University of Hawaii at Manoa Faculty Senate, January 21, 1998
Law School, Classroom 2
34 Senators Present: Nell Altizer, Barry Baker, Thomas Brislin, Patricia Burrell, Catherine Caveletto, Rahul
Chattergy, Ross Christensen, Robert Cooney, John Cox, Steve Dawson, Marilyn Dunlap, Samir El-Swaify,
Kathy Ferguson, Elizabeth Fisher, John Halloran, Kathryn Hoffmann, Ruth Horie, Judith Kellogg, Kenneth
Kipnis, Sumner LaCroix, David Lally, Nancy Lind, Michael Maglaya, Alexander Malahoff, Gwen Naguwa,
Peter Nicholson, Tom Ramsey, Virginia Tanji, Randal Wada, Eldon Wegner, David Yount, Halina Zaleski
4 Senators Excused: Donna Ching, Patricia Hickman, Aspy Palia, Miriam Sharma
30 Senators Absent: Alton Arakaki, Caroline Blanchard, Sandra Chang, Virgie Chattergy, James Cowan, Eric
DeCarlo, Robert Duesterhaus, Arnold Edelstein, Stephen Ferreira, James Gaines, Sue Hansen, John Hardman,
Roderick Jacobs, Casey Jarman, William Lampe, John Mahoney, Stacey Marlow, Gertraud Maskarinec, Karl
Minke, Jane Moulin, C.S. Papacostas, Gay Reed, Alison Regan, Morris Saldov, Thomas Schroeder, Steven
Seifried, Joel Weiner, Roy Wilkins, Lesley Wright, Dina Yoshimi.
Members of the Administration: Tom Bopp, Alan Teramura, Alan Yang, Frank Perkins
Two visitors signed the guest list.
Chair Alex Malahoff opened the meeting at 3:10.
1. Minutes of the Senate meeting of December 10, 1997 were approved.
2. Tom Bopp addressed the Senate for President Mortimer who was meeting with the Governor. He
reported that the 5 percent budget cut in the news is for fiscal year 1999. The President feels the cut is
large, we are still early in this year's session, and he is interested in seeing what develops. UH
Autonomy is a major issue at the legislature and the President looks forward to seeing what is in the
Governor's bill.
3. Alan Teramura, newly appointed Interim Senior Vice President for Research and Dean of the
Graduate Division was welcomed to the Senate. He reported his agenda items are to improve Bachman's
ability to get things done in the research area on campus, to improve coordination between Academic
Affairs and Research, and to concentrate on policy, not day-to-day affairs. He solicits input and ideas
from the Faculty.
4. Frank Perkins, newly appointed Assistant Vice President for Research and Graduate Education, was
welcomed to the Senate. He described himself as a "nuts and bolts" person, but not a bureaucrat, and he
will be working on solving problems.
5. Alan Yang, Dean of Students, was also welcomed to the Senate and reported on the Faculty
Ambassador Program. It is underway, the initial feedback is good, and the target launch is February 27
at the Principals forum held by UH.
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
6. UH Press Resolution: David Yount introduced a resolution supporting funding of the 12 UH journals
published by the University of Hawaii Press. The resolution was supported by the SEC. While
recognizing that many good things are being cut, Yount suggested the journals are particularly important
for a research university and that they will be hard to restart later if canceled now. Dropping a few
Journals is not a good option because of the staffing and cost structure. Added points in discussion were
that President Mortimer is receptive to the resolution, Dean Smith is working on a solution involving
cost sharing, without the journals the UH will lose important exchange journals which the library
receives, and loss of the journals will damage particular fields of study as well as the University.
Unanimous voice vote in favor.
7. Chair's Report: Alex Malahoff reported that (1) CAPP will look into articulation problems brought
up by the Community Colleges, (2) the message from the Legislature is that cuts are ahead, (3) we need
to make the point that the damage done by cuts at a University are hard to reverse later, and (4) Sumner
LaCroix is the Senate representative on the Porteus Hall Committee. Sumner invites input from faculty
and asks that it be clear whether messages to him are confidential or intended for distribution to the
Committee. Sumner reports the Committee wants to proceed carefully, fairly, and quickly and meetings
are scheduled through the end of February.
8. Committee Reports:
CAPP is (1) reviewing the merger of Summer Session and CCECS, (2) articulation issues with the
community Colleges, (3) what is happening in the reform of the University Core, who is working on it,
and where should the effort be located, (4) starting an Admission's Oversight Subcommitte and (5)
CAPP can use more members.
Committee on Student Affairs is (1) assessing student needs, (2) will provide input to a survey of
freshmen and other new students, and (3) is studying ideas of broaden student involvement with Manoa.
Committee on Professional Matters will be selecting a new Chair.
Committee on Administration and Budget (1) met with the Library regarding construction issues, (2)
is looking into air conditioning problems, (3) travel policy, (4) performance contracting and retrofitting
which might save UH 3.5 million in a year for electricity, (5) the fate of last year's resolutions, (6) the
payroll lag, and (7) a survey of Deans and Directors about the status of the hiring freeze.
Committee on Faculty Service: Senate elections are under way and it is hard to get the Senate
Committees fully staffed.
Committee on Athletics: The Gender Equity Report has gone to President Mortimer. This semester the
Committee will look at tutoring.
Ad Hoc Committee on the Undergraduate Experience: Ken Kipnis reported that three elements are
emerging in the committee's discussion: (1) Freshmen should be organized in cohorts of 20 and do much
of their work as a unit. (2) Each cohort should take a common 9 to 12 hours together, over one or both
semesters, of grouped/federated/melded/thematically-related courses. (3) Every cohort should meet on a
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
regular basis in a seminar setting with a tenured/tenure track professor. Senate discussion brought up (1)
that we need a good product for our students in order to have a good university, (2) the impact on TAs
and GAs needs to be considered, and (3) we need to provide for students to be exposed to a range of
Senate adjourned at 4:37
Congress followed by Senate meets on February 18, 1998 at 3:00
Respectively submitted,
Steve Dawson
Whereas the University of Hawaii Press is one of the leading academic publishers in America;
and whereas the University of Hawaii Press publishes twelve academic journals that are disseminated worldwide in support of the University's stated mission as a research university to be excellent in Asian and Pacific
research and instruction;
and whereas the academic journals program at the University of Hawaii Press is in danger of being terminated
as a result of recent actions taken by the University of Hawaii Administration, actions that have resulted in
unexpected charges to the revolving fund of the Press of more than $1,000,000 and have included:
reducing the general fund appropriation for the University of Hawaii Press by 65% in less than 3 years,
sweeping $653,000 (30% of the unrestricted reserve) from the revolving fund used by the University of
Hawaii Press to invest in new projects and to reprint important titles,
requiring the University of Hawaii Press to move four positions from general-fund to revolving-fund
support at a cost of over $200,000 per year in salaries and fringe benefits,
freezing key positions in the editorial and production departments of the University of Hawaii Press,
thereby reducing book output, which is the primary source of revenue if the Press is to achieve selfsufficiency,
eliminating all state funding for the academic journals program, a program established and subsidized by
the University for fifty years;
therefore be it resolved that the University of Hawaii Administration restore full funding to the
academic journals program at the University of Hawaii Press.
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
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