University of Hawaii at Manoa Faculty Senate, March 20, 1996
Architecture #205
Presiding: Co-Chair Kiyoshi Ikeda, Manoa Faculty Senate Executive
Senators Present: Belinda Aquino, Barry Brennan, John Casken, Sandra Chang, Donna Ching, Joel Cohn, Linda
Cox, Jim Dator, Steven Dawson, Austin Dias, Patricia Edelen-Smith, Joel Fisher, Delores Foley, Patricia Fryer,
Patrick Gilbert, Patrick Henry, Kathryn Hoffmann, Ruth Horie, Kiyoshi Ikeda, Wayne Iwaoka, Alison Kay,
Barry LaBonte, William Lampe, Bruce Liebert, Nancy Lind, Bert Lum, Margaret Maaka, Robert McLaren,
Christopher Measures, Karen Meech, John Melish, Ralph Moberly, Jane Moulin, Marita Nelson, Cynthia Ning,
C. S.Papacostas, Robert Paull, Thomas Pearson, Teresita Ramos, Thomas Ramsey, Jurgen Sang, Thomas
Schroeder, Leon Serafim, Janice Shoultz, Joseph Stanton, Patricia Steinhoff, Victor Stenger, John Stimson,
Glenn Teves, Lorrie Wong
Senators Absent: H. C. Bittenbender, James Brandon, Gaye Chan, Joanne Cooper, Marilyn Dunlap, Richard
Guillory, Sue Hanson, Marian Melish, Robert Meyer, John Mount, Peter Nicholson, Stephen O'Harrow, Victor
Olgyay, Nicholas Ordway, Karen Peacock, Raul Rudoy, John Sinton, Thomas Speitel, Jane Tribble, Alice Tse,
Judy Weightman, Ming-Bao Yue
Senators Excused: Gregg Geary, Deane Neubauer, Aiko Oda, Neva Owens, James Silva, Rosemarie Woodruff,
Invited Guest: President Kenneth Mortimer, VPAA Carol Eastman, VPRGE Dean Smith
Co-Chair Kiyoshi Ikeda called the meeting to order at 3:05 PM, immediately following the Spring Faculty
The minutes of the previous meeting of February 28 were approved as submitted.
In introducing President Mortimer, Co-Chair Ikeda reminded the Senate that, according to the laws governing
collective bargaining, the President is not free to discuss matters which are currently at issue or under
negotiation, and thus that Senators should refrain from asking him such questions.
President Mortimer began by announcing that one-half million dollars had been restored to Hamilton Library,
and 1/4 of a million dollars to the Law Library. He is hopeful that there will be full restoration of funds to
Hamilton during the 1996-97 budget period.
He is also hopeful that he will be able to inform all units of their budget allocations by April 1.
He reminded the Senate that he is proceeding under two assumptions: 1) that tuition will bring in up to $16
million, and that the Governor will restrict no more than the $14 already announced.
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He noted that VPAA Carol Eastman had already announced that sixty positions had been released to be filled,
but that no new money had accompanied them. The University currently has approximately 1033 vacant
positions and hopes to fill 150 of them. Three hundred vacant civil service positions have been abolished. He
hopes the Legislature doesn't sweep the remaining vacant position. He believes it will not, but cannot be
absolutely certain.
The President assured the Senate that he is fully aware of the serious hardship the freeze is causing, but he
reminded us that he did not issue pink slips to all untenured people, as he could have, and that he kept the tenure
and promotion system operating, while he could have closed it down.
The President did want to clarify one point of confusion which is still under collective bargaining, that having to
do with intellectual property rights. He assured the Senate that he has absolutely no intention of changing the
faculty's ownership of the books and articles it writes. On matters of patents and copyrights, there has been a
committee since 1968 trying to develop a clear policy on that. The matter at issue is only that brought forward
by new hardware and software technologies developed with considerable University expense for distance
education. He assured us that this is a matter being discussed by all universities everywhere and is not an issue
unique to Hawaii.
There will be a BOR meeting on March 21 and 22 which he hopes will approve a plan to make the Law School
virtually tuition dependent within four or five years. He expects annual raises in Law School tuition so that by
2000, 80% of its income will be from tuition. He expects to withdraw all G funds from the Law School by
As the current legislative session draws to a close, the President says that he remains very pleased with what has
been happening there vis-a-vis the University, and in fact hopes that some of the $14 million cut by the
Governor will be restored by the Legislature.
Concerning the West Oahu/Land Swap proposal, he said that the Campbell Estate and the Legislature seem to
have reached an agreement which does not require the State to begin construction of a West Oahu campus until
2011, and that no new State money for West Oahu will be required until 2000. The President reiterated his
commitment that no money will be moved from any campus to West Oahu for construction or operating
He said that newspaper accounts of a $150 million fund raising campaign were premature. No goals of any sort
have been set. He is still reviewing over 200 proposals. But he does expect to have a plan ready by the end of
the semester.
The President noted with approval the responses on the Faculty Survey on General Education and looks forward
to further conversations on strengthening the core and General Education generally.
The President observed that it was a great honor indeed that Prof. Rudy Rummel of the Political Science
Department had been nominated for a Nobel Prize. He also commented on the fact that Prof. Ian R. Gibbons in
PBRC had received the 1995 International Prize in Biology from the Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science, in the presence of the Emperor of Japan. In addition, Prof. Jaw-Kai Wang in Biosystems Engineering
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the CTAHR was elected to the National Academy on Engineering. These all indicate the very high esteem with
which UH faculty are held nationally and internationally.
Questions followed the President's brief talk.
Someone wanted to know if he planned to go through with retrenchment.
Pres. Mortimer replied that those programs which had already been identified for reorganization were
continuing to be reviewed, but that no general retrenchment had ever been contemplated nor is it now.
He would not speculate about when collective bargaining would begin again, nor what the outcome might be
but he did not anticipate any salary adjustments at this time.
What about the rumor that departments would be able to keep their tuition? he was asked. He has no plans for
that, and does not favor it. He favors campuses keeping their tuition, but not individual departments, he said.
He does not like a tuition-driven model.
Co-Chair Ikeda thanked President at 3;25 PM, and turned to the matter of Faculty Senate committee reports.
Bill Lampe, chair of the Committee on Athletics reported on the Committee's review of the UH Self-Study for
the NCAA. It was, Senator Lampe said, a flawed document. The Committee, in its report to Vice President
Doris Ching, sent also to the SEC and available on the Senate Homepage, pointed out several major flaws, and
eight pages of specific errors, omissions, or contradictions. All of these are being corrected now, but a very
flawed document was sent to the NCAA.
Among the many problems in the document, Prof. Lampe pointed out that a calendar of events in the report
does not accurately state what went on and in what sequence. For example, the subcommittee reports were
substantially revised by someone, but they were not sent back to the subcommittees as the calendar would have
one believe.
Nor does the Self-Study follow the NCAA guidelines as required, with several major omissions and numerous
minor ones. There is no mention of the fact that the Senate last year passed a resolution, that was approved by
President Mortimer, which would make the principles of the McKnight Commission those of the University of
Hawaii. The foremost requirement is that the president be directly and primarily in control of intercollegiate
athletics, but he is clearly not in that position, according to the Self-Study.
In addition to the Committee's evaluation, the Committee also submitted to VP Ching and the SEC a comment
on the preferred relationship between the Athletic Advisory Board and the Committee on Athletics.
After a few questions, Co-Chair Ikeda pointed out that the President had recently asked for a faculty review of
intercollegiate athletics at UH, and that the Committee on Athletics will be involved in that.
Prof. Wayne Iwaoka, chair of the Committee on Programs and Policies, described the process by which CAPP
members were on each of the administration task forces considering downsizing or reorganizing academic
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programs. He then introduced a faculty member who had been on each of the task forces, who described the
process followed by each task force.
Senator Marita Nelson described the process for the task force reviewing the School of Public Health. All
possible options were considered from leaving it as it is now to abolishing it entirely. Three top options were
looked at carefully, all involving downsizing to a program (i.e., reducing its stature from a school, with a dean,
to a program within some existing school, and reducing the number of departments from five to two or three).
The major stumbling block is into which college the new program should go--the College of Health Sciences,
the College of Social Sciences, or the School of Medicine. No alternative satisfies all faculty members
currently in the School. So the process is continuing.
Prof. Tom Ramsey discussed the Social Science Research Institute and the School of Medicine.
The task force on SSRI has been working for six months, during which time the budget of the Institute was cut
by 50%, and all of the nontenured, rotating positions were removed. The remaining units within SSRI were
evaluated as providing valuable service to the University and Community. The only question was where they
should be placed within a re-organized social science research unit, or in various colleges UHM. The task force
is continuing its work here as well.
The matter of the School of Medicine is much more complex, Prof. Ramsey noted. There was no task force,
like the others, so CAPP has come into the process very late and has had a great deal of difficulty finding out
what was actually going on.
It appears that six departments are scheduled for termination. The faculty of these departments will be absorbed
in a new medical research unit yet to be formed, possibly moved into other existing UHM Departments, or may
take retirement. The administration has already approved a stop out of the six departments, so no new students
can register as majors in them. Existing students are being protected.
Two of the departments have embraced the reorganization, and their faculty have decided where they will go.
A third is on the fence, and three are fighting the change and deeply resent having their departments destroyed
around them without their full participation and consent.
The thorniest problem is that many other units at UH depend on certain courses in the six departments for their
own majors, especially at the undergraduate level. This is very worrisome.
Many faculty members rose to express their dissatisfaction with this process, indicating how their programs
would be hurt by the process. Others wondered how the "fourteen steps" necessary to terminate a department
could be carried out if we are still basically on step minus one, and the deadline is July 1, 1996.
Vice President Smith tried to assure everyone that every effort had been made to listen to all sides of the debate
and that inspite of an apparent July 1, 1996 deadline for decision, he will make no final decision until all issues
have been resolved to his satisfaction. He urged concerned faculty members to contact him, or other members
of the review committee.
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Senator Ruth Horie described the process which is resulting in the reorganization of the School of Information
and Library Sciences. In contrast to the other reorganizations, this is one which was not precipitated by the
budget crisis, but rather by the desire of the recently-retired Dean of the School, Miles Jackson, to create a more
modern and future-oriented multidisciplinary school of information sciences. Various options have been
considered by a task force which Prof. Jackson himself chairs, and a recommendation is expected very soon.
Co-Chair Ikeda noted that the relationship between the administration and faculty on the overall review process
has generally been very open, cordial and fruitful, and shows that faculty can and should be actively involved in
making these difficult decisions. He observed that if the faculty had not been involved as it was, that we
probably would be facing much more severe problems now.
Senator Patrick Henry then described the work of his committee on review of deans and directors. There is a
BOR policy in place which requires that deans and directors be evaluated annually, but this has not in fact been
carried out. The Committee therefore has prepared a draft of a policy which requires a specific set of annual
review procedures and a major review every four years. The report has been sent to the SEC and is on the
Faculty Senate Homepage. Basically, the process involves the DPC (or the chairs of several DPCs) for each
Dean and Director, and the creation of a DDRC (Deans and Directors Review Committee--similar to the
Senator Patricia Fryer brought before the Senate a draft document of additions to existing tenure and promotion
guidelines which focus more clearly on instructional and service activities. The present document is fairly
detailed on research/creative activity criteria, but weak on instructional and service criteria.
All members of the Senate attending were given a copy of the draft, and it will be sent to absent Senators. It is
hoped that the final document can be voted on at the next Senate meeting in April so that it can be in effect for
next year's tenure and promotion actions.
Finally, Co-Chair Ikeda gave a brief Chair's report. He pointed out that a faculty workload policy was soon to
be reviewed by chairs and directors, and that faculty should be sure to make their views known about that draft
President Mortimer also requests faculty input to the draft Strategic Plan which he has previously distributed.
Comments should be sent directly to the President.
And, in an effort to bring the President closer to the Manoa academic community, he will begin a series of
breakfast meetings at College Hill for department chairs, and will invite new and old Faculty Senators to
College Hill after the last Faculty Senate meeting of the year.
The meeting adjourned at 4:34 PM
Respectfully submitted
Jim Dator
Secretary, Faculty Senate
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