University of Hawaii at Manoa Faculty Senate, May 3, 1995
Architecture #205
Presiding: James Heasley, Vice Chair, Manoa Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Senators Present: Belinda Aquino, Barry Brennan, James Cartwright, John Casken, Sandra Chang, David
Chappell, Donna Ching, Joanne Cooper, Joel Cohn, Linda Cox, James Dator, Austin Dias, Marilyn Dunlap, Joel
Fischer, Delores Foley, Patricia Fryer, Gregg Geary, James Heasley, J. Patrick Henry, Kathryn Hoffman,
Kiyoshi Ikeda, Noel Kent, Adelheid Kuehnle, Barry Labonte, William Lampe, Brue Liebert, Nancy Lind, Bert
Lum, Margaret Maaka, Christopher Measures, Karen Meech, Ralph Moberly, Jane Moulin, Marita Nelson,
Cynthia Ning, Roy Nishimoto, E. Aiko Oda, Stephen OíHarrow, Neva Owens, C.S. Papacostas, Thomas
Ramsey, Leon Serafim, Pauline Sheldon, James Silva, Thomas Speitel, John Stimson, Glenn Teves, Judy
Weightman, Lorrie Wong, Rosemarie Woodruff
Senators Absent: Dana Alden, Nell Altizer, James Brandon, Sandra Chang, Steven Dawson, Richard Guillory,
Sue Hanson, Fred MacKenzie, John Melish, Marian Melish, Deane Neubauer, Nicholas Ordway, Robert Paull,
Karen Peacock, Anthony Picard, Teresita Ramos, Raul Rudoy, Janice Shoultz, Joseph Stanton, Patricia
Steinhoff, Victor Stenger, Jane Tribble, Alice Tse, Roy Wilkens, Ming-Bao Yue
Senators Excused: Gaye Chan, E. Alison Kay, Peter Nicholson, Victor Olgyay, Thomas Pearson,
Visitors: President Kenneth P. Mortimer, Senior Vice President for Research and Graduate Education Dean O.
Smith, Rodney Sakaguchi, Richard Gugg, Dan Hoover, David Wylie, Barry Huebert, Lardy, Pat Cooper, Greg
Moore, Jill Kosta, Brian Taylor, Thomas Bopp
Meeting was called to order by at 3:10 PM by Vice Chair James Heasley. The minutes from the April 19,1995
meeting were approved as written and the minutes from the April 26, 1995 meeting were corrected for typos
and approved.
President Mortimerís Address
President Mortimer distributed a copy of the budget that was just passed by the Legislature and explained that
this budget represents a change in the financial relationship between the State and the University. The budget
passed by the Legislature shows a decrease in general funds and an increase in special funds so that the net
1995/96 UH budget contains no cuts. However, the 1996/97 portion of the budget passed by the Legislature
contains some cuts because some of the increases in special funds from the previous year are one-time
increases. Rodney Sakaguchi explained that the bottom figures in the Presidentís handout are position counts.
The President said the tuition bill passed by the Legislature gives UH control over its tuition, including the
ability to set tuition and to grant fee waivers. The bill to reform RCUH which will organize RCUH so that five
members of the BOR, the President and five members of the public at large will now comprise RCUHís Board
of Director was also passed by the Legislature. RCUH will retain flexibility in handling personnel and
procurement issues, while at the same time, creating one system for UH to handle extra mural funds. A bill to
allow UH to charge a graduate school application fee and a bill to examine the possibility of allowing optional
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retirement plans such as TIIA/CREF were also passed. The President concluded that UH did very well at the
In response to a question about whether or not the Governor is likely to sign the bills and budget passed, the
President made it clear that any predictions on his part about the Governorís behavior were speculation.
However, he feels there is a good probability that the governor will sign the bills and the budget, but there will
probably be a restriction in the same range as the one percent restriction experienced in each of the past two
years. The President also cautioned that even if the UH budget is not cut, budget hearing will continue and
budget reallocations may still occur.
