CHANCELLOR’S OFFICE CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DIVISION REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FUND FOR INSTRUCTIONAL IMPROVEMENT (FII) Fund for Instructional Improvement Request for Proposals (RFP) Specification for Loans RFP No. 12-051 and RFP No. 13-049 RFP Specifications and Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria 2012-13 and 2013-14 Funding Fiscal Years Application Deadline: Applications must be received in the Chancellor’s Office by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 5, 2013, for the Initial Competition Phase and if funds are, available for the Secondary Open Funding Phase, until the funds are expended. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP Checklist NOTE: This checklist is a tool for districts to use when filling out their applications. If the district’s application contains the following information then the packet will be complete. Four (4) complete applications. All of these applications with original signatures (Any colored–nonblack–ink) on the: Grant Agreement Face Sheet (Chief Executive Officer/Designee signature) Application Budget Summary (Chief Business Officer/Designee signature) Enter the correct RFP Specification Number in upper right-hand corner of the Loan Agreement Face Sheet Complete Contact Page Complete Abstract Page (Use a Narrative Format.) Table of Contents Narrative Need (Statement of Problem) Objectives Procedures/Activities Evaluation Design Annual Workplan (See Appendix B.) Objectives Procedures/Activities Performance Outcomes Timelines Responsible Person(s) Application Budget Summary (4 original CBO/Designee signatures) (See Appendix B.) Application Budget Detail Sheet (See Appendix B for format example and blank form.) No supplemental material (DO NOT include appendices or other supplemental information unless specifically requested in the RFP.) Staple applications in upper left corner (DO NOT use binders or other covers) Mail applications to: California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Academic Affairs Division Attn: FII Loan Application Enclosed (RFP# 12-051 and/or 13-049) 1102 Q Street, Suite 4554 Sacramento, CA 95811-6539 Applications must be received at the Chancellor’s Office by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 5, 2013. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION I A. B. C. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ Purposes and Uses of the Funds............................................................................................. Scope ...................................................................................................................................... SECTION II A B. C. D. E. F. G. H. J. K. L. M. Introduction, Purposes and Uses of the Funds, and Scope 1 1 2 Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications Intent ...................................................................................................................................... RFP Funding Categories ........................................................................................................ Eligibility ............................................................................................................................... Resource/Reference Materials ............................................................................................... RFP Clarification ................................................................................................................... Rejection of Application ........................................................................................................ Application Review Process .................................................................................................. Scoring Criteria ...................................................................................................................... Loan Appeal Procedures ........................................................................................................ Application Format and Instructions...................................................................................... Calendar of Key Dates for RFP Process ................................................................................ Calendar of Key Dates for New Grants Awarded .................................................................. 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 10 10 11 16 16 RFP Specifications for New Loan Awards ........................................................................................ 17 SECTION III Appendices Appendix A Article I: FII Division/Program-Specific Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement Article II: FII Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement Appendix B Application Forms Appendix C California Education Code, Article 7, Sections 84381-84384 Appendix D California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Articles 1, 2, and 3 Appendix E Standing Orders of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, Sections 424 and 425 Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION I Introduction, Purposes and Uses of the Funds, and Scope A. Introduction The passage of AB 1173 (Vasconcellos) in 1977, established the Fund for Instructional Improvement (FII). The Fund for Instructional Improvement (also called “the Fund” throughout this RFP) provides loans to improve learning and teaching in community colleges through the development, implementation, and evaluation of alternative educational programs and services in accordance with the California Education Code, Article 7, Sections 84381-84384 (Appendix C), and the California Code of Regulations, Sections 56652-56684 (Appendix D). In creating the Fund, the Legislature found and declared that the following five conditions affect instructional improvement in California Community Colleges: B. Community college instructional patterns continue to rely heavily on traditional classroom teaching methods due to legal, fiscal, and attitudinal constraints. Alternative instructional programs should be developed which reduce the barriers between school and work, link academic knowledge and learning outside the classroom, improve problem-solving abilities, and place greater responsibility with the student in defining individual learning objectives and means. Stimulating a greater level of institutional alternatives requires limited, experimental changes in State financing of instructional program. Such financing experiments should involve the reallocation of State resources. Few State and institutional resources are utilized to improve or retrain teachers, and additional dollars should be expended for such purposes. Colleges should develop a more adequate means of serving the needs of nontraditional students including the poor, re-entering women, and blue-collar workers. Purposes and Uses of the Funds The award of FII loans is governed by the California Code of Regulations Title 5, section 56652. Title 5 provides loans to improve learning and teaching in community colleges through development, implementation, and evaluation of alternative educational programs and services. Eligible programs and services supported through this fund must Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION I Introduction, Purposes and Uses of the Funds, and Scope 2 promote improvement or innovation through a systemwide or local initiative with a focus at least in part on one of the following three areas: 1. 2. 3. C. Nontraditional Instruction a. Internships and experiential learning opportunities; b. Individualized and instructional contracts that require students to develop learning objectives; c. Development of interpersonal skills; or d. Independent Study. Program Development a. Efforts to address the special learning needs of educationally disadvantaged students; or b. Educational services for new populations such as older or working adults. Faculty/Staff Development a. Intersegmental summer programs including research projects and seminars; b. College programs bringing visiting scholars to local districts; c. Interdisciplinary programs involving local non-college institutions in arts and sciences; d. Intersegmental research and public information projects on topics of special concern to rural and urban California regarding the environment, social history, and culture; or e. “Summer Bridge” programs for the transition of faculty into college life. Scope There are two (2) fiscal years addressed in this RFP. The 2012-13 and 2013-14 RFP for the Fund for Instructional Improvement includes the following RFP Specification: 1. FII RFP Specification for Loan Awards (RFP No.12-051 and 13-049) FII Loans are available for successful applicants who demonstrate proposed uses for the loan amount that further objectives associated with the Fund’s purpose as described in either part B of this section, “General Purposes and Uses of the Funds” or one of the eight recommendations of the “Student Success Task Force” of 2011. Loans are interest-free and paid back to the Fund for Instructional Improvement through the apportionment process. Repayment takes place in three Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION I Introduction, Purposes and Uses of the Funds, and Scope 3 annual payments beginning the funding year after the loan award. The primary uses of loans historically have been to purchase equipment; however, loans have been used for other academic purposes. The need statement should describe the problem or issue that the project is designed to remedy. The problem described should be able to be realistically addressed within a recommendation of the Student Success Task Force adopted by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors (BOG) in January 2012, and is appropriate for the target population and/or geographic region defined in the project description. a. Student Success Task Force of 2011 Recommendations In January 2011, the California Community Colleges Board of Governors embarked on a 12-month strategic planning process to improve student success. Pursuant to Senate Bill 1143 (Chapter 409, Statutes of 2010), the Board of Governors created the Student Success Task Force. The resulting 20-member Task Force was composed of a diverse group of community college leaders, faculty, students, researchers, staff, and external stakeholders. The California Community Colleges Student Success Task Force report was written and presented to the Legislature in February 2012. The Student Success Task Force report contains recommendations aimed at improving the educational outcomes of students and the workforce preparedness of the State. There are 8 broad recommendations and 22 sub-set recommendations contained in the report. Taken together, all the recommendations would strengthen the community college system by expanding those structures and programs that work and realign resources with what matters most: student achievement. The eight broad recommendations are listed below. Recommendation 1 Increase College and Career Readiness Recommendation 2 Strengthen Support for Entering Students Recommendation 3 Incentivize Successful Student Behavior Recommendation 4 Align Course Offerings to meet Student Needs Recommendation 5 Improve the Education of Basic Skills Students Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION I Introduction, Purposes and Uses of the Funds, and Scope 4 Recommendation 6 Revitalize and Re-envision Professional Development Recommendation 7 Enable Statewide Leadership and Increase Coordination Among Colleges Recommendation 8 Align Resources with Student Success Recommendations b. Local Level Initiatives An applicant may also address a local initiative. The local initiative must align with the specified uses and purpose of the Fund as described in part B of this section, “General Purposes and Uses of the Funds”. Applicants will provide strategies for developing planning or implementation practices to meet the identified goals and objectives. List the objectives for the project as performance objectives with accompanying timelines. 2. FII RFP Funding Phases for Loan Awards (RFP No.12-051 and 13-049) a) Initial Competition Funding Phase This phase of the FII funding cycle for both 2012-13 funds and 2013-14 funds is set for 90 days concurrently. The RFP will be released and proposals accepted for 90 days for both fiscal years. All proposals received during this period will compete among the applications received within each fiscal year for the funds within the fiscal year and will be allocated on a competitive basis. Colleges may apply for more than one fiscal year. All proposals will be received and reviewed by a panel using the same criteria. Funds will be awarded to the highest ranking proposals until either all funds are expended or all projects with a qualifying score are funded. Proposals must have a minimum average qualifying score of 75 points. b) Secondary Open Funding Phase If after the “Initial Competition Funding Phase” there are unallocated funds within a designated fiscal year, the Chancellor’s Office will accept proposals for the remaining funds for that fiscal year on a first come first served basis. Proposals are still subject to the established funding criteria and will be evaluated and scored and must receive a minimum score of 75 points in order to be funded. However the priority for this phase is based on when the request is received and not the highest ranked proposal. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION I Introduction, Purposes and Uses of the Funds, and Scope 5 Legal Terms and Conditions The legal provisions contained in Appendix A, which is included in this booklet, are the ones that will apply to the loans awarded under this RFP Specification. Rather than list the provisions again, they are incorporated into the loan agreement document by reference on the Loan Agreement Face Sheet. Applicants must, therefore, retain this manual for future reference. Information If you have any questions or need more information regarding this RFP Specification, please contact LeBaron Woodyard, Dean, Academic Affairs by telephone at (916) 445-1780, by email at; or mail at the Chancellor’s Office, California Community Colleges, 1102 Q Street, Suite 4554, Sacramento, CA 95811-6539. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications A. Intent Section II contains general instructions, procedures, formats, and timelines for submitting project applications to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO). It has been developed with the intent of establishing, to the extent possible, consistent practices and procedures for the submission, evaluation, and allocation of a variety of State and federally funded projects administered through this office. Applications should therefore be submitted utilizing the format and sequence described in these Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and address the RFP Specification for the project for which funding is sought. B. C. RFP Funding Categories 1. 2012-13 FII RFP Specification for Loan Awards (RFP No. 12-051) has $302,000 in total funds available. Loans may be awarded up to a maximum of $302,000 each per college. 2. 2013-14 FII RFP Specification for Loan Awards (RFP No. 13-049) has $302,000 in total funds available (subject to final approval of the 2013-14 California State Budget). Loans may be awarded up to a maximum of $302,000 each per college. Eligibility Only community college districts are eligible to apply. All applications recommended for approval shall have or obtain approval of the Board of Trustees of the districts. D. Resource/Reference Materials The RFP Specification will provide the necessary list of resource or reference material for completion of a grant or loan application, if applicable. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II E. Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications 8 RFP Clarification If any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other error in this RFP is discovered, immediately notify the Chancellor’s Office, Academic Affairs Division, Vice Chancellor, of the error and request a written modification or clarification of the document. A clarifying addendum will be given to all parties who have obtained the RFP, without divulging the source of the request. Insofar as practical, the Chancellor’s Office will give such notice to other interested parties, but the Chancellor’s Office shall not be responsible for failure to do so. F. Rejection of Application The Chancellor’s Office reserves the right to reject any and all applications received. A loan application shall be rejected prior to scoring if: G. It fails to meet the requirements of the RFP Specification and does not follow the application instructions. Either the Loan Agreement face sheet is not signed by the Chief Executive Officer (or authorized designee) or the Application Budget Summary is not signed by the Chief Business Officer (or authorized designee) in an ink color other than black. It fails to provide the proper number of originals (4), each signed with original signatures in an ink color other than black (as noted above). Application Review Process This section is intended to help the applicants and readers understand the processes, criteria, and scoring systems that will be applied in determining which applications are recommended for funding. The front page of each RFP Specification indicates the maximum amount of funds available from the funding fiscal year to fund new loan awards there under. The following steps will be taken by FII Program Staff at the Chancellor’s Office to ensure fairness and impartiality in awarding the loans: 1. Conduct a preliminary review of the applications to determine if they are in compliance with the RFP Specification; application format; required signatures; and the number of copies. Failure to comply may result in disqualification. 2. Assemble three-person evaluation panels that will include or be comprised of outside readers as appropriate and will be comprised so as to assure objectivity and prevent conflicts of interest. In the event that outside readers are not used, the evaluation panel shall be comprised of staff from more than one Division in the Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications 9 Chancellor’s Office. The Chancellor’s Office shall ensure that readers are appropriately trained with respect to the process for review of grant applications. All applicants achieving at least 75 points on their application evaluations are eligible for funding. 3. Utilize a secondary review process if two or more of the applications eligible for funding are tied. In this review, a fourth reader who has not read the applications in question will read and score them using the same criteria used in the first review. This fourth score will be added to the former score, and the highest rated application will directly precede the other one in eligibility for funding. 4. The team may adjust the scores through consensus, if there are ten points or more between any two independent scores. If consensus cannot be reached, the Chancellor’s Office will assign a fourth reader and the average will be recomputed. 5. Prepare and provide a master list of the scoring and ranking results for each RFP Specification. The results are coded and defined as: AF AFP NF Approved for funding; Approved for funding pending the availability of additional funds; and Applications not eligible because they did not achieve the minimum 75 points in their application evaluations. This list will be posted on the Website at vicesUnit/FundforInstructionalImprovement.aspx as a preliminary list. Final funding list will be posted after the appeal process has concluded. 6. If there are any funds remaining under any FII RFP Specification that has awarded loans to all of the eligible applicants, the Chancellor’s Office may elect to award the remaining funds under a different FII RFP Specification, as long as the awards are made in accordance with the AF and AFP lists already established there under and their purpose is consistent with the funding source. Staff also reserves the right to issue an addendum to the original FII RFP that will extend the deadline for the receipt of applications pursuant to any RFP Specification with funds still available. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II H. Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications 10 Scoring Criteria All applications will be evaluated and ranked on the basis of the following criteria: Need (Statement of Problem) Objectives Procedures/Activities Evaluation Design Project Management Dissemination Plan Application Budget Summary Overall Feasibility of the Project 25 20 20 10 10 5 5 5 TOTAL POSSIBLE I. 100 Notification of Intent to Award Grants and Loans Notification of intent to award loans will be posted on the Chancellor’s Office Website ( under Competitive Grants/FII indicating whether or not the application was selected. A public notification listing the tentative loan awards will be posted for ten (10) calendar days. If appeal requests are entered during the posting period, loans affected will not be awarded until the appeal requests are resolved. Applicants should note that final approval of a loan is contingent on the signature of the chief executive officer (or authorized designee). Note: All questions regarding this notice for tentative loan awards should be addressed to LeBaron Woodyard of the Academic Affairs Division via email at J. Loan Appeal Procedures An applicant may file an appeal review request. The college may notify the Chancellor’s Office of an appeal by email to LeBaron Woodyard, Dean, Academic Affairs at However, the appeal request itself must be hardcopy on letterhead and signed by the college President or designee. Both the email and hardcopy mail (post marked) must be mailed to the Chancellor’s Office, California Community Colleges, 1102 Q Street, Suite 4554, Sacramento, CA 95811-6539, within ten (10) calendar days from date of posting. The appeal review request must include a full and complete written statement specifying the grounds of the request and must be based on the process and/or procedures used in the review and recommendation of applications for awards. The Chancellor’s Office shall review all the information submitted and render a decision within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of the official appeal review request. The decision of the Chancellor’s Office shall be final. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II K. Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications 11 Application Format and Instructions The following instructions prescribe the mandatory format and approach for the development and presentation of the application. Application format instructions must be followed, all questions must be answered, and all requested data must be supplied. Applicants are expected to utilize the forms provided, narrative format (where indicated), and the RFP Specification to prepare the project applications. Computer facsimiles of the forms will not be accepted. 1. Complete the appropriate Grant Agreement Face Sheet (These forms may be downloaded to fill in the appropriate language electronically, but they must not be replicated electronically. If a form other than the one provided in Appendix B is submitted, the application may be rejected.) a. Select the appropriate face sheet from among those listed below. The RFP Specification number for each respective form is already printed in the upper, right-hand corner. FII RFP Specification for Loan Awards (RFP No. 12-051 and/or 13-049) Loan Agreement (one-year only) 2. b. Enter the District and College Name in the upper, right-hand corner of the appropriate Grant or Loan Agreement face sheet. c. Complete the Loan Recipient section of the Loan Agreement Face Sheet. Obtain the signature of the district chief executive officer (or authorized designee). All signatures must be in any colored ink other than black ink. Complete the Contact Page (Form provided in Appendix B.) Note: The last contact listed on the form is a “RFP Writer/Process Contact.” If a loan is awarded, it is imperative for Chancellor’s Office staff processing the loan to have someone they can contact regarding questions pertaining to the application material. If no one is available, the loan approval process will be held up and the initial loan payment will be delayed. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II 3. 4. 5. Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications 12 Develop and Complete Abstract (Use a narrative format; form provided in Appendix B.) a. The abstract should simply and concisely summarize the entire application in less than 250 words and must not exceed one page. Included must be statements on the objectives, procedures, expected contribution or impact on the funding priorities of the RFP Specification, and resulting deliverables (products/services/outcomes). b. Place the Abstract immediately behind the Contact Page. Develop Table of Contents a. The narrative pages shall be numbered in sequence, with the numbers centered at the bottom of each page. b. The Table of Contents shall be on a separate page, with each component of the application’s narrative listed and page numbers indicated. Narrative In this section, you will provide a narrative detailing your proposed project. Additionally, you will summarize your plan of operation as it is written on the Annual Workplan form. Include the following sections (a-f) in the Narrative of the proposal: a. Need (Use a narrative format; form not provided.) Maximum Points—25 Concisely describe and document the problem being addressed and/or the need for the project. The need must: Relate to the appropriate RFP Specification. Applications that are not related to the appropriate RFP Specification may be rejected. Describe the scope of the problem being addressed: local, regional and/or statewide. This should relate to one or more of the eight recommendations of the California Community Colleges Student Success Task Force as described in the Scope section of this RFP located on pages 3/4. Describe the target group(s) to be served. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications b. Objectives (1) c. d. 13 Maximum Points—20 In response to the needs/problems identified describe the outcomes you expect to achieve. This list should include statements of objectives that are: Numbered, measurable, and performance driven, i.e., stated in terms of change expected. Provide a foundation for developing the methodology (activities/procedures) for addressing the need/problem. Procedures/Activities Maximum Points—20 (1) Describe the specific procedures/activities that will be employed to achieve each of the listed project objectives. (2) Describe the rationale for choosing the selected procedures/ activities and the feasibility of the proposed solutions/strategies. Evaluation Design Maximum Points—10 Describe how you will measure the progress and the outcomes of the project. e. Project Management (1) f. Maximum Points—10 Project Management (a) Provide a management plan for operating the project. (b) Provide an organizational chart for the project. Dissemination Plan Maximum Points—5 (1) Describe the steps that will be taken to disseminate project findings and work products to others likely to benefit from the results. Project staff is encouraged to disseminate their findings and work products through State and regional conferences. (2) The dissemination plan should also includes other strategies is requested. Documents, reports, materials or grant products produced as a result of the grant are public documents. Describe how you will distribute grant materials or products to other community colleges, resource libraries, or other organizations. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II 6. Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications Application Budget Summary (Form provided in Appendix B.) a. 14 Maximum Points—5 Complete the Application Budget Summary (See Crossover Chart in Appendix B to determine expenditure classifications.) When entering dollar amounts, round off to the nearest dollar. Do Not Include Cents. Note: The purpose of the budget is to indicate whether the project is well planned and reasonable in scope. Technical errors in the budget will not necessarily result in a lower score if minor assistance from the Chancellor’s Office can correct the error. Source of Funds vary in purpose and must be reported in separate columns. To substantiate the Application Budget Summary, submit a Budget Detail Sheet. (See example of Budget Detail Sheet format and Crossover Chart in Appendix B.) The Budget Detail Sheet lists the cost breakdown of each budget classification amount requested. Indicate specific rates and amounts attributed to requested project funds, unrestricted general fund district matching, or other sources of funding. You must complete a separate Budget Detail Sheet for each funding source and record the associated expenditures by object code attributed to it. b. Expenditures Loans: Funds awarded may not be used for purposes for student financial aid or for programs and activities not eligible for state funding. Overhead or indirect costs may be included in a proposal only as part of the financial participation provided by applicant. Loans may be used to purchase equipment. c. Match Requirement There is no match for Loan Applications. d. See RFP Specification to determine allowable supervision/administration costs (not directly involved in the day-to-day ongoing activities). e. Failure to provide complete budget information in the format required may result in applications not being reviewed for funding consideration. f. The district Chief Business Officer’s signature is required on the Application Budget Summary. (Use any colored–nonblack–ink only.) Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications g. 8. 15 For travel (Object 5000), district travel and reimbursement policies apply. Only travel necessary to the project is allowed. List travel purpose and estimated cost. Overall Feasibility of the Project Maximum Points—5 The reviewers will be making a judgment as to whether the project is realistically capable of attaining the required and proposed outcomes. 9. Application Procedure a. Submit four (4) copies of the application, all of which must contain original signatures (any colored–nonblack–ink) on the grant agreement face page and the budget summary sheet. b. Applications should be directed to LeBaron Woodyard, Dean, Academic Affairs at the Chancellor’s Office, California Community Colleges, 1102 Q Street, Suite 4554, Sacramento, CA 95811-6539. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. c. Staple the application in the upper left-hand corner. Use 8-1/2”x11” white bond paper only. Please Do Not use binders or other covers. Do Not include appendices or other supplemental information unless specifically requested in the RFP Specification or Instructions, Terms, and Conditions. d. Label the outside of the mailing envelope: Attention: FII Loan Application Enclosed. e. Loan Agreement Face Sheet must be signed by the district’s Chief Executive Officer (or authorized designee) to bind the grantee to its provisions. (Please use any colored–nonblack–ink) f. Budget Summary page must be signed by the district’s Chief Business Officer (or authorized designee) and the Project Director or Responsible Administrator. (Please use any colored –nonblack-ink) NOTE: The State Is Not Liable For Any Costs Incurred By Grantees Prior To The Issuance Of A Grant And Receipt Of All Necessary Approvals. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II L. Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications 16 Calendar of Key Dates for RFP Process The following “Calendar of Key Dates” contains important deadlines and other key dates that have been established for this RFP competitive bid process. RFP Release Date November 5, 2012 FII Loan Webinar November 26, 2012 Date Start time End time Duration 11/26/2012 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 60 PRIOR TO YOUR FIRST CCC CONFER MEETING Test Your Computer Readiness PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 886-3951 > Cell phone users dial: 913-312-3202 > Enter your passcode: 144240 > Go to > Click the Participant Log In button under the Meet & Confer logo > Locate your meeting and click Go > Fill out the form and enter the passcode: 144240 FOR ASSISTANCE CCC Confer Client Services - Monday - Friday between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Phone: 760-744-1150 ext 1537 or 1554 Email: Application Deadline Applications must be received at the Chancellor’s Office by 5:00 p.m. February 5, 2013 Reading and Rating of Applications February 8, 2013 Notification of Intent to Award Loans February 12, 2013 Last Day to File an Appeal February 25, 2013 Final List of Awards February 26, 2012 Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II M. Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications 17 Calendar of Key Dates for New Grants Awarded 2012-13 Projects Operational March 15, 2013 2012-13 Due Date for Final Report April 15, 2014 2013-14 Projects Operational July 1, 2013 2013-14 Due Date for Final Report July 31, 2014 Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Chancellor’s Office California Community Colleges RFP Specification for New Loan Awards The loans awarded under this RFP Specification will be for one year only. 2012-13 RFP Specification Number: 12-051 2013-14 RFP Specification Number: 13-049 RFP Specification Title: FII RFP Specification for Loan Awards (Loan Fund) Program Division: Academic Affairs Division Division Vice Chancellor: Barry A. Russell PhD Funding Source: Fund for Instructional Improvement Funding Category: One-Year Loans Performance/Funding Period for March 15, 2013 through March 14, 2014 Fiscal Year 2012-13: Performance/Funding Period for July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 Fiscal Year 2013-14: 2012-13 Maximum Funds Available: Up to $302,000 total funds available 2013-14 Maximum Funds Available: Up to $302,000 total funds available (Subject to the approval of the 2013-14 California State Budget) Initial Competition Funding Phase This phase of the FII funding cycle for both 2012-13 funds and 2013-14 funds is set for 90 days concurrently. The RFP will be released and proposals accepted for 90 days for both fiscal years. All proposals received during this period will compete among the applications received within each fiscal year for the funds and will be allocated on a competitive basis. Colleges may apply for more than one fiscal year. All proposals will be received and reviewed by a panel using the same criteria. Funds will be awarded to the highest ranking proposals until either all funds are expended or all projects with a qualifying score are funded. Proposals must have a minimum average qualifying score of 75 points. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications 20 Secondary Open Funding Phase If after the “Initial Competition Funding Phase” there are unallocated funds within a designated fiscal year, the Chancellor’s Office will accept proposals for the remaining funds for that fiscal year on a first come first served basis. Proposals are still subject to the established funding criteria and will be evaluated and scored and must receive a minimum score of 75 points in order to be funded. However the priority for this phase is based on when the request is received and not the highest ranked proposal. Match Requirement: No Match Required. Number of Awards: The number of awards will be determined by the number of successful applications and available funds. The FII Loan under RFP Specification No. 12-051 will allocate up to $302,000 in loan funds for the 2012-13 Fiscal Year and RFP Specification No. 13-049 will allocate $302,000 for the 201314 Fiscal Year (Subject to the final approval of the 2013-14 California State Budget). Loans are interest free and are advanced to a district in one payment. Repayment takes place through a reduction in district apportionment in three annual payments beginning with the second principal apportionment period of the first fiscal year after the loan is made. Loan Funding Scenarios The FII loan is not for everyone. There are certain project designs that the loan has traditionally been shaped to address, i.e., equipment purchases. There are others where the loan would be well suited within the constraints of approvable FII goals to support. The following four loan scenarios described below are provided as examples of what colleges can do when they think of the loan program as a vehicle to generate revenue: contract course, community services offerings (continuing education), distance education, and equipment/software acquisition. They are based on the following assumptions: A. 2012-13 FII Loan Funds, funds are received by April 15, 2013, zero percent interest, 3 equal annual payments to repay loan, first payment of one-third of the loan amount is due in June 2014 (14 months from initial receipt of funds). B. 2013-14 FII Loan Funds, funds are received by July 1, 2013, zero percent interest, 3 equal annual payments to repay loan, first payment of one-third of the loan amount is due in June 2015 (24 months from initial receipt of funds). Scenario 1 – Contract Course Title 5, section 55000 (d) defines a contract course as “…a course which a community college district offers under a contract pursuant to Education Code section 78021 with a public or private agency, corporation, association, or other organization.” The FII Loan program can be used to develop, market, and/or deliver contract courses to profit or non-profit businesses, companies and organizations in either the traditional face to face or distance education instructional delivery Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications 21 mode. The revenue generated by the contract course is retained by the district and can be used to operate and sustain an overall program dedicated to that purpose. The use of the loan program represents an opportunity for districts to receive funds to expand contract courses and to meet the educational/business needs of their community with targeted instruction paid for by the contractor. The loan funds allow the district to invest in an instructional activity that can not only sustain itself but generate positive cash flow for the college and district and contribute to the repayment of the FII loan. Scenario 2 – Community Services Offerings Title 5, section 55000 (b) defines “Community Services Offering” as “…a fee-supported community services class authorized pursuant to Education Code section 78300 and approved pursuant to subdivision (d) of section 55002 for which state apportionment is not claimed and credit is not awarded.” In scenario 1 the focus of the instruction was on the organization but in “community services offerings” the focus is on the individual. Colleges can very similarly use FII loan funds for the purpose of developing, marketing, and delivering “community services offerings” and generating revenue that can be used to sustain a program and provide revenue to repay the loan. Scenario 3 – Out of State or International Distance Education Courses The FII Loan program may be used to fund distance education courses that are targeted to out of state and/or international students who pay nonresident student fees. These fees are retained 100% by the district and can be used to support the cost of conducting the specialized distance education course. The distance education courses can be coordinated into a program that is marketed and delivered in a cohort model for students beyond the State’s boundaries. California residents are charged $46 per unit for community college courses and $31 per unit for schools on the quarter system (De Anza, Foothill and Lake Tahoe colleges.) A typical course is three or four units, for a cost of $138 to $184. A student who enrolls in 12 units is considered a full-time student - that student would pay $46 x 12 units = $552 per semester or $1,104 annually. The average tuition and fees for all community colleges nationally in 2010-11, as cited in the College Board’s Trends in Community College Education: Enrollment, Prices, Student Aid, and Debt Levels, for a full-time student enrolled in a public two-year college were $2,713. This is an average difference of $1,609. The average annual out of state tuition costs for 111 California community colleges is $4,962. For those states where the tuition cost is comparable to the out of state cost a revenue generating model may be employed to the benefit of the local California college. Scenario 4 – Equipment and/or Software Acquisition The FII Loan program can be used to purchase equipment that can be amortized over a three year period at zero percent interest. Colleges can refurbish out of date labs and equipment and pay for it over time as if they are purchasing the equipment with cash. Depending on the fiscal year the equipment may be used 14 – 24 months before the first payment on the equipment is due. This may be attractive to those high cost programs requiring expensive equipment as a part of the Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) SECTION II Application Instructions and Evaluation Criteria and RFP Specifications 22 instructional format. Colleges may also acquire software to update Enterprise systems or to convert from one system to another or to fund the development of local software systems. Loan Program The legal provisions contained in Appendix A, which is included in this booklet, are the ones that will apply to the loans awarded under this RFP Specification. Rather than list the provisions again, they are incorporated into the loan agreement document, by reference, on the Loan Agreement Face Sheet. Applicants must, therefore, retain this manual for future reference. Information If you have any questions or need more information regarding this RFP Specification, please contact LeBaron Woodyard by telephone at (916) 445-1780, or by email at; or mail at the Chancellor’s Office, California Community Colleges, 1102 Q Street, Suite 4554, Sacramento, CA 95811-6539. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Chancellor’s Office, California Community Colleges LOAN AGREEMENT ARTICLE I FII Division/Program-Specific Terms and Conditions (Established March 2007) 1. Term of Loan The term of this loan for 2012-13 shall be from March 15, 2013, to and including March 14, 2014. Final approval of this loan is contingent upon signature of both parties hereto. All performance under this loan shall be completed by March 14, 2014, except that a Final Report must be received by the Project Monitor no later than April 15, 2014. The term of this loan for 2013-14 shall be from July 1, 2013, to and including June 30, 2014. Final approval of this loan is contingent upon signature of both parties hereto. All performance under this loan shall be completed by June 30, 2014 except that a Final Report must be received by the Project Monitor no later than July 31, 2014. 2. Cost and Payments In consideration of satisfactory performance of services described in the application work statement, the state agrees to pay the Loan Recipient a total amount not to exceed the “Loan Funds” amount stated on the fully executed loan face sheet. Payments shall be made as set forth below: Loans are interest free and are advanced to a district in one payment. Repayment takes place in three annual payments beginning the first funding year after the loan is made. Each payment shall be made by deducting an amount equal to one-third of the amount loaned to the district from the second principal apportionment made from Section B of the State School Fund to the community college district. 3. Budget Changes The Loan Recipient may make changes to any budget category amounts without the approval of the Project Monitor so long as budget categories are not added or deleted, the total dollar amount of the Loan Agreement is not affected, and the outcomes of the project will not be materially affected. The Loan Recipient may add or delete budget categories subject to the prior approval of the Project Monitor. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Loan Agreement-Article I--FII Division/Program-Specific Terms and Conditions (3/07) 24 Amendments of the Loan Agreement are required for budget changes when there are changes in the total dollar amount of the loan and/or the outcome of the project is materially affected. The request for such changes should include a letter of justification; three copies of a revised "Application Budget Summary," all of which have been signed by the Chief Business Officer or his/her designee, in an ink color other than black, and a revised "Application Budget Detail Sheet." The Budget Amendment request should be mailed to the Project Monitor for approval. The Loan Recipient will be notified if the request is approved or if additional information is required. In any event, the Loan Recipient shall implement changes only upon written notification by the Project Monitor. Additionally, the next Progress Report must show the new budget changes. Budget changes or amendments involving an extension of time are subject to applicable program limitations. No budget change or amendment may permit expenditures to be made after June 30th of the second year following the period for which the funds were appropriated. Any budget change or amendment permitting funds to be spent beyond the year of appropriation shall ensure that the Loan Recipient does not receive funding for the same expense from more than one fiscal year. 4. Reporting Requirement Loan Recipient shall prepare and submit to the Project Monitor a Final Report, as indicated below. 2012-13 Loan Final Report is due: April 15, 2014. 2013-14 Loan Final Report is due: July 31, 2014. One (1) original and two (2) copies of the final report, which shall include an expenditure statement, executive summary and two copies of materials and/or products, are to be submitted. 4. Legal Compliance Performance of this loan shall be pursuant to sections 84381-84384 of the Education Code and sections 56652-56684 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 25 ARTICLE II Standard Legal Terms and Conditions (Revision 3/16/07) 1. Work to be Performed The Loan Recipient shall complete the tasks described in its application and funds shall be expended in compliance with the requirements for the funding source and category referenced in the face sheet. The Loan Recipient may request modifications to the work to be performed. All such requests must be submitted in writing to the Project Monitor prior to the modification being made. The Project Monitor may require that an amendment to this agreement be processed, if the monitor determines that the change would materially affect the project outcomes or the term of this Loan Agreement. Modifications or amendments involving an extension of time are subject to applicable program limitations. No modification or amendment of this agreement may permit expenditures to be made after June 30th of the second year following the period for which the funds were appropriated. Any modification or amendment permitting funds to be spent beyond the year of appropriation shall ensure that the Loan Recipient does not receive funding for the same expense from more than one fiscal year. 2. Amendments An amendment of this Loan Agreement is required when the Loan Recipient wishes to extend the completion date or materially change the work to be performed or the budget (see Article I section 2 and Article II section 1). The request must be made on the appropriate form provided by the Chancellor's Office and must be submitted to the Project Monitor prior to making the desired alteration in the performance or expenditures under the Loan Agreement. Requests for amendments should be received 60 days before the end of the performance period. Amendments involving an extension of time are subject to applicable program limitations. No amendment may permit expenditures to be made after June 30th of the second year following the period for which the funds were appropriated. Any amendment permitting funds to be spent beyond the year of appropriation shall ensure that the Loan Recipient does not receive funding for the same expense from more than one fiscal year. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 26 3. Unenforceable Provision In the event that any provision of this Loan Agreement is unenforceable or held to be unenforceable, then the parties agree that all other provisions of this Loan Agreement have force and effect and shall not be affected thereby. 4. Dispute In the event of a dispute, Loan Recipient agrees to file a "Notice of Dispute" with the Chancellor's Office, within ten (10) days of discovery of the problem. Within ten (10) days, the Chancellor or his or her designee shall meet with the Loan Recipient, the Vice Chancellor for the division awarding the Loan Agreement, and the Project Monitor for purposes of resolving the dispute. The decision of the Chancellor shall be final. In the event of a dispute, the language contained within this Loan Agreement shall prevail over any other language including that of the loan application. Loan Recipient shall continue with the responsibilities under this Loan Agreement during any dispute. 5. Notice Either party may give notice to the other party by sending certified mail properly addressed, postage fully prepaid to the other party's business address. Notices to be sent to the Chancellor's Office shall be addressed to the Project Monitor at Chancellor's Office, California Community Colleges, 1102 Q Street, Suite 4554, Sacramento, CA 95811-6539. Notices to be sent to the Loan Recipient shall be addressed to the Project Director at the Loan Recipient's address as specified on the face sheet of this Loan Agreement. Such notice shall be effective when received, as indicated by post office records, or if deemed undeliverable by the post office, such notice shall be postponed 24 hours for each such intervening day. 6. Interpretation In the interpretation of this Loan Agreement, any inconsistencies between the terms hereof and the Exhibits shall be resolved in favor of the terms hereof. 7. Project Director and Key Personnel The Project Director is designated by the Loan Recipient on the face sheet of the Loan Agreement, and the key personnel are identified in the application or proposal. The Loan Recipient may change the Project Director or other key personnel, but the Loan Recipient shall immediately notify the Project Monitor in writing of any such changes. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 27 8. Project Monitor The Project Monitor is designated by the Chancellor's Office on the face sheet of the Loan Agreement. The Project Monitor is responsible for overseeing the project and any questions or problems relating to the project should be directed to the Project Monitor. If necessary, the Chancellor's Office may change the Project Monitor by written notice sent to the Loan Recipient. 9. Budget Concerns a. It is mutually understood between the parties that this Loan Agreement may have been written before ascertaining the availability of state or federal funds, for the mutual benefit of both parties in order to avoid program and fiscal delays which would occur if this Loan Agreement were executed after the determination was made. b. It is mutually agreed that if the state or federal budget for the current year and/or any subsequent years covered under this Loan Agreement does not appropriate sufficient funds for the program, this Loan Agreement shall have no force and effect. In this event, the Chancellor's Office shall have no liability to pay any funds whatsoever to Loan Recipient or to furnish any consideration under this Loan Agreement and Loan Recipient shall not be obligated to perform any provisions of this Loan Agreement. c. Loan Recipient shall inform any subcontractors and sub recipients that any work performed prior to approval of the state or federal budget, as applicable, will be rendered on a voluntary basis, and shall not be compensated unless and until funding is authorized. d. In no event may Loan Recipient use loan funds to pay any individual or organization for the work associated with preparing the loan application. For breach or violation of this prohibition, the Chancellor's Office shall, in addition to other remedies provided by law, have the right to annul this Loan Agreement without liability, paying only for the value of the work actually performed, or otherwise recover the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. e. In addition, this Loan Agreement is subject to any additional restrictions, funding reductions, limitations or conditions enacted in the state or federal budget, any amendments thereto, or in the laws and Executive Orders that may affect the provisions, term, or funding of this Loan Agreement in any manner. The parties hereby agree that the Chancellor's Office will notify Loan Recipient of any such changes affecting the terms of this Loan Agreement, but need not execute an amendment to modify the Loan Agreement. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 28 10. Assignment Loan Recipient may not transfer by assignment or novation the performance of this Loan Agreement or any part thereof except with the prior written approval of the Project Monitor. Nor may Loan Recipient, without the prior written consent of the Project Monitor, assign any other right that Loan Recipient may have under this Loan Agreement. Each assignment that is approved by the Project Monitor shall contain a provision prohibiting further assignments to any third or subsequent tier assignee without additional written approval by the Project Monitor. The Project Monitor's consent to one or more such assignments or novations shall not constitute a waiver or diminution of the absolute power to approve each and every subsequent assignment or novation. 11. Subcontracts a. Loan Recipient agrees to obtain the written approval of the Project Monitor prior to the selection of subcontractors or subrecipients to perform services under this Loan Agreement, based upon a written request indicating compliance with the provisions set forth below. Except where prohibited by the Standards of Conduct provisions set forth in section 15 of this Article, subcontractors subrecipients specifically identified in this Loan Agreement or the Exhibits attached hereto and which are secured in accordance with applicable legal requirements and the provisions set forth below are deemed approved upon execution of this Loan Agreement. b. In any event, if the Loan Recipient wishes to enter into a subcontract for performance of any part of the activities under this Loan Agreement , Loan Recipient shall disclose the intended purpose and amount of the subcontracting, identify the proposed subcontractor or subrecipient, and certify that the subcontractor or subrecipient was selected according to locally applicable competitive bidding processes which are reasonably calculated to ensure that cost shall be given substantial weight in the selection process, and that the selected subcontractor or subrecipient is the best qualified party available to provide the required services. Upon request, Loan Recipient shall furnish evidence of compliance with this provision to the Project Monitor. Loan Recipient shall immediately notify the Project Monitor in the event that any subcontract is terminated. c. All subcontracts shall contain a provision prohibiting any third or subsequent tier subcontracts without additional written approval by the Project Monitor. d. The Project Monitor's consent to one or more subcontracts shall not constitute a waiver or diminution of the absolute power to approve each and every subsequent subcontract. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement e. Upon request, Loan Recipient shall furnish any additional evidence the Project Monitor may deem appropriate concerning the competitive bidding procedures used or any other matter related to compliance with paragraphs (a) or (b). f. Loan Recipient shall not enter into any subcontract of the types described below and any such agreement which may be executed is null and void and of no force or effect. g. 29 1. A former state employee (including a Chancellor's Office employee, or a district employee who worked for the Chancellor's Office on an Interjurisdictional Exchange (IJE)) cannot enter into a subcontract under this Loan Agreement with the Loan Recipient if that employee was engaged in the negotiations, transactions, planning, arrangements or any part of the decision-making process relevant to this Loan Agreement while employed by the state. (Gov. Code, §§ 1090, et seq., 87100, and 87400 et seq.; Cal.Code Regs. tit. 5, §§ 18741.1 and 18747.) 2. A current state employee (including a current Chancellor's Office employee or district employee working for the Chancellor's Office on an Interjurisdictional Exchange (IJE)) cannot enter into a subcontract with the Loan Recipient, with the exception of rank-and-file employees of the California State University and the University of California. (Pub. Contr. Code, § 10410.) 3. The spouse or a member of the immediate family of a current Chancellor's Office employee (including a current Chancellor's Office employee or district employee working for the Chancellor's Office on an Interjurisdictional Exchange (IJE)) may not enter into a subcontract with the Loan Recipient if the Chancellor's Office employee or person on an IJE was engaged in the negotiations, transactions, planning, arrangements or any part of the decision-making process relevant to this Loan Agreement , or the subcontract, or had any influence whatsoever in the making of this Loan Agreement , or the subcontract. (Gov. Code, §§ 1090, et seq.; and 87100.) Nothing contained in this Loan Agreement or otherwise, shall create any contractual relationship between the Chancellor's Office and any subcontractors or subrecipients, and no subcontract shall relieve Loan Recipient of its responsibilities and obligations hereunder. Loan Recipient agrees to be as fully responsible to the Chancellor's Office for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors, subrecipients, and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them, as it is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by Loan Recipient. Loan Recipient's obligation to pay its subcontractors and subrecipients is independent from Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 30 the obligation of the Chancellor's Office to make payments to Loan Recipient. As a result, the Chancellor's Office shall have no obligation to pay or enforce the payment of any moneys to any subcontractor. 12. Audit Loan Recipient agrees that the Chancellor's Office, the Bureau of State Audits, any other appropriate state or federal oversight agency, or their designated representative(s), shall have the right to review and to copy any records and supporting documentation pertaining to the performance of this Loan Agreement. Loan Recipient agrees to maintain such records for possible audit for a minimum of three (3) years after final payment or until any audit findings have been resolved, unless a longer period of records retention is stipulated. Loan Recipient agrees to allow the auditor(s) access to such records during normal business hours and to allow interviews of any employees who might reasonably have information related to such records. Further, Loan Recipient agrees to include a similar right of the Chancellor's Office, the Bureau of State Audits, any other appropriate state or federal oversight agency, or their designated representative(s) to audit records and interview staff in any subcontract related to performance of this Loan Agreement. 13. Products and Deliverables a. Each deliverable to be provided under this Loan Agreement shall be submitted to and approved by the Project Monitor. All products, documents and published materials, including multimedia presentations, shall be approved by the Project Monitor prior to distribution. b. Any document or written report prepared, in whole or in part by Loan Recipient, or its subcontractors or subrecipients, shall contain the loan number and dollar amount of the loan and subcontracts relating to the preparation of such document or written report. The loan and subcontract numbers and dollar amounts shall be contained in a separate section of such document or written report. (Gov. Code, § 7550(a).) c. When multiple documents or written reports are the subject or product of the Loan Agreement, the disclosure section must also contain a statement indicating that the total loan amount represents compensation for multiple documents or written reports. (Gov. Code, § 7550(b).) d. All products resulting from this Loan Agreement or its subcontracts in whole or in part shall reference the Chancellor's Office, California Community Colleges and the specific funding source. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement e. 14. 31 All references to the project shall include the phrase, "funded in part by the Chancellor's Office, California Community Colleges." Travel For travel necessary to the performance of this Loan Agreement, Loan Recipient travel and other expense claims shall be governed by the travel policy and procedures adopted by the Loan Recipient's governing board. Travel and other expenses shall be limited to those necessary for the performance of this Loan Agreement. Loan funds may be used to pay for travel for Chancellor's Office staff provided that the travel is related to the purposes of the Loan Agreement , the travel is necessary to allow Chancellor's Office staff to provide services or technical assistance beyond the scope of normal monitoring, the request is made by the Loan Recipient without duress from Chancellor's Office staff, Loan Recipient does not seek or receive any favorable treatment in exchange for paying for travel, travel is arranged and paid for through ordinary Chancellor's Office processes, and the funds are used to reimburse those costs using Accounting Form RT-01 Request for Services/Agreement to Pay Travel Expenses. 15. Standards of Conduct Loan Recipient hereby assures that, in administering this Loan Agreement, it will comply with the standards of conduct hereinafter set out, as well as the applicable state laws concerning conflicts of interests, in order to maintain the integrity of this Loan Agreement and to avoid any potential conflict of interests in its administration. a. .Every reasonable course of action will be taken by the Loan Recipient in order to maintain the integrity of this expenditure of public funds and to avoid any favoritism or questionable or improper conduct. The Loan Agreement will be administered in an impartial manner, free from personal, financial, or political gain. The Loan Recipient, and its officers and employees, in administering the Loan Agreement, will avoid situations which give rise to a suggestion that any decision was influenced by prejudice, bias, special interest, or personal gain. b. Conducting Business with Relatives. No relative by blood, adoption, or marriage of any officer or employee of the Loan Recipient, or of any member of its governing board, will receive favorable treatment in the award of subcontracts or in educational or employment opportunities funded by this Loan Agreement. c. Conducting Business Involving Close Personal Friends and Associates. In administering the Loan Agreement, officers and employees of the Loan Recipient will exercise due diligence to avoid situations which may give rise to an assertion that favorable treatment is being granted to friends and associates. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement d. e. 16. 32 Avoidance of Conflicts of Economic Interests. 1. Loan Recipient shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that its officers and employees, and members of its governing board, will avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interests, and that no officer, employee, or board member who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with this Loan Agreement shall have any personal financial interest or benefit which either directly or indirectly arises from this Loan Agreement. The term "financial interest" shall include the financial interest of the officer, employee, or board member's spouse or dependent child. 2. Loan Recipient shall establish safeguards to prohibit officers, employees or board members from using their positions for a purpose which could result in private gain, or give the appearance of being motivated for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties. 3. An officer or employee of Loan Recipient, an elected official in the area, or a member of the governing board, may not solicit or accept money or any other consideration from a third person for the performance of any act reimbursed, in whole or in part, by Loan Recipient or the Chancellor's Office. Supplies, materials, equipment, or services purchased with loan funds will be used solely for purposes allowed under this Loan Agreement. 4. The governing board may not authorize the award of any subcontract funded by this Loan Agreement, if that contract or subcontract is for the provision of services or goods by any board member, or by any person or entity which is a source of income to a board member. In the interest of avoiding conflicts of interests involving friends or associates of Chancellor's Office employees, in administering this Loan Agreement , officers and employees of the Loan Recipient will exercise due diligence to avoid situations which may give rise to an assertion that favorable treatment is being granted to friends and associates of Chancellor's Office employees. Statewide or Regional Projects If this Loan Agreement involves provision of coordination, technical assistance, or other services for the California Community College system or for a particular region or group of colleges, the following requirements shall apply: Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 33 a. Loan Recipient agrees to consult regularly with the Project Monitor and representatives of the colleges to be served and to give every reasonable consideration to their views in the conduct of the project. b. Loan Recipient shall require all employees, consultants, subcontractors and subrecipients to disclose any employment or contractual relationships they may have with other colleges being served under a statewide or regional grant. Such relationships are prohibited and shall be promptly terminated unless, after being fully informed of the circumstances, the Project Monitor determines that the services being provided to the other college by the employee, consultant, or contractor are above and beyond or unrelated to those provided under this Loan Agreement. c. If this loan funds a position with a time base greater than halftime to perform activities under the loan, Loan Recipient hereby agrees to engage in full and open recruitment for that position in accord with subsection (a) of section 53021 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, with the understanding that such position may be filled on a temporary basis to the extent authorized by law. Loan Recipient shall, in a timely manner, submit to the Personnel Office of the Chancellor's Office a copy of all such job announcements. In the event that an employee of the Chancellor's Office applies for and is selected to fill the position, the Chancellor's Office agrees to give every reasonable consideration to executing an Interjurisdictional Exchange Agreement to permit the employee in question to work for the Loan Recipient. d. If the primary role of the Loan Recipient under this Loan Agreement is to serve as a fiscal agent for distribution of funds, Loan Recipient agrees that it will not make any payment to subcontractors engaged to provide consulting services under this Loan Agreement without the written approval of the Project Monitor and the Vice Chancellor for Fiscal Services. Loan Recipient may, however, disburse funds as provided in the loan budget for other activities (including paying for expenses related to meetings of advisory bodies or travel expenses for site reviews) without prior approval. 17. Time Is of the Essence Time is of the essence in this Loan Agreement. 18. Intellectual Property a. Loan Recipient agrees that any and all services rendered and documents or other materials, inventions, processes, machines, manufactures, or compositions of matter, and/or trademarks or service marks first created, developed or produced Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 34 pursuant to the Loan Agreement , whether by Loan Recipient or it subcontractors or subrecipients, shall be and are Work for Hire. All subcontracts shall include a Work for Hire provision by which all materials, procedures, processes, machines, and trademarks or service marks produced as a result of the Loan Agreement shall be Work for Hire. All rights, title, and interest in and to the Work first developed under the Loan Agreement or under any subcontract shall be assigned and transferred to the Chancellor's Office. This Work for Hire agreement shall survive the expiration or early termination of this Loan Agreement. b. The copyright for all materials first produced as a result of this Work for Hire agreement shall belong to the Chancellor's Office. Loan Recipient, and all subcontractors, subrecipients, and others that produce copyright materials pursuant to the Loan Agreement, assigns all rights, title and interest, including the copyright to any and all works created pursuant to this Work for Hire agreement, to the Chancellor's Office. The Chancellor's Office shall acknowledge Loan Recipient or its subcontractors and subrecipients, if any, as the author of works produced pursuant to this Work for Hire agreement on all publications of such work. The Chancellor's Office may license Loan Recipient or its subcontractors and subrecipients, if any, to reproduce and disseminate copies of such work, provided the licensee agrees not to permit infringement of the copyright by any person, to compensate Chancellor's Office for any infringement which may occur, and to indemnify and hold harmless the Chancellor's Office for any and all claims arising out of or in connection with the licensing agreement. Said license shall include the right to create and use works derived from those created under this Loan Agreement, even if such derivative works compete with those created under this Loan Agreement. All materials first developed in draft and in final form pursuant to this Loan Agreement shall, in a prominent place, bear the © (the letter "c" in a circle) or the word "Copyright," or the abbreviation "Copr.", followed by the year created; and the words "Chancellor's Office, California Community Colleges." Acknowledgment may be given to Loan Recipient or the actual author(s) of the work in an appropriate manner elsewhere in the copyright material. If it is deemed necessary by either the Chancellor's Office or the Loan Recipient that the copyright be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, Loan Recipient will be responsible for applying for, paying the filing fees for, and securing said copyright. c. All technical communications and records originated or first prepared by the Loan Recipient or its subcontractors and subrecipients, if any, pursuant to this Work for Hire agreement, including papers, reports, charts, computer programs, and technical schematics and diagrams, and other documentation, but not including Loan Recipient's administrative communications and records relating to this Loan Agreement, shall be delivered to and shall become the exclusive property of the Chancellor's Office and may be copyrighted by the Chancellor's Office. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 35 d. If it is deemed necessary by either the Chancellor's Office or the Loan Recipient that a patent be obtained from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for any invention, process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, Loan Recipient will be responsible for applying for, paying the filing fees for, and securing said patent. All patents for inventions, processes, machines, manufactures, or compositions of matter developed pursuant to this Loan Agreement shall be issued to the "Chancellor's Office, California Community Colleges." All products and references to patents shall be marked and designated as such as required by law. Acknowledgment may be given to Loan Recipient or the actual inventor(s) in an appropriate manner. The Chancellor's Office agrees to grant a nonexclusive license for such intellectual property to the Loan Recipient. Said license shall include the right to use the patent for inventions, processes, machines, manufactures, or compositions of matter derived from those created under this Loan Agreement. e. All trademarks and service marks first created, developed or acquired pursuant to this Loan Agreement shall be the property of the Chancellor's Office. If it is deemed necessary by either the Chancellor's Office or the Loan Recipient that a trademark or service mark be registered with state or federal agencies, Loan Recipient will be responsible for applying for, paying the filing fees for, and securing said protection. All trademarks and service marks obtained pursuant to this Loan Agreement shall be issued to the "Chancellor's Office California Community Colleges" and carry the designations permitted or required by law. The Chancellor's Office agrees to grant a nonexclusive license for the use of trademarks or service marks created, developed or obtained under this Loan Agreement to the Loan Recipient. f. In connection with any license granted pursuant to the preceding paragraphs, Loan Recipient agrees not to permit infringement by any person, to compensate Chancellor's Office for any infringement which may occur, and to indemnify and hold harmless the Chancellor's Office for any and all claims arising out of or in connection with such license. Loan Recipient may, with the permission of the Chancellor's Office, enter into a written sublicensing agreement subject to these same conditions. g. Any and all services rendered, materials, inventions, processes, machines, manufactures, or compositions of matter, and trademarks or servicemarks created, developed or produced pursuant to this Loan Agreement by subcontractors or subrecipients that create works for this loan for Loan Recipient are for and are the property of the Chancellor's Office. Loan Recipient shall obtain an acknowledgement of the work for hire performed by these subcontractors or subrecipients that produce intellectual property pursuant to this Loan Agreement, and all rights, title, and interests in such property shall be assigned to the Chancellor's Office from all subcontractors or subrecipients. Loan Recipient shall Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 36 incorporate the above applicable paragraphs, modified appropriately, into its agreements with subcontractors or subrecipients that create works for this loan. No unpaid volunteer or other person shall produce copyright materials under this Loan Agreement without entering into a subcontract between such person(s) and Loan Recipient giving the Chancellor's Office the foregoing rights in exchange for the payment of the sum of at least one dollar ($1). 19. Expenditures a. Funds awarded for loans may not be used for purposes of construction, remodeling, or lease of facilities, nor for student financial aid, or for programs and activities not eligible for state apportionment. Loans may be used to purchase equipment. b. Overhead or indirect costs may be included in an application only as part of the financial participation provided by the applicant. When supported by the loan, it must not exceed four percent (4%) of the total loan. Indirect costs are calculated as a percentage of the direct cost found on line 8 of the Application Budget Summary. c. If equipment is purchased and is not needed full time for the purposes of the loan, it may also be used for other purposes so long as this does not interfere with its use in carrying out the purposes of the loan throughout the term of this Loan Agreement. d. Upon completion or termination of the loan, or when equipment is no longer useful or necessary for purposes of the loan, it may be disposed of as the Loan Recipient deems appropriate. 20. Surveys If this Loan Agreement involves a survey of community college faculty, staff, students, or administrators, Loan Recipient shall ensure that the survey is developed, administered, tabulated, and summarized by a survey evaluator/specialist. Surveys shall conform to project goals, shall minimize the burden on the group being surveyed, and shall not collect data already available to the Loan Recipient from the Chancellor's Office or another source. 21. Work by Chancellor's Office Personnel a. Chancellor's Office staff will be permitted to work side by side with Loan Recipient's staff to the extent and under conditions that may be directed by the Project Monitor. In this connection, Chancellor's Office staff will be given access to all data, working papers, subcontracts, etc., which Loan Recipient may seek to utilize. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement b. 37 Loan Recipient will not be permitted to utilize Chancellor's Office personnel for the performance of services which are the responsibility of Loan Recipient unless such utilization is previously agreed to in writing by the Project Monitor, and any appropriate adjustment in price is made. No charge will be made to Loan Recipient for the services of Chancellor's Office employees while performing, coordinating or monitoring functions, except where an Interjurisdictional Exchange agreement has been properly executed. 22. Termination a. b. Termination Option. Either party may at its option terminate this Loan Agreement at any time upon giving thirty (30) days' advance notice in writing to the other party in the manner herein specified. In such event, this loan shall become immediately due and payable and Loan Recipient shall pay the full loan amount to the Chancellor's Office upon demand or the Chancellor's Office may deduct the loan amount from the next apportionment payable to the district. In the event of any breach by the Loan Recipient of the terms of this loan agreement, the Chancellor's Office may without any prejudice to any of its other legal remedies terminate this loan agreement upon five days written notice to the Loan Recipient. In such event, this loan shall become immediately due and payable and Loan Recipient shall pay the full loan amount to the Chancellor's Office upon demand or the Chancellor's Office may deduct the loan amount from the next apportionment payable to the district. c. Gratuities. The Chancellor's Office may, by written notice to the Loan Recipient, terminate the loan, accelerate the loan repayment provisions of this Loan Agreement, and the loan proceeds paid to Loan Recipient by Chancellor's Office shall become immediately due and payable, and Loan Recipient shall pay the full loan amount to the Chancellor's Office upon demand, or the Chancellor's Office may deduct the full loan amount from the next apportionment payable to the district, if it is found, after notice and hearing by the Chancellor or his/her duly authorized representative, that gratuities were offered or given by the Loan Recipient or any agent or representative of the Loan Recipient. to any officer or employee of the Chancellor's Office with a view toward securing a loan or securing favorable treatment with respect to awarding or amending or making a determination with respect to the performance of such loan. In the event this Loan Agreement is terminated as provided herein, the Chancellor's Office shall be entitled to (1) pursue the same remedies against Loan Recipient as it could pursue in the event of the breach of the Loan Agreement by the Loan Recipient, and (2) exemplary damages in an amount which shall be not less than three nor more than ten times the cost incurred by Loan Recipient in Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 38 providing any such gratuities to any such officer or employee, as a penalty in addition to any other damages to which it may be entitled by law. The rights and remedies provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this Loan Agreement. 23. Waiver No waiver of any breach of this Loan Agreement shall be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. All remedies afforded in this Loan Agreement shall be taken and construed as cumulative; that is, in addition to every other remedy provided therein or by law. The failure of the Chancellor's Office to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Loan Agreement, or to require at any time performance by Loan Recipient of any of the provisions thereof, shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor in any way affect the validity of this Loan Agreement or any part thereof or the right of Chancellor's Office to thereafter enforce each and every such provision. 24. Workers Compensation Insurance Loan Recipient hereby warrants that it carries Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of its employees who will be engaged in the performance of this Loan Agreement, or is selfinsured in accordance with the provisions of Labor Code section 3700, and agrees to furnish to the Chancellor's Office satisfactory evidence thereof at any time the Project Monitor may request. 25. Law Governing It is understood and agreed that this Loan Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California both as to interpretation and performance; venue of any action brought with regard to this Loan Agreement shall be in Sacramento County, Sacramento, California. 26. Participation in Activities Funded Through This Loan a. During the performance of this Loan Agreement , Loan Recipient and its subcontractors or subrecipients shall ensure that no person is excluded from, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination with respect to participation in, any program or activity funded under this Loan Agreement on the basis of ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, age, sex, race, color, ancestry, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability, or on the basis of these perceived characteristics or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement b. 39 Programs funded by this Loan Agreement should not be designed, administered, or advertised in a manner that discourages participation on any of the bases set forth above. Any informational, advertising, or promotional materials regarding such programs may not include any statements to the effect that a program is for, or designed for students of a particular race, color, national origin, ethnicity or gender. In the event that mentoring or counseling services are provided with funding provided by this Loan Agreement, students may not be paired with mentors or counselors based solely upon the race, color, national origin, ethnicity or gender of the students, mentors, or counselors. The Chancellor's Office may, by written approval of the Chancellor, grant an exception to the requirements of this paragraph where Loan Recipient provides documentation clearly demonstrating that designing a program for a particular group of students is justified under applicable legal standards as a remedy for past discrimination. 