Gregg S. Geary 1060 S Cajon Dr La Habra, CA 90631

Gregg S. Geary
1060 S Cajon Dr
La Habra, CA 90631
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. in Music
Masters in Library & Info. Science
Masters in Music
Bachelors in Music Ed.
Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Univ. of North Texas, Denton, TX
Baylor University, Waco, TX
The King’s College, Briarcliff Manor, NY
Personnel Actions and recognition as a Professional Librarian
2014 – Appointed Dean of the Library and Media Service at Biola University La Mirada,
2012 – Appointed Interim University Librarian by the UH Chancellor (Jan. 1, 2012)
2008 – Named Librarian of the Year by the Hawaii Library Association
2008 – Winner of the UH Presidents “Making Elephant’s Dance” award for creating the
Student Success Center and combating bureaucratic roadblocks in the workplace.
2007 – Promoted to Librarian V (Equivalent to full professor)
2006 – Appointed Director of Student Success Center at Sinclair Library
2006 – Appointed to the Library Administrative Team by the Vice Chancellor of
Academic Affairs to manage all Library operations until Interim UL was selected. (I
retained role of Music Librarian and Head of Sinclair Library)
2005 – Appointed to one year, half-time appointment as Assistant to the University
Librarian for Budget and Planning. (Retained role of Music Librarian and Head of
Sinclair Library)
1998 – Appointed Head of Sinclair Library
1997 – Granted tenure and promoted to Librarian IV
1992 – Music Librarian at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (Librarian III)
1984-1992 – Music Reference Assistant at Baylor University, Waco Texas
Service to the University as a Librarian
Dean of the Library and Media Service, Biola University, La Mirada CA
Following a national search I was selected to serve as the Dean of the Library at Biola
University, La Mirada, CA. Biola is private university of approxmiately 6,500 students.
The library supports undergraduate and graduate degrees in the arts and sciences as well
as the Talbot School of Theology. As Dean I serve on the University Academic Counsel
and the Graduate Review Committee providing advice and counsel regarding all major
academic programs and initiatives. I manage the library budget of approximately $3.5
million and manage a staff of 21 employees plus approximately 50 student assistants.
Interim University Librarian, Jan. 2012 – June 2013
The UH Chancellor appointed me Interim University Librarian on January 1, 2012 due to
my record of achievement in accepting increasing levels of responsibility in the Library.
Under my leadership a new staff advisory group was formed providing an official voice
for the 63% of the Library employees who heretofore had no mechanism for input in the
Library’s operation. I have been successful in building positive working relationships
with Library faculty and staff as well as the Deans and Directors from across campus. I
have set three priorities for my tenure as University Librarian; enhanced funding, space
utilization, and advancing technology. I have met with every department (14 in total) to
garner support for these priorities. I developed a financial game plan that seeks to
enhance revenues by $1 million by assessing and marketing the Library’s value to the
University and the state, improving our engagement in the research enterprise, and
improving and expanding our relationship with private donors. I was successful in
obtaining $1.17 million in supplemental funding from the UH administration to sustain
access to electronic resources. I have worked with our University Foundation to develop
a strategy to enhance our donor base and several events are already planned. I represent
the University Library at meetings and conferences of the Greater Western Library
Alliance (GWLA) and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and have built strong
collegial relationships with library leaders at the national level.
Student Success Center Advisory Board, Chair, 2006 – Jan 2014.
In 2006 I led a team to create the Student Success Center in Sinclair Library. Under my leadership
the team transformed neglected spaces in an aging facility into one of the most popular study and
learning spaces on campus. I created partnerships with academic support units to provide tutoring,
writing assistance, peer mentoring, and capstone projects in the library environment. Over the six
years since inception our annual population count went from 400,000 to over 600,000. I was able to
garner public and private funds totaling over $1 million to upgrade facilities, purchase new furniture,
and create a new computer lab. This entire project was funded outside the Library’s budget.
Music Librarian, 1992 - 2011
During my tenure as Music Librarian the Music Collection was completely reorganized and has
considerably increased in size. I reorganized the physical space, created a study area, and
purchased new shelving in 1993. I created a reference desk that focused on music and
media reference assistance. The reference desk moved to a digital online chat reference
in the fall of 2006.
At Baylor University I provided music reference service and instruction, performed
original and copy cataloging of scores and recordings using OCLC, supervised student
assistants, and provided collection development by selecting new items for purchase and
reviewing donations of music, sound recordings, and books to the collection.
Collection Development:
On average the Music Collection at UH has added 1,000 compact discs, 650 books on
music, and 300 music scores annually since 1992. In 2007 the library acquired two online
music-streaming services, Classic Music Library and Naxos Music Library that have
expanded access and allowed the collection to decrease expenditures on purchasing CDs
of standard repertoire. In 2009 the collection added Films on Demand that provides 24/7
streaming access to thousands of films and documentaries, including many on music
topics. The majority of books are acquired through a gathering plan with Yankee Book
Peddler (YBP). CDs, DVDs on music, and musical scores are acquired through firm
orders from my recommendations or faculty requests.
In addition to the actions above, I have sought to enhance the collection with specialized
holdings that focus on the special location of the collection in Hawaii and unique
holdings that will provide a depth of musical knowledge for researchers and scholars.
Thought my efforts, these collections were acquired (through purchase or gifts),
inventoried, and made accessible to researchers around the world via the Internet.
I have strategically shifted funds from print resources to electronic resources to expand access
and meet patron needs. In some cases this required much negotiation with colleagues and
administrators. As a result the Music Collection offers:
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Online
Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
Music Index Online
The International Index to Music Periodicals (Full Text)
The International Index to the Performing Arts
JSTOR Music Collection
Classical Music Library (streaming audio)
Naxos Music Library (streaming audio)
Teaching and Instruction -- courses taught and courses introduced
Library instruction has become a focus of my professional work since I received tenure in
1997. In addition to teaching the classes below I have given presentations throughout the
state and across the nation on the subject of college library instruction.
MUS 261: Music Research for Undergraduates – I created and introduced this twocredit course to help develop research skills for undergraduate music majors. The course
was taught only once in 1995 with twelve students but lead to the development of an LIS
100 course.
LIS 100: Scholarship, Libraries and Technology – I taught this three credit course as
part of a learning community for three consecutive years. This course helped students
understand the nature of the scholarly enterprise, reviewed the research process, and
emphasized critical evaluation of resourced and highlighted technology’s role in
revolutionizing information gathering. In the last three years it was part of a learning
community that included a course in world music. I taught this course annually from
2001 to 2005. Each year the course received positive reviews from students.
MUS 256: Music History – Three-credit, required course in the history of western music
that spans antiquity to 1750. (2011)
LIS 650: Library Management – I taught this required three-credit graduate course as
an adjunct professor for the Library Department in 2001, 2003, 2007, and 2011.
MUS 650: Music Research and Bibliography – I designed, created and taught this
required three-credit course as part of the U.H. music department’s online Master’s in
Music Education. This was a groundbreaking course because it was one of the first
courses in the county to teach music research and library skill totally online. I offered this
class in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011.
Library Senate Executive Board, Member 1993-96, Vice Chair 1996 and Chair 1997. This
board acts as a formal advisory body to the University Librarian and the primary body of
faculty governance for the Library. It considers issues bearing on the goals, programs, and
procedures of the University Library and formulates and transmits policy recommendations
regarding them.
Collection Development Management Committee (CDMC), Member 1995-2006. CDMC
is composed of selectors and specialists from the Library and advises the Administration
and sets policies and procedures for the development of the Library's collections. It
administers the collections budget for all materials which totals in excess of $5 million
Electronic Collections Committee (ECC), Member 2001 to 2006. This committee
establishes policies and guidelines for the selection and review of electronic resources. It
monitors the use and performance of electronic resources and seeks to market them and
simplify access to them.
Public Service Heads Group (PSH), Member 1998 to 2006. This committee is
composed of the heads of all public services units and coordinates public services
policies and procedures.
Library Departmental Council (LDC). The LDC is composed of the heads of all
Library Departments. The committee advises the Library Administration on general
matters concerning the operation of the Library and coordination of the various
departments within the Library.
Disaster Response Team (DRT). Following the October 30th 2004 flood that completely
destroyed the basement of Hamilton Library the DRT met daily at first and then weekly,
to coordinate efforts to manage the library through the flood and work with FEMA and
the faculty to restore the building and the collections that were lost. I headed the
collection restoration team and the planning unit. The team met from 2004 through 2006.
Library Personnel Committee. This committee reviews and votes on all Library
personnel dossiers for tenure and promotion. I served as chair in 1999.
Tenure and Promotion Review Committee. This is the Campus-wide committee that
reviews and votes on tenure and promotion documents from faculty, librarians,
researchers, and specialists in all disciplines.
Library Executive Team (LET). This body meets weekly to advise the University
Librarian in managing the UHM Library. (2007 – 2012)
Professional Development (conferences and workshops attended)
Association of Research Libraries (ARL) meetings (2012-2013)
Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) meetings (2011-2013)
Leadership in Academic Librarianship, Harvard Graduate School of Education (2011)
Assessment in Student Success Centers, Academic Impressions, San Diego, CA (2011)
Music Librarian Annual Meeting, San Diego CA, (2010)
Sophomore Year Experience Workshop, Academic Impressions, Breckenridge, CO
Redesigning Library Space Workshop, Academic Impressions, Boulder CO (2007)
Living the Future Library conference, University of Arizona, Tucson (2004 and 2008)
4. Publications
Contributed the chapter entitled “Creating information literacy instruction for
undergraduates in the music library” to Music Library Instruction by Gregg S. Geary,
Laura M. Snyder, Kathleen A. Abromeit ; edited by Deborah Campana. Lanham, Md. :
Scarecrow Press, 2004. My contribution to the entire book was 33%.
Numerous reviews of books for Music Library Association Notes, Choice, and American
Reference Books Annual.
I provide reviews of symphony concerts, operas, and musicals for the Honolulu StarAdvertiser upon request.
Dr Patricia Pike, Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
Biola University
13800 Biola Ave
La Mirada, CA 90639
Phone: 562.944.0351 ext. 5307
Sue Whitehead, Assoc. Dean, Biola Library
Biola University
13800 Biola Ave
La Mirada CA 90639
Phone: 562.944.0351 ext. 5611
Dr. Lesley Wright, Professor
Music Department, Room 10
University of Hawaii, Manoa
2411 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: 808-956-7795