University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Mānoa Faculty Senate UH Mānoa Faculty Senate Committee on Library Services Reorganization Proposal Consultation and Review Checklist Senate Committee name: Committee on Administration and Budget_______________________________ Reorganization proposal: _Library Services__________________________________ Date review completed: _February 8, 2012_______________________________ Summary of faculty senate committee review: Committee consultation with Administration (names and meeting dates): __Alan Grosenheider, Associate University Librarian (Interim) January 25, 2012________________________ Committee consultation with affected units (names and meeting dates): __Library Senate Members on January 23, 2012_______________________________________________________________________ Other committee consultations (names and meeting dates): __UHPA, Kris Hanselman, Linda Aragon, January 25, 2012_____________________________________________________ Action recommended by the committee (check one): Endorse ________ Endorse with Reservations ________ Oppose ___XX__ Returned without recommendation ________ Comments (summary rationale for recommendations): _Most faculty members in the Library agree that some reorganization of the library is necessary; however surveys conducted by the Library Senate indicate a minority of the Library fully endorse the proposed reorganization. A survey conducted by the Library Senate indicated less than 23% either strongly support or support the proposed reorganization. In contrast, 38.46% of the respondents strongly oppose the proposed reorganization and 19.23% oppose the reorganization with 19.23% undecided. This was echoed in the meeting with CAB meeting with the Library Faculty Senate. Most agree that the library needs some reorganization but the proposed reorganization is drastic, not well justified in the minds of the faculty. CAB opposes the reorganization and urges opening up the conversation with the library faculty to sort out differences. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Documentation of due diligence in faculty senate review of proposal: Please provide comments to explain the committee’s rationale for each question. The lower the score, the more explanation there should be of shortcomings. I. Adequacy of reorganization proposal documentation (Score 1 to 5: 1 inadequate, 5 excellent, or NA – Not applicable) # 1 Question Is the background and rationale for reorganization explained in sufficient detail to justify the organizational Comments Yes Score 4 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Mānoa Faculty Senate 2 3 4 5 6 changes proposed? Are the groups affected by the reorganization (students, faculty, staff) identified and the impact of the reorganization on these groups explained? Are the supervisor/subordinate reporting relationships properly identified? Are the position numbers and position classifications accurate and properly listed in the proposal narrative and organizational charts? Is specific qualitative and quantitative information provided to explain the problem being addressed and the benefits of the reorganization? Are all resource requirements or savings fully explained? 7 Do the estimated resource requirements or savings appear to be accurate? 8 Are the estimated annual costs and/or benefits of the reorganization provided with an explanation of how these costs will be funded? (Additional costs may include new positions, position reclassifications, office furniture or other expenses.) 9 Will additional or alternative space be required due to the reorganization? 9a If so, how are the space issues addressed? 10 Have all documents and correspondence been posted on the OVCAFO website? Not fully, one area of affected stakeholders that were not consulted was the users of the library. Proposed reorganization would reduce staff devoted to assisting disciplines; no input from these groups was obtained. 1 Somewhat, concerns were raised about elevating APTs to have duties done previously by library faculty. 3 Apparently 3 Qualitative information was provided in the reorganization, however there were concerns raised about the validity of the information. 3 Cost neutral but with the concerns raised by UHPA that 1 faculty duties will be changed, that new Department Heads with additional responsibilities may deserve greater stipends; that APTs duties may be increased and may require rebranding of the positions, resulting in greater salary and fringe costs. Not apparent 3 Proposed reorganization is “cost neutral” however 2 concerns raised by affected parties may actually require additional costs through rebranding APT positions; new burdens on Department Heads. No apparent physical plant costs. No NA NA NA Yes 4 II. Appropriateness of Administration’s process and consultation (Score 1 to 5: 1 = process not followed, 5 process followed in the best of faith, or NA - Not applicable) # Question 1 Is the reorganization being proposed by the appropriate administrative leader, and vetted with the appropriate superior? Comments Concerns were raised by some library faculty that the entire Library administration is “interim” and the proposed reorganization is the exit plan of the recently Score 3 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Mānoa Faculty Senate retired University Librarian Consulted, yes; yet concerns were raised by a majority of library faculty that suggestions for change were not taken into consideration or ignored. Has the administration responded to the Differences of opinion exist on this. Written document unit’s concerns about the reorganization? and Library administrator indicate that concerns were taken into consideration and the proposed plan is a 2nd or 3rd iteration of the plan; yet Library faculty believe that the plan still is short sited and not fully vetted with the affected faculty and staff Has all relevant information been posted Yes on the appropriate website? Has the faculty Union been consulted? UHPA has been consulted and been actively questioning the reorganization; HGEA might be affected Has the administration demonstrated Again, differences of opinion exist; the administration appropriate respect for the consultative views that they’ve been open and forthright; yet many process? of the library faculty are unhappy with the process 2 Have the members of the affected unit been consulted? 2 3 2 4 5 6 4 5 2 III. Merits of the proposal (Score 1 to 5: 1 = proposal lacks merit, 5 =proposal achieves worthy goals, or NA – Not applicable) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Question Does the reorganization address or resolve a problem that has been identified/experienced? Have other alternatives been explored before proposing reorganization, such as changing work processes? Is the reorganization consistent with the University strategic, program and financial plans? Is the current organization inadequate to address the problems experienced? What are the specific anticipated benefits of reorganization? Are the anticipated benefits significant enough to merit the effort of the reorganization? Does the reorganization minimize confusion over authority, roles and responsibilities? Comments Differences of opinion exist; many in the library believe that some reorganization is necessary yet the proposed plan fails to be fully justified According to the Library faculty, there are other alternatives that could be included in the plan Score 3 Not apparent 3 Clearly yes, the case is well made for some reorganization and the faculty agree that some reorganization is needed but there are problems with the proposed plan. Improved efficiency 3 Not apparent 3 Definitely no, the Library faculty (many of them) had problem with the logic of the reorganization and the placement of existing units with the new proposed units. Some Department heads would oversee 2 2 3 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Mānoa Faculty Senate 8 Are functional responsibilities homogeneously grouped under one organizational unit or are functions duplicated among or between various organizational segments? 9 Are there unnecessary levels of supervision for the work that must be performed? 10 Are there cost savings? 11 How significant are the cost benefits? 12 Are additional resources required? 13 How significant are the costs required? 14 Is there an impact on the instructional mission? 15 Is there an impact on the research mission? 16 Is there an impact on the service or outreach mission? 17 Do the benefits outweigh the negative impacts? 18 Are any negative impacts of the reorganization justified? significant faculty and staff; whereas others would not. Not apparent; the logic of the reorganization was lost among many of the library faculty There are reductions in levels of the organization; with some Department Heads having enormous supervisory responsibility and others with considerably less. Proposal indicate cost neutral but others have suggested that there could be significant salary costs due to rebranding of APTs, requiring greater salary and fringe benefit costs Not obvious No physical plant requirements Claim to be cost neutral yet other contend there will be significant costs. The amount of staff devoted to subject areas will be reduced, e.g. a librarian that once handled social sciences may have additional responsibilities to serve natural sciences and other areas; reducing the effectiveness because the subject matter librarian cannot fully understand the other disciplines Stakeholders who use the library for research support; e.g. faculty and graduate students appear not to have been consulted in the reorganization plan and the proposed plan will reduce the amount of staff devoted to serving the subject matter areas; staff will have to take on additional responsibilities reducing the overall effectiveness of the library to assist the research mission Outside stakeholders within UH-M appear to have not been consulted. Not apparent – some reorganization will bring efficiencies, in particular the loss of confidence with library faculty and staff No 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 2