College: Allan Hancock
District: Allan Hancock
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Allan Hancock College (AHC) is committed to student learning and success. In order to promote student
success for all students, the Student Equity Plan provides the process for the college to engage in a self‐
evaluation to improve successful outcomes on five student success indicators for students regardless of
race and ethnicity, gender, age, disability, economic circumstances, or Veteran or foster youth status.
The five student success indicators examined are access, course completion, ESL and basic skills
completion, degree and certificate completion, and transfer rates.
The college’s strategic direction of student learning and success is to provide educational programs and
comprehensive support services that promote student success and respond to qualitative and
quantitative assessment of learning. Student success at AHC is defined by the achievement of the
student’s educational goals (AHC Strategic Plan 2014‐2020). This strategic direction along with the
college’s mission statement, shared values, and planning process guided the development of the
Student Equity Plan.
Mission Statement: AHC provides quality educational opportunities that enhance student learning and
the creative, intellectual, cultural, and economic vitality of our diverse community.
Shared Values: Student Success
Mutual Respect
Lifelong Learning
Academic Freedom
Shared Governance
We at AHC express our values in all that we do. Our commitment is to find innovative ways to enhance
student achievement and always to put students first. We operate in a culture of mutual respect and
lifelong learning, developing relationships among students and employees to enrich our collective
appreciation for diverse ideas, thoughts, and experiences. Our culture is supported by a philosophy that
shared governance and academic freedom are primary vehicles in promoting excellence in all teaching,
learning, and services through open and honest communication.
Nondiscrimination Statement: The Board of Trustees of Allan Hancock Joint Community College District
recognizes that diversity in the academic environment fosters cultural awareness, mutual understanding
and respect, harmony, and creativity while providing positive images for all students. The district is
committed to the active promotion of campus diversity, including recruitment of and opportunities for
qualified members of underrepresented/protected groups, as well as the provision of a work and learning
environment conducive to open discussion and free of intimidation, harassment, and unlawful
discrimination (Excerpt from AHC Board Policy 3420).
Target Groups
The campus based data were disaggregated to examine the five student success indicators on the basis of
student populations by race and ethnicity, gender, age, economically disadvantaged, disability, Veteran,
and foster youth. As the goals and activities were developed, each of these student populations were
considered; however, through the review of campus data on the five student success indicators,
College: Allan Hancock
District: Allan Hancock
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specific attention was given to the following target student groups: English as a second language (ESL),
males, ages 20 – 24 and 25‐49, disabled, economically disadvantaged, foster youth, and Veterans.
GOAL A: Access Conduct research and evaluation of 3SP core services; establish reliable data collection
processes for foster youth and Veterans; and outreach to increase enrollment of ESL, foster youth,
Veterans, economically disadvantaged, and students with disabilities.
GOAL B: Course Completion Increase overall course completion rates among the following targeted
groups within two years: African American students from 62.6% to 64.6%; Hispanic/Latino students
from 68% to 70%; students with disabilities from 68.5% to 70.5%; foster youth from 56.5% to 58.5%.
GOAL C: ESL and Basic Skills Completion Increase the number of all students especially students from the
subgroups of male, ages 25 +, and foster youth in basic skills and ESL classes who complete a degree
applicable course in the same discipline.
GOAL D: Degree and Certificate Completion Increase the number of students who complete a degree
and/or certificate, especially students from the subgroup populations of ages 20 – 24, students with
disabilities, foster youth, and Veterans.
GOAL E: Transfer Improve transfer rates of all students, in particular economically disadvantaged,
Hispanic/Latino (including Hispanic/Latino males), students with disabilities, foster youth students, and
GOAL F: Campus‐Wide Initiatives Identify where the college is imposing institutional barriers to access
and success, the institution through collaborative efforts will identify ways to mitigate these unintended
The activities in the plan are deemed necessary to work towards achieving the identified goals. A
summary of the themes are identified in the activities below.
continue research and evaluation pertaining to student equity,
begin research and evaluation of 3SP core services to assess for disproportionate impact, and
establish reliable data collection processes for foster youth and Veterans.
outreach to targeted groups and
strengthen partnerships with feeder high school districts and community agencies.
Expansion of Services:
enhance tutorial and library services at the Lompoc Valley Center (LVC),
provide enhanced counseling services and follow up services for target groups,
College: Allan Hancock
District: Allan Hancock
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 increase commitment to faculty and staff development related to student equity, and
 increase student participation in student conferences/activities.
The student equity objectives are integrated with the AHC Strategic Plan, and the related Student
Learning and Success (SLS) goals from the Strategic Plan are referenced.
AHC Strategic Plan 2014‐2020 is available at:
GOAL A: Access Conduct research and evaluation of 3SP core services; establish reliable data collection
processes for foster youth and Veterans; and outreach to increase enrollment of ESL, foster youth,
Veterans, economically disadvantaged, and students with disabilities. (Detailed expected outcomes and
target dates are listed in the following section.)
A.1 Conduct research and evaluation of 3SP core services to assess for disproportionate impact.
Goal SLS1: To ensure continuous improvement based on Student Learning Outcomes assessment data.
A.2 Increase in students from targeted groups taking accelerated English courses.
Goal SLS2: To support student access, achievement, and success.
A.3 Outreach to target groups of ESL, students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged, foster
youth, and Veterans.
Goal SLS2: To support student access, achievement, and success.
A.4 Strengthen High School District Partnerships.
Goal SLS2: To support student access, achievement, and success.
A.5 E Expansion of services through direct aid for students.
Goal SLS5: Nurture students: convey a sense of caring where students’ success is important and
GOAL B: Course Completion Increase overall course completion rates among the following targeted
groups within two years: African American students from 62.6% to 64.6%; Hispanic/Latino students
from 68% to 70%; students with disabilities from 68.5% to 70.5%; foster youth from 56.5% to 58.5%
(Detailed expected outcomes and target dates are listed in the following section.)
B.1 Expansion of tutorial services in all locations and modalities.
Goal SLS4: Ensure students are focused.
B.2 Implement an Early Alert Program.
Goal SLS4: Ensure students are focused.
B.3 Offer Professional Development Opportunities.
Goal SLS1: To ensure continuous improvement based on Student Learning Outcomes assessment data.
GOAL C: ESL and Basic Skills Completion Increase the number of all students, especially students from
the subgroups of male, ages 25+, and foster youth in basic skills and ESL classes who complete a
degree applicable course in the same discipline. (Detailed expected outcomes and target dates are
listed in the following section.)
C.1 Increase the number of ESL students transitioning into college level English by 2% amongst males,
Hispanic/Latino, and economically disadvantaged.
Goal SLS1: To ensure continuous improvement based on Student Learning Outcomes assessment data.
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District: Allan Hancock
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C.2 Increase the number of students with disabilities, African Americans, and males by 2% who complete
a degree applicable course, especially math, English and/or reading, after having completed the final basic
skills/ESL course.
Goal SLS2: To support student access, achievement, and success.
C.3 Increase basic skills completion among African‐American students from 36% to 40% and
Hispanic/Latino students from 40% to 42%.
Goal SLS2: To support student access, achievement, and success.
C.4 Increase basic skills math completion among African American students from 14% to 18% and
students with disabilities from 26% to 28%.
Goal SLS2: To support student access, achievement, and success.
C.5 Increase basic skills completion for foster youth from 15% to 20%
Goal SLS2: To support student access, achievement, and success
C.6 Develop a male support group comprised of students enrolled in basic skills courses
Goal SLS2: To support student access, achievement, and success.
C.7 Develop and implement a mentor program to support the development of non‐cognitive skills and
self‐efficacy among basic skills students.
Goal SLS2: To support student access, achievement, and success.
C.8 Provide faculty, staff, and students professional development opportunities focused on cultural
competencies, instructional strategies for at‐risk students, specialized needs of foster youth, and basic
skills best practices.
Goal SLS2: To support student access, achievement, and success
GOAL D: Degree and Certificate Completion Increase the number of students who complete a degree
and/or certificate, especially students from the subgroup populations of ages 20 – 24, students with
disabilities, foster youth, and Veterans. (Detailed expected outcomes and target dates are listed in the
following section.)
D.1 Increase the number of students who have an electronic comprehensive Student Education Plan
(SEP) among targeted groups of age 20‐24, males, foster youth, students with disabilities, and
Hispanic/Latino students by 3%.
Goal SLS3: Ensure students are directed: help students clarify their aspirations, develop an educational
focus they perceive as meaningful, and develop a plan that moves them from enrollment to
achievement of their goal.
D.2 Provide counseling and student support services to foster youth and Veterans to increase the
completion rates for associate degrees and certificates among foster youth to 4% and Veterans to 18%.
Goal SLS3: Ensure students are directed: help students clarify their aspirations, develop an educational
focus they perceive as meaningful, and develop a plan that moves them from enrollment to
achievement of their goal.
GOAL E: Transfer Improve transfer rates of all students, in particular economically disadvantaged,
Hispanic/Latino (including Hispanic/Latino males), students with disabilities, foster youth students,
and Veterans.
(Detailed expected outcomes and target dates are listed in the following section.)
E.1 Increase transfer rates of Hispanic/Latino students from 20% to 22% over 4 years.
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District: Allan Hancock
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Goal SLS3: Ensure students are directed: help students clarify their aspirations, develop an educational
focus they perceive as meaningful, and develop a plan that moves them from enrollment to
achievement of their goal.
GOAL E.2 Increase transfer rates of economically disadvantaged students from 22% to 24% over 4 years.
Goal SLS3: Ensure students are directed: help students clarify their aspirations, develop an educational
focus they perceive as meaningful, and develop a plan that moves them from enrollment to
achievement of their goal.
GOAL E.3 Increase transfer rates of disabled students by 2% over 4 years.
Goal SLS3: Ensure students are directed: help students clarify their aspirations, develop an educational
focus they perceive as meaningful, and develop a plan that moves them from enrollment to
achievement of their goal.
GOAL F: Campus‐Wide Initiatives Identify where the college is imposing institutional barriers to access
and success, the institution through collaborative efforts will identify ways to mitigate these unintended
outcomes. (Detailed expected outcomes and target dates are listed in the following section.)
GOAL F.1 Identify of racial and ethnic gaps in educational outcomes, inquiry into instructional and
academic support practices.
Goal SLS1: To ensure continuous improvement based on Student Learning Outcomes assessment data.
Student Equity Funding and Other Resources
AHC demonstrates a commitment to student equity through a broad range of educational programs and
student services. The 3SP & Student Equity Committee believes it is important to list and describe these
programs and services because they are instrumental in working towards achieving the goals and
implementing the activities identified in this plan. AHC’s current programs include
Student Success and Support Program (3SP)
Associated Student Body Government (ASBG) and Student Activities and Clubs
Basic Skills Initiative (BSI)
Bridges to the Baccalaureate
Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support Program (CAFYES)
California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal‐SOAP)
CalWORKS Program
Career and Job Placement Center
Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS)‐Twilight Program; Children’s Center
College Achievement Now (CAN/TRiO)
Cooperative Agency Resources for Education (CARE)
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)
Financial Aid Program; Individualized Learning Lab
Open Access Computer Labs (OACL);
Learning Assistance Program (LAP/DSPS)
Library Resources; Math, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA)
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
Tutorial Center
University Transfer Center (UTC)