THE DEMOGRAPHIC AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL IMPACT OF HIV/AIDS TREATMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAMMES: AN EVALUATION BASED ON THE ASSA2000 MODEL By LF Johnson and RE Dorrington Presented at the 2002 Demographic Association of Southern Africa Conference Do not quote without authors’ consent. ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to present a model for assessing the demographic and epidemiological impacts of a range of HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention programmes in South Africa. The model on which this analysis is based is the ‘lite’ version of the ASSA2000 AIDS and Demographic model. A number of adaptations were made to the model prior to the development of intervention-specific components. Following this, four prevention and treatment programmes were modelled: improvement to treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, voluntary counselling and testing, mother-to-child transmission prevention and antiretroviral treatment. Results suggest that all four programmes can significantly reduce the level of new HIV infections. However, prevention programmes alone will not address the short-term consequences of the epidemic in terms of mortality, morbidity and orphanhood. KEYWORDS HIV; AIDS; intervention; prevention; treatment; model CONTACT DETAILS Leigh Johnson, Centre for Actuarial Research, Department of Actuarial Science, Leslie Commerce Building, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch 7701. Tel: (021) 650 5761. Fax: (021) 689 7580. E-mail: 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 In the early years of South Africa’s AIDS epidemic, AIDS models were used primarily as a means of alerting policy-makers to the threats facing the country. Projections were commonly made on the assumption that there would be no change in sexual behaviour and no significant health interventions in response to the epidemic. Little emphasis was placed on the use of AIDS models in the development of solutions to the problems presented by the AIDS epidemic. 1.2 Of the HIV/AIDS intervention models that have been developed to date, many suffer from a variety of limitations. Many are capable only of static, short-term analyses. Others do not allow for investigation into the interactions that may be expected between intervention programmes. Almost all are based on hypothetical parameter changes, for which there is little empirical evidence. Our objective has therefore been to develop a model that overcomes these limitations, and provides a holistic perspective on the treatment and prevention of AIDS. 1.3 The purpose of this paper is to present a model for assessing the demographic and epidemiological impacts of a range of HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention programmes in South Africa. Thus far, four prevention and treatment programmes have been modelled: improvement to treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), mother-to-child transmission prevention (MTCTP) and antiretroviral treatment (ART). 1.4 Although the results are provisional, it is anticipated that they will be useful in formulating health policy. This paper summarizes the findings of a more detailed report (Johnson and Dorrington, 2002). The interested reader is referred to this report for more detailed discussion of the modelling issues and the key components of intervention programmes. 2. PREREQUISITES FOR AN INTERVENTIONS MODEL The model on which this study is based is the ASSA2000 AIDS and Demographic model. The modelling of interventions necessitated four major adaptations to this model prior to the development of the intervention-specific components. Before describing these four adaptations, we provide a background description of the ASSA2000 model. 2.1 BACKGROUND TO THE ASSA2000 MODEL 2.1.1 The ASSA2000 AIDS and Demographic model is a spreadsheet model that is used to project the future demographic impact of a heterosexual HIV/AIDS epidemic on a population, and to calculate various HIV/AIDS statistics. The fundamental assumption of the ASSA2000 model is that the adult population can be divided into four ‘risk groups’ that represent different levels of sexual activity and different risks of HIV transmission. In descending order of level of sex activity, these four groups are referred to as PRO, STD, RSK and NOT. 2.1.2 The parameters in the model are set in such a way as to enable the model to reproduce observed levels of mortality and HIV prevalence. The major source of information on HIV prevalence is the annual antenatal clinic surveys conducted by the Department of Health. Figure 1 shows the match between the levels of prevalence estimated in the surveys of pregnant women attending public antenatal clinics, and the levels of prevalence estimated by the adapted ASSA2000 model for pregnant women attending public sector clinics. Although the current model estimates of prevalence are close to the current levels of prevalence being observed in the antenatal surveys, there has been a deliberate attempt to produce estimates of prevalence that are lower than those observed in the antenatal surveys in the earlier years of the epidemic, to allow for a bias towards urban areas in the early antenatal clinic survey results (Webb, 1994). 30% 25% 20% E s t im a t e d 15% O b s e rve d 10% 5% 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 0% Figure 1: Estimated and observed levels of prevalence among women attending public antenatal clinics 2.1.3 Attempts have also been made to ensure correspondence between the level of mortality reported in South Africa (Dorrington et al, 2001) and that estimated by the adapted ASSA2000 model. Figures 2(a) and (b) show that the model produces an acceptably close fit to the levels of mortality estimated by Dorrington et al. 25,000 20,000 20,000 16,000 15,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 5,000 4,000 0 R e c o rd e d deaths E s t im a t e d deaths 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85+ 5 20 (a ) Ma le d e a th s 35 50 65 80 (b ) F e m a le d e a th s Figure 2: Male and female mortality in 1999/2000 2.1.4 The model developments described below are based on the ‘lite’ version1 of the ASSA2000 model, which ignores racial and inter-regional differences in HIV prevalence. The adapted model is not yet publicly available. However, some of the adaptations presented in this paper will be incorporated in ASSA2001, the next version of the model due for release. 2.2 DIVISION OF THE HIV POSITIVE POPULATION BETWEEN THE PRIVATE AND PUBLIC HEALTH SECTORS 2.2.1 The costs of the interventions considered in this document will ultimately be divided between state and private providers of healthcare. In order to determine the extent to which these costs are borne by each, it is necessary to estimate the relative 1 This version and other versions of the ASSA2000 model can be downloaded free of charge from the Actuarial Society of South Africa website: sizes of the insured (medical scheme) and uninsured (non-medical scheme) populations, and the relative levels of HIV prevalence in the two groups. The term ‘non-medical scheme population’ is used to refer to individuals who are not beneficiaries of medical schemes. 2.2.2 Rama and McLeod (2001) estimate that in 1991 roughly 17% of South Africa’s population were covered by medical schemes. This proportion fell to roughly 16% in 1999. In the ASSA2000 model it is assumed, for the sake of simplicity, that the initial (1985) proportion of the adult population in the medical scheme population is 17%, that 13% of all births2 are to women in medical schemes, and that 13% of individuals under the age of 14 are covered by medical schemes. This reflects the lower levels of fertility among women in medical schemes relative to women of lower socioeconomic status. It is further assumed that on reaching age 14, 17% of individuals will either already be beneficiaries of medical schemes, or will join medical schemes in the near future. 2.2.3 As part of a separate exercise, the HIV prevalence in the medical scheme population was estimated using estimates of the demographic profile of the medical scheme population (based on data from the 1998 October Household Survey, the 1996 Census, and the September 2001 Labour Force Survey), and unpublished estimates of HIV prevalence by age, gender, race and skill level (currently being worked on by CARE). The method and results of this exercise are discussed in more detail in Appendix A. 2.2.4 The model parameters for the medical scheme population have been set to reproduce roughly the levels of HIV prevalence estimated in Appendix A. As shown in Appendix A, a range of future prevalence levels are possible in the medical scheme population, depending on legislative and socio-economic conditions. The objective has therefore been to set the parameters to obtain a prevalence curve lying roughly mid-way between the prevalence estimates for scenarios A and C, the two most extreme scenarios considered. 2.2.5 HIV prevalence levels in the non-medical scheme population are based on the prevalence of women attending public antenatal clinics (most of whom, it is assumed, are not medical scheme beneficiaries). Parameters for the non-medical scheme population are set so as to reproduce these levels of HIV prevalence for pregnant women. 2.3 DIVISION OF THE HIV POSITIVE POPULATION ACCORDING TO STAGE OF DISEASE 2.3.1 The modelling of the proportions of the HIV positive population in the various stages of HIV disease is significant for a number of reasons. Most importantly, it provides information on the burden of disease in the population, and the extent to which this burden of disease is reduced is a critical indicator of success for any 2 There is little data on fertility rates for different socio-economic groups, though estimates of fertility by race are included in the ‘full’ version of the ASSA2000 model. These race-specific fertility rates were weighted by the proportions of the medical scheme population in the different race groups, to obtain average fertility rates for the medical scheme and non-medical scheme populations. This yielded an estimate of 13% of all births being to women in medical schemes. HIV/AIDS intervention. In addition, the modelling of disease stage allows for improved accuracy, as levels of infectivity and sexual activity are known to vary by stage of disease and duration of infection. 2.3.2 In the original version of the ASSA2000 model, survival was modelled in aggregate using a Weibull distribution (Dorrington, 2000). In the model developed here, adults are assumed to progress through four stages of HIV infection before dying from AIDS. These four stages correspond to those defined in the WHO Clinical Staging System3, and the time spent in each stage is modelled using a Weibull distribution. The terms spent in each stage were determined from a review of studies conducted locally and internationally. This review, as well as the procedure used to set the median and shape parameters in each stage, is described in Appendix B. Table 1 shows the median and shape parameters assumed for each stage. WHO Age at infection Clinical 14 - 24 25 - 34 > 34 Stage Median Shape Median Shape Median Shape 1 2.84 1.87 2.63 1.81 2.42 1.76 2 1.78 1.22 1.65 1.21 1.52 1.19 3 3.98 2.67 3.70 2.56 3.42 2.45 4 1.37 1.00 1.28 1.00 1.19 1.00 Table 1: Median (years) and shape parameter assumptions for adults 2.3.3 Clinical staging systems used for children differ from those used for adults, and there is little data available on the length of time children spend in each stage. For these reasons, the survival of children has been modelled using a simple two-stage survival function: pre-AIDS and AIDS. As for adults, the length of time spent in each stage is modelled using a Weibull distribution. The median parameters were set in such a way as to preserve roughly the medians of the original ASSA2000 survivor functions for children. The estimates of Taha et al (2000) and Spira et al (1999) were used to estimate the median term to death following progression to AIDS. Table 2 shows the median and shape parameters assumed for each stage. Perinatally infected Infected by breastmilk Median Shape Median Shape Pre-AIDS 0.83 1.0 5.00 2.8 AIDS 0.75 1.0 0.75 1.0 Stage Table 2: Median (years) and shape parameter assumptions for children 2.3.4 For both adults and children, the staging models described above are used to calculate, for each year following infection, the mortality rates and the proportions of survivors in each stage of disease. The staging models have been extended to create two further stages: receiving antiretroviral treatment and having failed antiretroviral treatment. This extension is described in more detail in section 6.2. 3 The first two phases are largely asymptomatic, with only minor manifestations of HIV disease. The third stage is characterized by AIDS-related complexes, and the fourth stage is what is conventionally known as AIDS (Maartens, 1999). 2.4 IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MODEL OF HIV TRANSMISSION 2.4.1 A limitation of the current model of transmission used in ASSA2000 is that it does not take into account differences in the levels of infectivity and sexual activity over the course of HIV infection. Antiretroviral treatment is usually initiated in later stages of disease, when HIV positive individuals are at their most infectious, and it has the effect of reducing substantially the risk of transmitting the virus. The exact extent of this benefit can only be determined if probabilities of transmission are calculated separately for each stage of disease. 2.4.2 The transmission probability formula used in the original ASSA2000 model is shown below (Dorrington, 2000). The probability of an individual in risk group i, of age x, becoming infected in a given year is 4 59 n s ( x) 1 wij p j ( y ).h( y | x). 1 rij 1 f i ( x).e ij j 1 y 15 4 59 1 wij p j ( y ).h( y | x) j 1 y 15 mi s( x) where wij is the proportion of the individual’s partners that are in risk group j p j ( y ) is the proportion of the individual’s y-year old partners, in risk group j, that are HIV positive h( y | x) is the proportion of the individual’s partners that are aged y rij is the probability that the individual will be infected if they engage in a single act of unprotected sex with an individual in risk group j f i (x) is the probability that the individual uses a condom e is the effectiveness of condoms in preventing HIV transmission n ij is the number of sexual contacts the individual is likely to have per partner in risk group j s (x ) is an index of the level of sex activity at age x mi is the number of sexual partners the individual has per year (All parameters, with the exception of e and f i (x) , are gender-specific). 2.4.3 To allow for the effect of disease stage on the probability of transmission, the same formula is used, but the first term in the first set of brackets is changed slightly. The first term becomes 4 59 6 j 1 y 15 t 1 wij h( y | x) ptj ( y). 1 Ttij ( y) where nij s ( y ) Dt t is the stage of disease (stages 1 to 4 correspond to the four stages of the WHO Clinical Staging System, stage 5 comprises individuals on antiretroviral treatment, and stage 6 comprises individuals who have failed antiretroviral treatment) p tj ( y ) is the proportion of the individual’s y-year old partners, in risk group j, that are HIV positive and in stage t of disease Dt is the factor by which the amount of sex is reduced in stage t of disease Ttij ( y ) is the probability that an HIV positive y-year old, in stage t of disease and in risk group j, transmits the virus to a partner in risk group i, during a single act of sexual intercourse 2.4.4 The factor Ttij ( y ) can be expanded as follows: Ttij ( y ) rij . I t 1 1 1 f j ( y ) Rt e where I t is the factor by which the risk of transmission (per act of unprotected sex) is increased in stage t of disease Rt is the factor by which the proportion of sex acts that are unprotected is reduced in stage t of disease 2.4.5 The Dt , I t and Rt parameters have been set using data from a number of sources, as shown below. The approach to setting the parameters for stages 5 and 6 is described in sections 4.2 and 6.2. Assumption D1 = D2 = D3 = 1, D4 = 0.5 I 1 = 1, I 2 I 3 0.7 , I 4 = 5 R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = 1 Source Based on Gray et al (1998), Gray et al (2001) De Vincenzi et al (1994) - 2.5 PHASING-IN OF INTERVENTIONS 2.5.1 Table 3 shows the rates at which interventions are assumed to be phased in4. Prior to 2001, phase-in rates are assumed to be 0 for all interventions, and the rate of phase-in is assumed to remain at 90% in all years after 2006. The rates of phase-in are the same for all the interventions considered, with the exception of mother-to-child transmission prevention, which has already been partially implemented. Intervention STD treatment Voluntary counselling and testing Mother-to-child transmission prevention Antiretroviral treatment 2001 0% 0% 10% 0% 2002 20% 20% 30% 20% 2003 40% 40% 50% 40% 2004 60% 60% 70% 60% 2005 80% 80% 85% 80% 2006 90% 90% 90% 90% Table 3: Rates of phase-in 4 The rate of phase-in for a given programme can be thought of as the proportion of potential programme participants who have access to the programme, and choose to participate in it. 2.5.2 The calendar year intervals are defined in the ASSA2000 model to run from mid-year to mid-year. This means that the phase-in rate for 2002 applies between mid-2002 and mid-2003. The phase-in rates shown in Table 3 thus correspond, roughly, to the rates of phase-in that would be expected at the end of the years in question. 2.5.3 The model has been structured in such a way that the same rates of phase-in must be assumed for the medical scheme and non-medical scheme populations. This is a significant limitation of the interventions model, as many of the interventions considered have already been introduced in the medical scheme environment. However, given that the rate of medical scheme membership is low among HIV positive individuals, this simplifying assumption is unlikely to distort significantly the results of the intervention model for the country as a whole. 2.5.4 In addition to the changes described in preceding sections, a number of changes have been made to the parameters in the ASSA2000 model, in order to ensure consistency with the antenatal prevalence and reported death data, and to take into account more recent research. These changes are described in Appendix C. 3. TREATMENT FOR SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES The risk of HIV transmission is greatly increased in the presence of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Effective treatment of STDs is therefore vital in halting the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. 3.1 INTERVENTION MODELLED 3.1.1 In the intervention scenario presented below, treatment for STDs in South Africa is assumed to be improved in three ways. Firstly, syndromic management guidelines for STD treatment are assumed to be adopted by private practitioners. Secondly, it is assumed that cases of herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) are treated with acyclovir by both public STD clinics and private practitioners. Thirdly, it is assumed that drug shortages at public STD clinics are eliminated. 3.1.2 Although modification of health seeking behaviour and improvement in access to STD treatment are also crucial to the success of an STD treatment programme, these have not been included in the intervention modelled because of the difficulties associated with determining appropriate assumptions. 3.2 MODEL STRUCTURE AND PARAMETERS 3.2.1 Ulcerative and non-ulcerative5 STD symptoms differ in terms of their incidence, their duration and the extent to which they enhance HIV transmission. The approach taken has therefore been to model separately the two types of STD, as shown in Figure 3. 5 Symptoms of non-ulcerative STDs include discharge, painful urination and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Genital ulcers (with/without other STDs) Symptomfree Unsuccessful treatment Successful treatment Discharge or PID, with no genital ulcers Unsuccessful treatment Figure 3: A multi-state model of STD infection and treatment 3.2.2 A number of assumptions are made in developing this model. (a) It is assumed that asymtomatic STDs do not enhance the transmission of HIV. The above model is thus concerned only with STD symptoms. (b) It is assumed that, with the exception of herpes, the incidence of STD symptoms is directly proportional to the prevalence of the associated symptoms. For herpes, the incidence of symptoms is assumed to be proportional to the prevalence of the herpes virus, and the incidence of herpes infection is, in turn, assumed to be proportional to the prevalence of herpes symptoms (not herpes infection). (c) For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that all STDs are confined to the STD and PRO risk groups in the ASSA2000 model. If individuals in the RSK group do become infected with an STD, it is assumed that they receive prompt treatment for it, and that it does not, therefore, increase their susceptibility to HIV infection. (d) For the sake of simplicity, the rate of STD incidence is assumed not to vary according to age. The reality is that STD prevalence tends to be highest at young ages, particularly among women (DOH, 2002). (e) It is assumed, for the purpose of modelling STD incidence and HIV transmission probabilities, that the risks of STD infection in an individual and their partner are uncorrelated. This simplifies the model mathematically and avoids the need to model the risk of partner re-infection. Although this is an extreme assumption, individuals in the STD and PRO risk groups are assumed to be very sexually active, and would in many cases have multiple partners. The assumption may therefore serve as an approximation to reality. (f) Adherence to STD treatment is not modelled explicitly. There is also no explicit allowance for resistance to antibiotics, although this is known to be a significant problem in the treatment of chancroid and gonorrhoea (PhamKanter et al, 1996). 3.2.3 The parameters assumed and the sources on which they are based are shown in Table 4 below. These are the assumptions used in the baseline ‘no intervention’ scenario. The changes that are made to these assumptions in the intervention scenario are described in section 3.1 above. Parameter Value Source Rate at which genital ulcers heal 25% /week D. Coetzee (personal Rate at which non-ulcerative symptoms heal 0% /week communication) Mean time to seeking treatment (men) 15 days Wilkinson et al (1997), Mean time to seeking treatment (women) 27 days Robinson et al (1997) % of STD patients seeking treatment at Based on D. Coetzee Private practitioners/workplace clinics 50% (pers. communication), Public STD clinics 40% Wilkinson et al (1997), Traditional healers 10% Williams et al (2000) Effectiveness of single drug treatment, based Based on DOH (1998) 50% on clinical diagnosis, for non-viral STD Effectiveness of syndromic treatment for Korenromp et al (2000) 95% non-viral STD Effectiveness of intermediate levels of 75% treatment for non-viral STD Effectiveness of acyclovir in alleviating 95% herpes ulcers Effectiveness of traditional healers 5% Proportions of private practitioners treating Varies with Dartnall et al (1997) STDs syndromically, with 1 drug, or at syndrome an intermediate level and sex Proportion of public STD clinics treating Based on Schneider et 100% STDs syndromically al (2001) Proportion of STDs not treated at public D. Coetzee (personal 20% STD clinics due to drug shortages communication) Proportion of public STD clinics treating D. Coetzee (personal 0% herpes with acyclovir communication) Proportion of private practitioners treating 50% herpes with acyclovir Proportion of ulcers attributable to herpes 36% Chen et al (2000) Reduction in frequency of unprotected sex Based on O’Farrell et while experiencing STD symptoms 50% al (1992), Williams et al (2000) Table 4: STD natural history and treatment assumptions 3.2.4 Rates of incidence for STD symptoms were set so that the model reproduced levels of male STD prevalence observed in the South African Demographic and Health Survey (DOH, 1999), and levels of female STD prevalence obtained by adjusting the male rates to reflect male:female prevalence ratios observed in other African countries (Gerbase et al, 1998). 3.2.5 Estimates of HIV transmission probabilities in the presence and absence of STDs are made by Rehle et al (1998). In the absence of other STDs, the male-to- female HIV transmission probability, per sexual contact, is assumed to be 0.002, and the female-to-male rate is assumed to be 0.001. In the presence of STD symptoms other than ulcers, these probabilities are assumed to increase to 0.02 and 0.01 respectively, and in the presence of ulcers, both probabilities are assumed to increase to 0.06. It is also assumed that the risk of HIV transmission is not dependent on which of the partners has the STD. 3.3 RESULTS 3.3.1 Utilization rates Figure 4 shows the number of visits to public STD clinics in each year, with and without the improvement in STD treatment. In the absence of any change in treatment, a gradual decline in the number of STD cases would be expected, as those who frequently experience STDs are likely to be co-infected with HIV, and are therefore likely to experience high AIDS mortality. With the introduction of the proposed changes in STD treatment, the prevalence of STDs is reduced dramatically, and this results in a further reduction in STD clinic attendance. By 2015, the number of STD clinic attendees is 2.0 million, less than half of the level that would be expected if no improvement in STD treatment were introduced. 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 No 4,000,000 in t e rve n t io n 3,000,000 W it h in t e rve n t io n 2,000,000 1,000,000 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 Figure 4: Number of visits to public STD clinics 3.3.2 STD prevalence rates Figure 5 shows the reductions in STD prevalence for females, with and without the improvement in STD treatment (similar reductions are observed for males). STD prevalence is defined for this purpose as the percentage of people experiencing a particular symptom in the last three months. As explained in the previous paragraph, a decline in STD prevalence would be expected even in the absence of any change in STD treatment protocols. Improvements in the quality of treatment result in even greater reductions in STD prevalence. The reduction in the prevalence of ulcerative STDs is more significant than the reduction in the prevalence of discharge symptoms, as the provision of acyclovir reduces the incidence of herpes (an ulcerative STD), but has no effect on other STDs. The proportionately greater reduction in the prevalence of ulcers is encouraging, as ulcerative symptoms are believed to increase the risk of HIV transmission by substantially more than discharge symptoms. 12% 10% U lc e r p re va le n c e , n o in t e rve n t io n 8% D is c h a rg e p re va le n c e , n o in t e rve n t io n 6% U lc e r p re va le n c e , w it h in t e rve n t io n 4% D is c h a rg e p re va le n c e , w it h in t e rve n t io n 2% 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0% Figure 5: Percentage of women experiencing STD symptoms in the last three months 3.3.3 New HIV infections Figure 6 shows the number of HIV infections averted in each year as a result of the improvements in STD treatment. The number of new HIV infections is reduced by 81,000 by 2009, and then drops slightly in subsequent years. A drop would be expected, as – in the absence of interventions – STDs account for a lower proportion of new HIV infections as the epidemic matures (Robinson et al, 1997). By 2015, it is expected that roughly 880,000 HIV infections would have been averted as a result of the improvement in STD treatment. 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 0 Figure 6: Number of HIV infections averted This analysis ignores the further reductions in numbers of new HIV infections that may be possible if programmes are introduced to encourage prompt treatment for STDs and to improve access to treatment in rural areas. 4. VOLUNTARY COUNSELLING AND TESTING A variety of studies have shown voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) to be highly effective in modifying sexual behaviour patterns (Merson et al, 2000). Although this intervention is often closely integrated with mother-to-child transmission prevention and antiretroviral treatment programmes, it is also often provided as an independent service. 4.1 INTERVENTION MODELLED Although a VCT programme is likely to be more effective if targeted at high-risk individuals, the modelled intervention allows anyone to access the service. All preand post-test counselling is assumed to be provided to individuals, and not to couples or groups. Condom promotion is assumed to be included in the counselling service. 4.2 MODEL STRUCTURE AND PARAMETERS 4.2.1 Figure 7 is a graphical representation of the model used to determine the numbers of individuals exposed and unexposed to the VCT programme. HIV – untested HIV + untested AIDS sick untested AIDS death HIV – tested HIV + tested AIDS sick tested Receiving ART Figure 7: A model for determining rates of exposure to the VCT programme 4.2.2 In the absence of other interventions, the number of individuals receiving VCT in a given year, when the VCT programme is fully implemented, is assumed to be 4% of untested HIV positive individuals, 3% of untested HIV negative individuals who are at risk of infection, and 1.5% of untested individuals who are not at risk of HIV infection. Although these rates are arbitrary in absolute terms, their relative levels have been chosen so that the rate of HIV prevalence among individuals receiving VCT is consistent with the levels observed by Smith (2000) among VCT recipients. If a mother-to-child transmission prevention programme is implemented, it is assumed that a certain percentage of pregnant women will also receive the VCT service. In addition, any individuals starting antiretroviral treatment, who have not previously received VCT, are assumed to receive VCT in the year that they start antiretroviral treatment. 4.2.3 Although it is assumed that those individuals receiving VCT modify their sexual behaviour, this modification is not assumed to be sustained indefinitely. A 20% reduction in the improvement in ‘safe sex behaviour’ is assumed for each year following the VCT session. This is therefore an allowance for the ‘wearing off’ of the beneficial effect of the VCT programme as individuals gradually forget what they have learnt through it, and revert to their former sexual practices. This attrition is represented in Figure 7 by a movement from the ‘HIV negative tested’ state back into the ‘untested’ state. No attrition is allowed for in individuals who test HIV positive, however, as these individuals are likely to initiate more permanent changes in sexual behaviour on learning their HIV status. 4.2.4 Using the above assumptions, it is possible to calculate, at any point in time, the proportion of HIV negative individuals who have been tested as part of the programme, and proportions of HIV positive individuals in each stage of disease who have been tested. 4.2.5 Combining the results from two studies (VCTESG (2000), de Vincenzi et al (1994)), the following assumptions are made about the effect of VCT: HIV HIV + negative (pre-AIDS) Status when VCT is received Reduction in proportion of sex acts that are unprotected Reduction in amount of sex 24% 9% 36% 19% HIV + (AIDS) 53% 31% 4.2.6 Using the above assumptions regarding changes in sexual behaviour for tested individuals, and the calculated proportions of people who have been tested, it is possible to make adjustments to the Rt and Dt factors described in section 2.4. 4.3 RESULTS 4.3.1 Utilization rates Figure 8 shows the number of individuals receiving VCT in each year, split between medical scheme members and non-members. The numbers peak in 2006, at 510,000 in the non-medical scheme population and at 100,000 in the medical scheme population. Thereafter the numbers drop substantially, as there are fewer untested people to receive counselling and testing. 700,000 600,000 500,000 N o n -m e d ic a l 400,000 s c hem e 300,000 M e d ic a l s c h e m e 200,000 100,000 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 0 Figure 8: Numbers of individuals receiving VCT 4.3.2 Reductions in unsafe sex Voluntary counselling and testing result in substantial reductions in the level of unsafe sex, as Figure 9 shows. In modelling HIV transmission, it is the rate of unsafe sex between discordant couples (i.e. couples in which one partner is HIV positive and the other HIV negative) that is of primary importance. It is expected that the VCT intervention would lead to a roughly 16% reduction in the amount of unsafe sex in discordant couples, by 2015. This would be the product of a roughly 5% reduction in the frequency of sex, and a roughly 11% reduction in the proportion of sex contacts that are unprotected. 18% 16% R e d u c t io n in a m o u n t 14% of s ex 12% R e d u c t io n in % o f s e x 10% c o n t a c t s t h a t a re 8% u n p ro t e c t e d 6% R e d u c t io n in a m o u n t o f u n p ro t e c t e d s e x 4% 2% 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 0% Figure 9: Reductions in unsafe sex in discordant couples 4.3.3 New HIV infections Figure 10 shows the reduction in the number of new HIV infections that would result from a VCT programme. The number of infections averted peaks at 35,000 per year in 2010, and then drops to 30,000 in 2015. The VCT intervention does not reduce the risk of transmission per unprotected sex act, and as the epidemic matures this risk increases because of the greater proportion of HIV positive people in late stages of disease, when transmission probabilities are highest. The benefit from the reduction in unsafe sex is therefore mitigated in later years, as transmission probabilities increase, and this causes the decline observed after 2010. The benefits from the VCT intervention are nevertheless substantial, with the cumulative number of infections averted reaching 360,000 by 2015. 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 0 Figure 10: Number of HIV infections averted 4.3.4 These projections are sensitive to changes in the assumptions regarding the percentage of people receiving VCT. It follows that a key success factor for a VCT programme is its ability to encourage people who are at risk of HIV infection to receive the service. Participation is more likely to occur if those who test positive are offered treatment, and antiretroviral treatment programmes may therefore achieve substantial reductions in high-risk behaviour if coupled with VCT. 5. MOTHER-TO-CHILD TRANSMISSION PREVENTION In the absence of any intervention, between 30 and 40% of all children born to HIV positive women are infected via their mothers. In the majority of cases, transmission occurs perinatally, and in most other cases, transmission occurs through breastfeeding. The provision of short-course antiretroviral treatment to pregnant HIV positive women, and to their children soon after birth, can reduce substantially the risk of perinatal transmission. The risk of transmission through breastfeeding can also be reduced through the promotion of formula feeding. 5.1 INTERVENTION MODELLED The mother-to-child transmission prevention (MTCTP) intervention modelled is based on the HIVNET 012 regimen, which involves the administration of nevirapine to pregnant women at the onset of labour, and to their infants soon after birth. The intervention modelled also includes the provision of formula milk to HIV positive pregnant mothers for 6 months after birth. All counselling is assumed to be conducted on an individual basis. 5.2 MODEL STRUCTURE AND PARAMETERS 5.2.1 The parameters assumed and the sources on which they are based are shown in Table 5 below. Parameter Value Proportion of pregnant women agreeing 80% to receive counselling and testing Proportion of tested HIV+ pregnant women 50% choosing to receive formula milk Proportion of tested HIV+ pregnant women 100% agreeing to receive nevirapine Effectiveness of nevirapine in reducing 47% perinatal transmission Effectiveness of formula milk in reducing 100% transmission by breast-milk Proportion of births that are live births 98.25% Source Based on Abdullah et al (2001) Guay et al (1999) T. Moultrie (personal communication) Table 5: Assumptions on MTCTP uptake and effectiveness 5.2.2 The behavioural impacts of the counselling and testing component of the mother-to-child transmission prevention programme are assumed to be the same as those described in section 4.2 for individuals attending independent VCT services. 5.3 RESULTS 5.3.1 Utilization rates Figure 11 shows the number of pregnant women agreeing to receive VCT as part of the MTCTP programme. The rate of phase-in for the MTCTP programme reaches 90% in 2006, at which stage the number of pregnant women receiving VCT is at its highest, at 690,000 women in the non-medical scheme population and 110,000 women in the medical scheme population. The decline in the number of women receiving VCT after 2006 is attributable to falling fertility rates. 9 0 0 ,0 0 0 8 0 0 ,0 0 0 7 0 0 ,0 0 0 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 No n - m e d ic a l 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 scheme 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 M e d ic a l 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 scheme 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 0 Figure 11: Number of pregnant women receiving VCT 5.3.2 Mortality rates in children Figures 12(a) and 12(b) show the infant and child mortality rates6 respectively, expressed as deaths per 1,000 lives, for scenarios with and without mother-to-child transmission prevention. In the first year of life, non-AIDS mortality is more significant than AIDS mortality, and the MTCTP intervention therefore has only a limited effect on the infant mortality rate. By contrast, the child mortality rate is more strongly affected by AIDS mortality, as non-AIDS mortality rates reduce substantially after the first year of life. The child mortality rate thus shows a greater reduction than the infant mortality rate in response to the MTCTP intervention. 