C a r

Career Technical Education Unit
Enhancing quality vocational and technical education
for all California’s community college students.
CTE updates are available at:
Career Technical Education
September 2011 Update
2010-2012 Master Calendar for Perkins Funds
The Master Calendar for Perkins provides important dates and deadlines for Perkins related MIS data submissions,
reporting, certification, and the allocation determination process. Dates provided are subject to change by the
Chancellor’s Office (CO).
Note: The Legal Terms and Conditions state that: all reports that fall on a weekend or a holiday
are due by close of business on the last working day prior to the reporting deadline. Extensions of reporting
deadlines may be made with the approval of the Project Monitor.
Title I-B: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/VETA1b/tabid/520/Default.aspx
TitIe I-C: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/VTEA1c/tabid/521/Default.aspx
Key Upcoming Dates
August 25, 2011
Titles I-B, I-C and Tech Prep online Year-to-Date Final Reports due
August 31, 2011
District Title I-C Online Final Report due
Title I-B and Tech Prep Final Reports also due but in hardcopy only
October 1, 2011
District 2010-11 Title I-C Financial Aid data due to the Chancellor’s Office
October 25, 2011
1st Qtr. Reports for program year 2011-12 due
January 25, 2012
2nd Qtr. Reports for program year 2011-12 due
February 15, 2012
Data Certification Forms Title I-C Allocations for 2012-13 due (tentative)
April 25, 2012
3rd Qtr. Reports for program year 2011-12 due
May 15, 2012
2012-13 Title I-C Local Application due
July 25, 2012
4th Qtr. Reports for program year 2011-12 due
August 31, 2012
Final Reports for program year 2011-12 due
The complete revised 2010-2012 Master Calendar for Perkins Title I-C Funds calendar is available at:
CTE Memo 11-10 was issued on June 8 to provide clarification on Perkins Title I-C Online Final Report Audit File
Instructions & Documentation.
CTE Transitions
On August 8 Dean Ron Selge emailed fiscal agents a memo that offered alternatives to facilitate CTE Transitions
activities before final approvals are procured. These alternatives mitigate possible cash flow problems, while
waiting for the California State Board of Education and US Office for Vocational and Adult Education to approve of
the State Plan amendment. These alternatives will allow districts to fund CTE Transitions activities in keeping with
their approved workplan timelines. The alternatives propose to use other funds temporarily, for subsequent
reimbursement by CTE Transitions funds. For the full text of the August 8, 2011 memo, see:
Gainful Employment Disclosure
A Gainful Employment reporting webinar was hosted by Chancellor’s Office MIS Director Myrna Huffman. Also
present with Myrna were Chancellor’s Office colleagues Sally Lenz, acting Dean, Academic Affairs, Maureen
White, Specialist, CTE/EWD, and Rhonda Mohr, Financial Aid Specialist, Student Services. There were about 110
participants on the call. The one hour webinar and PowerPoint is posted on CCC Confer. CTE’s job or role is
ensuring disclosure for all GE designated programs. GE programs are indicated on the Chancellor’s Academic
Affairs website by TOP code. The Chancellor’s Office MIS website will provide a depository for district GE data.
However, all district MIS and Financial Aid departments are responsible for reporting their GE data directly to the
U.S. Department of Education. The data collected will go back to the 2006-2007 cohort.
The federal government is requesting data from all community college gainful employment programs, not just for
students receiving financial aid. The main distinction of Gainful Employment data from the Perkins core indicators
is that GE wants only the income to debt ratio; i.e. are we charging students more than what they will earn; are
students getting a return on their investment (ROI).
MIS is building the data cohort or metrics from the following four areas or criterion for students who:
1. Obtain a 2-year vocational degree without transfer
2. Earn a vocational certificate without transfer
3. Prepare for a new career, thus acquiring new job skills
4. Advance in a current job, by upgrading job skills
For more specifics on required disclosure and reporting, contact your district’s financial aid and MIS departments.