27. Curriculum Development If this Loan Agreement involves the development of new college curriculum, the following shall apply: a. All courses initiated or substantially modified as a result of activities supported by this Loan Agreement must comply with all applicable provisions of subchapter 1 of chapter 6 of division 6 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations (commencing with section 55000), including but not limited to, section 55002, which defines standards for degree-applicable credit, non-degree-applicable credit, and noncredit courses. All such courses must be reviewed through the appropriate processes as described in the Program and Course Approval Handbook published by the Chancellor's Office. b. All programs (certificates or degrees) initiated or substantially modified as a result of activities supported by this Loan Agreement must be approved at the appropriate level and through the appropriate process as described in subchapter 1 of chapter 6 of division 6 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations (commencing with section 55000) and the Program and Course Approval Handbook published by the Chancellor's Office. In general, any new degree major, and any certificate that requires 18 semester units or 27 quarter units or more of coursework, must be approved by the Chancellor's Office before it is initiated or substantially modified. c. The fact that the Chancellor's Office has awarded funding through this Loan Agreement to support the development of new curriculum shall not be construed to constitute endorsement or approval of the resulting curriculum or to guarantee or affect the outcome of the curriculum review and approval process. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 40 28. Eligibility for Noncitizens Funds provided under this Loan Agreement shall only be used to employ, contract with, or provide services to citizens of the United States or noncitizens who are eligible to receive public benefits pursuant to section 401 (with respect to federally funded activities) or section 411 (with respect to state funded activities) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193, codified at 42 U.S.C. §§ 601 and 611, respectively). Loan Recipient certifies that all of its employees and/or subcontractors or subrecipients are qualified pursuant to these provisions. 29. Nondiscrimination Clause a. During the performance of this Loan Agreement , Loan Recipient and its subcontractors or subrecipients shall not unlawfully discriminate, harass or allow harassment, against any employee or applicant for employment because of ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, creed, age (over 40), sex, race, color, ancestry, sexual orientation, physical disability (including HIV and AIDS), mental disability, medical condition (cancer and genetic characteristics), or on the basis of these perceived characteristics or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, marital status, denial of family care leave, political affiliation, or position in a labor dispute. Loan Recipient and subcontractors or subrecipients shall insure that the evaluation and treatment of their employees and applicants for employment are free from such discrimination and harassment. b. Loan Recipient and its subcontractors or subrecipients shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Gov. Code, §§ 12900 et seq.) and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, §§ 7285 et seq.). The applicable regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing Commission implementing Government Code section 12990 (a-f), set forth in chapter 5 of division 4 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations are incorporated into this Loan Agreement by reference and made a part hereof as if set forth in full. c. Loan Recipient and its subcontractors or subrecipients shall also comply with the provisions of Government Code sections 11135-11139.8, and the regulations promulgated thereunder by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges (California Code of Regulations, Title 5, sections 59300 et seq.). d. Loan Recipient and its subcontractors or subrecipients shall give written notice of their obligations under this clause to labor organizations with which they have a collective bargaining or other agreement. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement e. 41 Loan Recipient shall include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in all subcontract or subLoan Agreement s to perform work under this Loan Agreement. 30. Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities a. By signing this Loan Agreement , Loan Recipient assures the Chancellor's Office that it complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability, as well as all applicable regulations and guidelines issued pursuant to the ADA. b. Loan Recipient shall, upon request by any person, make any materials produced with loan funds available in Braille, large print, electronic text, or other appropriate alternate format. Loan Recipient shall establish policies and procedures to respond to such requests in a timely manner. c. All data processing, telecommunications, and/or electronic and information technology (including software, equipment, or other resources) developed, procured, or maintained by Loan Recipient, whether purchased, leased or provided under some other arrangement for use in connection with this Loan Agreement, shall comply with the regulations implementing Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, set forth at 36 Code of Federal Regulations, part 1194. d. Design of computer or web-based materials, including instructional materials, shall conform to guidelines of the Web Access Initiative (see or similar guidelines developed by the Chancellor's Office. e. Loan Recipient shall respond, and shall require its subcontractors and subrecipients to respond to and resolve any complaints regarding accessibility of its products and services as required by this section. If such complaints are not informally resolved, they shall be treated and processed as complaints of discrimination based on disability pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 5, sections 59300 et seq. f. Loan Recipient and its subcontractors and subrecipients shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Chancellor's Office, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims by any person resulting from the failure to comply with the requirements of this section. g. Loan Recipient shall incorporate the requirements of this section into all subcontract or subLoan Agreement s to perform work under this Loan Agreement Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 42 31. Drug-Free Workplace Certification By signing this Loan Agreement , the Loan Recipient hereby certifies under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the Loan Recipient will comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 (Gov. Code. §§ 8350 et seq.) and will provide a drug-free workplace by taking the following actions: a. Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited and specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations. b. Establish a Drug-Free Awareness Program to inform employees about: c. 1. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; 2. The organization's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; 3. Any available counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and, 4. Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. Every employee who works under the loan will: 1. Receive a copy of the Loan Recipient's drug-free policy statement; and, 2. Agree to abide by the terms of the Loan Recipient's policy statement as a condition of employment under the loan. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in termination of the Loan Agreement or both and Loan Recipient may be ineligible for award of any future state grants or loans if the Chancellor's Office determines that any of the following has occurred: (1) Loan Recipient has made false certification, or (2) violated the certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above. 32. Captions The clause headings appearing in this Loan Agreement have been inserted for the purpose of convenience and ready reference. They do not purport to and shall not be deemed to define, limit, or extend the scope or intent of the clauses to which they appertain. 33. Indemnification Loan Recipient agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the State, the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the Chancellor's Office, its officers, Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 43 agents and employees from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any and all employees, subcontractors, subrecipients, suppliers, laborers and any other person, firm or corporation furnishing or supplying work, services, materials or supplies in connection with performance of this Loan Agreement , and from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm or corporation who may be injured or damaged by the Loan Recipient in the performance of this Loan Agreement . Such defense and payment will be conditional upon the following: a. The Chancellor's Office will notify Loan Recipient of any such claim in writing and tender the defense thereof within a reasonable time; and b. Loan Recipient will have sole control of the defense of any action on such claim and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise; provided that: 1. When substantial principles of government or public law are involved, when litigation might create precedent affecting future Chancellor's Office operations or liability, or when involvement of the Chancellor's Office is otherwise mandated by law, the Chancellor's Office may participate in such action at its own expense with respect to attorneys' fees and costs (but not liability); 2. The Chancellor's Office will have the right to approve or disapprove any settlement or compromise, which approval will not unreasonably be withheld or delayed; and 3. The Chancellor's Office will reasonably cooperate in the defense and in any related settlement negotiations. 34. Independent Status of Loan Recipient The Loan Recipient, and the agents and employees of Loan Recipient, in the performance of this Loan Agreement, shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers or employees or agents of the State of California or the Chancellor's Office. 35. Loan Agreement is Complete No amendment, alteration or variation of the terms of this Loan Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing, signed by the parties, and approved as required. No oral understanding or agreement not incorporated in this Loan Agreement is binding on any of the parties. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix A – Article II – Standard Legal Terms and Conditions – Loan Agreement 44 36. Union Organizing Loan Recipient, by signing this Loan Agreement, hereby acknowledges the applicability of Government Code section 16645.2 to this Loan Agreement, and hereby certifies that none of the loan funds will be used to assist promote or deter union organizing. If Loan Recipient incurs costs, or makes expenditures to assist, promote or deter union organizing, Loan Recipient will maintain records sufficient to show that no reimbursement from state funds has been sought for these costs, and Loan Recipient shall provide those records to the Attorney General upon request. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms THIS FORM MAY BE DUPLICATED BUT NOT REPLICATED District: Chancellor’s Office College: California Community Colleges RFP Specification Number: 12-051 TO BE COMPLETED BY COCCC FUND FOR INSTRUCTIONAL IMPROVEMENT (FII) FII LOAN – ONE YEAR ONLY Program Year Funded: 2012-13 Loan Agreement No.: Date: Amendment No.: Date: Funding Category: Funding Source: Fund for Instructional Improvement Amount to be Loaned: $ Prior Amount Loaned: $ Total Amount Loaned: $ LOAN AGREEMENT This loan is made and entered into, by and between, the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges, hereafter referred to as the State, and the aforementioned district, hereafter referred to as the Loan Recipient. The loan shall consist of the RFA Specification; this face sheet, with authorized signatures; the approved application, with all required forms; and the Loan Agreement Legal Terms and Conditions, Appendix B (Rev. 2/02), as set forth in the RFP. All of these items are incorporated into this loan by reference. The total amount payable under this loan shall not exceed the amount specified below as “Loan Funds.” Compensation shall be made through one payment. The term of this grant shall be from March 15, 2013 to and including March 14, 2014. All performance under this grant shall be completed by March 14, 2014, except that a Final Report must be received by the Chancellor’s Office no later than April 15, 2014. The signature of the chief executive officer or other authorized officer of the district legally binds the Loan Recipient to perform the work specified in the attached application on the terms specified in that application. If any modifications are required to the attached application between the date of signature of this face sheet by the designated district officer and the date of signature by the States’ chief executive officer, authorized designee, each modified page must be initialed and dated by the Project Director. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Item Chapter 6870-101-0909 (2) LOAN RECIPIENT Statute Fiscal Year 2012 2012-13 District (Loan Recipient): Object of Expenditure (Code and Title) 4232-731-50531 College: Signature, Accounting Officer (or authorized Designee) Loan Funds: ..................................................... Total $ Project Monitor Date Agency Project Director Date Chancellor’s Office California Community Colleges 1102 Q Street, Suite 4554 Sacramento, CA 95811-6539 Signature, Chief Executive Officer (or authorized Designee) District (Loan Recipient) Address Date Signature, District Chief Executive Officer (or authorized Designee) Printed Name of Person Signing Printed Name of Person Signing Title Date Title Executive Vice Chancellor Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms THIS FORM MAY BE DUPLICATED BUT NOT REPLICATED District: Chancellor’s Office College: California Community Colleges RFP Specification Number: 13-049 TO BE COMPLETED BY COCCC FUND FOR INSTRUCTIONAL IMPROVEMENT (FII) FII LOAN – ONE YEAR ONLY Program Year Funded: 2013-14 Loan Agreement No.: Date: Amendment No.: Date: Funding Category: Funding Source: Fund for Instructional Improvement Amount to be Loaned: $ Prior Amount Loaned: $ Total Amount Loaned: $ LOAN AGREEMENT This loan is made and entered into, by and between, the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges, hereafter referred to as the State, and the aforementioned district, hereafter referred to as the Loan Recipient. The loan shall consist of the RFA Specification; this face sheet, with authorized signatures; the approved application, with all required forms; and the Loan Agreement Legal Terms and Conditions, Appendix B (Rev. 2/02), as set forth in the RFP. All of these items are incorporated into this loan by reference. The total amount payable under this loan shall not exceed the amount specified below as “Loan Funds.” Compensation shall be made through one payment. The term of this grant shall be from July 1 2013 to and including June 30, 2014. All performance under this grant shall be completed by June 30, 2014, except that a Final Report must be received by the Chancellor’s Office no later than July 31, 2014. The signature of the chief executive officer or other authorized officer of the district legally binds the Loan Recipient to perform the work specified in the attached application on the terms specified in that application. If any modifications are required to the attached application between the date of signature of this face sheet by the designated district officer and the date of signature by the States’ chief executive officer, authorized designee, each modified page must be initialed and dated by the Project Director. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Item Chapter 6870-101-0909 (2) LOAN RECIPIENT Statute Fiscal Year 2013 2013-14 District (Loan Recipient): Object of Expenditure (Code and Title) 4232-731-50531 College: Signature, Accounting Officer (or authorized Designee) Loan Funds: ...................................................... Total $ Project Monitor Date Agency Project Director Date Chancellor’s Office California Community Colleges 1102 Q Street, Suite 4554 Sacramento, CA 95811-6539 Signature, Chief Executive Officer (or authorized Designee) District (Loan Recipient) Address Date Signature, District Chief Executive Officer (or authorized Designee) Printed Name of Person Signing Printed Name of Person Signing Title Date Title Executive Vice Chancellor Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms District: Chancellor’s Office College: California Community Colleges RFP Specification Number: 12-051 TO BE COMPLETED BY COCCC CONTACT PAGE Loan Agreement No.: Proposal ID No.: Funding Status: Fiscal Year: Funding Source(s): Project Title: Institution: Address: City: State: Zip+4: – College President (or authorized Designee) Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: Responsible Administrator (Appropriate Program Area) Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: Project Director Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: Business Officer Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: Application/Loan Writer Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: Alternative Loan Writer Contact (If applicable) Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: If a grant is awarded, it is imperative for Chancellor’s Office staff processing the grant to have someone they can contact regarding questions pertaining to the application material. If no one is available, the grant approval process will be held up and the initial grant payment will be delayed. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms District: Chancellor’s Office College: California Community Colleges RFP Specification Number: 13-049 TO BE COMPLETED BY COCCC CONTACT PAGE Loan Agreement No.: Proposal ID No.: Funding Status: Fiscal Year: Funding Source(s): Project Title: Institution: Address: City: State: Zip+4: – College President (or authorized Designee) Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: Responsible Administrator (Appropriate Program Area) Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: Project Director Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: Business Officer Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: Application/Loan Writer Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: Alternative Loan Writer Contact (If applicable) Name: Phone: ( Title: ) Fax: ( ) Email Address: If a grant is awarded, it is imperative for Chancellor’s Office staff processing the grant to have someone they can contact regarding questions pertaining to the application material. If no one is available, the grant approval process will be held up and the initial grant payment will be delayed. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms District: Chancellor’s Office College: California Community Colleges RFA Specification Number: TO BE COMPLETED BY COCCC APPLICATION ABSTRACT Loan Amount: $ Project Title: Project Director: Organization: Address: City: Phone: ( State: Zip + 4: — ) (Summarize in 250 words or less below.) Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms District: Chancellor’s Office College: California Community Colleges RFA Specification Number: TO BE COMPLETED BY COCCC APPLICATION ABSTRACT Loan Amount: $ Project Title: Project Director: Organization: Address: City: Phone: ( State: Zip + 4: — ) (Summarize in 250 words or less below.) Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms District: APPLICATION ANNUAL WORKPLAN College: RFP Specification Number: *OBJECTIVE NO._____: Procedures/Activities Performance Outcomes Timelines Responsible Person(s) *Limit one (1) objective per page. List objective according to numerical order (i.e., 1.0). Activities should have corresponding number (i.e., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms Instructions for Completing the Application Annual Workplan The Application Annual Workplan is a layout form designed to graphically display five critical areas of a project workplan. The five components are: Objectives (use one Workplan form per objective) Procedures/Activities Performance Outcomes Timelines Responsible Person(s) Objectives Write each objective in this column. The program objectives identify the major milestones of the project and what has to be done in order to make the project a success. State objectives in performance terms in a clear and concise manner. Procedures/Activities List each major procedure/activity associated with an objective and what has to be done to accomplish the objective. Ideally this column should contain between four to seven (4-7) activities. Write activities in a decimal format. The whole number should refer to the number of the objective; the number behind the decimal point should refer to the number of the activity. Activity 2.3 refers to the third activity in objective number two, write activities in chronological sequence. Performance Outcomes Based on your evaluation design, list each expected outcome and how it is linked to objectives, activities, and measures to demonstrate the effectiveness in increasing access for students. Timelines Identify the start date and the ending date for each activity listed. Responsible Person(s) Identify by position, the personnel responsible for the completion of each activity listed. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms District: Chancellor’s Office College: California Community Colleges RFP Specification Number: FII APPLICATION BUDGET SUMMARY Note: When entering dollar amounts, round off to nearest dollar. Submit an Application Budget Detail Sheet for each funding source reflected here in cash or in-kind. Also explain expenditures by budget category. Object of Expenditure Classification Line 1000 Instructional Salaries 1 2000 Non instructional Salaries 2 3000 Employee Benefits 3 4000 Supplies and materials 4 5000 Other Operating Expenses & Services 5 6000 Capital Outlay 6 7000 Other Outgo 7 Total Direct Costs 8 Total Program Costs 9 Loan Funds Requested (1) Other Source (2a) Other Source (2b) Loan Total All Funding Sources (1) Requested Loan Funds (2a&b) Other Source of Funds or In-kind Contributions. (Provide an Application Budget Detail Sheet for each funding source.) I authorize this total costs proposal as the maximum amount to be claimed for this project and assure that funds shall be spent in compliance with State and federal regulations. Project Director Signature: Date: District Chief Business Officer Signature: (or Authorized Designee) Date: Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms FORMAT EXAMPLE ONLY District: Chancellor’s Office College: California Community Colleges RFP Specification Number: APPLICATION BUDGET DETAIL SHEET Object of Expenditure1 1100 1210 Program Year: Fill-In Source of Funds: Fill In Classification Instructional Salaries Name/Classification (Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $ Supervisors’ Salaries2 Requested Funds District Match Fill In Fill In Name/Classification (Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $ 1230 Counselors’ Salaries Name/Classification (Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $ 1420 Project Director3 Name/Classification (Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $ 2140 Classified Salaries, Non-instructional (Regular Full-time) Name/Classification (Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $ 2200 Instructional Aides’ Salaries (Regular, Full-time) Name/Classification (Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $ 2340 Classified Salaries, Non-instructional (Non-Regular Full-time) Name/Classification (Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $ 2400 Instructional Aides’ Salaries (Non-Regular, Full-time) Name/Classification (Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $ 3000 Employee Benefits Name and rate change 4000 Supplies and Materials List type and costs 5000 Other Operating Expenses and Services List type and costs, including travel and per diem Subcontractors Name (daily/hourly rate) Identify specific service to be rendered 6000 Capital Outlay List type and costs Equipment 7000 Other Outgo List type and costs Student financial aid Other payments to/for students Total Direct Cost Total Program Cost 1The following represent frequently-used account codes. Refer to Crossover chart for further options. to exceed 5% for Supervision/Administration (not directly involved in the day-to-day ongoing activities.) 3This is the person who is directly involved in the day-to-day ongoing activities. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) 2Not Appendix B – Application Forms District: Chancellor’s Office College: California Community Colleges RFP Specification Number: APPLICATION BUDGET DETAIL SHEET Object of Expenditure Program Year: Source of Funds: Classification Requested Funds District Match Total Direct Cost Total Program Cost Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms Crossover Chart Expenditure by Object Titles (EOT)* Use This 1100 Instructional Salaries 1210 Supervisor1 For This (Budget and Accounting Manual Number) 1100 Academic Salaries, Instructional, Regular Salary Schedule 1300 Academic Salaries, Instructional Non-regular Salary Schedule 1200 Academic Salaries, Non-instructional, Regular Salary Schedule Subcategory Administrators and Supervisors: (Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Deans) 1220 Project Director2 1200 Academic Salaries, Non-instructional, Regular Salary Schedule 1230 Counselor 1240 Other 1400 Non-instructional Salaries (Use same subcategory detail as object 1200) 1410 Supervisor Subcategory Project Director 1200 Academic Salaries, Non-instructional, Regular Salary Schedule Subcategory Vocational Counselors 1200 Academic Salaries, Non-instructional, Regular Salary Schedule Subcategory Other: (Salaries other than Administrators/Supervisors, Project Directors, and Vocational Counselors) 1400 Academic Salaries, Non-Instructional, Non-Regular Salary Schedule 1 2 1420 Project Director 1430 Counselor 1440 Other 2100 Classified Salaries, Non-instructional (Use same subcategory detail as object 1200) 2100 Classified Salaries, Non-Instructional, Regular Salary Schedule 1 2110 Supervisor 2120 2130 2140 Project Director Counselor Other 2 * Please refer to the California Community Colleges Budget and Accounting Manual (Rev. July 1993). This manual has been distributed to District Superintendents/Presidents, District Chief Business Officer, District Data processing Managers, and District Libraries (for SingleCampus Districts). Multi-College District distribution was the same as above, plus each college received four (4) additional copies sent to the College President, College Business Manager, College Data Processing Manager, and the College Library. Duplication of this manual is allowed. All questions regarding the Budget and Accounting Manual should be referred to the California Community Colleges Administration and Fiscal Policy Division, (916) 445-1163. 1 Not to exceed 5% for supervision/administration (not directly involved in the day-to-day ongoing activities). 2 This is the person who is directly involved with the day-to-day ongoing activities. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix B – Application Forms Use This (VTEA Reports EOT Number) 2200 Instructional Aides’ Salaries 2300 Classified Salaries, Non-instructional (Use same subcategory detail as object 1200) 2310 2320 2330 2340 2400 Other Supervisor Direct Instruction, Other 2300 Classified Salaries, Non-Instructional, Regular Salary Schedule 2 3000 Employee Benefits 4000 Supplies and Materials 5000 Other Operating Expenses and Services 7000 Other Outgo 2200 Classified Salaries, Non-instructional Aides, Regular Salary Schedule 1 Project Director Counselor Other 6000 Capital Outlay For This (Budget and Accounting Manual EOT Number) 2400 Academic Salaries, Non-instructional, Regular Salary Schedule Direct Instruction, Other 3000 Employee Benefits (3100-3900): STRS Fund, PERS Fund, Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance (OASDHI), Health and Welfare Benefits, State Unemployment Insurance, Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Local Retirement Systems, Other Benefits 4000 Supplies and Materials Instructional and Non-instructional Supplies and Materials (have a useful life of less than one year) (i.e., office, library, medical, food periodicals, magazines, pictures, maps computer software) 5000 Other Operating Expenses and Services Depreciation, Dues and Memberships, Insurance, Legal, Election and Audit Expenses, Personal and Consultant Services, Postage, Rents, Leases and Repairs, Self-Insurance Claims, Travel and Conference Expenses, Utilities and Housekeeping Services, Other 6000 Capital Outlay 6400 Equipment (i.e., desk, chairs, vehicles, etc.) 7000 Other Outgo (7100-7900): Debt Retirement, Interfund Transfers-Out, Other Transfers, Student Financial Aid, Other Payments to/for Student, Reserve for Contingencies Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix C California Education Code Article 7. Community College Fund for Instructional Improvement 84381. Creation of fund; purpose; loans and grants; rules and regulations (a) There is hereby created in the State Treasury the Community College Fund for Instructional Improvement. The fund shall consist of a revolving loan program and a direct grant program to support alternative educational programs and services within or on behalf of the California Community Colleges, including: (1) Nontraditional forms, content, and methods of instruction, including, but not limited to, the following: (A) Instructional programs which involve internships and experiential learning opportunities. (B) Individualized instructional programs which require student development of learning objectives through learning contracts. (C) Instructional programs which focus on the development of interpersonal skills. (D) Instructional programs involving independent study. (2) Programs for improving teaching abilities of faculty members. (3) Programs addressing special learning needs of educationally disadvantaged students. (4) Educational services for new clientele, including older, working adults. (5) Efforts to improve traditional instructional programs. (6) Programs for the improvement of the intellectual development of faculty and staff, including, but not limited to, the following: (A) Intersegmental summer programs including research projects and seminars. (B) College programs bringing visiting scholars to local districts. (C) Interdisciplinary programs involving local noncollege institutions in the arts and sciences. (D) Intersegmental research and public information projects on topics of special concern to rural and urban California regarding the environment, social history, and culture. (E) Summer "bridge" programs for the transition period into college life. (b) The board of governors shall adopt rules and regulations governing the administration of the direct grant program and revolving loan program. (c) A district's request for and uses of a loan shall be made in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the board of governors. 84382. Direct grant program The direct grant program shall support college efforts for instructional innovations and shall include financial participation by applicant colleges. The board of governors shall award grants to colleges on the basis of review of project proposals submitted by faculty members, students, and administrators. Priorities for funding proposals shall be established by the board of governors. Community college districts receiving awards under this article shall submit reports as required by the board of governors. 84383. Evaluation of projects; administrative costs A portion of the fund shall support evaluation of projects by the board of governors or by an independent evaluator. Not more than 5 percent of the fund may be used for administrative purposes by the board of governors in any fiscal year. 84384. State funds; estimate of need The board of governors shall annually review the need for state funds to carry out the purposes of the fund for instructional improvement and shall include an estimate of this need in its budget for each year. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix D California Code of Regulations Title 5, Part 6, Division 6, Chapter 7 Subchapter 5. Fund for Instructional Improvement Subchapter 5. Fund for the Improvement of Instruction Article 1. General §56650. Purpose. Note: Authority cited: Sections 71020. 71025, 84383 and 84396, Education Code. Reference: Article 7 (commencing with Section 84380) of Chapter 3 of Part 50, Education Code. History 1. New chapter 5 (sections 56652-56682, not consecutive filed 3-21-78; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 78, No. 12). 