6 The infant mortality rate is the probability that an infant dies within its first year of life, and the child mortality rate is the probability that an infant dies before its fifth birthday. 70 140 60 120 50 100 40 80 in t e rve n t io n 30 60 W it h 20 40 10 20 0 0 ( a ) In fa n t m o r ta lity 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 in t e rve n t io n 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 No ( b ) C h ild m o r ta lity Figure 12: Infant and child mortality rates 5.3.3 New HIV infections Figure 13 shows the annual reduction in the number of new HIV infections that can be expected if an MTCTP programme is introduced. The number peaks at 54,000 per annum in 2009. Of the infections averted by 2015, 44% are adult infections, as a result of the voluntary counselling and testing component of the MTCTP programme. This is a significant benefit of the MTCTP programme, which is often overlooked in cost-effectiveness studies (Geffen, 2001). 60,000 50,000 40,000 C h ild 30,000 A d u lt 20,000 10,000 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 0 Figure 13: Number of HIV infections averted The reduction in the number of adult infections averted after 2009 occurs for the same reasons as the reduction observed in section 4.3. The number of child infections averted peaks at 29,000 per annum in 2006, and thereafter reduces in line with declining fertility trends. The cumulative number of child and adult infections averted reaches 630,000 by 2015. 6. ANTIRETROVIRAL TREATMENT The widespread availability of antiretroviral drugs in developed countries has led to a dramatic reduction in AIDS-related morbidity and mortality. The benefits from the provision of antiretroviral treatment (ART) encompass both improvements in burden of disease measures and improvements in socio-economic outcomes. 6.1 INTERVENTION MODELLED In the intervention scenario modelled, it is assumed that triple therapy is made freely available to all adults who are HIV positive and who have experienced AIDS-defining symptoms, or whose CD4+ counts are below 200/l. For children, it is assumed that triple therapy is initiated if the child is experiencing AIDS-defining symptoms, according to the CDC Clinical Staging System for Children, or if their CD4+ percentage is below 15%. 6.2 MODEL STRUCTURE AND PARAMETERS 6.2.1 The multi-state model used in this study to determine the overall rates of mortality and morbidity, and the number of individuals receiving treatment, is represented in Figure 14 below. Stages 1-3: Incubation period Stage 4: AIDS sick Stage 5: Receiving ART Stage 6: Off ART Stage 7: AIDS death Figure 14: A multi-state model of disease progression under HIV infection 6.2.2 Stages 1 to 3, the incubation period, correspond to the first three stages in the WHO Clinical Staging System referred to in section 2.3. Initiation of antiretroviral treatment is modelled by transferring a proportion of the individuals moving into the ‘AIDS sick’ phase into the ‘Receiving ART’ phase. 6.2.3 The parameters used to determine the rates of transition between the stages in Figure 14, and the levels of morbidity and infectivity following antiretroviral treatment, are shown in Table 6 below. Parameter Value Adult probability of death In first 6 months on ART 0.082 Per annum thereafter 0.058 Probability of adult discontinuing ART In first 6 months on ART 0.091 Per annum thereafter 0.058 Source Based on assumptions of Kasper (2001), consistent with Palella et al (1998), Hogg et al (2001), Murphy et al (2001) Jordan et al (2002) Child probability of death In first 6 months on ART Per annum thereafter Probability of child discontinuing ART In first 6 months on ART Per annum thereafter Mortality rate once off treatment Reduction in AIDS morbidity on ART for adults and children Morbidity rate once off treatment Reduction in viral load while on ART Reduction in infectivity per log reduction in viral load Viral load once off treatment 0.096 0.114 Based on assumptions of Kasper (2001), consistent with de Martino et al (2000), Gortmaker et al (2001) 0.137 0.058 As for untreated AIDS R. Wood (personal 75% communication), Palella et al (1998) As for untreated AIDS 1.76 logs Jordan et al (2002) Quinn et al (2000) 67% As for untreated AIDS Table 6: Assumptions on mortality, morbidity and infectivity after initiation of ART 6.2.4 It has been further assumed that all individuals starting antiretroviral treatment first undergo voluntary counselling and testing, and hence modify their sexual behaviour in line with the assumptions discussed in section 4.2. 6.2.5 Triple therapy has been available since 1996, and much is still not known regarding the long-term effects of antiretroviral treatment. Drug-resistant strains of HIV are becoming increasingly common in developed countries in which antiretroviral treatment has been available for some time (Houston, 2001). It has also been suggested that the availability of ART may change attitudes towards the risk of HIV infection, and result in higher levels of unsafe sex. Although neither of these possible effects have been allowed for in the model, it may be necessary to make allowance for them if more substantial evidence of these effects becomes available in future. 6.3 RESULTS 6.3.1 Utilization rates Figure 15 shows the number of individuals receiving antiretroviral treatment, in the medical scheme and non-medical scheme populations. The number of people on treatment levels off at 2.7 million in the non-medical scheme population, and at 260,000 in the medical scheme population, around 2015. The provision of antiretroviral treatment to 2.7 million people would pose a significant challenge to the public health sector, and would come at a considerable expense. However, these projections are based on the assumption that the ultimate proportion of new AIDS cases receiving antiretroviral treatment is 90%. This may be unrealistic, as fear of loss of confidentiality and discrimination are powerful forces, which often lead to HIV positive people choosing not to receive the benefits for which they are eligible. 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 N o n -m e d ic a l 1,500,000 s c hem e 1,000,000 M e d ic a l s c hem e 500,000 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 0 Figure 15: Number of people receiving antiretroviral treatment 6.3.2 Impacts on AIDS mortality and morbidity Figure 16 shows the number of AIDS cases that would be expected with and without the combined ART and VCT intervention. In the absence of any intervention, the number of AIDS cases would be expected to peak at 1.24 million per year in 2010. Antiretroviral treatment reduces the incidence of AIDS-defining conditions, but because of the increasing number of people on antiretroviral treatment, the overall number of AIDS cases increases to reach a later peak of 920,000 cases per year in 2015. The reduction in the number of AIDS cases peaks at roughly 510,000 per annum in 2008. 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 No A R T VCT + ART 600,000 400,000 200,000 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 Figure 16: AIDS cases The pattern of AIDS mortality follows the pattern of AIDS morbidity closely, as Figure 17 shows. If no interventions are introduced, 710,000 deaths per annum are expected by 2009. Antiretroviral treatment, by extending the lives of HIV positive people, results in a later peak in the number of AIDS deaths – at 470,000 per annum in 2015. The cumulative reduction in AIDS deaths reaches 2.8 million by 2015. 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 No A R T 400,000 VCT + ART 300,000 200,000 100,000 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 Figure 17: AIDS deaths 6.3.3 Impacts on aggregate mortality indicators Figure 18 shows male and female life expectancies in each future year, with and without the combined VCT and ART intervention. Trends in life expectancy mirror the trends in AIDS mortality shown in Figure 17. Without any intervention, life expectancies are expected to drop by 17 years for males and 24 years for females, between 1995 and 2010. With the combined VCT and ART intervention, the ultimate drop in life expectancy (by 2014) is 11 years for males and 16 years for females. 70 65 60 M a le , n o in t e rve n t io n 55 M a le , V C T + A R T F e m a le , n o in t e rve n t io n 50 F e m a le , V C T + A R T 45 40 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 35 Figure 18: Life expectancies for males and females Figures 19(a) and 19(b) show the infant and child mortality rates resulting from the combined VCT and ART intervention. The reductions in these mortality rates are more substantial than the reductions observed in section 5.3 for a mother-tochild transmission prevention programme. 2013 2015 2009 2011 2005 1995 ( a ) In fa n t m o r ta lity 2007 0 2003 0 V CT + A RT 2001 20 in t e rve n t io n 1997 10 No 1999 40 2015 20 2013 60 2009 30 2011 80 2005 40 2007 100 2003 50 1999 120 2001 60 1995 140 1997 70 (b ) C h ild m o rta lity Figure 19: Infant and child mortality rates 6.3.4 Impacts on numbers of orphans By extending the lives of HIV positive parents, an antiretroviral treatment programme can reduce substantially the number of orphaned children. Figure 20 shows the number of children under the age of 18 who have lost their mothers. Without any intervention, this number is expected to peak at 2.9 million in 2015. With the combined VCT and ART intervention, it is expected to peak at 2.1 million in 2015. The anticipated reduction in the number of orphans, by 850,000, is one of the strongest arguments for making antiretroviral treatment freely available. 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 No in te r v e n tio n VCT + ART 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 Figure 20: Maternal orphans under the age of 18 6.3.5 New HIV infections Figure 21 shows the number of infections that would be averted if a combined VCT and ART programme were introduced, compared with the number that would be averted if only a VCT programme were introduced. The number of infections averted is likely to peak at 146,000 per annum in 2009. Thereafter, the number of infections averted reduces as more and more people discontinue therapy, and revert to the higher levels of infectivity that they would have experienced had they not received treatment. 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 V CT + A RT 80,000 V C T o n ly 60,000 40,000 20,000 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 0 Figure 21: Number of HIV infections averted By 2015, the cumulative number of infections averted is 1.4 million. This is well in excess of the 360,000 cumulative infections that would be averted if only a VCT programme were introduced. The results of this analysis suggest, therefore, that treatment can play a critical role in a prevention programme. 7. COMBINING INTERVENTIONS 7.1 In previous sections, the effects of the various interventions have been considered in isolation of other intervention programmes. The purpose of the following analysis is to demonstrate the effects of the interventions when they are combined. Three scenarios have been considered. In the first there are no intervention programmes. In the second, STD treatment is improved and VCT and MTCTP programmes are introduced. In the third, all four interventions are introduced. The second scenario can thus be regarded as a ‘prevention only’ scenario, while the third scenario incorporates antiretroviral treatment as well. The assumptions used are in all cases the same as those used in sections 3 to 6. 7.2 AIDS MORTALITY Figure 22 shows the levels of AIDS mortality under the three scenarios. Prevention programmes alone do not achieve a substantial decline in AIDS mortality levels, except in the longer term. By including antiretroviral treatment in the intervention programme, however, a more substantial reduction in AIDS mortality can be achieved in the short to medium term. Under the ‘prevention only’ scenario, the number of AIDS deaths peaks at 680,000 per annum in 2009. Under the ‘treatment and prevention’ scenario, a lower and later peak is reached in 2013, at 430,000 deaths per annum. 800,000 700,000 600,000 N o in t e rve n t io n 500,000 S TD + V C T + 400,000 M TC TP 300,000 S TD + V C T + M TC TP + A R T 200,000 100,000 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 Figure 22: AIDS deaths 7.3 HIV PREVALENCE Figure 23 shows the levels of HIV prevalence in the South African population under each scenario. In the absence of any intervention, HIV prevalence would be expected to peak between 14 and 15% in 2006, and then decline gradually as the rate of AIDS mortality begins to exceed the rate at which new infections occur. Under the ‘prevention only’ scenario, HIV prevalence levels are reduced significantly over the long term, and by 2015, levels of HIV prevalence are 2.5% lower than they would be if no intervention programmes were introduced. As may be expected, the introduction of antiretroviral treatment increases HIV prevalence rates by extending the lives of HIV positive people. The HIV prevalence level in the ‘treatment and prevention’ scenario is therefore similar to that in the ‘no intervention’ scenario, but the former would be expected to be lower than the latter over the longer term. 16% 14% 12% N o in t e rve n t io n 10% S TD + V C T + 8% M TC TP 6% S TD + V C T + M TC TP + A R T 4% 2% 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0% Figure 23: HIV prevalence 7.4 NUMBER OF ORPHANS Figure 24 shows the number of maternal orphans under the age of 18, for each scenario. Under the ‘prevention only’ scenario, the number of orphans increases relative to that which would be expected under the ‘no intervention’ scenario, and then reduces over the longer term. The initial increase can be attributable to the mother-to-child transmission prevention programme, which improves child survival rates, and hence increases orphan numbers. Under the ‘treatment and prevention’ scenario, the growth in orphan numbers is curbed, with the number of orphans peaking at 2.2 million in 2015. 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 N o in t e rve n t io n 2,000,000 S TD + V C T + 1,500,000 M TC TP S T + V CT + 1,000,000 M TC TP + A R T 500,000 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 Figure 24: Maternal orphans under the age of 18 7.5 HIV INCIDENCE RATES Figure 25 shows the number of new HIV infections occurring in each year for each of the three scenarios. In the ‘prevention only’ scenario, the number of new HIV infections in each year is ultimately 27% lower than the level that would occur in the absence of any intervention, and in the ‘treatment and prevention scenario’ the reduction is 44%. The cumulative numbers of infections averted by 2015, under the ‘prevention only’ and ‘treatment only’ scenarios, are 1.8 million and 2.9 million respectively. 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 N o in t e rve n t io n 600,000 500,000 S TD + V C T + M TC TP 400,000 S TD + V C T + 300,000 M TC TP + A R T 200,000 100,000 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 Figure 25: New HIV infections 7.6 COMPARISON OF INTERVENTIONS 7.6.1 The various interventions and combinations of interventions can be compared in terms of the cumulative reductions they can be expected to achieve in numbers of new HIV infections and numbers of AIDS deaths. Figure 26 shows these cumulative reductions up to 2015. 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 In fe c t io n s 2,000,000 a ve rt e d 1,500,000 R e d u c t io n in 1,000,000 A ID S d e a t h s 500,000 0 V CT M TC TP S TD V CT + S TD + A RT V CT + S TD + V CT + M TC TP M TC TP + A RT Figure 26: Cumulative reductions in new HIV infections and AIDS deaths, by 2015 7.6.2 Clearly, all four interventions can contribute significantly to reducing the number of new HIV infections. However, prevention strategies alone are unlikely to achieve a short-term reduction in the number of AIDS deaths. In the ‘prevention only’ scenario, the cumulative reduction in AIDS deaths would reach 510,000 by 2015. A combined ‘treatment and prevention’ programme, on the other hand, would result in a cumulative reduction in the number of AIDS deaths of 3.1 million by 2015. 8. DISCUSSION 8.1 KEY FINDINGS 8.1.1 Although the results presented in this report are provisional, and further research is required on a range of issues, a number of important conclusions can be drawn on the basis of this analysis. 8.1.2 Improvements to the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) result in dramatic reductions in the incidence of HIV and other STDs. The inclusion of acyclovir in treatment protocols is particularly important in reducing the incidence of herpes. Reductions in the prevalence of STD symptoms are likely to be greater for ulcerative STDs than for non-ulcerative STDs. This is encouraging, as ulcerative STDs are believed to increase the risk of HIV transmission by a much greater factor than non-ulcerative STDs. 8.1.3 Voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) is likely to achieve substantial reductions in the amount of unsafe sex, particularly when it is targeted at individuals who are at a high risk of HIV infection. The effectiveness of the programme in preventing new HIV infections is, however, very dependent on the number of individuals volunteering to receive the service. 8.1.4 An MTCTP programme would result in significant reductions in mortality rates in children, particularly after the first year of life. An MTCTP programme would have significant benefits for adults as well, and the results suggest that 44% of the infections averted by 2015 would be adult infections. This benefit is often overlooked in cost-effectiveness studies of MTCTP programmes. 8.1.5 Antiretroviral treatment (ART) programmes are likely to achieve substantial reductions in levels of AIDS mortality and AIDS morbidity in the short to medium term. By extending the lives of HIV positive parents, it is also likely that they will reduce by 850,000 the number of maternal orphans under the age of 18. Significantly, antiretroviral treatment also plays an important role in reducing the incidence of HIV infection, and antiretroviral treatment is therefore a form of prevention in its own right. A major concern, however, is the vast number of people that would ultimately be receiving ART if it were made freely available, and the associated financial and operational strains on the public health system. 8.1.6 When programmes that focus exclusively on HIV prevention are compared with ART programmes, it is apparent that prevention alone will not address many of the immediate consequences of the epidemic. Although prevention will, in the longer term, reduce levels of AIDS mortality, morbidity and orphanhood, it will not mitigate these effects by a substantial amount within the next decade. Antiretroviral treatment programmes may result in a more significant improvement in conditions in the short term, but even with an ART programme in place, the short-term effects of the epidemic are likely to be severe. 