This section covers:  Adding a Glossary Tool

Part 5
Glossary and Content Module Tools
This section covers:
 Adding a Glossary Tool
 Adding and Modifying a Content Module Tool
 Adding a Self Test to a Content Module
 Adding a PowerPoint Presentation
Adding a Glossary Tool
Having access to key terms used throughout a course can help students better understand
course concepts and increase retention. WebCT's Glossary Tool is basically an online
dictionary containing keywords and definitions unique to your course content.
To add the glossary tool select "Add page or tool" from the Homepage (located to the
right of the page).
Select the button for "Add Page or Tool".
Page 80
Select "Glossary Tool".
Fill out the following text block, checkboxes and click the "Add" button:
Once the Glossary Tool has been added we need to begin adding keywords. For the
purpose of this manual we will go through the process of adding a single keyword.
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Adding a Keyword
Click on the icon/link for the newly added Glossary Tool.
Click on the button for "Add keyword".
Enter a keyword, definition and click
the "Add" button
Keyword: Sample
Definition: A portion, piece or
segment that is representative of a
Page 82
The keyword has been added. If adding multiple keywords consider selecting
"Download", open the text document via a word application, copy file structure - adding
new keywords and definitions, then "Import".
File structure needed
for Importing:
Save document as a
text file (no spaces in
file name and with the
extension of .txt)
Adding a Content Module Tool
There are many ways one can structure an online course:
 Single page: use when you want student to click on a link and see text right away
(shown in Manual Part 1)
 Organizer page: can be used to organize course sections where multiple links to
content pages (single pages, organizer pages, content modules) and external
websites (shown in Manual Part 1)
 Content Module: can be used to organize course materials in a Table of Content
Incorporating a Content Module Tool is yet another way in which one can choose to
organize course materials. Content Modules could be used for organizing material based
on a unit, chapter, topic, etc.
Adding content to a module can be done a couple ways, either by uploading Internet
compatible files created in a word application or creating them from within a module
itself online.
For the purpose of this manual we begin by uploading some files directly from
"Manage Files" that were created in a word application and zipped. Uploading via
the Manage Files area only uploads 1 file at a time so zipping many files into 1 is
sometimes needed.
As illustrated in these screen shots I
began with a folder containing 3 files
saved as web pages and using a zip
application, created a single zipped
file that will be uploaded.
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To Download Zip Applications
Zip applications are shareware and can be downloaded from the following sites based on
computer plateform:
Macintosh: Zipit -
Windows: WinZip -
NOTE: specific procedures on how to zip a file can be found on page 24.
Uploading and Unzipping
Prior to adding the content module tool upload and unzip the zipped file or any other
material file(s) you would like to add to the module.
Click on "Control Panel" (located in upper left corner of the page) from anywhere in the
course and choose "Manage Files".
Click the "Upload" button.
Page 84
Select to "Browse", locate and click on the zipped file (or any file) to select.
Click the "Upload" button to complete the process.
Once uploaded the zipped file will need to be UNZIPPED in order to access the single
files contained within.
Select the checkbox next to the zipped file title, over to the right select the "Unzip"
Page 85
To finalize the unzipping process, click the "Unzip" button.
Inside the unzipped folder are the 3 htm files. The zipped file can now be selected and
deleted (it is of no use and takes up space).
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To add the Content Module Tool select "Homepage" from the Breadcrumbs.
Select "Add page or tool" button (located on the right of the page).
DESELECT the button for "Use a wizard when available" and click the "Content
Module" link (if applicable).
Fill in the following textblocks and click the "Add" button:
Page 87
Adding Files to a Module
Click on the newly added module icon/link.
Select the "Add files" button.
Page 88
Click file(s) to be added (shift + click to select more than one) and click the "Add"
Page 89
WebCT tries to recognize all
HTML files uploaded to the MyFiles area.
If you do not see the files that were
uploaded earlier select the radio
button for "Show all files in the
My-Files folder..."
If you have yet to upload a file(s)
from the local computer select the
"Browse" button
Creating a File from within the Module
At times you may want to create a file directly from within the Content Module. Click on
the button for "Create and edit HTML file".
Adjust text areas as follows:
Filename: rename to fit the name of the file, in this
case name it "Page3.html" (make sure you keep the
extension of .html and have no spaces)
Folder: use pull down menu and store in same
Page 90
folder as the other module files, in this case
"file_sample" (if applicable)
For the purpose of this manual add one more page via the Content Module.
Select "Add and edit HTML file" button. Enter the file name of "Page3a.html". Between
the <title> and </title> tags add "Page 3a" and click the "Add" button.
To move files up or down in the Table
of Contents, select the radio button next
to a file name (in this case "Page 3") and
select the "Go" button next to "Move
item up by:" located under the header for
For the purpose of this manual proceed to do this for Page 3a as well, till all content
pages are in order by number.
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To indent files in the Table of Contents,
select the radio button next to a file name
(in this case "Page 3a") and select the
"Go" button next to "Indent item:"
located under the header for "Organize".
Page 3a is now indented under Page 3. Use the green triangle to open or close this
Updating Student View
Page 92
When working with a Content Module Tool you must update student view of the module
each time you add or edit files contained in the module. If you do not students will
receive the following error when trying to access module content.
Select the button for "Update Student view" under the header for "Options: Content
Module". These update buttons can be found in various areas within a module.
Stay with the default for updating the entire course and select the "Update" button.
Page 93
To see what students would see, in the Table of Contents, click on the title for "Page 3"
and click on the "View" tab.
This action menu allows students to go to the
"Table of Contents" and move forward or
backwards through content pages
Other items/links can also be added to this
menu such as a link to Mail, Discussions,
Quizzes, etc.
Adding a link to the Action Menu
Placing links on the action menu, located at the of each page in a module provides fast
access to specific areas.
Select the tab for "Designer Options". Scroll down and select the check box for
"Discussions" and click "Update".
Remember to select the button for "Update student view" and return back to Page 3.
Page 94
Click on the "View" tab and we see "Discussions". If students select this link and
compose a message the message subject header will be named the name of the page they
were this case "Page 3" and the Topic area the message will be posted to is
Adjusting Content Module Settings
Instructors have the option of making the Table of Contents accessible on each page of a
Content Module as well as adjusting other module features for easier navigation.
Click on "Designer Options" tab (if applicable) and select the Breadcrumb link for
"Sample Module".
Page 95
Under the header for "Options: Content Module" select the button for "Edit Content
Module settings".
Select the checkboxes for "To the left of each page", "The first document listed in the
Table of Contents" and click the "Update" button.
NOTE other options available.
Whatever you choose in this
area will be applied to ALL
pages within the Content
Page 96
Select to "Update Student view" (located to the right), return to the Sample Module, click
on the file name for "Page 1" and select the "View" tab.
To link the Glossary
One of the stronger reasons for using a Content Module tool over a Single Page Tool for
organizing content is it's ability to link text directly to the Glossary Tool.
Click the tab for "Designer Options" view (if applicable), select the text link for
"Glossary" (for the purpose of this manual make sure you are on Page 1 when you
choose this option).
Page 97
Select the button for " Page links".
To link the keyword from the Glossary to the text in the module file select the radio
button next to the word and click "Update" when done.
Click on the Breadcrumb link for "Page 1".
Page 98
Select the button for "Update student view", return to Page 1 and click the "View" tab.
Click on the "sample" link to view the Glossary definition.
Adding a Self Test to a Content Module
For the purpose of this manual we will add a self test to a content module. In "Designer
Options" tab click on a content module (in this case "Sample Module").
Click on the page title that you would like to add a self test to. In this case we are wanting
to self test student knowledge at the end of the module, thus select "Page 4".
Page 99
In the section for "Action Menu" select the link for "Self test".
Under the section for "Organize" select "Add question".
Questions are added individually, similar to the process of creating a quiz or survey. Yet,
Self Test questions are only available in multiple choice format.
Page 100
Enter a question, answer choices, appropriate feedback, and select the radio button for the
correct choice. Scroll down and click the "Add" button when done.
Question: The Inca Empire was located in the
modern-day country of Peru, South America.
Answer 1: True (select radio button for
"Correct answer")
Feedback 1: Exactly
Answer 2: False
Feedback 2: Oops, review Chapter 5
In WebCT Breadcrumbs select the link for "Page 4".
Update student view! Remember that since we are working with a Content Module Tool,
selecting the "Update student view" button will show students changes/additions to the
Update entire course and select to return to Page 4.
Page 101
Select "View" tab and click on the link for "Self Test".
WebCT provides feedback.
Adding a PowerPoint Presentation
Often instructors will want to add a PowerPoint presentation to a Content Module.
Although this is possible, less technical difficulties are experienced if one adds a
"Presentations" section to the homepage and add each presentation as a single page
The most compatible PowerPoint version for working with WebCT is 97/98 with the
newest versions (2001, 2000, 2003) needing setting adjustments to become more
For any file to be viewable on the Web it needs to be in an Internet compatible format
such as HTML. Thus, for students to view the presentation online, no matter what
computer platform they use, the PowerPoint will need to be saved as a Web Page (2000,
2001, XP, 2003) or HTML (97/98).
If you want students to click on a presentation, download to their machines and open
using an installed version of Microsoft PowerPoint then uploading and linking to the
original PowerPoint file as a "Single Page" can be done.
If uploading and linking directly to a PowerPoint file (mypresentation.ppt) that has NOT
been converted to html you can choose to add a link for a PowerPoint Viewer. These
viewers allow students to run a PowerPoint presentation in "Show" mode without having
PowerPoint installed. Students would simply drag and drop the downloaded PowerPoint
file onto of the installed viewer (or open directly via the viewer).
Page 102
To find a download site for viewers go to "" and type in a search
for either "PowerPoint Viewer for Windows" OR "PowerPoint Viewer for Macintosh".
You can add the URL(s) for these sites by adding a page or tool to the course and
selecting the URL tool (refer to Manual Part 1, Adding a URL).
Saving as a Web Page (2000)
In PowerPoint select File and "Save as Web Page".
Click on the "Publish" button (you may also want to verify that your "File name:" has no
spaces it in).
Page 103
Select the radio button for "Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator 3.0 or
Select the button for "Web Options...".
Page 104
Go to the "Files" tab.
DESELECT the option for "Organize supporting files in a folder" and click the "OK"
Page 105
Select the "Browse" button.
Locate an area on the computer to save the folder (my Documents or Desktop) and select
to the "Create new Folder".
Give the new folder the same name as the presentation (no spaces) and click "OK".
Page 106
Click "OK".
Click the "Publish" button.
What will be produced is a SINGLE folder containing multiple files.
Page 107
Using Win Zip (this application can be downloaded from on
Windows drag and drop the folder on the application icon OR from the Start, select
Programs and then Winzip (drag and drop the folder into the WinZip window).
In the text block under "Add to archive:" Click after the last slash ( \ ) and type in the
name for the file that will be produced (name same as presentation with no spaces) and
click the "Add" button.
A file is created INSIDE the presentation folder. It is this .zip file that will be
uploaded to WebCT and unzipped.
Page 108
Log into a Designer course on the Development server (,
select "Control Panel" and choose "Manage Files".
Select the "Upload" button.
Click the "Browse" button.
Page 109
Locate the location for the file, click once to select and click the "Open"
Click the "Upload" button.
Select the checkbox next to the file and select the button for "Unzip".
At next screen select button for "Unzip" again.
Page 110
The file has been unzipped.
At the point the zipped file can be deleted, it is of no use and takes up space. To delete
select the checkbox next to the zip file, over to the right select the button for "Delete".
Linking to the PowerPoint to a Presentation Section
Return to the "Homepage" and select the button for "Add page or tool".
Select the link for "Organizer" page, add the title "Presentations", check both checkboxes
for placing the link on the Course Menu and on the Homepage, and click "Add".
Page 111
Click on the newly added "Presentations" section.
Select the link for "Add page or tool".
Choose to add a "Single Page", type in the name of the Presentation (Sample), and select
the "Browse" button.
Page 112
Click once to open the "Sample" folder (if closed), select the radio button for to top file in
the folder, sample.htm, and click the "Add selected" button.
Select the radio button for "New browser window" and since a course may have many
presentations (don't want to find a unique icon for each) just select the checkbox for
"Link shows item title", and click the "Add button".
Page 113
Students would click on the "Sample" link and a pop up window would have the
Adding a PowerPoint to a Content Module
Add a Content Module Tool (follow directions at the beginning of this manual), enter the
module and click on the "Add file" button.
If needed scroll down the list and click and select the sample.htm file and click the add
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Once done remember to "Update Student View" (review Page 13).
Students would click on the presentation title to view.
NEW: for Macintosh users you can now use a freeware utility that will make your
PowerPoint Presentation viewable in WebCT.
Saving as a Webpage:
In PowerPoint, select File -> Save as web page that will produce a folder and a single
presentation.html file (it is best to choose a very generic background template for your
Download and use the Utility:
Download the WebCT PPT Repair Utility from and extract the file.
Open the Folder "WebCT PowerPoint Repair Utility", double click on the icon, simply
drag and drop the folder which was created during the save as web page process (not the
single file) into the utility window.
Once the chime rings then proceed to zip and upload (follow zipping and uploading
instructions described for Windows on page 24 - you MUST zip both the single file
AND its associated files folder). To link to the file select to "add a page or tool",
choose "single page", browse for the presentation.html file and click the Add selected
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