DIANE WOODRUFF, CHANCELLOR (INTERIM) CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES SYSTEM OFFICE 1102 Q STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95811-6549 (916) 445-8752 http://www.cccco.edu May 30, 2008 To: Project Directors Career Technical Education Community Collaboratives From: Ron Selge, Dean Career Technical Education Subject: Additional Funding for the Career Technical Education Community Collaborative Projects Congratulations on the recent award of a Career Technical Education (CTE) Community Collaborative Project (RFA Specification 07-0170). Please note that the grant amount has been increased from $350,000 to $369,700. Specific information on the proposed awards is located at: http://www.cccco.edu/SystemOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTEPathwaysInitiativ e/tabid/418/Default.aspx This memo is to detail the nature of this additional funding and provide direction on its use. The following four topics will be addressed: 1. An overview of the additional funding. 2. Programmatic details of the additional funding. 3. Fiscal details of the additional funding. 4. Face Sheet revisions. Overview of the Additional Funding For the sake of simplicity, and to meet statewide priorities, the California Community College System Office, in collaboration with the California Department of Education, will provide a standard addendum to the RFA applications submitted. The addendum will consist of a standard workplan and budget covering the additional funding, as detailed below and in the attachments. Please be aware that: Although recipients must address specified expanded elements of the workplan in the performance of the grant, there is NO MANDATE that the entire amount of the additional funding be spent on these expanded elements. Recipients are free to supplement other areas of their funded applications. Although a standard budget for the additional funding is included for your convenience, “Article II, Standard Legal Terms and Conditions” of your grant agreement permits recipients to modify the aggregate budget of the project. The California Community Colleges System Office is prepared to approve, upon request, any budget changes that may be required. Pursuant to the requirement of “Article II, Standard Legal Terms and Conditions, item 1. Work to be Performed,” this letter confirms that the project is to expand the workplan to include the activities shown on the attached workplan and the attached budget. These documents relieve the project of the need to submit a revised workplan or budget. However, all applications are going through a technical review and projects may be contacted for clarifications and/or modifications. Programmatic Details of the Additional Funding The workplan addendum stipulates and further elaborates on two activities, although there is the possibility of some overlap with activities already stated in the approved application: 1. The operation of a shared management or steering committee for the Community Collaborative. 2. Participation in a statewide meeting of all CTE Community Collaboratives and related Governor’s CTE Initiative grantees. As stated previously in both the instructions for the “Letter of Intent” and the subsequent Request for Application, CTE Community Collaborative Project sub-regional areas are directed to utilize a shared management or steering committee that is representative of its members to provide planning, coordination, and broad advisory oversight. The activities in the workplan addendum underscores this requirement and expands it to include a level of communication and collaboration as appropriate with other CTE Community Collaboratives; either contiguous with the collaborative in the same region or sharing similar implementation goals or strategies. Furthermore, the California Community College System Office and the California Department of Education have received multiple requests for the opportunity to meet and confer with other CTE Community Collaborative Projects statewide. The workplan addendum now includes that requirement, contingent upon the subsequent announcement of such a meeting. Fiscal Details of the Additional Funding A budget addendum is also provided as an attachment to this memo. Although it asserts a particular expenditure pattern, CTE Community Collaborative Project Directors are reminded of the flexibility already provided in the Standard Legal Terms and Conditions of the grant. For your convenience, that excerpt is provided as an attachment, and further directions are provided in this memo. In the near future, projects will be directed to consolidate their original budgets and the augmented budgets in the project budget array of the online reporting system (http://misweb.cccco.edu). Although projects are provided great flexibility, the California Community College System Office and the California Department of Education will closely monitor any additions to travel or equipment beyond the sum of amounts requested in the original and augmented budget. Both agencies are well aware of the speed with which applications were constructed during the winter of 2007-08, and we anticipate that projects may well need to modify budgets now as implementation draws near. Face Sheet The face sheet must be revised to reflect the additional funding; therefore, please complete and sign the appropriate attached face sheet(s) and return three signed copies. Please see the attached CTE Community Collaborative chart that provides the grant amount information for the face sheet. For the grantees that have been awarded a Supplemental grant, please note that the new core grant amount was consolidated with the Supplemental grant amount. The grantees that have been awarded Workforce Innovation Partnerships (WIP) grants will need to complete a separate face sheet for the WIP grant. Should you have any questions, please contact Jackie Escajeda at jescajeda@cccco.edu or Laura Casillas at lcasillas@cccco.edu. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Attachments: Standard Legal Terms and Conditions Budget Changes Workplan Budget Summary CTE Community Collaborative Projects Face Sheet Form Workforce Innovation Partnerships Face Sheet Form CTE Community Collaborative Chart Standard Legal Terms and Conditions Budget Changes Grantee may make changes to any budget category amounts without the approval of the Project Monitor so long as budget categories are not added or deleted, the total dollar amount of the Grant is not affected, and the outcomes of the Grant will not be materially affected. Grantee may add or delete budget categories subject to the prior approval of the Project Monitor. Grant amendments are required for budget changes when there are changes in the total dollar amount of the Grant and/or the outcome of the Grant is materially affected. The request for such changes should include a letter of justification; three copies of a revised "Application Budget Summary," all of which have been signed by the Chief Business Officer or his/her designee, in an ink color other than black, and a revised "Application Budget Detail Sheet." The Budget Amendment request should be mailed to the Program Unit for approval by the Project Monitor. Grantee will be notified if the request is approved or if additional information is required. In any event, the Grantee shall implement changes only upon written notification by the Project Monitor. Additionally, the next Progress Report must show the new budget changes. Budget changes or amendments involving an extension of time are subject to applicable program limitations. Any budget change or amendment permitting funds to be spent beyond the year of appropriation shall ensure that Grantee does not receive funding for the same expense from more than one fiscal year. Project Workplan Timeline (Month/Year) Activities Measureable Outcomes Objective: Strengthening the CTE Community Collaborative Expand and strengthen the CTE Community Collaborative to build the capacity of all the partners in support of implementation Ensure that all needed community partners Identified more community partners to achieve July 2008 to required to develop a strong, decision making capacity of the collaborative and implementation November 2009 collaborative capable of implementing the CTE of the CTE Community Collaborative Plan Community Collaborative Plan are included Conduct outreach to assure representation of all Outreach completed September 2008 partners to September 2009 Convene the expanded CTE Community Bi-annual meetings conducted co-chaired by local September 2008 Collaborative leadership of college and K-12 systems to November 2009 Identify current CTE initiatives, collaboratives and Identified all the CTE players, initiatives and September 2008 career partnerships that could be better served as resources that could be aligned behind the CTE to September a sub-set initiative of the larger CTE Community Community Collaborative Plan 2009 Collaborative Engage the partners in setting the short-term and Short-term and long-term outcomes identified, September 2008 long-term outcomes for implementation priorities set and plan in place to September 2009 Establish a CTE Community Leadership Work Working CTE Community Leadership Team September 2008 Team to oversee the progress of the grant established and meeting regularly to December outcomes 2009 Identify sub-committee where appropriate and Sub-committees established November 2008 necessary to move the outcomes of the CTE to December Community Collaborative forward 2009 on a monthly basis Identify appropriate district and program District and Programs represented on subNovember 2008 Timeline Activities Measureable Outcomes (Month/Year) representation for the sub-committees committees to January 2009 Engage partners in evaluation and resetting Evaluation of progress completed and next steps Fall 2008 outcomes for upcoming year identified for upcoming year Fall 2009 Objective: Support professional development in-service workshops for instructors, especially those focused on assisting instructors, to understand and apply CTE standards embedded in the CTE curriculum, thereby, increasing course rigor The Collaborative will collaborate with 100% of participating secondary and September 2008 organizations to develop a series of professional postsecondary instructors will receive training to ongoing development opportunities for CTE instructors. through term of Organizations may include: grant CalPASS Professional Learning Councils Statewide Career Pathways (discipline work groups) Academic Senate, California Community Colleges Associate for Career and Technical Education (CTE) conferences California Community College Association of Occupational Education (CCCAOE) Statewide Convening meeting Consider the goals of the Stakeholder The Collaborative will use economic development Committees representing education (community data to prioritize activities. Career pathways will colleges, K-12, ROPs, and adult schools) and include the involvement of regional Initiative industry. This collaboration will drive the Centers, and actively participate in Tech Prep development and implementation of the grant Regional Coordination Project. Each college will project. The Collaborative will ensure outcomes work with the Academic Senate to coordinate result in a seamless system of CTE between pathway projects with the statewide initiative and secondary and postsecondary education and align activities with COCCC/CDE requirements, meet the needs of business and industry i.e., CTE Plan, accountability, CalPASS, and related federal/state/local mandates. Chancellor's Office California Community Colleges Application Budget Summary Augmentation RFA Specification No.: 07-0170 Program Year: RFA Specification Title: CTE Community Collaborative Project Telephone No.: District/College: Fax No.: Project Director: e-mail: Total Program Funds Requested Object of Expenditure Classification Line 1000 Instructional Salaries 1 $12,000 2000 Noninstructional Salaries 2 $4,942 3000 Employee Benefits 3 4000 Supplies and Materials 4 5000 Other Operating Expenses and Services 5 6000 Capital Outlay 6 7000 Other Outgo 7 $2,000 Total Direct Costs 8 $18,942 Total Indirect Costs (4% of line 8) 9 $758 Total Project Costs 10 $19,700 Match THIS FORM MAY BE REPLICATED BUT UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES CAN THE LANGUAGE BE ALTERED District: College: RFA Specification Number: 07-0170 Chancellor’s Office California Community Colleges Grant Agreement TO BE COMPLETED BY COCCC Governor’s Career Technical Education Initiative (SB 70/SB1133) Grant Agreement No.: Career Technical Education Community Collaborative Project Date: Total Amount to be Encumbered: $ This grant is made and entered into, by and between, the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges, and the aforementioned district, hereafter referred to as the Grantee. The grant shall consist of the RFA Specification; this Grant Agreement face sheet, the Grantee’s application, with all required forms; and the Grant Agreement Legal Terms and Conditions, (Articles I, Rev. 1/08 and II, Rev. 10/06), as set forth in the RFA Instructions. All of these items are incorporated into this grant by reference. The total amount payable for this grant under each performance/funding period shall not exceed the amounts shown above as “Amount Encumbered”; and the total amount payable under this agreement shall not exceed the amount shown above as “Total Amount to be Encumbered.” The term of this grant shall be from June 1, 2008, to and including January 31, 2010. All performance under must be completed by December 31, 2009, except for the submission of any final reports that may be required by Article I of the Grant Agreement. I hereby certify upon my own personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for the period and purpose of the expenditure stated above. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Item Chapter Statute Fiscal Year 6870-675-0001 751 2007 2007-08 GRANTEE Project Director Object of Expenditure (Code and Title) Grant Funds Requested $ Matching Funds $ (If applicable) $ 0235-751-23575 Signature, Accounting Officer (or authorized Designee) Project Monitor Agency Signature, Chief Executive Officer (or authorized Designee) Chancellor’s Office California Community Colleges 1102 Q Street Sacramento, California 95811-6549 Signature, Executive Vice Chancellor (or authorized Designee) Steve Bruckman Printed Name of Person Signing Executive Vice Chancellor Printed Name of Person Signing Title Date Address Date THIS FORM MAY BE REPLICATED BUT UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES CAN THE LANGUAGE BE ALTERED District: College: RFA Specification Number: 07-0171 Chancellor’s Office California Community Colleges Grant Agreement TO BE COMPLETED BY COCCC Governor’s Career Technical Education Initiative (SB 70/SB1133) Grant Agreement No.: Workforce Innovation Partnerships Total Amount to be Encumbered: $ Date: This grant is made and entered into, by and between, the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges, and the aforementioned district, hereafter referred to as the Grantee. The grant shall consist of the RFA Specification; this Grant Agreement face sheet, the Grantee’s application, with all required forms; and the Grant Agreement Legal Terms and Conditions, (Articles I, Rev. 1/08 and II, Rev. 10/06), as set forth in the RFA Instructions. All of these items are incorporated into this grant by reference. The total amount payable for this grant under each performance/funding period shall not exceed the amounts shown above as “Amount Encumbered”; and the total amount payable under this agreement shall not exceed the amount shown above as “Total Amount to be Encumbered.” The term of this grant shall be from June 1, 2008, to and including January 31, 2010. All performance under must be completed by December 31, 2009, except for the submission of any final reports that may be required by Article I of the Grant Agreement. I hereby certify upon my own personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for the period and purpose of the expenditure stated above. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Item Chapter Statute Fiscal Year 6870-675-0001 751 2007 2007-08 GRANTEE Project Director Object of Expenditure (Code and Title) Grant Funds Requested $ Matching Funds $ (If applicable) $ 0235-751-23575 Signature, Accounting Officer (or authorized Designee) Project Monitor Agency Signature, Chief Executive Officer (or authorized Designee) Chancellor’s Office California Community Colleges 1102 Q Street Sacramento, California 95811-6549 Signature, Executive Vice Chancellor (or authorized Designee) Steve Bruckman Printed Name of Person Signing Executive Vice Chancellor Printed Name of Person Signing Title Date Address Date 2007-2008 Career Technical Education Community Collaborative CCD Collaborative Name Core Grant Amount Supplemental Grant Amount Total Grant Amount for Face Sheet 070170 CTE Comm. Collab. Projects Total Grant Amount for Face Sheet 07-0171 WIP Siskiyou Joint Siskiyous Joint Community College $369,700 $369,700 Feather River Feather River/Lassen College Community Collaborative Consortium $369,700 $369,700 Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Jt. Shasta-Tehema-Trinity Joint Community College $368,849 $368,849 Butte-Glenn Butte College CTE Community Collaborative Project $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 $150,000 Sierra Joint Sierra STEM Community Collaborative $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 $150,000 Los Rios Sacramento-Yolo CTE Partnership $369,688 $ 97,760 $467,448 Los Rios El Dorado County Career Technical Partnership $369,698 $99,944 $469,642 Los Rios American River College $369,700 $100,000 $ 469,700 Mendocino Lake Mendocino College (Redwoods) $369,700 $369,700 San Mateo Skyline $369,655 $369,655 West Valley-Mission Silicon Valley Stepping Stones Collaborative $369,700 Foothill De Anza Silicon Valley CTE Community Collaborative $369,656 Cabrillo Santa Cruz County Community Collaborative $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 $150,000 Chabot-Las Positas East Bay - Tri-Valley Community Collaborative $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 $150,000 Sonoma County Junior CTE Collaborative of the North Bay $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 $150,000 San Francisco San Francisco CTE Community Collaborative $369,700 $369,700 Ohlone Silicon Valley Information & Technology Collaborative $369,700 $369,700 $149,545 Contra Costa Contra Costa Community CTE Collaborative $369,700 $407,271 $150,000 Peralta Peralta CCD $369,700 $369,700 Solano Solano County Career Pathways Collaborative $369,700 $369,700 Hartnell Monterey Bay Career Technical Education Community Collaborative $369,700 $369,700 State Center State Center Consortium CTE $369,700 Kern Kern/Tulare Community Collaborative $369,700 $369,700 Sequoias College of the Sequoias CTE Community Collaborative Project $369,700 $369,700 Yosemite Valley/Sierra CTE Collaborative $369,700 $369,700 Ventura County Ventura County CTE Collaborative $369,700 $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 $150,000 $149,993 $369,656 $37,571 $100,000 $469,700 Santa Barbara Explore It! Career Academy $369,700 $369,700 Santa Clarita Santa Clarita Valley Collaborative $369,700 $369,700 Allan Hancock Joint Central Coastal CTE Community Collaborative $369,700 Citrus San Gabriel Valley CTE Community Collaborative $369,700 Los Angeles $369,551 $96,093 $ 465,644 $149,953 Pasadena Area Los Angeles CTE Collaborative Glendale City College/Pasadena College CTE Community Collaborative $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 $150,000 El Camino El Camino College/Cerritos College/Compton College $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 Long Beach Long Beach City College $369,700 $369,700 Santa Monica West Side Los Angeles CTE Community Collaborative $369,700 $369,700 Coast STEM CTE Community Collaborative $369,700 $369,700 Rancho Santiago Rancho Santiago CCD CTE Community Collaborative $369,700 $369,700 South Orange County South Orange County Community Collaborative $369,700 Coast Coast CCD $369,700 $369,700 Barstow Barstow Regional CTE Community Collaborative $369,344 $ 369,344 San Bernardino $369,700 Mt. San Jacinto East Valley CTE Community Coalition Southwest & Mid-Riverside County Workforce Development Collaborative Chaffey West End CTE Collaborative $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 Riverside Project UNITE $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 Imperial Valley Imperial Valley/Desert $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 San Diego SDCCD CTE Partnership $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 Mira Costa Community Collaborative for Health/Biotechnology $369,700 $369,700 Grossmont-Cuyamaca Grossmont/Southwestern $369,700 $369,700 Antelope Valley Antelope/Victor Valley $369,700 $369,700 $100,000 $469,700 $369,700 $100,000 $ 100,000 $369,700 $469,700 $469,700 $369,700 $150,000 $150,000