In response to a question on tuition and fee waivers, the President said the current bill somewhat protects UH
from being forced to raise tuition. Discussions on tuition increases and financial aid packages will start as soon
as the bill is signed by the Governor. However, the President expects to stop growth in tuition waivers and to
grandfather in this yearís wavers. In response to the Senateís concerns about endowed chairs and the Matson
chair, the President has drafted a development policy and received a report from TIM about the academic
implications of moving the Matson Chair.
In response to a question about a proposal to eliminate one semester sabbatical leaves, the President said that
one semester sabbatical leaves are the most expensive types of sabbaticals. As a cost containment measure, he
has considered eliminating them, but this is not an official proposal.
Senior Vice President Smithís Address
Senior Vice President Smith said he was proud to join the UH faculty and administration. He spent a few years
at UCLA and the majority of his career, 19 years, at Wisconsin. Wisconsin has a research budget that is
comparable to that here and he is looking forward to hearing from faculty on how to improve things here at UH.
His e-mail address is dosmith@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu
In response to a question on whether or not any academic programs, graduate or undergraduate, will be
reporting through his office, he replied that while SOEST and CTAHR now go through his office, he anticipates
that academic affairs will be referred to Senior Vice President Eastmanís office. However, he did caution that
things may change in the future.
As far as the new accounting system goes, Senior Vice President Smith said he will be involved with RCUH
and recognizes that there are bottlenecks that need to be taken care of so that research funds can move at
maximum efficiency. Again, he cautioned that he is still learning and change take time.
Senior Vice President Smith was welcomed and warned that a former Vice President said we shouldnít do
research at UH because it is too difficult to manage with the current fiscal policies. Senior Vice President Smith
explained that he knows the value of research is hard to explain to the general public. He is interested in any
information on the economic impact of our research on the State. We must be able to explain in detail how our
work contributes to the well being of Hawaiiís people.
He also indicated that he feels research and graduate education are inseparable and he intends to take an active
role in graduate education, especially since the Dean of the Graduate Division will be returning to the faculty.
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He also wants to provide the maximum possible benefit packages to graduate students so that we can remain
competitive for graduate students and the benefit package includes fee waivers.
Chairís Report
Vice Chair Heasley thanked everyone involved this past academic year in the Senate. He reviewed the year
starting with the list of important issues we developed after discussing the results of the faculty morale survey.
He announced that Senior Vice President Eastman told Deans and Directors that they will be reviewed as
requested by Faculty Senate. He reminded us that Senior Vice President Eastman is willing to work with us on
revising the tenure and promotion guidelines. She and the President have made a verbal commitment to reward
faculty for engaging in curriculum development and reform. He highlighted our successful efforts to begin a
systemwide discussion of general education.
Heasley noted that during the General Education conference, President Mortimer reminded the participants of
many important academic issues that are facing our universities today. These include (1) a decline in standards,
(2) the need to assess the success of our educational efforts, (3) curricular incoherence, (4) the preparation of
students for a university education, and (5) the reward structure for faculty. Heasley went on to say that while
the Committee on Academic Planning and Policy (CAPP) is one of the most frequently requested assignments
in the Senate, only a small number of senators are actually assigned to this committee. At the same time, we
face many challenges and no one committee, including CAPP, could deal with all of them in the next few years.
He urged the 1995/96 Faculty Senate to find ways to involve more members of the Senate and the faulty at large
in working toward at better university.
Vice Chair Heasley thanked everyone who participated in the rally on April 29 and stressed that we must
continue to get our message that an investment in UH is an investment in Hawaiiís future out. The governor email address is governor@hinc.hawaii.gov.
He displayed the list of senators that agreed to stand for election to the SEC and asked for nominations from the
floor. There were no new nominations and current nominees were reminded that they should provide a short
biography and statement of purpose to the Faculty Senate office.
New Business
Senators were asked to continue to direct their efforts and those of their colleagues at helping the public
understand the importance of UH.
Special appreciation was expressed to Vice Chair Heasley for filling the shoes of Chair Kay this past month,
especially for his work at contacting the Faculty Senate on e-mail.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda J. Cox
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An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution