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Career Technical Education Unit
Enhancing quality vocational and technical education
for all California’s community college students.
CTE updates are available at:
Career Technical Education
March 2011 Update
2010-2012 Master Calendar for Perkins Funds
The Master Calendar for Perkins provides important dates and deadlines for Perkins related MIS data submissions,
reporting, certification, and the allocation determination process. Dates provided are subject to change by the
Chancellor’s Office (CO).
Note: The Legal Terms and Conditions state that: all reports that fall on a weekend or a holiday
are due by close of business on the last working day prior to the reporting deadline. Extensions of reporting
deadlines may be made with the approval of the Project Monitor.
Title I-B: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/VETA1b/tabid/520/Default.aspx
TitIe I-C: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/VTEA1c/tabid/521/Default.aspx
Tech Prep: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/TechPrep/tabid/542/Default.aspx
Key Upcoming Dates
March 7, 2011
Title I-C: Data certifications for the 2011-12 Local Application due
February thru April
Title I-C: Negotiate 2011-12 performance indicator targets
April 25, 2011
Title I-B, Title I-C & Tech Prep: 3rd Qtr. Report for program year 2010-11 due
April 26, 2011
Statewide Collaboratives & Advisory Committees Meeting (in Sacramento)
May 1, 2011
Final Title I-C: 2011-12 performance target negotiations due
May 15, 2011
Title I-C: 2011-12 Local Application due
May 25, 2011
Title I-B & *CTE Transitions: 2011-12 Application due
July 25, 2011
Title I-B, Title I-C & Tech Prep: 4th Qtr. Report for program year 2010-11 due
August 31, 2011
Title I-B, Title I-C & Tech Prep: Final Report for program year 2010-11 due
*Tech Prep will no longer exist in 2011-2012. We plan to continue aspects of Tech Prep as the CTE Transitions project.
The complete revised 2010-2012 Master Calendar for Perkins Title I-C Funds calendar is available at:
Reporting periods for all SB 70 Community Collaborative grants are: July 31, 2010; October 31, 2010;
January 31, 2011; and April 30, 2011
FY 2011 CTE Funding Fight
From the Association for Career and Technical Education: Congress is in the midst of negotiations on
funding decisions that will affect the 2011-12 school year, and CTE is under attack! On February 19, the
House approved H.R. 1 by a vote of 235-189. The legislation completely eliminates funding for the Perkins Tech
Prep program for the 2011-2012 school year, includes an 8 percent reduction in overall Perkins funds, and
makes drastic cuts across other education and workforce development programs. If enacted, the cuts will impact
all states—view ACTE's chart of exactly how much your state would lose under this bill.
2011-12 Perkins IV Planning Year Core Indicator Reports Updated
CTE Memo 11-05 was released on March 8 to announce the availability of updated Carl D. Perkins Career and
Technical Education Act (Perkins IV) Core Indicator Reports and provided information on completing the
accountability forms in the 2011-12 online Perkins IV Local Application.
Online Tutorials on Perkins IV Accountability
A number of short online sessions are now available on the Perkins IV Accountability system including:
Accountability Foundations in the Perkins Act
This 9-minute presentation provides an overview of the Perkins Act accountability requirements and how
the Act sets the foundation for the core indicators, annual reports, and negotiated performance targets.
The session includes how those elements are integrated into the funding system through the state local
application and planning process.
Core Indicators Cohort Selection
The presentation lasts just over 22 minutes and provides information on the cohort selection for the core
indicator reports. If you’ve ever asked, “How could those be my numbers?” then this session is for you.
 Core Indicator Definitions (coming soon)
 Core Indicator Reports (coming soon)
Managing Perkins Funds Webinar
CTE Specialists, Drs. Chuck Wiseley and Maureen White will co-presented a CCC Confer Managing Perkins
Funds webinar, on Monday, March 28 from 1:00 – 2:30 PM for the Los Angeles/Orange County Regional
Consortium. The webinar will cover federal policies, permissive use of Perkins funds, various scenarios, and
includes time for questions. Although participation in the March 28 webinar is limited to 100 LA and Orange County
CTE faculty, staff and administrators, the presentation will be archived and posted on the CTE website for
universal access. For further information contact Dr. Wiseley at (916) 327-5895 or cwiseley@cccco.edu or Dr.
White at (916) 445-0103 or mwhite@cccco.edu
Perkins IC Allocations
Due do the lack of specific information on 2011-2012 Perkins funding other than the proposed 21% cuts, we may
hold the district allocation determination back a few weeks in the hope that we may hear something more definite
prior to sending them out. If we fail to get further guidance from the Office of Vocational and Adult Education
(OVAE) by early April, we will most likely send out the grants with a 25% reduction from last year’s amounts. In
such a case we would recommend that districts prioritize projects and fund those within the 75% allocation and
flag others as fundable if allocations increase. We are anticipating that the actual cuts will be less than 25%, and
when we have the final figures we will be in the position to augment these grants later in the fiscal year. For further
information contact your regional program monitor.
Perkins IB Leadership Grants and Contracts
Because of the lack of specific information on 2011-2012 Perkins funding, we may hold the Title IB RFA packages
back a few weeks in the hope that we may have something more definite prior to sending them out. If we fail to get
further guidance from the OVAE by early April, we will most likely send out the grants with a 20% reduction from
last year’s amounts. We are anticipating that the actual cuts will be less than 20%, and when we have the final
figures we will be in the position to augment these grants later in the fiscal year. For further information contract
Paul Barth at pbarth@cccco.edu or (916)323-3865
SB 70 2010-2011 Core and Supplemental Grants
As you know, the Intent to Award notice and list of potential awardees for the 2010-11 Community Collaborative
Supplemental (10-141-xxx) grant was posted to the Chancellor’s Office website last week with six additional
awardees. The Chancellor’s Office has received a protest from one of the applicants and therefore, the current
award list will not be finalized until March 30. The Chancellor’s Office may obtain funding for one additional
Supplemental grant, in which case the applicant (including the protesting applicant, if applicable) with the highest
score of those that were listed as NF or Not Funded will be awarded. To see the final award list on or after March
30, go to: http://www.cccco.edu/SystemOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTEPathwaysInitiative/tabid/418/Default.aspx
As it pertains to the 2010-11 Core Community Collaborative (10-140-xxx) grants, a list of grantees who currently
direct a Core Community Collaborative grant and were awarded renewal of that grant will also be posted to the
website on March 30. To review a list of Core grant renewals for 2010-11, utilize the link above.
Governor Pays Surprise Visit to BOG Meeting to Discuss Plan to Put Tax Extensions on the Ballot
Sacramento, Calif. - California Community Colleges Chancellor Jack Scott and members of the board of governors
welcomed Gov. Jerry Brown to its March 2011 meeting. Gov. Brown discussed his reasons for wanting
Californians to have the chance to vote on his proposal to extend taxes so community colleges, as one budgetary
example, do not have to face cuts of as much as $800 million or more.
"The community colleges are important to our culture, our society and our democracy. It's about skill achievement.
If you're more capable, you're a more productive member of society. Why not pay for that? I'm not asking my
Republican colleagues to tax anything," said Gov. Brown. "I'm asking them to let the people of California decide.
Do they wish to extend the existing taxes or do they wish to double the cuts that I've already proposed? That's a
simple proposition." Right click on link for the complete press release.
BOG Goals for 2011
Also its March 2011 meeting, the Board of Governors formally approved its goals for 2011. Those goals include
continuing to work with the State Board of Education to focus on career-technical education, concurrent enrollment
and college readiness. The board also voted to increase its advocacy efforts, with particular attention paid to Gov.
Brown’s administration, and to continue to work to develop programs and opportunities for veterans attending our
community colleges. Members of the board also met with state Legislators to encourage support for placing the tax
extension proposal on a June ballot.
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Launches New Website
http://CaliforniaCommunityColleges.cccco.edu will be the Chancellor’s Office central portal for students, parents,
business leaders, policymakers and members of the media to get information about academic programs, degree
and certificate offerings, system-wide initiatives and specific college information. A focal point of the new site is the
“Find a Community College” mapping tool that will deliver information on the areas of study and degrees and
certificates available at each of the system’s 112 colleges. Right click on the link for the complete CCCCO press
Dr. Kim Albert Myers: New Dean of the CCCCO Nursing & Allied Health Unit
Dr. Myers comes to the state Chancellor’s Office from the San Diego Community College District, where he served
several years as Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. His prior community college experience also includes a
senior management position at San Joaquin Delta Community College District, and work as a community college
instructor at Consumnes River College. His prior state service includes work performed at the CA Student Aid
Commission and the State Personnel Board.
Dr. Myers also has significant private sector health care experience as well, having worked for Avalon Health Care,
Kaiser Permanente Northern CA, and Baxter Health Care. He received his Doctor of Education degree from the
University of San Francisco in 2005.
Improving Transfer for Engineering Students Fall 2010
The RPGroup’s newest report “Improving Transfer for Engineering Students” in their “CTE Transfer Research
Project”, authored by Eva Schiorring, CTE Transfer Research Project director and Senior Researcher with the
Center for Student Success, is now online at: http://rpgroup.org/content/cte-transfer-research-overviews. This
brief, with embedded reflection questions, offers highlights from the RP Group’s research on how California’s
community college students currently prepare for transfer in Engineering and what supports and impedes their
success. This document can facilitate conversation on issues such as increasing access, improving transfer
success, enhancing the pipeline's efficiency, and effective practices.
NEW!! The Road Less Traveled: Realizing the Potential of Career Technical Education in the California
Community Colleges February 2011
CSU Sacramento Institute for Higher Education Leadership and Policy’s newest report authored by Dr. Nancy
Shulock et al, funded by the James Irvine Foundation, examines four high-wage, high-need career pathways in the
California Community Colleges as a basis for exploring the Career Technical Education mission and its role in the
college completion agenda. The study found that the potential of CTE to help meet the state’s completion,
workforce, and equity goals is not fully realized due to a lack of priority on awarding technical certificates and
degrees and an absence of clear pathways for students to follow in pursuing those credentials. The report offers
recommendations to strengthen the CTE function including: reexamining the structure and function of
occupationally-oriented associate degrees; offering fewer, more consistent CTE programs that clearly meet
regional needs; and having students formally declare a program of study, with colleges ensuring that students
have access to the classes they need for those programs.
At the Educating for Careers: Focusing Education on the Future Conference
CCCCO CTE Specialist Maureen White was invited to co-present, with CDE (California Department of Education)
colleagues, a workshop entitled: Getting Our Arms Around the Elephant: Building A Coherent Career
Development System From Middle School, High School and Community College on Saturday, March 5. The
Educating for Careers Conference took place at the Sacramento Convention Center March 3 through March 5,
2011 with 2700 secondary and postsecondary educators in attendance. Conference materials will also be posted
online at the following website.
CCCAOE Spring Conference
March 23-25, 2011
Location: Marriott Oakland City Center at 1001 Broadway
For more Information: http://www.cccaoe.org/conference/InfoAgenda.html
National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) Professional Development Institute
April 11 - April 14, 2011
Location: Doubletree Crystal City, Arlington, VA
For more information: http://www.napequity.org
2011 Workforce Leadership Institute
April 13-15, 2011
Location: UCLA Conference Center, Lake Arrowhead, CA
For more information: http://www.laocrc.com/LeadersInstitute/Pages/default.aspx
OVAE Regional Community College Summit - West
April 15, 2011
Location: San Diego Community College District
Selected participants from community colleges, philanthropic organizations, state and local government, and businesses will
come together to address one goal: identifying best institutional practices to increase America’s college graduation rate.
For more information: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ovae/regsummweb.doc
California Workforce Association (CWA) Annual Spring Conference
April 20-22, 2011
Location: San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina
For more information: http://www.calworkforce.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=57:cwa-annual-springconference&catid=6&Itemid=25
National Association for Career and Technical Education and Information (NACTEI) Conference
Perkins: Vision to Action
May 10-12, 2011
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
For more information: http://www.nactei.org/conference.html
Building Workforce Partnerships Conference
Workforce & Economic Development
May 24-26, 2011
Location: Hilton Hotel San Jose
For more information: www.CaliforniaLabor.org
High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HI-TEC)
July 25-28, 2011
Location: San Francisco, CA
For more information: http://www.highimpact-tec.org/index.php
Strengthening Student Success Conference: Emerging Issues in Assessment and Learning
Research & Planning Group for California Community Colleges
October 12 – 14, 2011
Location: San Francisco Airport Marriott
For more information: http://www.rpgroup.org/events/SSS11
National Career Pathways Network (NCPN)
October 12–14, 2011
Location: Orlando World Center Marriott
For more information: http://www.cord.org/2011-ncpn-conference-in-orlando/
National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE) Conference: Growing the Workforce for a New American Economy
A joint conference with National Council of Continuing Education and Training (NCCET)
October 22-25, 2011
Location: Hyatt Regency Riverfront, St. Louis, MO
For more information: http://www.ncwe.org/?page=2011_conference
JSPAC Annual Conference
December 5-7, 2011
Location: Sheraton Grand Hotel Sacramento, CA
For more information: http://www.jspac.org/