2. Repealer filed 7-22-91 and submitted to OAL on 7-25-91 for printing only pursuant to Education Code section 709013; operative 8-21-91 (Register 9 1. No. 48). §56652. Eligible Programs and Services. Alternative educational programs and services eligible for funding under this chapter include, but are not limited to, those which promote improvement or innovation through: (a) provision of instruction which is nontraditional as to its form, content, or methodology. Nontraditional instruction includes, but is not limited to, programs which involve: (1) internships and experiential learning opportunities; (2) individualized instructional contracts which require students to develop learning objectives; (3) development of interpersonal skills; or (4) independent study. (b) program development, including but not limited to: (1) efforts to address the special learning needs of educationally disadvantaged students; or (2) educational services for new populations such as older or working adults; or (c) faculty/staff development, including but not limited to: (1) intersegmental summer programs including research projects and seminars; (2) college programs bringing visiting scholars to local districts; (3) interdisciplinary programs involving local noncollege institutions in the arts and sciences; (4) intersegmental research and public information projects on topics of special Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix D—California Code of Regulations – Title 5 2 concern to rural and urban California regarding the environment, social history, and culture; and (5) "summer bridge" programs for the transition of faculty into college life. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 66700, 70901 (b) and (c), and 8438 1, Education Code. Reference: Section 84381, Education Code. HISTORY 1. Amendment filed 4-27-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No.18). 2. Repealer and new section filed 7-22-91 and submitted to OAL on 7-25-91 for printing only pursuant to Education Code section 70901.5, operative 8-21-91 (Register 9 1, No. 48). § 56654. Definitions. (a) "Instruction" means formally organized activities designed to transmit knowledge and to foster skills for the purpose of achieving educational goals and objectives. (b) "Innovation" means substantive change and reform in instructional organization, design, content, process and resources intended to improve educational outcomes. (c) "Improvement" means organized change which enhances capability over existing practices. (d) "Program development" means improvement of existing programs as well as designing of new programs. Development is program initiation or improvement rather than mere expansion of existing programs. Development may be in any or all of the program categories including researching, planning, utilizing resources, and evaluating. (e) "Staff Development" means improvement of competencies for community college personnel. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 66700,70901(b) and (c), and 84381, Education Code. Reference: Sections 94381 and 84382, Education Code. HISTORY 1. Amendment filed 4-27-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 93, No.18). 2. Repealer of subsection (f) filed 7-22-91 and submitted to OAL on 7-25-91 for printing only pursuant to Education Code section 70901.5; operative 8-21-91 (Register 9 1, No. 48). § 56656. Administration. NOTE: Authority cited- Sections 71020, 94383 and 84386, Education Code. Reference: Sections 71091, 84381 and 94386, Education Code. HISTORY 1. New NOTE filed 4-2743; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No.18). 2. Repealer filed 7-22-91 and submitted to OAL on 7-25-91 for printing only pursuant to Education Code section 70901.5; operative 9-21-91 (Register 9 1. No. 48). 56658. Functions of the Advisory and Review Council. (a) The Advisory and Review Council established by the Chancellor shall review applications for grants and loans proposed for funding through the Fund for Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix D—California Code of Regulations – Title 5 3 Instructional Improvement in accordance with criteria established by the Chancellor. When deemed necessary by the Council, independent readers may be employed to review proposals and make recommendations for funding to the Council. The group of readers used to review any given set of proposals shall be selected so as to reflect, as closely as possible, the composition of the Council. (b) The Council may also make recommendations to the Chancellor on other matters related to the operation of the Fund for Instructional Improvement, including but not limited to: (1) the name of a Council member to be appointed chairperson; (2) standing rules governing the operation of the Council; and (3) criteria and procedures for the evaluation of funded projects. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 66700,70901(b) and (c) and 84381, Education Code. Reference: Section 84381, Education Code. HISTORY 1. New NOTE filed 4-27-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No. 18). 2. Repealer and new section filed 7-22-91 and submitted to OAL on 7-25-91 for printing only pursuant to Education Code section 0901.5; operative 8-21-91 (Register 9 1, No. 48). Article 2. Grants § 56670. Application for Grant: General Requirements. (a) Applications for grants may be submitted by colleges, faculty members, students, administrators or consortia. (b) All applications recommended by the Council to the Chancellor for funding shall have or obtain approval of the board of trustees of the district or districts from which the application originated. (c) Each proposal shall include an evaluation plan and budget. (d) A portion of the funds, not to exceed five percent, shall be set aside by the Chancellor for evaluation and dissemination of project outcomes to other institutions or programs in the state. (e) The Chancellor shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining an accounting system for grants awarded pursuant to this article. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 66700, 70901(b) and (c), 94381 and 84383.Education Code. Reference: Sections 94381 and 94383, Education Code. HISTORY 1. Amendment filed 4-2743; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No. 18). 2. Amendment of subsections (a) and (e) filed 7-22-91 and submitted to OAL on 7-25-91 for printing only pursuant to Education Code section 70901.5; operative 8-21-91 (Register 91, No. 49). §56672. Application Proposal. A proposal submitted in application for a grant shall identify and support the significance and feasibility of the proposed plan or activity for which funding is requested. In this regard, the proposal will identify the following items and provide Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix D—California Code of Regulations – Title 5 4 substantiating evidence for each item and as otherwise directed in the annual proposal application forms and announcements issued by the Chancellor. (a) the specific educational program or service being addressed (b) the specific problem(s) (c) the population to be served (d) the project objective(s) (e) the proposed activities including, but not limited to, information about personnel required, equipment, materials, schedule, and evaluation process (f) the expected outcomes of these activities in terms of (1) the project objective(s) (2) probable or eventual impact of the project (3) potential for continued support after the expiration of the grant (4) potential for adaptation to other institutions or programs (g) the evaluation plan (h) the budget NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 71020, 84383 and 84386, Education Code. Reference: Sections 84383 and 84386, Education Code. HISTORY 1. New NOTE filed 4-27-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No.18). § 56674. Classification of Grants. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 71020, 84383 and 84386, Education Code. Reference: Sections 84383 and 84386, Education Code. HISTORY 1. New NOTE filed 4-27-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No.18). 2. Repealer filed 9-30-85; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 85, No. 40). § 56674.2. Mini-Grants. HISTORY 1. Repealer filed 4-27-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No. 18). § 56675. Mini Grants. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 71020, 84383 and 94386, Education Code. Reference: Sections 94383 and 84386, Education Code. HISTORY 1. New section filed 4-27-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No.18). 2. Repealer filed 7-22-91 and submitted to OAL on 7-25-91 for printing only pursuant to Education Code section 70901.5; operative 8-21-91 (Register 9 1, No. 48). 56676. Funding. Funding shall be provided under the following conditions, unless otherwise authorized by the Board of Governors: (a) Funding shall be provided on a one-year basis. If additional continuation funding is desired, a new proposal application shall be submitted at the time established for Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix D—California Code of Regulations – Title 5 5 submission of new proposals. Proposals for continuation funding shall be considered separately and performance under the previous grant shall be taken into account in deciding which projects should be continued. (b) Grants shall be allocated on a July 1st to June 30th fiscal year basis, unless the Chancellor determines that extenuating circumstances justify use of a different funding period for some or all of the projects to be funded. (c) Applications may be submitted for a direct grant, or a loan, or a combination of both. (d) Funds awarded for grants may not be used for purposes of construction, remodeling, or lease of facilities, nor for student financial aid, purchase of equipment, or for programs and activities not eligible for state apportionment (e) Financial participation by an applicant shall be no less than 10 percent of the total cost of the project Overhead or indirect costs may be included in a proposal only as part of the financial participation provided by the applicant. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 66700, 70901 (b) and (c), Education Code. Reference: Sections 84381 and 94382, Education Code. HISTORY 1. New NOTE filed 4-27-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No.18). 2. Amendment filed 7-22-91 and submitted to OAL on 7-25-91 for printing only pursuant to Education Code section 70901.5; operative 8-21-91 (Register 9 1,No. 48). § 56678. Reporting. The following reports shall be submitted to the Chancellor on forms provided by and in accordance with procedures established by the Chancellor for transmission to the Board of Governors: (a) A semi-annual report, including a statement of expenditures to date, for each project. (b) A final report for each project containing also a comprehensive fiscal statement, within 60 days after the expiration of the grant. Fifteen percent of the funds awarded for each project shall be withheld until the final report satisfying the conditions and criteria under which it was funded is received. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 71020, 84383 and 84396, Education Code. Reference: Sections 84383 and 84386, Education Code. HISTORY 1. New NOTE filed 4-27-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No.18). Article 3. Loans § 56680. Purpose. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 71020.84383 and 84386, Education Code. Reference: Sections 84383 and 94386, Education Code. HISTORY 1. New NOTE filed 4-27-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No.18). 2. Repealer filed 7-22-91 and submitted to OAL on 7-25-91 for printing only pursuant to Education Code section 70901.5; operative 8-21-91 (Register 9 1, No. 48). Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix D—California Code of Regulations – Title 5 6 §56682. Criteria for Funding. (a) Loans shall be awarded in accordance with the same criteria, standards and processes which are applicable to grants. (b) Loan funds authorized by this article are subject to the same constraints applicable to grant funds pursuant to section 56676 (d), except that loan funds may be used to purchase equipment. (c) The Chancellor shall develop an accounting system and a repayment schedule for loan funds. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 66700, 70901 (b) and (c), Education Code. Reference: Section 94381, Education Code. HISTORY 1. Amendment of subsection (c) filed 11-15-79; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 79. No. 46). 2. Amendment of NOTE filed 4-27-83; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 83, No. 18). 3. Amendment of subsections (b) and (c) riled 7-22-91 and submitted to OAL on 7-25-91 for printing only pursuant to Education Code section 70901.5; operative 8-21-91 (Register 91, No. 48). 56684. Repayment of Loans. Upon certification by the Chancellor a loan shall be drawn from the Community College Fund for Instructional Improvement by the State Controller in favor of the applicant district. During each of the three years beginning with the fiscal year immediately succeeding the fiscal year in which the loan is made under this section, the State Controller shall deduct from the second principal apportionment made from Section B of the State School Fund to the community college district an amount equal to one-third of the amount loaned to the district, and transfer the amount into the Community College Fund for Instructional Improvement. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 66700 and 70901. Education Code. Reference: Section 70901, Education Code. HISTORY 1. New section filed 3-4-91 by Board of Governors of California Community Colleges with the Secretary of State, operative 4-5-91 (Register 91. No. 23). Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Education Code Section 709013(b). 2. Editorial correction of History I (Register 95, No. 23). Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix E Procedures and Standing Orders of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges Standing Orders of the Board of Governors 424. Fund for Instructional Improvement. (a) The Chancellor shall, in accordance with priorities established by the Board, review proposals submitted for funding and recommend proposals to be funded. (b) The Chancellor shall establish, and may from time to time, revise guidelines on matters related to project proposals, including guidelines on the following: (1) Criteria which applicants must met in order to receive funding, and (2) Criteria and procedures to be used in evaluation of funded projects. (c) The Chancellor shall evaluate the effectiveness of the Fund for Instructional Improvement and shall require such reports as necessary from those districts receiving awards. (EC §§84382,84383) 425. Fund for Instructional Improvement: Advisory and Review Council. (a) The Chancellor shall establish an Advisory and Review Council (Council) to provide advice regarding administration of the Fund for Instructional Improvement pursuant to Section 56658 of Subchapter 5 of Chapter 7 of Division 6 of Tide 5 of the California Code of Regulations. Members of the Council shall be appointed by the Chancellor, as provided herein, after consideration of nominations submitted by appropriate organizations. (b) The Council shall consist of the following voting members: (1) 1 president, superintendent or chancellor, (2) 2 academic administrators other than those identified in (1) above; (3) 4 full-time faculty members; (4) 1 counselor, (5) 2 students; (6) 1 representative from the Chancellor's office. (c) The members of this Council shall be appointed for alternating two-year terms as provided in subsection (f) except that: (1) the student shall serve for one year, Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12) Appendix E—Procedures and Standing Orders of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges 2 (2) The Chancellor shall set the term of service for the representative of the Chancellor's Office. (d) A quorum of the Council shall consist of five members in categories (1) through (5) and the voting representative from the Chancellor's Office. (e) The Chairperson of the Council shall be appointed by the Chancellor, based on the recommendation of the Council, for the duration of the appointed member's term. The representative from the Chancellor's Office shall serve as the Administrative Secretary to the Council. (f) Pursuant to subsection (a), the Chancellor shall appoint the members designated in category (b) (2) and two of the members designated in category (b) (3), for two-year terms commencing July 1, 1991, and every two years thereafter. The other two members in category (b) (3) and the members designated in categories (b) (1) and (b) (4) shall be appointed for two-year terms commencing July 1, 1992, and every two years thereafter. Those persons serving in these positions as of January 1, 1991, shall continue to serve until their successors have been appointed. (g) The Chancellor may fill vacancies using the same procedures as for initial appointments. Any person appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve the unexpired term of the member he or she replaced. (h) The Chancellor may establish operating rules deemed necessary to govern the operation of the Council. Fund for Instructional Improvement RFP (RFP No 12-051 and No. 13-049) (Rev. 10/12)