Perkins IV: Core Indicators and Negotiating Performance Targets Webinar Please join us for our upcoming CCC Confer webinar on Perkins IV: Core Indicators and Negotiating Performance Targets Presented by Chuck Wiseley from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. Webinar will be held: Wednesday, April 16th from 1pm - 3pm Why should I attend? Districts will be required to negotiate performance targets on their Perkins core indicators of performance and face sanctions, including restrictions on the use of funds, when those targets are not met. In this webinar, you'll learn about the tools provided by the system office and some negotiation strategies that will result in setting achievable district performance targets. Data that can be used to spot trends, predict patterns, isolate problem areas or improve student performance will be discussed. Who should attend? Individuals responsible for managing Perkins funds and negotiating performance targets with the Chancellor's Office along with research and other support professionals interested in strategies and the process for setting achievable Perkins performance targets will benefit from the webinar. This webinar includes content from the previous "in person workshops" on negotiating performance targets recently offered through the regional consortia. Participants of those workshops may want to listen in to reinforce the information learned in the workshops. Individuals unable to attend a workshop in their area will benefit by hearing about the new resources provided by the system office along with the new requirements for negotiating performance targets. What will I learn? Participants will learn how to take the plethora of data supplied by the system office including the negotiation workbook and use it to identify achievable performance targets for the upcoming negotiations in April and May. How do I participate? Ideal participation scenario: Although individual participation is appropriate using a computer and a phone, college teams (e.g., deans, researchers, MIS staff, etc.) that were unable to attend a regional workshop may want to participate as a group in a room with a speaker phone, computer with internet access, and a projector so everyone can view the webinar and discuss the topics with their team members. Prior to the webinar: 1. To see if your computer has all the components necessary to participate in the webinar go to: Contact CCC Confer for technical support. 2. Access your district report at: Participants should review the workbook. The charts and worksheets will be used to set district targets and the webinar will go over only a few of the workbook sheets. 3. Print and review the attached handouts. PowerPoint handouts and other webinar handouts are also available at: ndicatorWorkshop/tabid/936/Default.aspx. 1 Perkins IV: Core Indicators and Negotiating Performance Targets Webinar HANDOUTS Attached are the handouts for the upcoming webinar. The PowerPoint presentation and handout will be available at the website listed in the previous section the week before the webinar. The Accountability Framework document provides the narrative for the topics covered in the webinar. The District Final Agreed Upon Performance Levels (FAUPL) worksheet will be covered during the session and is the vehicle for the negotiations. The CTE major assignment document describes the new methodology for assigning a TOP code to a student concentrator. Using the Negotiation Workbook provides basic instructions for scrolling through worksheets, adjusting Y axis scales on a chart, and printing multiple pages from the workbook. On the day of the Webinar: Follow the instructions below. Important note: Do not use the HOLD function on your phone (recorded messages will occur and drown out the session) – use *6 to mute and unmute your phone or use the mute function on your phone where available. MEET & CONFER PARTICIPANT INVITATION EVENT DETAILS: Status: Active Event: Perkins IV: Core Indicators and Negotiating Performance Targets Date: 4/16/2008 Time: 1:00 PM Duration: 2 hrs. 30 min. Group/College/Organization: CCCCO PARTICIPANT DETAILS NOTE: NEW DIAL IN NUMBER > Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 886-3951 > Enter your passcode: 495731 > Go to > Click the Participant Log In button under the Meet & Confer logo > Locate your meeting and click Go. > Fill out the form and enter the password: 495731 PARTICIPANT CONFERENCE FEATURES: *0 - Contact the operator for assistance with the audio. *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line with a private announcement. CCC Confer QUESTIONS? CCC Confer Client Services is available Monday through Friday between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm at 760-744-1150 ext 1537 or 1554 or email Webinar Questions? Contact Chuck Wiseley at or (916) 327-5895. 2