This link goes to the MIS website for reporting GE and the GE PowerPoint. Choose Presentations tab. Webinar
Date: August 11: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/TechResearchInfo/MIS/tabid/1275/Default.aspx
CTE Employment Outcomes Project
Initiated at the spring 2011 CCCAOE Conference, this statewide pilot project seeks to address the current lack of
data to validate the impact of CTE programs. By scaling Cabrillo and other college CTE completer/leaver surveys,
the intent of the pilot project is to refine the methodology prior to implementation of a statewide survey. 78
individuals have taken part during the project planning and development stage, representing roughly 35 colleges,
five community college districts, three Economic and Workforce Development Initiatives, the RP Group and
Chancellors Office staff. Nine colleges have stated a firm commitment to participate in the pilot survey projected for
Fall 2011. The deadline for colleges to commit to the pilot was Aug 19, 2011. Up-to-date information about the
project can be accessed at this link: CTE Employment Outcomes Project [If error message occurs, click “Reload”]
For further information contact: Kitty O'Doherty at (650) 560-9798 or email kitodoherty@gmail.com
CTE Employment Outcomes Project and Gainful Employment
As to the question the Project’s link to Gainful Employment, it is addressed in the project proposal: REVISED
Concept Paper
Potential for Informing Gainful Employment Disclosures
At the present time, California Community Colleges (CCC) are not required to disclose job placement rates
because the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) methodology is not yet finalized and because CCCs
have not had to report job placement rates as part of the accreditation process in the past. Once the NCES
methodology on job placement is complete, we will be better able to evaluate how the results of the survey could
support the required Gainful Employment disclosures for CTE programs.
Bear in mind that data from the CTE employment outcomes survey is based only on those that respond to the
survey – it would not capture the entire universe of CTE alumni. If the NCES methodology requires full population
data then job placement information would best be obtained by working directly with the EDD to access the
unemployment insurance (UI) database and reporting on all alumni who earned UI wages. However, the survey
data has the benefit of collecting information on self-employed alumni who may not be recorded in the UI
database. Additionally, it can provide information on the particular occupations of alumni (including whether they
are working in the field for which they trained), whereas the UI database only provides industry of employment
which is insufficient for knowing whether an individual is employed in a job that is related to their training.
—Dr. Chuck Wiseley
Fall 2011 CCCAOE SB 70 Pre-Conference and Workshops
The Fall 2011 CCCAOE Conference in San Diego offers several opportunities for SB70 grantees to connect and
learn from one another. This year’s pre-conference session from 8:30-11am focuses on the Future of CTE
Pathways Initiative, specifically how administrators support CTE efforts; strategies for leveraging multiple sources
of funding; how to build meaningful and lasting collaborative relationships with a wide range of K-12, industry and
other partners; and how to plan for sustainability. In addition, participants will learn about a wide range of SB70
grantees such as Statewide Pathways, Hubs, Teacher Preparation Pipeline, Young Entrepreneurs Program,
Community Collaborative, among others. There will be a $40 charge to attend the preconference.
The conference also features five SB70-related separate breakout sessions: 1) How to Engage K-12 Schools and
Students in CTE; 2) Focusing on Sustainability; 3) CTE Sectors: Focusing on Healthcare Industry; 4) Faculty
Externships; 5) Professional Development. Each session will highlight different SB70 grantees implementing
various CTE components/programs across California. For further information see Upcoming Events below for
the conference link.
New EWD Vice Chancellor
Appointed by Governor Brown, Van Ton-Quinlivan officially assumed her position as the Vice Chancellor of the
Economic and Workforce Development Division in July. Prior to coming to the CCCCO, Van was the Director of
Workforce Development for Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Company. Her office is located on the 4th Floor
executive wing of the Chancellor’s Office.
SB 70 (CDE) Administrator
Beginning August 22, Debra Jones, Administrator in the Adult Education Office at California Department of
Education (CDE), co-located at the CCCCO to work, on a part-time basis, with CCCCO SB 70 staff. SB70’s
financial contraction for 2011-12 presents a good opportunity to re-calibrate the CDE / CCCCO expenditure plan.
Debra will be initially tasked with looking at all projects through the lens of SB70 mandates/intent and orchestrate a
process that gives further consideration to CCCCO’s interest in completion, CDE’s interest in multiple pathways,
and past performance.
