April 2012 UPDATE Career Education Practices Unit

Career Education Practices Unit
Workforce and Economic Development Divison
April 2012 UPDATE
Enhancing quality career and technical education
for all California’s community college students
2010-2012 Master Calendar for Perkins Funds
The Master Calendar for Perkins provides important dates and deadlines for Perkins related MIS data submissions,
reporting, certification, and the allocation determination process. Dates provided are subject to change by the
Chancellor’s Office (CO).
Note: The Legal Terms and Conditions state that: all reports that fall on a weekend or a holiday
are due by close of business on the last working day prior to the reporting deadline. Extensions of reporting
deadlines may be made with the approval of the Project Monitor.
Title I-B: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/VETA1b/tabid/520/Default.aspx
TitIe I-C: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/VTEA1c/tabid/521/Default.aspx
Key Upcoming Dates
March 7, 2012
Perkins Title I-C Section 132 Reports #1 & #2 are posted to web (new certification forms
for districts with resubmission will also be posted).
March 29, 2012*
Corrected 2012-2013 Perkins Title I-C District Allocations are posted.
April 2, 2012*
2012-2013 Perkins Title I-C Online District Local Application opens for data entry.
*These dates are tentative, contingent on the actual announcement of district allocation determinations.
April 2, 2012
Core Indicator Performance Target Negotiations for program year 2012-2013 begin on
this date.
April 20, 2012
Resubmission certification form is due for districts submitting data to correct counts before
February 17, 2012. Any district that fails to submit a certification form will have its 20122013 Perkins Title I-C funds withheld.
April 25, 2012
3rd Qtr. Reports for program year 2011-2012 are due.
May 15, 2012
FAUPLs and 2012-2013 Perkins Title I-C Local Application (online) are due. The FAUPL
negotiation must be completed before the district can certify its online application.
July 1, 2012
2012-2013 Perkins Title I-C grants become effective on this date.
District applications must be substantially approved prior to July 1, 2012 for the expenditure of funds to begin.
July 25, 2012
4th Qtr. Reports for program year 2011-2012 are due.
August 31, 2012
Final Reports for program year 2011-2012 are due.
CEP Memo 12-12 (4/3/12) Debra Jones, Ed.D., Dean re CTE Transitions Allocation 2012-2013
This memo and allocation listing are a follow-up to an email dated March 27, 2012. The CTE Transitions project
directors were emailed the CTE Transitions Request for Allocations (RFA) for fiscal year 2012-2013 that included
instructions and three appendices.
CEP Memo 12-11 (4/2/12) Debra Jones, Ed.D., Dean re Release of Perkins Title I-C 2012-2013 Online Local
This memo announces the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, Title I-C 2012-2013 Local Application
Web-based System is now available for data input.
CEP Memo 12-10a (3/29/12) Debra Jones, Ed.D., Dean re 2012-2013 Perkins IV, Title I-C Allocation
This memo and attachment (Memo 12-10b) releases the 2012-2013 Perkins Allocation under Title I, part C of the
Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV). The document shows your relative
“share” of 2012-13 Perkins funds based on the community college system allocation.
CEP Memo 12-10b (3/29/12) Debra Jones, Ed.D., Dean
The document (Excel spreadsheet) shows the district “share” of 2012-2013 Perkins funds based on the community
college system allocation.
Final Agreed Upon Performance Level Worksheet (FAUPL). This is the template for the annual FAUPL.
Districts will negotiate targets with their Chancellor’s Office program monitor. Perkins CTE Core Indicator Reports
contains current and past fiscal year negotiation reports necessary for completing the FAUPL and the core
indicator reports necessary for completing the Perkins online Local Application. The Negotiation Process explains
the process for negotiating those performance targets and the tools that the Chancellor’s Office has developed to
facilitate that negotiation. The FAUPL worksheet provides the foundation for the negotiation process. The state
target in column 2 of the worksheet has been populated. Please note: you are advised to leave the Indicator 4
(Employment) blank until the Employment Data is updated in the reports. Further instructions will follow.
The worksheet must be completed by the district and sent by email to the district's Chancellor's Office project
monitor for approval. Negotiations begin in early April and must be completed by May 15, 2012.
SB 1070: Proposed Bill to Reauthorize SB 70
This bill is the proposed reauthorization of SB 70 and would establish the Career Technical Education Pathways
Program until June 30, 2018. It requires the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and the California
Superintendent of Public Instruction to assist economic and workforce regional development centers and
consortia, middle schools, high schools, and regional occupational centers and programs to improve linkages and
career technical education pathways between high schools and community colleges. Contracts and competitive
grants would be administered jointly by the Chancellor and the Superintendent for programs and initiatives that
demonstrate a plan for close collaboration among regional institutions and entities to jointly accomplish specified
goals. The following link provides the language of SB 1070.
Applications Due for Round Two of TAACCCT Grants
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is soliciting applications for its second round of competitive Trade Adjustment
Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grants totaling $500M nationwide. The DOL is
implementing the TAACCCT program in partnership with the Department of Education. Applications are due May
24, 2012.
