University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Mānoa Faculty Senate Presented to the Mānoa Faculty Senate by the Senate Executive Committee (SEC) for a Senate vote on November 16, 2011. November 7, 2011 MOTION TO APPROVE SEC RECOMMENDATION TO TEMPORARILY SUSPEND THE SENATE’S 12/2010 RECOMMENDATION ON 60 NON –INTRO COURSE CREDIT REQUIREMENT PENDING COMMITTEE REVIEW The Senate Executive Committee (SEC) recommends that the Senate vote to temporarily suspend the Senate’s 12/2010 Recommendation on 60 Non-intro Course Credit Requirement pending the Committee on Academic Policy and Planning’s (CAPP) reconsideration of the policy provision requiring 45 credits of upper division course work. RATIONALLE The Manoa Faculty Senate approved CAPP’s 12/2010 Recommendation on 60 Non-intro Course Credit Requirement unanimously. Multiple faculty members have asked the Senate to reconsider the provision requiring 45 credits of upper division course work. Specifically, the request is to reduce the 45 upper division credit requirement. The rationale for this request is that the requirement will have a disparate and bad consequence for majors that require many difficult 200 level courses. For example, substantive and difficult courses with low survival rates populate the 200 level in the Natural Sciences (4 semesters of engineering calculus, organic chemistry), but aren't counted as "upper division". Mānoa Faculty Senate 2500 Campus Road Hawaiʻi Hall 208 Honolulu, HI 96822 Ph: (808) 956-7725 Fx: (808) 956-9813 1