MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE University of Hawaii at Manoa Faculty Senate, October 19, 1994 Marine Science Bldg. 114 Presiding: Alison Kay, Chair, Manoa Faculty Senate Executive Committee Senators Present: Nell Altizer, Scott Anderson, Belinda Aquino, Thomas Bopp, James Cartwright, John Casken, David Chappell, Virgie Chattergy, Meda Chesney-Lind, Linda Cox, Fred Creager, Steven Dawson, Austin Dias, Thelma Diercks, Marilyn Dunlap, Patricia Fryer, Richard Guillory, John Haig, Samuel Haley, Sue Hanson, James Heasley, Kathryn Hoffman, E. Alison Kay, Noel Kent, Barry Labonte, William Lampe, Nancy Lind, Bert Lum, Christopher Measures, Peter Nicholson, Cynthia Ning, Aiko Oda, Neva Owens, Robert Paull, Thomas Pearson, Anthony Picard, Thomas Ramsey, Donald, Schmitt, Janice Shoultz, James Silva, Jane Tribble, Alice Tse, Judy Weightman, Byung Wie, Rosemarie Woodruff Senators Absent: Byron Bender, James Brandon, Michael díAndrea, Anita Gerhard, Sherie Gusukuma, John Hardman, J. Patrick Henry, Adelheid Kuehnle, Kem Lowry, Margaret Maaka, Ronald Matayoshi, John Melish, Marian Melish, Nicholas Ordway, Kathryn Patterson, John Sinton, Glenn Teves, Jean Toyama, Roy Wilkens, Melvin Wong Senators Excused: Rodney Batiza, Gaye Chan, Sandra Chang, Norma Despain, Jane Moulin, Deane Neubauer, Roy Nishimoto, Joseph Stanton, Patricia Steinhoff Visitors: V. Chancellor Eastman, V. P. Yount, Leng Chia (CTAHR), Fred Collison (TIM), Juanita Liu (TIM), Senate was called to order to 3:05 pm by Chair Kay. The minutes were approved as distributed. Carol Eastmanís Address About 650 people have indicated they intend to take advantage of the early retirement incentive. Over 400 of these people hold faculty or staff position at Manoa, however, the majority do not hold faculty positions. Thus, it appears that the early retirement incentives will not result in the retirement of large numbers of Manoa faculty. A proposal to increase graduate students stipends by 4% retroactive to July 1994 will be presented to the Board of Regents on October 20. There is every indication that this proposal will be accepted and funded. Focus on Manoa Committee members have been selected. The committee will not generate a long strategic plan, but instead will examine the situation and send a letter to President Mortimer detailing what we have done, what we need to do and what we donít need to do at Manoa. Work on gender and minority equity is continuing. Some cases still need to be resolved and further study is needed. Exactly when the salary adjustments will show up in the recipients paychecks is unknown at this time. Other follow-up activities may include a workshop for chairs and work with the EEO officer on procedures to prevent equity problems that might occur at time of hire. UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI’I AT MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE/ An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE Faculty Morale Survey and Other Issues of Concern to Faculty The area of greatest concern of Manoa faculty is with Deans and Directors. Deans used to be evaluated by the Manoa Chancellor, but since that position was eliminated, evaluation has been in the hands of the President. The SEC is talking to the President about a process for evaluating Deans and Directors and has forwarded a draft outlining a procedure to the Committee on Administration and Budget (CAB). CAB has requested information on the current practice for reviewing Deans and Directors, while Deane Neubauer is heading up a CAB sub-committee on this matter. Although housing was not the highest priority concern, it still is a concern. The new homes in Manoa are being offered for sale, but most new faculty cannot afford a house that costs $355,000-$370,000. This may be why the units are not selling. The Manoa homes are priced at market rates and there is some perception that the Manoa homes were intended to provide cash for financing affordable units. The SEC agreed to look into the situation. Carol Eastman said she felt that reviewing Deans and Directors is a good ideas and is surprised it doesnít happen now. She perceives that the Deans think the faculty is happy with their leadership and unhappy with the leadership in Bachman Hall. The survey result indicate the situation is just the opposite. She also feels that the survey results will be useful to the Focus on Manoa Committee because morale will influence what we will be able to get done in the future. Faculty is not happy with all the work performed by facilities and maintenance. FMO staff may be demoralized and better feedback from staff to the leadership may be needed. SEC has received some complaints about the snack bar next to Hamilton Library because it is using open space. The SEC has asked Frances Oda to give his concept of what the campus will look like in the next 5-20 years at the next Senate meeting. John Haak will attend the next Congress meeting to explain the plans for the library. More parking and disabled parking is needed. Someone has suggested raising the price of visitor parking so that supply can better meet demand. Concern was raised about interference by the Legislature in UH management. Carol Eastman commented that the President is working on changing things, particularly with the new lump sum budgeting process. The SEC has asked for information on the overhead formula and on control & compliance. Another comment cautioned that UH faculty and staff also must also going to the Legislature to ask for special assistance, if we want to gain more autonomy. The tenure and promotion process could be made more user friendly. A list of suggestions included the use of mentors for new faculty, a more formal procedure at the DPC level, a more supportive approach, more rights for probationary faculty undergoing contract renewal, and a redefining of scholarship. Chair Kay indicated the SEC will consider these issues. The core curriculum needs to be examined to ensure that students will learn the skills imperative to success today. Chair Kay indicated that the All Campus Counsel of Faculty Senate Chairs (ACCFSC) met with the President last Friday and discussed this issue. A task of force of people from all campuses will be meeting in the UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI’I AT MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE/ An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE spring to discuss a variety of curriculum related items. A skills assessment of randomly selected, recent graduates has been suggested on order to provide information on effectiveness. Concern was expressed about who the new governor will appoint to the Board of Regents to fill the 5-6 upcoming vacancies. Faculty would prefer Regents with a background and interest in education and, at the same time, the SEC could be communicating regularly with the Board of Regents on behalf of the faulty. Chair Kay agreed that the SEC will follow-up on these issues. Communication is a continuing problem. Each unit varies with respect to its organization and self-government and it is challenging to keep communication flowing in both directions. The SEC will try to get senate information accessible using e-mail and mail the minutes of each meeting to each department. A Senate-on-line has been set up on GOPHER for anyone who is interested. Other items which have been mentioned in writing by senators include changing the calendar to schedule classes like the business school with no classes on Wednesday and to consider joining together rather than building a separate campus at West Oahu. CTAHR Charter Committee on Academic Policy and Planning (CAPP) recommended that the amendment to CTAHR's charter to enlarge their committee structure to have five standing committees on personnel, elections, extension, instruction and research be accepted unanimously. It is unclear why the Manoa Faculty Senate is acting this charter, but the President did send to us. A vote was taken on whether or not to forward the amended charter to the President and recommend that he approve it and 46 approved, 0 opposed and 0 abstained. CAPP Resolution CAPP introduced a resolution stating that the transfer of a named, endowed chair from one academic unit to another require a consultation with the faculty. The resolution is a result of an impeding transfer of the Matson Chair from TIM to the College of Business. TIM faculty indicated that they have not been consulted about the move which will have a large negative impact on their academic program. This resolution will be on the next month's meeting agenda Senior VP of Research & Graduate Education The three candidate interviewing for this position will be on campus in November. We are requesting that public meetings be held with each candidate. AFCFSC All faculty Senate Chair are a member of this group. Please feel free to attend the meeting and provide input. The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 pm Respectfully submitted, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI’I AT MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE/ An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE Linda Cox Secretary UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI’I AT MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE/ An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution