This section covers:  Log in  myWebCT  Interface

Part 1
Intro to WebCT 4.1x
This section covers:
 Log in
 myWebCT
 Interface
 Modifying & Customizing
The WebCT Process
WebCT is run on a "dual" server system, meaning 2 separate servers house and run
The Development server is for faculty log in ONLY to prepare a course for an upcoming
semester and archiving used courses. The Instructional server is for both Faculty and
Students log in during the semester it is taught. BOTH servers are based on ones UH
username and password and function the same.
Each server has its own log in address:
To Request an Account > go to OR
Development space - select link for "Request a new or additional development space"
Instructional space - select link for "Request a new or additional instructional space"
Log in
For the purpose of these workshops we will be logging into the DEVELOPMENT server,
just as one would to prepare a course for an upcoming semester. Log in for the
Development server is at, enter your UH username and
associated password.
*NOTE: Instructional space should be requested approximately 6/7 weeks prior to
the semester it will be taught.
Prior to log in it is always advisable to
verify your browser compatibility and
settings by selecting the link for
"Check Browser", THEN choose
"Browser Tuneup".
Once confirmed, return and click on
"Log in to myWebCT" and enter your
UH ID and password.
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myWebCT Account
Once your username and password have been accepted you will be entered in your
myWebCT Account which is a password protected folder that contains your course(s).
To enter a course click on the title listed under the header for “Courses” .
On initial log in WebCT’s Course Design Wizard is available to walk you through the
process of creating a course. For the purpose of this workshop turn off the Wizard by
selecting “Use the Course Design center later”.
The Wizard can be accessed again via the “Control Panel” (located in upper left corner),
click “Course Design Center”.
There are multiple wizards to assist in adding a Syllabus, Organizer Page, Content
Module, Quizzes, etc all of which are indicated by a magic wand icon.
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WebCT 4.1x works in tabs. Jump between the default tab of “Designer Options” (to
modify and customize the course) and “View” (simulation of student view).
Control Panel:
access to add
tools and
manage the
Course Menu:
use to navigate
through various
course sections
use to go back to
visited course
Main Frame
use to
and modify
tools added
to a page
Modifying & Customizing
When you receive your designer course, the “Homepage” (very first page you see when
entering the course after turning off the Wizard) will be organized in the manner viewed
above. The templates organization is just an example of how an instructor can choose to
organize course sections and is by no means a standardized format.
Depending on how you deliver a course, either as an enhancement or total web based,
organization will be different. Enhancement courses, typically used to communicate and
disseminate materials outside the regular, face-to-face classroom might include:
 Syllabus
 Lecture Notes
 Presentations
 Communication Tools
 My Grades
Total web based courses would have similar sections but be more descriptive, have richer
content and might include:
 Syllabus
 Calendar
 Communication Tools
 My Grades
 Course Modules
 Presentations
 Glossary
 Assessment
It is up to you as the Designer to keep the original course structure or delete specific
sections and add your own. Deleting only removes the section or tool from view and can
be added back (deleting will be covered later in this manual).
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File formats
Gathering, converting and organizing course materials should be done prior to adding any
tool to a course. It is a good idea to create a content outline to help organize materials
before uploading, perhaps dividing them into chronological lessons or units to correspond
with classroom lectures, or even group them according to subject matter.
Since the course is online it is preferable to have materials in a format that is readable on
the Internet such HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). Most applications will convert
document files into HTML, including Microsoft Word,Word Perfect, PowerPoint, Excel,
etc (minor setting changes may be needed for proper viewing by all browsers).
Course content files in text (.txt), document (.doc), Excel (.xls) or PowerPoint (.ppt)
format can be uploaded and linked in WebCT, yet to view them students will need to
have the application installed on their local computer.
Adding a Syllabus
Most students prefer to have a syllabus available online for them to refer to at anytime.
We will first save a syllabus document as an HTML or Webpage file and then add it to
the course using the existing "Syllabus" link.
NOTE for MYSELF****Use Clarice syllabus as an example as well as her table
To Save as a Web Page:
Most word applications allow for saving in multiple file formats via the File menu. To
save a file in HTML format in Microsoft Word go to "File" -> "Save as Web page" or
"save as HTML" depending on the version.
NOTE for Microsoft Word
When saving as a webpage, the
default is to save in an .mht
format, you MUST alter this by
using the pull down menu for
"File Format" and select the
option for "Filtered HTML".
This is Microsoft Word 2001
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Once the file has been saved as "syllabus.htm", exit Word and return to the course.
To add the Syllabus webpage:
Using the“Course Menu” (on the left), select “Syllabus”.
On the right in the Actions frame select the radio button for “Syllabus file".
Select “Browse”.
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We need to upload the HTML file so click the "Browse" button once again.
Locate your file on the Desktop or in My Documents, click once to select and click the
"Open" button.
To finalize the upload click the "Upload" button.
To pick the uploaded file click the "Add selected" button.
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With "syllabus.html" selected, click the "Add
selected" button.
Click "Update". To view the uploaded file, select the "View" tab.
Adding an Organizer page
An organizer page adds a new section to the course, which other tools or links can be
added. Having specific sections for course materials better organizes the course.
For the purpose of this manual we will be adding a section called Lecture Notes. In many
cases faculty may want students to have access to Notes prior to a lecture in order help
prepare and take to class for notes.
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Click the link for Homepage either via the Breadcrumbs or the Course Menu. Using the
Actions Frame select the button for “Add page or tool”.
Note the availability of a Wizard for an “Organizer Page”. Wizards can be switched on
and off. For the purpose of this manual turn off the wizard option by clicking the check
box for “Use a wizard when available.
Under the column for “Pages” select the link for “Organizer Page”.
Fill out the text areas and click the “Add” button.
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1. Enter a title for this item: Lecture
2. Check boxes for "On the course
Menu" AND "On an Organizer Page"
On the Course Menu will add a text link
for Lecture Notes under the Course menu
making it always accessible throughout
the course
On an Organizer Page will add an
icon/link for Lecture Notes on the
The Lecture Notes section has been added.
Adding a Single Page
Adding a single page creates a link for students that could show text right away when
selected (similar to the Syllabus we added earlier) or a choice to download a file if the
format is NOT in HTML format (.doc, .txt, .ppt, .xls).
For the purpose of this manual we are going to add a single page called “Notes” inside
the “Lecture Notes” section. To enter Lecture Notes, click on the icon for “Lecture
Notes” (Notes in this example has already been saved as a webpage, using Word).
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Select the link for “Add page or tool”.
Under the column for “Pages” select the link for “Single Page”. Enter the title “Note for
November 11” and click the “Browse” button (browse for the Note file).
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Earlier I created a Word file and saved it as a web page on the computer. To upload this
file from the computer click the “Browse” button.
Locate the file, click once to select and click the “Open” button.
To complete the upload process, click the “Upload” button.
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To link the uploaded file to the single page tool, select the “Add selected” button.
Check the check box for “Link show item title” which will automatically select the
checkbox for “On an Organizer page” creating a text link (no icon image) within the
Lecture Notes section. Click the “Add” button when done.
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To view the file as a student select the “View” tab and click on the new link for “Note for
November 11.
Adding a URL
Adding a URL tool allows instructors to create a link to an external Web Site for either
preparing for a lecture, test, or as a resource for a specific course unit/module.
For the purpose of this manual we will add a URL tool to access a site that needs to be
reviewed by students prior to an upcoming lecture.
In the “Designer Options” tab on the Homepage select the button for “Add page or tool”
and in the column for “Pages” select “URL”.
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Fill out the sections and click the “Add” button.
1. Enter a title: Website for Lecture on
Nov 20
2. Address:
(URLS can be copied and pasted in this
text box as well) and select the radio
button for "New browser window
Opening in a new browser window
creates a pop up window to the Web site
and is recommended when using the URL
3. select checkbox for "Link shows item
title" only
Moving a link/icon
The URL has been added but would like to have it placed inside the “Lecture Notes”
section of the course. To move a link select the radio button next to the link/icon, over to
the right select the “Move to organizer page” button.
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Use the pull down menu to select the appropriate course section (organizer page). In this
case it is “Lecture Notes” and click the “Move” button.
The link has been moved to the appropriate course section.
Editing links/icons
To edit an icon/link use the “Designer Options” tab and click on the link that will open up
the tool template, make adjustments as needed, then select the “Update” button.
For this example we need to alter the URL, clicking on the text link for “Website for
Lecture on Nov 20” opens the URL template where adjustments can be made.
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Selective Release
Selectively releasing course sections, modules, or other links allow instructors to control
the date and time students can have access.
For the purpose of this manual we will selectively release when students can view a
particular note inside the section for “Lecture Notes”.
In “Designer Options” tab click on the link for “Note for Nov 11” and scroll down to the
area for “Selective Release”. Use the pull down menus next to “Release after” and choose
the following date and time: November 20 2003 at 11am, and click “Update”.
NOTE: selective release can also
be based on a student(s) ID or a
quiz score
Notice the “conditional” under the text link indicating that some sort of release criteria
has been created.
Deleting link/icon
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Deleting links/icons only removes the tool visually from a section in the course and can
always be added back in.
For the purpose of this manual we will delete a default course section located on the
Homepage that is not really needed in the course. Select “Homepage” from either the
Course Menu or Breadcrumbs and verify that you are in “Designer Options” tab.
Select the radio button next to the link/icon for “Study Tools” and using the “Actions
Frame” select the “Delete” button.
Edit Course Menu
Course menu links should visually match icons on the Homepage. Unfortunately when
links/icons are deleted the associated link (if applicable) under the “Course Menu”
remains and must be removed separately.
Since we removed the link/icon for “Study Tools” we must now remove its associated
link in the Course Menu.
Select the button for “Control Panel”, located at the top right, above the Course Menu.
To the left select the button for “Course Settings”.
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Select the button for “Edit Course Menu”.
Select the checkboxes next to “Study Tools” and “Homepages”, over to the right select
the radio button for “Delete link” and click “OK”.
To exit the Course Menu select “Homepage” from the Course Menu or Breadcrumbs.
NOTE: this area provides
options to rename, edit,
indent, move up or down,
and copy links
The Course Menu and the Homepage now visually match.
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Adding a Textblock
Adding textblocks allow instructors to provide directional information and guidance to
For the purpose of this manual we will add an upper textblock directing students on what
they can find within course sections.
On the Homepage select the link for “Add upper textblock”.
WebCT 4.1x now comes with its own HTML editor. If you choose to access the editor
click the button for “HTML editor”.
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On some machines the editor may take a little time to fully load. During the loading
process you may be asked to install and run an applet, select the button to “Grant always”
(this will allow you to use the editor without asking to run the applet each time).
Once the HTML editor is loaded, click and type, using any formatting options such as
bullets, color, bolding, etc. For MACs, to save click the Floppy icon located in the upper
left corner of the editor, scroll down the page and click the “Add” button.
Type in any information you would
like to add to your Homepage
Editing Textblock
To edit any textblocks added to a course select the radio button next to the chosen
textblock, over to the lower right under “Options: Texblocks” click the button for “Edit”.
When done editing select the “Update” button at the bottom of the textblock template.
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Creating a Welcome Page
Welcome pages are not password protected and can be used as an entry point for both
traditional and non-traditional courses.
To access the Welcome Page area select “Control Panel” located in the upper left corner.
To the right select the button for “Course Settings”.
Under the header for “Create/Edit Welcome Page” select the button for “Edit Welcome
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To add a banner to the Welcome page, over to the right, scroll down to the section for
“Customize” and select the button for “Modify/Add banner image”.
To add text to the banner select the radio button for “Use text: and type in whatever you
would like and click the “Update” button.
To add a textblock for additional information use the “Add upper textblock” link and
proceed to use the HTML editor (optional) as directed on Page 20, and select the “Add”
button when done.
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You can choose to preview this page as a student by selecting the button for “Preview
Welcome page”.
The URL to send to students for log in once the course is on the INSTRUCTIONAL
server (this is the one in which both you and students log onto during the term) would use
the course ID and would be similar to the following:
A course ID is unique to each course and can be found within the URL or address area of
your browser AFTER you have entered the course. The course ID is located between
the words “/SCRIPT/” and “/scripts/”.
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Student Access via Welcome Page:
For students or anyone to access the course from the Welcome page they MUST have an
account either automatically created during official registration OR a Guest Account
(typically used in non-banner courses).
For Banner Linked Courses:
To enter, students would click on the "Log in" button and enter ones UH
username and associated password.
For Non-Banner Linked Courses:
To enter, students would click on the "Create Account" button, select the link for
"Log in to myWebCT" and enter the username and password information given to
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