Instructions for Final Report Narrative Using data reported on a periodic basis, describe the outcomes resulting from the project. Describe the extent to which the project contributed to meeting the needs identified in the application. Using the workplan submitted with the grant application, report on the final status of the proposed performance objectives and outcomes. Summarize the activities of the project that enhanced the mission of the program. Provide a recommendation of ways to strengthen the collaboration between community colleges, high schools and ROCPs to expand career-technical education programs and related opportunities for students. Were the partners involved in this project successful in their efforts to expand collaborations? What were the strengths and weaknesses of the partnerships? Provide an assessment of the capacity of community colleges, high schools and ROCPs to engage in and support effective, integrated programs of career and technical preparation. What aspects of the project were easily achieved? What were the difficulties that arose? E-mail an electronic copy of the narrative to the project monitor. CTE Community Collaborative RFA Booklet Instructions for Final Narrative