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Career Technical Education Unit
Enhancing quality vocational and technical education
for all California’s community college students.
CTE updates are available at:
Career Technical Education
January 2011 Update
2010-2012 Master Calendar for Perkins Funds
The Master Calendar for Perkins provides important dates and deadlines for Perkins related MIS data submissions,
reporting, certification, and the allocation determination process. Dates provided are subject to change by the
Chancellor’s Office (CO).
Note: The Legal Terms and Conditions, Article I, Section 3 notes that: all reports that fall on a weekend or a holiday
are due by close of business on the last working day prior to the reporting deadline. Extensions of reporting
deadlines may be made with the approval of the Project Monitor.
Title I-B: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/VETA1b/tabid/520/Default.aspx
TitIe I-C: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/VTEA1c/tabid/521/Default.aspx
Tech Prep: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/TechPrep/tabid/542/Default.aspx
Key Upcoming Dates
January 25, 2011
Title I-B, Title I-C & Tech Prep: 2nd Qtr. Report for program year 2010-11 due
February 15, 2011(tent) Title I-C: Certification for the 2011-12 Local Application
February thru April
Title I-C & Tech-Prep: Negotiate 2011-12 performance indicator targets
April 25, 2011
Title I-B, Title I-C & Tech Prep: 3rd Qtr. Report for program year 2010-11 due
May 1, 2011
Final Title I-C & Tech-Prep: 2011-12 performance target negotiations due
May 15, 2011
Title I-C: 2011-12 Local Application due
May 25, 2011
Title I-B & Tech-Prep: 2011-12 Application due
July 25, 2011
Title I-B, Title I-C & Tech Prep: 4th Qtr. Report for program year 2010-11 due
August 31, 2011
Title I-B, Title I-C & Tech Prep: Final Report for program year 2010-11 due
The complete 2009-2012 Master Calendar for Perkins Title I-C Funds calendar is available at:
Reporting periods for all SB 70 Community Collaborative grants are: July 31, 2010; October 31, 2010;
January 31, 2011; and April 30, 2011
Perkins Title I Part C District Data Certification Process and 2011-12 Perkins Allocations
Districts are advised to be on the watch for CTE Memo 11-02 (MIS and Perkins 2011-12 Title I-C Reporting and
Funding Information) and CTE Memo11-03 (Data Certification Forms Perkins Title I Part C Allocation for 2011-12).
These memos will be issued by email from our office shortly, as well as posted on the CTE Unit website.
Perkins Title I-C Year-to-Date (YTD) or Quarterly Report Tutorial
The CTE Unit of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has released a new online tutorial on
the Perkins IV Title I-C Year-to-Date reporting system. The tutorial is located online at:
This 24 minute tutorial with voice over and notes describes the online year-to-date or quarterly system,
process and content for briefly reporting or summarizing Perkins I-C expenditures, activities and
accomplishments. The Powerpoint presentation includes notes pages with text explaining the slides.
Streaming Video (WMV) Low Res | High Res: This presentation is available in streaming format from
www.edustream.org. The WMV file can be viewed in a media player or saved for later viewing.
Additional information on the online quarterly reports can be found in the Career Technical Education (CTE)
Resource Guide for the Carl D. Perkins Title IC Basic Grant Funds at
Questions about the Career Technical Education Resource Guide may be directed to Jeanine Estrada at
(916) 445-4670 or e-mail to jestrada@cccco.edu
CTE Staffing Changes
Dr. Chuck Wiseley is on a part time six month IJE (Inter Jurisdictional Exchange) for a research assignment at City
College of San Francisco. During this time, Laura Casillas will support his San Diego region, while Dr. Maureen
White will take on Orange County quarterly reports and support. We have hired a Graduate Student Intern for six
Tipton Russell is in the Masters program in Higher Education Administration at Drexel University focusing on
Institutional Research. He is currently working at Sacramento City College in Planning, Research and Institutional
Effectiveness (PRIE). Tip has a wealth of career technical experiences, including teaching Planetary and Aviation
Sciences and long haul truck driving. His long term plans are to complete a doctorate in Education Administration,
where he plans to expand his masters research in mentoring.
Jose Millan who retired in December 2010 will be acting as the Interim Vice Chancellor of Economic Development
and Workforce Preparation until his successor is named.
AACC Workforce Development Institute & Vocational Leadership Institute Conference
CTE Faculty Rock! This is the title of Dr. Maureen White’s presentation for the general session of CTE faculty on
Friday, January 28 at the Hyatt Newport Beach. She will give the Chancellor’s Office overview of Perkins and
state funding.
SB 70 Update
The funding for the CTE Community Collaborative grants in the 2010-11 RFA cycle will be 52 grants at $400,000
for a two-year performance period (April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2013). The application process will be a grant
renewal that is to be completed on the Chancellor’s Office Web-based Online Application System. In order to
receive 2010-11 grant funds, your college’s application must be completed and certified by February 18, 2011.
The signed face sheets will be due on or before February 25, 2011.
Subsequently, there will be a competitive online application process for the Supplemental grant. The funding for a
Supplemental grant is planned to be 31 grants at $130,000 for a two-year performance period. The Supplemental
grant will be processed on a renewal basis; however, the currently funded grants will be renewed only if they have
satisfactorily fulfilled prior year’s obligations to the program. The prior year’s obligations for the current
Supplemental grants include:
Satisfactory performance;
Satisfactory fulfillment of reporting requirements; and,
Full closure of previous year’s reports, which consists of completing final online fiscal reports and submitting
final narratives as required.
