2016 Social Innovation Internship WORKING DOCUMENT

2016 Social Innovation Internship
Thank you for your interest in being a Social Innovation Intern! You’ve taken the first step by drafting
your answers in this personal “Working Document.” Below are the essay questions – both core questions
(for all internship hosts) and host-specific question (for each individual organization). Think carefully
about each question, write a first draft below, then review and ask someone you trust to also review your
answers. Revise, polish, and proofread!
Finally, you’ll be ready to copy and paste your answers into the online form.
Core Questions
How would participating in the Social Innovation Internship contribute to your professional and personal
goals? (250 words max)
 …
Describe your most important and relevant (to this internship) academic and extracurricular activities.
How did you define success? What were the results of your efforts? (250 words max)
 …
Describe a situation when you have operated in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment. (100 words
 …
How are you currently a leader at UNH? What ideas do you have for mobilizing other students next year
around the concept and practice of social entrepreneurship (i.e., the development of new products,
processes, and business models that combine financial viability with a social or environmental mission)?
(250 words max)
 …
Host-Specific Questions
For each organization that you’re interested in, explain why you are eager to work there and why
you believe your skills and interests are a good fit. Please note that, if you are selected as a finalist,
your host-specific answers (as well as the core answers on the previous page) will be forwarded to that
organization. Each organization wants to think it’s your top choice, so don’t mention your ranking or
make comparisons to other hosts in your response!
FIRST CHOICE: ____________
Why ____? How do your interests and experiences relate to our mission and model? (150 words max)
 …
What skills, experiences, or other qualifications make you uniquely qualified to contribute to our work at
_______? (150 words max)
 …
SECOND CHOICE: ____________
Why ____? How do your interests and experiences relate to our mission and model? (150 words max)
 …
What skills, experiences, or other qualifications make you uniquely qualified to contribute to our work at
_______? (150 words max)
 …