Acting Dean of Curriculum and Instruction
Stephanie Low has accepted a position at Hartnell College. Effective August 1 Sally Montemayor Lenz will serve
as the Acting Dean of Curriculum and Instruction. With the Chancellor’s Office since 1988, Sally participated in a
two and a half year Inter-Jurisdiction Exchange at Sierra College where she worked as the Director of Outreach
and Recruitment. To contact Sally: phone (916).327.1260 or email slenz@cccco.edu
Federal Report: Women's Employment during the Recovery
On May 3, 2011, the US Department of Labor released a special report entitled Women's Employment during the
Recovery. The report looks back at the state of women workers in 2010 and looks ahead to how to move forward
in the future. For further information: http://www.dol.gov/_sec/media/reports/femalelaborforce/
Download the Report (PDF)
Listen to the Teleconference Audio (MP3)
National Centers for Career and Technical Education Website
The National Research Center for Career and Technical Education (NRCCTE) is the primary agent for generating
scientifically based knowledge, dissemination, professional development, and technical assistance to improve
career and technical education (CTE) in the United States. Available on the NRCCTE website are resources,
podcasts, and full-text research reports on Perkins CTE program requirements including accountability and
programs of study: http://www.nrccte.org/
The Community College Research Center (CCRC)
The mission of the CCRC is to conduct research on the major issues affecting community colleges in the United
States and to contribute to the development of practice and policy that expands access to higher education and
promotes success for all students. The Center has carried out research projects involving quantitative analysis of
student access and completion as well as case studies and institutional analyses of numerous community college
activities including student services, workforce development, developmental education and academic preparation,
high school to college transition programs, distance education, the effects of the growing emphasis on
accountability, and the question of how reform activities can become institutionalized and brought to scale in the
colleges. http://ccrc.tc.columbia.edu/Research.asp
Get with the Program: Accelerating Community College Students' Entry into and Completion of Programs of Study
(CCRC Working Paper No. 32)
Institute for Higher Education Leadership & Policy (IHELP)
IHELP’s newest report, Sense of Direction: The Importance of Helping Community College Students Select and Enter a Program
of Study, examines the importance of declaring and entering an academic program of study for community college
student success and completion. Researchers studied an entering cohort of more than 430,000 community college
students and followed their progress over a six-year period through programs of study to completion of a
certificate, associate degree or transfer to a university. The study used student course patterns to identify those
who entered a program of study in 21 program areas across the liberal arts and sciences and career technical
education. Researchers found that entering a program of study is an important milestone on the path to college
completion that only half of entering community colleges students reach, and that students who enter a program of
study in their first year are twice as likely to complete a certificate, degree, or transfer as those who enter a
program of study in the second year or later. http://www.csus.edu/ihelp/PDFs/R_Sense_of_Direction.pdf
California Workforce Association Annual Meeting of the Minds in Monterey: Next Practices
September 6 - 8, 2011
Location: Monterey Marriott Hotel
For more information: http://calworkforce.org/conferences/meeting-of-the-minds
League for Innovation in the Community College STEMtech Conference
October 2 - 5, 2011
Location: Indianapolis (IN) JW Marriott
For more information: http://www.league.org/2011stemtech/
Strengthening Student Success Conference: Emerging Issues in Assessment and Learning
Research & Planning Group for California Community Colleges
October 12 – 14, 2011
Location: San Francisco Airport Marriott
For more information: http://www.rpgroup.org/events/SSS11
National Career Pathways Network (NCPN)
October 12–14, 2011
Location: Orlando World Center Marriott
For more information: http://www.cord.org/2011-ncpn-conference-in-orlando/
California Community College Association for Occupational Education Fall Conference
October 19-21, 2011
Location: Westin San Diego
For more information: http://cccaoe.org/conference/InfoAgenda.html
National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE) Conference: Growing the Workforce for a New American Economy
A joint conference with National Council of Continuing Education and Training (NCCET)
October 22-25, 2011
Location: Hyatt Regency Riverfront, St. Louis, MO
For more information: http://www.ncwe.org/?page=2011_conference
2011 Community College League of California Annual Convention and Partner Conferences
November 17-19, 2011
Location: San Jose Fairmont, San Jose, CA
For more information: http://www.ccleague.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3363
2011 Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Annual Convention and Career Tech Expo
November 17-19, 2011
Location: St. Louis Convention Center St. Louis, MO
For more information: http://www.acteonline.org/convention.aspx
Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee (JSPAC) Annual Conference
December 5-7, 2011
Location: Sheraton Grand Hotel Sacramento, CA
For more information: http://www.jspac.org/
American Association of Colleges Workforce Development Institute (WDI)
January 25-28, 2012
Location: Hyatt Regency Miami FL
For more information: http://www.aacc.nche.edu/newsevents/Events/wdi/Pages/default.aspx
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Conventions
April 21-24, 2012
April 20-23, 2013
Location: Marriott World Center
Location: Moscone Center
Orlando, FL
San Francisco, CA
SkillsUSA 48th Annual National Leadership and Skills Conference (NLSC)
June 23-27, 2012
Location: Kansas City, MO
For more information: http://www.skillsusa.org/events/nlsc.shtml
SkillsUSA Techspo
June 24-26, 2012
Location: Kansas City, MO
For more Information: http://www.skillsusa.org/events/techspo.shtml