University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Mānoa Faculty Senate UH Mānoa Faculty Senate Committee on Administration and Budget Reorganization Proposal Consultation and Review Checklist Senate Committee name: Reorganization proposal: Date review completed: _CAB____________________________________________________________ _Campus Services___________________________________________________ _11/15/13_________________________________________________________ Summary of faculty senate committee review: Committee consultation with Administration (names and meeting dates): none __________________________________________________________________________________________ Committee consultation with affected units (names and meeting dates): none __________________________________________________________________________________________ Other committee consultations (names and meeting dates): none __________________________________________________________________________________________ Action recommended by the committee (check one): Endorse ___ X___ Endorse with Reservations ________ Oppose ________ Returned without recommendation ________ Comments (summary rationale for recommendations): This reorganization of Campus Services has no direct impact on any faculty because there are no faculty in Campus Services. The most relevant indirect impact is on the functioning of the Bookstore. CAB feels that the consolidation of branch bookstores (for other campuses) will be make operations more efficient as will the creation of a new centralized Buying Group to facilitate purchasing in bulk for economies of scale and a separate Books Department that will serve both Mānoa and branch bookstores. Also Faculty Housing will be put under the management of an APT also responsible for Food Services and Mail Services. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Documentation of due diligence in faculty senate review of proposal: Please provide comments to explain the committee’s rationale for each question. The lower the score, the more explanation there should be of shortcomings. I. Adequacy of reorganization proposal documentation (Score 1 to 5: 1 inadequate, 5 excellent, or NA – Not applicable) # 1 2 Question Is the background and rationale for reorganization explained in sufficient detail to justify the organizational changes proposed? Are the groups affected by the Comments Yes, some issues required additional consultation with the OVCS to clarify. Score 5 yes 5 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Mānoa Faculty Senate reorganization (students, faculty, staff) identified and the impact of the reorganization on these groups explained? 3 Are the supervisor/subordinate reporting relationships properly identified? 4 Are the position numbers and position classifications accurate and properly listed in the proposal narrative and organizational charts? 5 Is specific qualitative and quantitative information provided to explain the problem being addressed and the benefits of the reorganization? 6 Are all resource requirements or savings fully explained? 7 Do the estimated resource requirements or savings appear to be accurate? 8 Are the estimated annual costs and/or benefits of the reorganization provided with an explanation of how these costs will be funded? (additional costs may include new positions, position reclassifications, office furniture or other expenses.) 9 Will additional or alternative space be required due to the reorganization? 9a If so, how are the space issues addressed? 10 Have all documents and correspondence been posted on the OVCAFO website? yes 5 yes 5 yes 4 yes 4 yes 5 yes 5 no 5 NA NA Not yet, still awaiting review by unions 3 II. Appropriateness of Administration’s process and consultation (Score 1 to 5: 1 = process not followed, 5 process followed in the best of faith, or NA - Not applicable) # Question 1 Is the reorganization being proposed by the appropriate administrative leader, and vetted with the appropriate superior? 2 Have the members of the affected unit been consulted? 3 Has the administration responded to the unit’s concerns about the reorganization? 4 Has all relevant information been posted on the appropriate website? Comments yes Score 5 yes 4 NA NA yes 4 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Mānoa Faculty Senate 5 Has the faculty Union been consulted? 6 Has the administration demonstrated appropriate respect for the consultative process? underway yes 5 5 III. Merits of the proposal (Score 1 to 5: 1 = proposal lacks merit, 5 =proposal achieves worthy goals, or NA – Not applicable) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Question Does the reorganization address or resolve a problem that has been identified/experienced? Have other alternatives been explored before proposing reorganization, such as changing work processes? Is the reorganization consistent with the University strategic, program and financial plans? Is the current organization inadequate to address the problems experienced? What are the specific anticipated benefits of reorganization? Are the anticipated benefits significant enough to merit the effort of the reorganization? Does the reorganization minimize confusion over authority, roles and responsibilities? Are functional responsibilities homogeneously grouped under one organizational unit or are functions duplicated among or between various organizational segments? Are there unnecessary levels of supervision for the work that must be performed? Are there cost savings? How significant are the cost benefits? Are additional resources required? How significant are the costs required? Is there an impact on the instructional mission? Is there an impact on the research mission? Is there an impact on the service or Comments yes Score 4 no 2 yes 5 Somewhat unclear, because some the proposed structure is already in use. Clearer reporting lines and program titles, better marketing, more efficient bookstore system yes 4 yes 5 This reorg consolidates merchandise buying in the Bookstore Buying Group, book handling in the Bookstore Books Department and branch bookstores in a new group. 5 no 4 no NA Yes, $81,000 for new/reorg’ed positions Costs will be covered by existing operating budget There might be a minor positive impact in that the Bookstore may become more efficient (we shall see) no NA NA 3 3 5 Should not be 5 5 5 NA University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Mānoa Faculty Senate outreach mission? 17 Do the benefits outweigh the negative impacts? 18 Are any negative impacts of the reorganization justified? yes 4 None provided. 4