experience project, Summer Bridge Academy, DSP&S, EOP&S, Honors Program, HCD courses, MESA, PUENTE, and RISE. Promote campus tours to colleges/universities. # of partnership sponsored events including campus tours Objective 11 Objective 12 Maintain TC staffing levels with additional assistance from student workers through Federal Work Study Full coverage for TC operating hours Objective 12 Increase size of TC space to accommodate more teaching and learning capacity within the TC Additional room for admission rep added Additional computers Additional space for transfer workshops 13 Decrease amount of paper used to advertise TC, decreasing budget spent on paper, allowing for monies to be allocated toward other supply resources. 13 Objective 8 Emphasize “going green” with fewer paper handouts and greater emphasis with online information access. Student Services Program Review: Section III Program PRIORITIES & Associated Objectives 2012-2015 Will be able to assess TC’s effectiveness in its service offerings in facilitating student transfers. Objective 5 Objective 5 Identify local, statewide, and nationwide databases and resources for obtaining transfer student numbers. Partner with admissions and records for obtaining transfer student data. Will have created instruments for assessing the full transfer process. Will document student learning of transfer planning over time on essential learning milestone goals. These milestone goals include: Clarified Major, Ed Plan, Choice of Schools, Financial Plan, Timely Applications, and Finalized Transfer Plans. Objective 4 Objective 4 Document student learning transfer milestone goals over time in a database organized by student ID# Will demonstrate student’s self-efficacy and self-regulated learning in the numerous steps needed for obtaining transfer admission offers from schools. These milestone goals include: Clarified Major, Ed Plan, Choice of Schools, Financial Plan, Timely Applications, and Finalized Transfer Plans. Objective 3 Objective 3 SLO #3 - Become knowledgeable about the transfer process and able to independently use transfer research resources as tools for gaining admission to the colleges/universities Objective 2 Objective 2 SLO #2 - Build in their capacity for engaging Will determine student’s increased selfin personal, academic, and career development. regulated learning in educational transfer planning over time. Objective 1 Objective 1 OBJECTIVES for above PRIORITY Description Outcome Measure SLO #1 - Experience a greater sense of Will determine student’s increased selfconfidence, self-discipline, and determination efficacy in educational transfer planning for engaging in the transfer process. over time. #2 Priority Priority Program/Unit: Transfer Center Priority Transfer Center will assess all three of its SLOs during this 3 year period, and connect student learning to the TC’s program outcome of numbers of students receiving admission offers.