Five-Year Local California Community Colleges

California Community Colleges
Five-Year Local
Career and Technical Education
Form CTE-2
2008-2012 CTE LOCAL PLAN
NOTE: In responding to the following section, please note that the five-year plan is a broad
outline in contrast to the annual application which will require greater specificity.
Step 1: CTE Local Planning Team Involvement
Complete the “List of Members of the CTE Local Planning Team” (Appendix J, CTE3)
1) Provide a brief description of how the CTE Local Planning Team was involved in
the development, implementation and evaluation of the five-year local plan and 2)
how the team was informed about and assisted in understanding the requirements of
Perkins IV, including CTE programs of study.
Step 2: Data Analysis for Program Improvement
For the purpose of Perkins IV program improvement, describe the data used, the
priority criteria established, and the analysis conducted to ensure continuous
program improvement.
Step 3: Responses to Perkins IV §134(b) Requirements for Descriptions of
District Compliance
Provide the information as requested below for the elements required in Perkins IV
§134(b). Number the responses as they are presented here.
1. Describe how the requirements for use of funds under §135(b) will be met §134(b)(1);
2. Describe how CTE activities will meet state and local adjusted levels of performance
established in §113 - §134(b)(2);
3. Describe how the recipient will:
A. Offer appropriate courses, including not less than one career and technical
program of study as described in §122(c)(1)(A);
B. Improve the academic and technical skills of students participating in CTE
programs through integration;
C. Provide students with strong experience in all aspects of an industry;
D. Ensure that CTE students are taught to the same challenging academic
proficiencies as are taught for all other students; and
E. Encourage CTE students to enroll in rigorous and challenging courses in core
academic subjects - §134(b)(3);
4. Describe how comprehensive professional development, including initial teacher
preparation, will be provided. Education personnel includes: CTE instructors,
academic instructors, guidance counselors, and administrative personnel. Areas of
professional development include integration of coherent and rigorous content
aligned with challenging academic standards, curriculum development, and relevant
CTE. - §134(b)(4);
5. Describe how a wide variety of stakeholders are involved in the development,
implementation, and evaluation of CTE, and how they are informed about the
requirements of Perkins IV including career and technical programs of study §134(b)(5);
Because the response to this requirement is provided in Step 1: “CTE Local
Planning Team Involvement,” no response is required here, rather reference Step
1 here.
6. Describe how you assure that programs are of such size, scope, and quality to bring
about improvement in the quality of CTE programs - §134(b)(6);
7. Describe the process that will be used to evaluate and continuously improve
performance - §134(b)(7);
Because the response to this requirement is provided in Step 2: “Data Analysis
for Program Improvement,” no response is required here, rather reference Step 2
8. Describe how the eligible recipient will:
A. Review CTE programs, and identify and adopt strategies to overcome barriers
that lower access to or success for special populations;
B. Provide programs that are designed to enable special populations to meet the
local adjusted levels of performance; and
C. Provide activities to prepare special populations (including single parents and
displaced home-makers) for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations
that will lead to self-sufficiency - §134(b)(8);
9. Describe how individuals who are members of special populations will not be
discriminated against based on this status - §134(b)(9);
10. Describe how funds will be used to promote preparation for non-traditional training
and employment - §134(b)(10);
11. Describe how career guidance and academic counseling will be provided to CTE
students, including linkages to future education and training opportunities §134(b)(11); and
12. Describe efforts to improve:
A. The recruitment and retention of career and technical education faculty and
career guidance and academic counselors, including individuals in groups
underrepresented in the teaching profession; and
B. The transition to teaching from business and industry - §134(b)(12).
Step 4: Complete the signature page, assemble the plan, and submit the five-year
plan by Tuesday, April 21, 2008.
Complete the attached five-year 2008-2012 CTE Local Plan Cover Page provided in
Appendix J, form CTE-1.
Assemble the materials. The five-year local plan will be comprised of the following
a. 2008-2012 CTE Local Plan Cover Page – form CTE-1
b. List of Members of the CTE Local Planning Team – form CTE-3
c. Involvement of the CTE Local Planning Team - Step 1, form CTE-2
d. Data analysis for Program Improvement - Step 2, form CTE-2
e. Responses to Perkins IV §134(b) Requirements for Descriptions of District
Compliance - Step 3, form CTE-2
Number the pages beginning with the List of Members of Perkins IV Local Planning
Team and continue sequentially through the remainder of the pages.
Staple the local plan in the upper left-hand corner of the document. Do not use
other methods of binding.
Obtain the District Superintendent/President original signature in an ink color other
than black on four copies of the Cover Page.
Submit all four copies of the Local Plan to:
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
Career Technical Education Unit
1102 Q. Street – Third Floor
Sacramento, CA 95811-6549
Due Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2008