Furthermore, we will fund an additional seven grants in a competitive process. The Supplemental grants
application must be completed and certified by 5 p.m. on February 18, 2011. The signed face sheets will be due
on or before February 25, 2011.
The Online Application link: https://misweb.cccco.edu/path/pathlogin.aspx
The Economic and Workforce Development Unit is now administering the Workforce Innovative Partnership
grants. There will be 20 grants at $225,000. It is an online application and the application must be completed and
certified by 5 p.m. on January 28, 2011.
Workforce Innovation Partnership (WIP) applications are due January 28, 2011. The reading of these applications
will be the week of January 31 through February 4. Below is the link for the Reader Application form:
Training for readers will be conducted on February 1 at 10:00 a.m., via CCC Confer Teleconference. For
additional information about the WIP applications contact: Teresa Parkison at tparkiso@cccco.edu
Talent Knows No Limit Project
California Health Incentives Improvement Project (CHIIP) was created in 2002, and is funded by a Medicaid
Infrastructure Grant from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Sonoma State University
administered the grant from 2003 to 2008. In 2004, CHIIP successfully competed for a comprehensive
employment opportunity award which provided a broader mandate and increased funding for the grant period,
2005-2008. In 2009 there was a competitive solicitation and CHIIP was again awarded the grant. For more
information, see: http://www.chiip.org/
CHIIP’s Talent Knows No Limits project aims to change social norms around employment of people with
disabilities and to increase the number of people using work incentives such as the 250% Medi-Cal Working
Disabled Program. Primary target of campaign is employers and potential employees with disabilities throughout
California. Secondary targets include youth and adults with disabilities, family members, service providers,
advocates, government agencies and educators. Activities include:
Website: www.talentknowsnolimits.info
Promotional Videos, PSAs, and web vignettes. [Employer Video; We Include Video; I Can Work]
Local campaigns in Kern County and San Diego County
National campaign with other MIG states: Think Beyond The Label
Earned media placements, media training, blogging and new media
Traditional print media ads and bus placards
Workforce Development Institute
January 26-29, 2011
For more information http://www.aacc.nche.edu/newsevents/Events/wdi/Pages/default.aspx
Vocational Education Institute
January 27-29, 2011
For more information: http://asccc.org/events/2011/01/vocational-education-institute
Location: Hyatt Regency Newport Beach, CA
Don’t miss this once in a life time offer. The Academic Senate’s Vocational Education Leadership Institute is pairing up with the
American Association of Community Colleges’ Workforce Development Institute this coming year in January of 2011 at the
Hyatt Regency Newport Beach, nestled in a lovely cove on the beautiful Newport Back Bay Reserve. Please note that this is
not the normal time in March, and as always the Vocational Education Institute is funded by a Chancellor’s Office grant.
Educating for Careers Conference: Focusing Education on the Future
March 3-5, 2011
Location: Sacramento Convention Center
The California Career Pathway Consortia and the California Partnership Academies will again join forces as the 17th annual
Educating for Career Conference and the 23rd annual California Partnership Academies Conference becomes the California
Career Pathways Consortia and California Partnership Academies Educating for Careers Conference.
For more information: http://2011.ccpc-conference.net/
Information Technology (IT) Innovation Summit - California Teachers Lead the Way
March 3, 2011
Location: Sacramento
The goal of this summit is to promote partnerships, innovative strategies and student engagement that lead to information
technology core education and skills in the classroom that will ensure success in a global economy. The summit takes place in
conjunction with the 2011 Educating for Careers Conference. An additional fee of $45.00 is required to attend this preconference event.
For more information: http://itinnovationsummit.org
CCCAOE Spring Conference
March 23-25, 2011
Location: Marriott Oakland City Center at 1001 Broadway
For more Information: http://www.cccaoe.org/conference/InfoAgenda.html
National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) Professional Development Institute
April 11 - April 14, 2011
Location: Doubletree Crystal City, Arlington, VA
For more information: http://www.napequity.org
2011 Workforce Leadership Institute
April 13-15, 2011
Location: UCLA Conference Center, Lake Arrowhead, CA
For more information: http://www.laocrc.com/LeadersInstitute/Pages/default.aspx
California Workforce Association (CWA) Annual Spring Conference
April 20-22, 2011
Location: San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina
For more information: http://www.calworkforce.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=57:cwa-annual-springconference&catid=6&Itemid=25
National Association for Career and Technical Education and Information (NACTEI) Conference:
Perkins: Vision to Action
May 10-12, 2011
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
For more information: http://www.nactei.org/conference.html
High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HI-TEC)
July 25-28, 2011
Location: San Francisco, CA
For more information: http://www.highimpact-tec.org/index.php
National Career Pathways Network (NCPN)
October 12–14, 2011
Location: Orlando World Center Marriott
For more information: http://www.cord.org/2011-ncpn-conference-in-orlando/
National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE) Conference: Growing the Workforce for a New American Economy
A joint conference with National Council of Continuing Education and Training (NCCET)
October 22-25, 2011
Location: Hyatt Regency Riverfront, St. Louis, MO
For more information: http://www.ncwe.org/?page=2011_conference
JSPAC Annual Conference
December 5-7, 2011
Location: Sheraton Grand Hotel Sacramento, CA
For more information: http://www.jspac.org/