These funds will provide community colleges and other eligible institutions of higher education with funds to
expand and improve their ability to deliver education and career training programs that can be completed in two
years or less, are suited for workers who are eligible for training under the TAA for Workers program, and prepare
program participants for employment in high-wage, high-skill occupations. The primary intent of this second
TAACCCT is to meet the educational or career training needs of workers who have lost their jobs or are
threatened with job loss as a result of foreign trade. Grant details can be found at http://www.doleta.gov/taaccct/
This grant requires five “core elements” that must be addressed by all applicants, regardless of their focus or
priority: 1) evidence-based design, 2) stacked and latticed credentials, 3) online and technology-enabled learning,
4) transferability and articulation, and 5) strategic alignment. As Martha Kanter, Under Secretary of the U.S.
Department of Education, explained, “…There are ‘islands of excellence’ all over this state and all over this
country, but we haven’t been able to scale these.”
Vice Chancellor Van Ton-Quinlivan will issue an official memo on Friday, April 6, with more information and
specific instructions for requesting a Chancellor’s Office letter of endorsement. For further information contact,
Maureen White, (916) 445-0103 or mwhite@cccco.edu
CTE Employment Outcomes Project Update
Initiated at the spring 2011 CCCAOE Conference, the purpose of this statewide pilot project is to address the
current lack of data to validate the impact of CTE programs. By scaling Cabrillo and other college CTE
completer/leaver surveys, the pilot project planned to refine the methodology prior to implementation of a statewide
survey. 98 individuals took part during the project planning and development stage, representing roughly 35
colleges,7 community college districts, 3 Economic and Workforce Development Initiatives, the RP Group and
Chancellor’s Office staff.
Project Timeline (as of 3/27/12)
In the fall of 2011, the Project began with 14 pilot colleges/districts sending signed MOUs to the RP Group.
In Nov 2011, the RP Group worked with the Chancellors Office to pull 2009/2010 cohort data.
By January 31, 2012, 12 pilot colleges/districts provided contact information and any other necessary data
to RP Group with 2 colleges still finalizing.
In Feb 2012 the RP Group invoiced pilot colleges.
In Mar-Apr 2012 the survey will be administered on behalf of the 14 pilot colleges/districts.
In May 2012 RP Group will analyze the results.
In June 2012 individualized reports & data will be sent to pilot colleges and an aggregate report released
to the field
In July 2012 a statewide call will be convened to present statewide data and show how the data is being
presented to colleges, for purposes of refining this information.
Sept. 2012 is the deadline for colleges/districts to commit to broader survey.
Chancellor’s Office Career Education Practices Unit: We encourage colleges and/or districts that
wish to participate in this Project to use their Perkins 2012-2013 Title I-C Across CTE Programs
funds for this purpose.
In Jan-Feb 2013 a broader survey with more colleges will be launched. Colleges/districts that wish to
participate in the 2012-13 survey must first populate the 2012-13 CTE Employment Outcomes Survey link.
Up-to-date information can be accessed online at: CTE Employment Outcomes Project For more information on
how to participate in the Project, contact Kitty O'Doherty at kitodoherty@gmail.com or call (650) 560-9798.
Statewide Pathways Program of Study Templates
The Statewide Pathways project is bringing together secondary and postsecondary faculty to develop Program of
Study Templates to be used statewide as a basis for local discussions at colleges that are using the Transfer
Model Curriculum. Ultimately, the goal is to provide a statewide template for a student that wants to move through
a seamless program from grades 9 through 16, using the TMC as the vehicle for completion. In the event that you
are not familiar with the TMC work, Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) are programs that have been developed in
alignment with SB1440 regulations and essentially allow community college students to take 60 units at the CC
and no more than 60 units at the CSU or UC to receive their Bachelor’s Degree. Faculty Discipline Resource
Groups (FDRG) were the groups that developed the TMCs for statewide implementation. This came out of the
Academic Senate work with the Course Identification and Numbering project (CID).
Follow this link to open the poll: http://www.doodle.com/i3gwh9niqcpp353r6xns6ikb/private Please note that this is
a personal link that cannot be shared with other poll participants. This Doodle poll will report your willingness and
availability to participate in any of the meetings listed below:
April 23, 24, or 25
May 7, 8, or 9
May 21, 22, or 23
June, 11, 12, 13, 25, 26 or 27
Studio Arts and Administration of Justice
Theatre and Elementary Education
Music and Business
Computer Information Systems, Nursing
Articulation is a critical piece of the program of study puzzle, so it is imperative that a CTE Transition coordinator
be on each team. If you are interested in being a part of this process or have questions, please call or email: Kris
Costa, Articulation Liaison, Statewide Pathways Project Kris@statewidepathways.org or 916.445.4753
LEED and UC Davis School of Education awarded planning grant for Regional STEM Network
The Bechtel Foundation, working through the California STEM Learning Network (CSLNet), has awarded LEED –
Linking Education and Economic Development and the UC Davis School of Education a $90,000 planning grant to
develop a region-wide network to support STEM education within in school and out of school settings. The Capital
Region is one of several regional communities in California selected by CSLNet to receive similar grants.
Dan Throgmorton, Associate Vice Chancellor, Business and Economic Development, Los Rios Community
College District is an Executive Committee member of LEED.
Delivering STEM Education through Career and Technical Education Schools and Programs
This paper seeks to identify which CTE delivery systems (e.g., schools), programs, and curricular and pedagogic
strategies promote and enhance the learning of STEM subjects. It also examines the extant research on STEMfocused CTE with special attention given to the needs of diverse learners.
Can California Compete? Reducing the Skills Gap and Creating a Skill Workforce through Linked Learning
California is falling behind when it comes to preparing its future workforce in a global economy. To stem this tide
and close the growing skills gap, policy-makers should make sure we are spending our education dollars on what
really works and include changes that will ensure young people enter the workforce with skills California
businesses need. State school districts should be granted greater flexibility to incorporate Linked Learning into
their high schools utilizing their existing resources, and state funding for districts that have incorporated such an
education approach, including approximately 500 existing California Partnership Academies, must also be
protected. As the California economy rebounds, the state should make greater investments in Linked Learning.
California Workforce Association (CWA) Spring Conference
April 4-6, 2012
Location: San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina
For more information: http://calworkforce.org/conferences/cwa-annual-spring-conference-2012
Annual Skills USA California State Conference
April 12, 2012 –April, 15, 2012
Location: Town and Country Resort and Convention Center, 500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA. 92108
For more information, contact: Sherry D. Davis, Skills USA California State Officer Trainer at sdfmwf94@aol.com
2012 National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity Professional Development Institute
April 16-19, 2012
Location: Doubletree Crystal City, Arlington, VA.
For more information: http://www.napequity.org/page.php?336
2012 Workforce Leadership Institute Conference
April 18-19, 2012
Location: San Ramon, CA
For more information: www.laocrc.com
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Conventions
April 21-24, 2012
Location: Orlando World Center Marriott Resort and Convention Center
For more information:
Hiring Our Heroes Career Fair
May 3, 2012 -- 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location: Oakland O.Co Coliseum 7000 Coliseum Way Oakland, CA 94621
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and veteran recruiting partner RecruitMilitary are proud to present this Hiring Our Heroes
event to all military job seekers and their spouses. This exclusive hiring fair is free for service members, veterans, and spouses
and will be held at the Oakland Coliseum. This is an excellent opportunity for top employers from across the country to connect
with high caliber candidates.
For more information: http://www.uschamber.com/hiringourheroes/oakland-ca
National Association for Career and Technical Education Information (NACTEI)
May 14-18, 2012
Location: Benson Hotel [Portland, OR]
For more information: http://www.nactei.org/index.html
Women Building the Nation: A Conference Welcoming All Women in the Trades and Women in the Industry from
Everywhere in conjunction with the Women Building California Conference
May 18-21, 2012
Location: Sheraton Grand Hotel Sacramento, CA
For more information: http://www.facebook.com/events/350640731634662/
2012 Career Clusters Institute: Setting a New Standard
June 18-20, 2012
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C
For more information: http://blog.careertech.org/?cat=266
SkillsUSA 48th Annual National Leadership and Skills Conference (NLSC)
June 23-27, 2012
Location: Kansas City, MO
For more information: http://www.skillsusa.org/events/nlsc.shtml
SkillsUSA Techspo
June 24-26, 2012
Location: Kansas City, MO
For more Information: http://www.skillsusa.org/events/techspo.shtml
California Workforce Association 2012 Meeting of the Minds in Monterey
September 4-6, 2012
Location: Monterey Marriott Hotel
For more information: http://calworkforce.org/home
CCCAOE Fall 2012 Conference
October 17-19, 2012
Location: Renaissance Long Beach Hotel 111 East Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90802
For more information: http://www.cccaoe.org/conference/FConference.html
National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE)
October 19-23, 2012
Location: Hyatt Regency Long Beach
For more information: http://www.ncwe.org/?page=annual_conference
League for Innovation in the Community College STEM Tech Conference
October 28-30, 2012
Westin Crown Center and the Sheraton Crown Center
Kansas City, MO
For more information: http://www.league.org/2012stemtech/
Association for Career and Technical Education 2012 National Conference
Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2012
Location: Atlanta, GA
For more information: http://www.acteonline.org/vision.aspx
Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee 2012 Conference
December 3-5, 2012
Location: Sheraton Grand Hotel Sacramento, CA
For more information: http://www.jspac.org/
American Association of Community Colleges Workforce Development Institute 2013
January 30-February 2, 2013
Location: Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina San Diego, CA
For further information: http://www.aacc.nche.edu/newsevents/Events/wdi/Pages/default.aspx
CCCAOE Spring 2013 Conference
March 20-22, 2013
Location: Marriott Oakland City Center 1001 West Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607
For more information: http://www.cccaoe.org/conference/FConference.html
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Convention
April 20-23, 2013
Location: Moscone Center San Francisco, CA
CTE Resource Guide: http://www.cccco.edu/Portals/4/EWD/CTE/CTE_Resource_Guide-Rev%20May%202011.pdf
CEP updates are available at: