MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE University of Hawaii at Manoa Faculty Senate, November 19, 1997 Law School, Classroom 2 39 Senators Present: Barry Baker, Thomas Brislin, Patricia Burrell, Rahul Chattergy, Donna Ching, Ross Christensen, Robert Cooney, James Cowen, John Cox, Steve Dawson, Robert Duesterhaus, Maryln Dunlap, Arnold Edelstein, Kathy Ferguson, John Halloran, Katheryn Hoffman, Ruth Horie, Judith Kellogg, Kenneth Kipnis, Sumner LaCroix, William Lampe, Michael Maglaya, Alexander Malahoff, Gertraud Maskarinec, Jennifer Matsuda, Gwen Naguwa, Peter Nicholson, Thomas Olson, Aspy Palia, Gay Reed, Allison Regen, Joseph Stanton, Virginia Tanji, Randal Wada, Eldon Wegner, Joel Weiner, Dina Yoshimi, David Yount, Halina Zaleski 6 Senators Excused: Nell Altizer, Patricia Hickman, Roderick Jacobs, John Mahoney, Jane Moulin, Thomas Schroeder, 23 Senators Absent: Alton Arakaki, Caroline Blanchard, Catherine Caveletto, Sandra Chang, Virgie Chattergy, Eric DeCarlo, Samir El-Swaify, Stephen Ferreira, James Gaines, Sue Hansen, John Hardman, Casey Jarman, David Lally, Nancy Lind, Stacey Marlow, Karl Minke, C.S. Papacostas, Thomas Ramsey, Morris Saldov, Steven Seifried, Miriam Sharma, Roy Wilkins, Leslie Wright Administrative Members: Tom Bopp, Dean Smith, Judith Inazu, Eugene Imai Nine people signed the guest list. Chair Alex Malahoff opened the meeting at 3:10. 1. Minutes of the Senate/Congress meeting of October 15, 1997 were approved after an adjustment in attendance and clarification that it was the Senate which voted for the amended resolution in support of UH autonomy in item number 14. 2. Committee Reports: Committee on Student Affairs: Gwen Naguwa Plans to work on (1) communication of information students need and (2) activities to develop a sense of community for the campus. Committee on Professional Matters: Donna Ching Will report at the next meeting Committee on the Undergraduate Experience: Ken Kipnis Has identified the problems to be worked on. Ken read a statement reflecting his understanding of the Committee's thoughts about its task. The statement is attached to these minutes. Committee on Administration and Budget: Pat Burrell It is looking at the status of last years committee resolutions, service contracts, hiring freeze procedures, performance contract retrofitting for some buildings, and the budget. UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI’I AT MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE Committee on Faculty Service: Marilyn Dunlap Has recommended faculty for a number of committees an assignments. Senators are encouraged to nominate colleagues and to distribute to their units CFS requests for nominations and volunteers. Committee on Athletics: David Yount reported for Peter Nicholson Committee has worked on a draft of the gender equity review which is done each year and sent to President Mortimer. 1997 is the first year of a 6 year gender equity plan. The Committee reports some significant progress, but more needs to be done and gender equity remains an elusive goal. 3. CAPP recommended Senate approval of the PH.D. in Nursing proposal. The Committee reported that there is a strong local and national need for graduates, strong financial backing exists, and existing resources should be sufficient. Discussion: Although UH is experiencing budget cuts, this Program can be considered because it is expected to bring in grants and more resources. Faculty are available to teach in the program. Only 5 students will be added each year. Hamilton Library resources need upgrading, but a downtown library has sufficient materials. Vote: unanimous voice vote approval 4. CAPP recommended the transfer of the Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace to the College of Social Science. This program is currently in the Academic Vice President's office and all the parties involved believe it is better located in an academic unit. Discussions between the Dean of the College of Social Science and the Peace Institute led to the proposal. Both sides are agreeable and no additional resources are involved in the relocation of the academic home. Discussion: The Institute does not offer a degree at present. A proposal for a Masters Degree almost made it to the BOR a few years ago but was stopped because the Institute did not have an academic home. This proposal will be revisited once an academic home is arranged. Vote: unanimous voice vote approval 5. CAPP recommended a proposed B.A. in Computer Science. The ICS Department is the only College of Natural Science Department without both a B.S. and B.A. degree choice. This will give more breadth than the present B.S. Program. Students will benefit from the choice. CAPP does not believe more resources will be needed, and no new library resources are needed. Discussion: Resources might be needed in this high demand field if the degree attracts more students to the area. Vote: unanimous voice vote approval 6. Faculty Senate Web Page will be back in business about 11/24. WWW2.hawaii.edu/~uhmfs/ UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI’I AT MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE 7. Autonomy: Eugene Imai, Senior Vice President for Administration, reported on the draft of a bill the UH Administration is preparing. A copy of this bill was distributed at the meeting, and will be available at the Senate web page. The Governor's Task Force on Economic Recovery has as one of its main suggestions UH autonomy. The measure would, among other things, provide for faster response by the University to research opportunities, expand its entrepreneurial enterprises, respond in a more timely manner to legal issues, and react more quickly to opportunities in procurement. The University will remain accountable to the accepted practices of expending and accounting for public funds, and audits of its various funds and operations will continue to be conducted. The Administration is working to get its ideas into a bill. Imai reported that no two people have the same ideas of what autonomy means and the first draft of the bill is a "kitchen sink" version with a lot of things in it. He emphasized that the Administration does not want to propose things which will hurt UH, and is being careful to try to get funds currently spent elsewhere if the UH assumes a new duty. Imai asked for maximum exposure for the draft and feedback, preferably by e-mail to eimai@hawaii.edu or by fax to 956-9211 or Bachman Hall 201. He also pointed out that the draft is a work in progress and changes frequently. Discussion: UHPA does not object in principal to autonomy and looks forward to seeing the specific details. In response to questions Imai said (1) the bill involves statutory changes, not constitutional changes. (2) Changes in legal support mean UH would have its own legal representation rather than relying on the Attorney General's Office which represents the State first. (3) UH would not have to wait for the Attorney General's Office to decide whether to take up a case, (4) The union contract's provision of legal services for faculty will not be changed. 8. Alex Malahoff introduced Dean Smith as the Interim Senior Vice President and Executive Vice Chancellor of Manoa and welcomed him to the Senate meeting. Smith reported that a search will be gin soon for a permanent appointee. His former position as Senior Vice President for Research and Graduate Education is being filled by Peter Garrod on an acting basis and he expects President Mortimer will soon announce an interim appointment. Smith reported that he does not have a major agenda for change since his is an interim appointment, but circumstances will bring challenges. First, is the budget. Fiscal year 1999 has major uncertainties as the discussion about State tax cuts proceeds. Smith believes it will be hard to absorb further UH cuts, and we need to develop a strategy: cuts should not be unplanned. Second, he is concerned about the perceived gap between research and academics on the campus being wider than he has experienced elsewhere and he'd like to build bridges. Third, several program area will get his attention, particularly the WASC reaccreditation effort and Manoa's strategic plan. The latter is in process and a target is 12/1 for distribution of a draft for review and comment. In January he will report to the Regents that Manoa is at the feedback stage, but the Regents will not be acting on the Plan until later. The target for sending a proposal to the BOR is May, 1998. Smith sees the big task as determining the vision we have of what Manoa should be in 10 years. UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI’I AT MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE Smith described as his personal goals strengthening the feeling that we want a quality university, creating a sense of self respect for Manoa, and having pride in the University: that we will, or would, want to send our children here. In response to questions, Smith said he has a deep interest in undergraduate education, and he hopes to have very sticky fingers when efforts are made to transfer resources from Manoa. 9. Ken Kipnis proposed the Senate appoint as Members of The Committee on the Undergraduate Experience: Malia Gibson (student), Kulauni'u Moore (student), Scott thomas, Virginia Tanji, David Robb, Ed Porter, Joe O'Mealy, Peter Manicas, Peter Crooker, Nell Altizer, Joel Weiner, Kenneth Kipnis (Chair), and Alex Malahoff (ex officio). After discussion of whether the Senate Charter allows members of ad hoc Senate committees to be other than members of the Faculty Congress, whether the Committee had discussed adequately having student members, the intent of the Senate to have student committee members in the original resolution creating the committee, and the usefulness of student members given the Committee's purpose, there was a quorum call.Lacking a quorum, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55. Respectively Submitted, Steve Dawson, Secretary UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI’I AT MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution