KALI MURRAY Marquette University Law School Eckstein Hall, Room 253E P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee WI 53201 (414) 288-5488 (voice) kali.murray@marquette.edu Current Position Associate Professor of Law, Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 2014Present Academic Appointments Assistant Professor of Law, Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 2007 – Present Assistant Professor of Law, The University of Mississippi School of Law, Oxford, MS, August 20042007 Education J.D., Duke University School of Law, Durham, North Carolina, May 1999 - Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum, Symposium Editor. M.A. in History, Johns Hopkins University, May 1997 -Thesis: A HOLY NATION, A CHOSEN PEOPLE: AFRICAN-AMERICANS IN EARLY NATIONAL BALTIMORE, 1790-1820. B.A. in History, Johns Hopkins University, May 1996 -Honors: Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, The Belle and Herman Hammerman Award for Academic and Leadership Excellence. Other Legal Employment Associate, Venable, LLP, Washington, D.C., September 1999-July 2000, October 2001-May 2004 -Served as an intellectual property litigator with a specialization in pharmaceutical patent and copyright litigation. Law Clerk for The Honorable Catherine C. Blake, United States District Court for the Northern District of Maryland, August 2000-August 2001. Publications Books Kali Murray, THE POLITICS OF PATENT LAW: CRAFTING THE PARTICIPATORY PATENT BARGAIN (Routledge 2012). Alfred Brophy, Alberto Lopez, and Kali Murray, INTEGRATING SPACES: CASES AND MATERIALS ON RACE AND PROPERTY LAW (Wolters Kluwer, November 2011). Book Chapters Kali Murray, Law and History, in RESEARCHING PROPERTY METHODS (Eds. Susan Bright and Sarah Blandy, Palgrave MacMillan 2015). Articles Kali Murray, Constitutional Patent Law: Principles and Institutions, 93 NEBRASKA L. REV. 901 (2015). 2 Kali Murray and Esther Van Zimmeren, Dynamic Patent Governance: The Myriad Example, 19 CARDOZO J. INT’L & COMP. L. 287 (2011). Kali Murray, First Things, First: A Principled Approach to Patent Administrative Law, 42 JOHN MARSHALL LAW REV. 29 (2009). Kali Murray, The Cooperation of Many Minds: Domestic Patent Reform In A Heterogeneous Regime, 48 IDEA 289 (2008). Kali Murray, Rules For Radicals: A Politics of Patent Law, 14 THE JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW 63 (Fall 2006). Essays Kali Murray, Dispossession at the Center in the Property Law, 2 SAVANNAH L. REV. 201 (2015). What is Owed: Obligation’s Relevance in Property and Intellectual Property Theory, 2 TEXAS A&M JOURNAL OF REAL PROPERTY Kali Murray, THEORY 275 (2015). Kali Murray, Competitor Regulation of Sponsored Content in the News Sports Content Media Economy, 25 MARQ. SPORTS L. REV. 253 (2014). Kali Murray, Serendipity and Care: Cultural and Social History in Property Law, 3 PROPERTY LAW REVIEW 195 (2014). Kali Murray, The America Invents Act of 2011 and the Public Infrostructure of Patents, 2012 WIPO-WTO Colloquium Paper (2013). 3 Kali Murray, Tangible Mediums of Freedom, Haggerty Museum of Art (Fall 2012). Kali Murray and Dmitry Vinarov, Rethinking Patent Fraud Enforcement in a Reform Era, 13 MARQ. INTELL. PROP. L. REV. 264 (Summer 2009). Kali Murray, Of Gardens and Streets: A Differentiated Framework of Property in National and International Space Law, 32(2) JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW 361 (2006). Elizabeth C. Shaw and Kali Murray, Introduction, 1999 Symposium: The Nexus Between Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development, IX DUKE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY FORUM 1 (1999). Amicus Briefs Kali N. Murray and Erika George (The University of Utah), Brief of Kali Murray and Erika in Support of Petitioners, The Supreme Court of the United States (filed January 31, 2012). Kali N. Murray and Erika George (The University of Utah), Brief of Kali Murray and Erika George in Support of Petitioners, The Supreme Court of the United States (filed October 31, 2012) (petition for certiorari). Kali N. Murray and Erika George (The University of Utah), Brief of Kali Murray And Erika George in Support of Petitioners, The Supreme Court of the United States (filed January 13, 2012) (petition for certiorari). 4 Erika R. George (The University of Utah) and Kali N. Murray, In Support of Association for Molecular Pathology, et. al., Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (filed December 7, 2010). Symposium and Conference Organization Primary Organizer, Annual Mosiac Conference: Diverse Voices in IP Scholarship, 2014-Present Kali Murray, Changing Conceptions of Water in the Law, 95 MARQUETTE L. REV. 1 (2011). Hannibal Travis, Jason Mazzone, Jasmine AbdelKhalik, and Sapna Kumar, An Uncomfortable Fit: Intellectual Property Policy and the Administrative State, MARQUETTE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW REVIEW, 2010). Kali Murray, Joanne Jacequeline Serrao, Garbyowincz, and Divergences and Convergences: A Symposium Addressing Space Law and Intellectual Property Regimes, The University of Mississippi September 19, 2006. Online School of Law, Kali Murray, Response, The Failure of Good Intentions: Property and Dispossession in PostKatrina New Orleans, 39 FORDHAM URB. L. J. CITY SQUARE [] (2012). Kali Murray, Argument Recap: The Court Considers An Expanded First-Sale Doctrine In The Import Context, Scotus Blog, November 10, 2015. 5 Presentations Keynote, Plenary and Invited Speeches Keynote Speaker, Memory in Practice: The Career of Donald Gaines Murray, Voting Rights, Jim Crow, and Francis King Carey: The Man and the Law School, The University of Maryland Law School, September 24, 2015. Invited Presenter, Book Panel: Kara Swanson’s Banking on the Body: The Market in Blood, Milk and Sperm in Modern America, Association of Law, Property and Society (ALPS), 2015 Annual Meeting, University of Georgia School of Law, May 2, 2015 Keynote Speaker, Theories of Equity, The Future of Housing—Equity, Stability, Sustainability, The Future of Housing Symposium, Washburn University of Law, Washburn, Kansas, February 27, 2015. Invited Fellow, Intellectual Property and Information Law in the Administrative State, The University of Houston Law Center for Intellectual Property and Information State, June 8, 2013. Plenary Presenter, Property Methodologies: A Law, Culture and History Approach, Association for Law, Society and Property, April 24, 2013. Presenter, The Public Interest Principle in Constitutional Patent Law , Faculty Workshop, Drexel University School of Law, October 29, 2012. 6 Presenter, On Scholarship: Writing Critical and Progressive Scholarship , 10th Annual LatCrit-SALT Junior Faculty Development Workshop, October 5, 2012. Presenter, Informational Infrastructure in a Post AIA World, WIPO-WTO Teachers of Intellectual Property, June 13, 2012. Presenter, The Hive Mind: Informational Aggregation and its Impacts in Patent and Environmental Law, Wisconsin International Law Journal Annual Symposium, March 23, 2012. Invited Speaker, Indigenous Property Law and the American Property System, Michigan State IPLC Spring Series, January 26, 2012. Invited Speaker, The Public Interest in Patent Law, Progressive Property Workshop, McGill University School of Law, Montreal, Canada, May 14-17, 2011. Plenary Presenter, Property Law and Race, Association for Law, Society and Property, Georgetown University School of Law, March 3-4, 2011. Invited Presenter, Core Competencies: The Question of Heterogeneity Within the Context of the European Union Third Annual Intellectual Property Law Symposium, The University of Akron Law School, October 29, 2009. Plenary Presenter, Of Gardens and Streets: A Differentiated Framework of Property in International and National Space Law , Divergences and Convergences: A Symposium Addressing Space Law and Intellectual Property Regimes, The University of Mississippi School of Law, September 19, 2006. Plenary Presenter, Rules For Radicals: A Politics of Intellectual Property, 5th Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, Cardozo School of Law, August 12, 2005. 7 Other Presentations 2015 National Presenter, How AIA Trials Have Changed the Patent Landscape , Venable IP Symposium, October 27, 2015. Local Presenter, Art, Aids, Religion and Censorship, Milwaukee Arts Museum, August 31, 2015. 2014 National Presenter, What We Owe: The Social Obligation Norm in Patent Law, Texas A&M, Real Estate Property Law Journal Symposium on Peter Gerhart’s Property Law and Social Obligation, October 23-24, 2014. Presenter, Dispossession at the Center of Property Law, Savannah Law Review, Symposium: Reintegrating Spaces, Savannah Law School, September 19-20, 2014. Presenter, American Association of Law Schools, Intellectual Property and Identity: Race, Genetics, Equality and the Costs of Commodification, MidYear Workshop on Transnational Perspectives on Equality Law, June 22, 2014. Presenter, Intellectual Property and Identity: Race, Genetics, Equality and the Costs of Commodification, Association of Law, Property and Society, May 1-4, 2014. 8 2013 National Presenter, A Statement of Progressive Intellectual Property , American Association of Law Schools, Mid-Year Workship on Property, Poverty and Immigration, June 12, 2013. Presenter, Myriad and the Social World, Law and Society Association, June 1, 2013. 2011 National Organizer and Presenter, Changing Conceptions of Water in the Law, AALS Agricultural and Property Joint Program, January 8, 2011. Local Presenter, Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture , Milwaukee Art Museum, May 26, 2011. 2010 National Presenter, The Public Interest in Patent Law, Third National People of Color Conference, September 3, 2010. Presenter, The Public Interest in Patent Law, 10th Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, Berkley Center for Law and Technology, August 13, 2010. Moderator, Plenary Session, The Core of Property: What is Essential in the First Year, AALS Property Mid-Year Meeting, June 2010. 9 2009 National Moderator and Presenter, An Uncomfortable Fit: Intellectual Property and the Administrative State, Southeast Association of Law Schools, August 4, 2009. Presenter, The Architecture of International Property Law , Villanova University School of Law, April 15, 2009. Presenter, The Architecture of International Property Law, Loyola University of New Orleans, September 2008. Local Presenter, The Basic Enforcement of United States Intellectual Property Policy Framework, The International Institute of Wisconsin, September 25, 2009. 2008 National Moderator, Scope of Patent Protection under Section 101—In Re Bilski, The Third Annual BNA/APA Section of IP Patent Law Conference, October 6, 2008. Early Stage Presenter, The Architecture of International Property Law, First Annual Works in Progress in Property, University of Colorado Law School June 15, 2008. Presenter, First Things, First: A Principled Approach to Patent Law, Intellectual Property Scholars Roundtable 2008, Drake University School of Law, February 22-24, 2008. 10 Presenter, An Unknown Landscape: Viewing Governance Choices in the Patent Law of the European Union, St. Thomas University School of Law, February 18, 2008. 2007 National Presenter, Core Competencies: The Question of Heterogeneity Within the Context of the European Union, 7th Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, DePaul University School of Law, August 14, 2007. Moderator, Knowledge, Information and IP, First Annual Works in Progress in Property, University of Colorado Law School, June 15, 2007. 2006 National Presenter, The Cooperation of Many Minds: Domestic Patent Reform in A Multi-Institutional Context, Marquette University School of Law Faculty Workshop, October 24, 2006. Presenter, The Cooperation of Many Minds: Domestic Patent Reform in A Multi-Institutional Context, 6th Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, The Berkeley Center for Law & Technology (Boalt Hall School of Law), Berkeley, California, August 11, 2006. Presenter, The Cooperation of Many Minds: Domestic Patent Reform in A Multi-Institutional Context, New Scholars Workshop, Southeastern Association of Law Schools, Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, Florida, July 17, 2006. 2005 Local 11 Presenter, The Future of Anti-Poverty Reform, University of Mississippi School of Law, April 9, 2005. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS AND SERVICE Institutional Service University University Committee on Equity and Diversity, Fall 2012-Present Intellectual Property Review Board, Fall 2011-Present The Haggerty Museum of Art Faculty Advisory Committee, Fall 2012Present McNair Scholars Program, Summer 2012-Present Steering Committee for Interdisciplinary Research on Race, Class and Gender, Summer 2011-Fall 2012 University Sub-Committee on Equity, Fall 2008-Spring 2011 Law School Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review, Faculty Adviser, Fall 2012Present BLSA Faculty Adviser, Fall 2011-Present Faculty Speaker Series, Fall 2010- Spring 2011, Present Intellectual Property Law Committee, Fall 2008- Spring 2009 Diversity Committee, Fall 2007-Fall 2008 Academic Programs Committee, Fall 2007- Spring 2009 Professional Law, Society and Property Association, Board of Directors, 2011-2013 AALS, Property Section, AALS 2007-Present -Chair, Property Section, AALS, 2010 -Chair-Elect, Property Section, AALS, 2009 -Secretary, Property Section, AALS 2008 12 American Intellectual Property Association, Bad Faith Claims, SubCommittee, 2006 ADMITTED TO PRACTICE State Bar of Washington, D.C State Bar of Maryland United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit United States District Court of Maryland United States Supreme Court 13