8.2 LIMITATIONS This analysis is subject to a number of limitations. Most significantly: (a) The model developed thus far ignores the effects of interventions that have already been introduced in South Africa, such as the adoption of syndromic management protocols in public STD clinics. (b) Although there are many examples of how interventions may be mutually enhancing, few of these interactions have been allowed for in the model. For example, no allowance has been made for the fact that VCT may reduce the incidence of STDs other than HIV, and thus support STD treatment programmes. (c) In modelling STD dynamics, a number of simplifying assumptions have been made, and these require more detailed investigation. The model ignores, for example, the risk of STD reinfection if the individual’s partner is infected with the same STD and does not receive treatment. (d) HIV prevalence estimates in the medical scheme population are subject to much uncertainty, and there is no direct empirical evidence that can be used to validate these estimates. (e) The long-term projections presented ignore the likely development of an AIDS vaccine within the next decade. 8.3 FURTHER RESEARCH In addition to addressing the shortcomings referred to in section 8.2, a number of further model components will need to be added to allow for the effects of other interventions. Social marketing, AIDS vaccine programmes, condom distribution, treatment and prophylaxis for opportunistic infections, microbicides and changes in usage of hormonal contraceptives are all examples of other interventions that may need to be modelled in the near future. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the following individuals for their input on various aspects of this research: Nathan Geffen, Zackie Achmat, David Coetzee, Andrew Boulle, Toby Kaspar, Meghna Majmudar, Heather McLeod, Gregory Douglas, Chris Raubenheimer, Shamim Aghdasi, Debbie Budlender, Robin Wood, Alex van den Heever, Neva Makgetla, Tom Moultrie and Debbie Bradshaw. This research was partly funded by the Treatment Action Campaign. REFERENCES Abdullah M., Young T., Bitalo L., Coetzee N. and Myers J. (2001) Public health lessons from a pilot programme to reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 in Khayelitsha. South African Medical Journal. Vol. 91, 579 – 583 Chen C., Ballard R., Beck-Sague C., Dangor Y., Radebe F., Schmid S., Weiss J., Tshabalala V., Fehler G., Htun Y. and Morse S. (2000) Human immunodeficiency virus infection and genital ulcer disease in South Africa: the herpetic connection. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 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Among the most significant of these factors are age, gender, skill level and race (Johnson and Budlender, 2002). The profile of the medical scheme population, by age, gender and race, was obtained from 1999 October Household Survey data (S. Aghdasi, personal communication), and adjusted for known sources of bias (Dorrington, 1999). A.1.2 Information on the profile of the medical scheme population by skill level is not available directly. However, the skill profile of the 18 – 65 age group in the general population is known from the 1996 census, by race and gender. In addition, rates of medical scheme membership are known for the employed population, by age, race, gender and skill level, from the September 2001 Labour Force Survey. The latter survey, however, under-estimates rates of medical scheme membership, and adjustments were made to these rates in order to ensure consistency with the skill profile observed in the 1996 census (Johnson and Dorrington, 2002). A.1.3 Using historical data (Rama and McLeod, 2001), the profile of the medical scheme population can be determined approximately for years prior to 1999. There is, however, much uncertainty surrounding the future profile of the medical scheme population. To illustrate the variation in HIV prevalence that is possible, we have explored three scenarios. In scenario A there is no change in the medical scheme profile by age, gender, skill level or race. In scenario B, it is assumed that the skill profile changes, for example, as a result of attempts to extend medical scheme membership to lower income groups. It is assumed that medical scheme membership rates increase by a factor of 1.25 for skilled workers and 1.5 for unskilled workers and unemployed individuals, while membership rates remain unchanged for the highly skilled. The change in skill profile is phased in uniformly between 1999 and 2010, after which the scheme profile is assumed to remain stable. A.1.4 In scenario C, it is assumed that the race profile changes over the next ten years, in line with the trend observed between 1991 and 1999. Table A.1 shows the assumed change in the race profile from 1999 to 2010. As for scenario B, it is assumed that the change occurs uniformly between 1999 and 2010, and that the medical scheme profile is stable thereafter. Proportion of medical scheme members in each race group Black Coloured Asian White 40.1% 11.6% 4.5% 43.7% 50.0% 11.0% 4.0% 35.0% 1999 2010 Table A.1: Change in race profile for scenario C A.1.5 Having established the profile of the medical scheme population by age, gender, race and skill level, for each scenario, it is necessary to estimate HIV prevalence levels corresponding to these demographic and socio-economic factors. This has been done using unpublished estimates by CARE of HIV prevalence in different age, gender, skill and race groups for 1999. These estimates are based on attempts to reconcile outputs from the ASSA2000 model with data from a number of workforce prevalence surveys conducted in various industries. A.1.6 Using this technique, it is estimated that in 1999 roughly 6.7% of medical scheme beneficiaries between the ages of 18 and 65 were HIV positive. To extend the method to other years, it is necessary to calculate the ratio of HIV prevalence in the medical scheme population to that in the general population, for each age, gender and race group. Rates of prevalence in the general population are estimated from the ASSA2000 model. If it is assumed that the ratios apply equally to years other than 1999, the levels of HIV prevalence in other years can then be estimated. A.2 RESULTS A.2.1 Figure A.1 shows the levels of HIV prevalence in the medical scheme population under scenario A. It is estimated that in 2002, 6.1% of all medical scheme beneficiaries are HIV positive. The prevalence of HIV infection in the medical scheme population is expected to rise to a peak of roughly 7.5% in 2008. 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0% Figure A.1: HIV prevalence levels in medical schemes (scenario A) and in the general population A.2.2 The prevalence levels estimated for scenarios B and C do not differ substantially from those estimated for scenario A. Figure A.2 shows the prevalence projections for the three scenarios. In scenario B, prevalence peaks at 8.0% in 2009, and in scenario C, prevalence peaks at the same time, at 8.5%. In both scenarios, prevalence is never more than 1% above that expected for scenario A. Although scenario C represents the effect of a change in race profile, there is implicit within this a substantial change in the skill profile of the population as well, as black medical scheme members are – as a result of historical disadvantage – more likely to be employed in low-skill jobs. The socio-economic profile of the medical scheme population remains high even when allowance is made for greater inclusion of lower income groups. This accounts for the closeness of the prevalence levels projected for the three scenarios. 9% 8% 7% 6% S c e n a rio A 5% S c e n a rio C 4% S c e n a rio B 3% 2% 1% 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0% Figure A.2: Projected prevalence levels for scenarios A, B and C A.3 SHORTCOMINGS A.3.1 The estimates of medical scheme prevalence are subject to much uncertainty. The method used for adjusting the medical scheme membership rates from the Labour Force Survey is crude. In addition, there are slight inconsistencies between the skill definitions used to analyse the 1996 Census and 2001 Labour Force Survey data. A.3.2 It is assumed, in making these projections, that there are no interventions to reduce the incidence of HIV infection or to treat people with AIDS. This is an unrealistic assumption, particularly in the medical scheme population, where substantial amounts have already been spent on treatment and prevention programmes (Stein et al, 2002). A.3.3 The most significant shortcoming of this analysis, however, is the absence of empirical evidence to verify these estimates. The estimates of HIV prevalence rates by age, gender, race and skill level are drawn from unpublished work by CARE, which is at this stage still very exploratory. As more data on HIV prevalence in the private sector become available, it will be possible to arrive at estimates in which we can express greater confidence. APPENDIX B ESTIMATION OF PARAMETERS FOR HIV/AIDS CLINICAL STAGING SYSTEMS B.1 The purpose of this appendix is to review studies that have estimated the length of time spent in the various clinical stages of HIV disease, and to use these estimates to determine parameter values for the staging model described in section 2.3. B.2 The two most commonly used clinical staging systems are the WHO Clinical Staging System, a four-stage system, and the CDC Clinical Staging System, a threestage system. The two staging systems are similar, with stages 1 and 2 of the WHO system corresponding roughly to stage A of the CDC system, and stages 3 and 4 of the WHO system corresponding to stages B and C respectively of the CDC system. Of the five studies identified, three used the WHO Clinical Staging System and two used the CDC Clinical Staging System. Details of these studies are given in Table B.1 below. No. of Dates of Staging subjects seroconversion system Morgan et al (2002a) 142 Uganda Known WHO 7 Morgan et al (2002b) 168 Malamba et al (1999) Uganda 232 125 known WHO Davidse (2000) Cape Town 1282 Mostly unknown WHO Longini et al (1989) San Francisco 603 Mostly unknown CDC Deschamps et al (2000) Haiti 42 Known CDC Study Location Table B.1: Clinical staging studies B.3 In comparing the results of these studies, adjustment needs to be made for differences in statistical techniques employed. The studies of Morgan et al (2002a and 2002b), Malamba et al (1999) and Deschamps et al (2000) are non-parametric analyses, which report only median survival to or from each stage. The studies of Davidse (2000) and Longini et al (1989) both involve the fitting of a four-stage Markov model. To compare the various studies, it is necessary to apply a four-stage model of disease progression to each of the non-parametric analyses, and to set the rates of transition between the stages in such a way as to derive a model that reproduces the medians reported. The shortcoming of this four-stage Markov model is that it assumes the time spent in each stage follows an exponential distribution. This is not a realistic assumption, particularly for the first stage of disease (Morgan et al, 2002a). B.4 The resulting estimates of the mean waiting times (in years) are represented in Table B.2 below. 7 The first study (Morgan et al, 2002a) estimated the median time to stages 1 and 2 following seroconversion, and the second (Morgan et al, 2002b) estimated median survival from seroconversion to death and from AIDS to death. Although there is some discrepancy between the cohorts used for these two studies, their results can be combined to give a crude indication of the time spent in each stage. Study Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Total Morgan et al (2002a, 2002b) 3.0 1.6 5.5 1.1 11.2 Malamba et al (1999) 2.7 2.8 2.2 1.2 8.8 Davidse (2000) 2.6 1.9 3.0 1.8 9.3 Longini et al (1989) 4.6 5.2 2.0 11.8 Deschamps et al (2000) 3.6 2.3 2.2 8.1 Table B.2: Mean waiting times in WHO clinical stages B.5 Since there are substantial differences between the studies in terms of the overall survival from infection to death, it may be more useful to analyse the proportions of total survival spent in each stage of disease. These proportions are shown in Figure B.1 (ignoring the split between stages 1 and 2). Figure B.2 shows the split between stages 1 and 2 for those studies in which the WHO Clinical Staging System was used. 100% 80% S tage 4 60% S tage 3 40% S tages 1 & 2 20% Deschamps et al, 2000 Malamba et al, 1999 Morgan et al, 2002b Davidse, 2000 Longini et al, 1989 0% Figure B.1: Proportions of total survival in each stage 100% 80% 60% S tage 2 S tage 1 40% 20% 0% D a vid s e , M o rg a n e t M a la m b a e t 2000 a l, 2 0 0 2 a a l, 1 9 9 9 Figure B.2: Proportions of pre-stage 3 survival in stages 1 and 2 B.6 For the five studies represented in Figure B.1 the average percentage of time from infection to death spent in stage 1 or 2 is 47%, the average percentage of time spent in stage 3 is 36%, and the average percentage of time spent in stage 4 (AIDS) is 17%. From the four studies represented in Figure B.2, it is estimated that the average percentage of time spent in stage 1 prior to entry into stage 3 is 58%, with the remaining 42% of time spent in stage 2. It is thus estimated that the average proportions of overall survival spent in stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 are 27%, 20%, 36% and 17% respectively. These estimates correspond fairly closely to those of Davidse (28%, 20%, 32% and 19%), which suggests that it may be appropriate to apply these proportions in modelling the South African epidemic. B.7 In the four-stage system described in section 2.3, the time spent in each stage is modelled using a Weibull distribution. If the mean survival under HIV infection is assumed to be 11.35 years for individuals infected from ages 14 to 24, 10.6 years for those infected from ages 25 to 34, and 9.85 years for those infected over the age of 34, the mean time in each stage can be calculated using the proportions referred to in the previous paragraph, and the median term spent in each stage can then be determined using the formula Mean . ln 2 Median 1 1 where is the shape parameter for the Weibull distribution. 1 B.8 Studies suggest that survival in stage 4 follows an exponential distribution (Malamba et al (1999), Maartens (1999)), and the Weibull shape parameter for stage 4 has thus been set to 1. Williams and Gouws (2001) observe that when modelling HIV survival using a Weibull distribution, there is a linear relationship between the median and shape parameters. It is assumed that there is a similar linear relationship between the mean and shape parameter in each stage of disease. Given the constraint that the shape parameter in stage 4 is 1, the shape parameters in the other HIV stages can be determined once an appropriate gradient m is chosen for the linear relationship i 4 m(i 4 ) where i is the shape parameter for stage i ( 4 = 1) and i is the mean time spent in stage i. The value of m was set at 0.8, to produce an acceptable fit to the reported death data. B.9 The resulting aggregate survivor functions (ignoring non-AIDS mortality) for individuals infected at different ages are shown in Figure B.3 below. The median survival, from infection to AIDS-related death, is roughly 11 years for individuals infected from ages 14 to 24, roughly 10.25 years for those infected from ages 25 to 34, and roughly 9.5 years for those infected over the age of 34. 1.2 Proportion surviving 1 0.8 14 - 24 0.6 25 - 34 35 + 0.4 0.2 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 C u rt a t e d u ra t io n s in c e in fe c t io n Figure B.3: Rates of survival from HIV infection at different ages B.10 The median and shape parameters estimated using this methodology are shown in Table 1 of section 2.3. APPENDIX C PARAMETER CHANGES TO THE ASSA2000 MODEL C.1 In addition to the changes to the ASSA2000 model described in sections 2.2 to 2.5, a number of changes have been made to the parameters of the ASSA2000 model in order to ensure that the model produces an acceptable fit to the antenatal prevalence and reported death data, and to correct earlier problems. These changes are listed below8: (a) The number of sexual partners per annum was changed, for females, from 200 to 170 for the PRO group, from 10 to 8.7 for the STD group, and from 1 to 0.9 for the RSK group. (b) The initial proportion of the 15 – 59 population in the RSK group was changed from 30% to 28%. The same adjustment was made to the proportion of immigrants in the RSK group. (c) The proportion of women in the STD group with partners in the male STD group was changed from 70% to 75%. (d) The shape factor for the sex activity curve was changed from 0.0035 to 0.0048. Between 1996 and 2000, the position factor was changed from 12 to 14.5, in order to produce an acceptable fit to the antenatal clinic prevalence data by age. (e) In the original version of the ASSA2000 model, the mean and variance of the age of women’s partners were assumed to be the same for all women under the age of 22 (the mean was assumed to be 26.12 and the variance 20.99). This has been changed so that different assumptions are made for each age. (f) The method used to interpolate AIDS mortality rates between different infection ages was modified. (g) The shape of the survivor function for children infected through breastfeeding was changed substantially, as the shape parameter of 0.8 assumed in the original ASSA2000 model was regarded as unreasonable. The shape and median survival assumptions for other ages and modes of infection have also been changed, as described in section 2.3, but remain similar to the assumptions used in ASSA2000. (h) For years prior to 1996, fertility rates in HIV negative women are calculated on the assumption that observed fertility rates are a weighted average of fertility rates in HIV positive and HIV negative women. In the original version of the ASSA2000 model, fertility rates in HIV negative women, prior to 1996, were assumed to be the same as those observed for all women. C.2 The most significant parameter changes have been those used to determine the effect of HIV on fertility. The initial impact factors have all been set to 0, the reduction factors have been changed from 0.9 to 0.92, and the ‘start ratio’ factors have been smoothed. Recent studies (Gregson et al (2002), Zaba et al (2000)) suggest that in African societies with low fertility rates and high rates of contraceptive use, the difference between HIV prevalence levels in pregnant women and women in the general population is likely to be small. As South Africa is in an advanced stage of its fertility transition, relative to other African countries, its HIV prevalence levels, as 8 For an explanation of these parameters, see the ASSA2000 User Manual, which can be downloaded from determined on the basis of antenatal clinic data, may be lower than previously thought. The changes to the HIV fertility parameters described above represent an attempt to decrease the differential between antenatal and general female prevalence. This results in levels of HIV infection slightly lower than those previously estimated by the ASSA2000 model.