UNH CPE Monitoring Form Training Information Participant/Audience Information Monitor/Observer Information

UNH CPE Monitoring Form
Training Information
Participant/Audience Information
Intended Audience:
# of Attendees:
Monitor/Observer Information
Date Observed:
Date Completed:
Training Environment
The training environment refers to the physical environment where the training is taking place.
Factors such as the following should be considered in your evaluation of the physical
environment: room temperature, noise levels, comfort level, set up of the room, visibility for the
participants etc.
Is the environment conducive to learning? Yes
Please explain your answer and provide examples.
Training Structure
The structure of the training refers to its organization, order, and flow.
Did the trainers clearly present the learning objectives?
Were the learning objectives presented at the beginning of training? Yes
Were all the learning objectives addressed? Yes
Explain if necessary:
Were breaks/lunch provided on time, appropriately? Yes
Please provide any additional observations/comments about the training structure.
Training Content
In the context of training, content refers to the subject matter being presented. For example,
handouts may have an outdated format, but the information presented should be current.
Content was relevant to the learning objectives.
Content was up-to-date.
Content included applicable case scenarios. Yes
Please provide any additional observations/comments about the training content:
Training Materials/Tools/Methods
Definition: any materials, tools or methods used throughout the training to enhance the learning
experience. Examples include but are not limited to: Handouts, Powerpoints, videos, case
examples, lecture, discussion, role plays, small group work, activities, etc.
Please describe which methods, tools, and materials were most effective. Be as specific as
Please how any materials, tools, or methods used might be improved. Be as specific as
Did the technology used in the training function properly?
Please list any technical difficulties:
In this section you will be asked to evaluate the trainer based on the principles of adult learning
theory. Each of the 6 principles that you learned about in the Monitoring Powerpoint are listed
1. Adults are internally motivated and self directed.
2. Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences.
3. Adults are goal oriented.
4. Adults are relevancy oriented.
5. Adults are practical.
6. Adult learners like to be respected.
1. Did the trainer provide concrete examples of how to apply the content to practice?
2. Did the trainer encourage participants to share their own experiences when
3. Did the trainer treat participants and their contributions with respect?
4. Did the trainer ask participants to share their goals for the training?
5. Please share any other ways in which the trainer applied the 6 principles of adult
Throughout the training be sure to observe the behaviors, comments and engagement of the
participants. In the section below you will be asked to evaluate the participants.
Please record general observations of the participant’s reactions to the training.
Did any participants have negative reactions to the training? If so, how were those
reactions managed by the trainer?
Were there any star performers amongst the participants (e.g., participants whose
participation improved the quality of the training)? Please include names so positive
feedback can be provided to the participants and supervisors.
Did you have any concerns about the participation and/or participants? Please do not
include names. If you have any concerns about specific participants please speak to a CPE
staff member.
Trainer Debriefing
At the conclusion of the training please have a discussion with the trainer if possible. This
conversation should address any compliments, comments or concerns about the environment,
training, trainer, participants, etc.
Please summarize the content of your conversation with the trainer: